New Female Fit

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(You can make at home!)

CAN EXERCISE MAKE YOU SMARTER? We find out from a woman who knows!










Health etc.


Crush cravings


The perfect pre-gym snack

p. 4

EXCLUSIVE Well this month officially welcomes in British Summertime, with the clocks changing on Sunday 29th March. Not only does it mean losing an hour of sleep, it also means losing the “it’s dark outside” excuse for not going on that morning run. Summer is fast approaching and no one wants to be covering up come June. But don’t sweat (or do actually!), all the fitness motivation you need to kick start your training regime can be found on page 4, where I caught up with fitness model, female bodybuilder and all round fitspiration Sarah Griffiths (who by the way looks just as amazing in the flesh as she does in the pictures). One glance of her abs are enough to put you off skipping metafit for life! Also in this issue, we give you our no 1. homemade pre-gym snack, give you the lo-down of this month’s hottest gym wear and speak to Dr Karen Postal about how exercise can make you smarter. And girls, if you take one thing from this issue remember one thing... Summer bodies are made in Spring! Happy exercising! Amy Nicholson Editor in Chief


Bodybuilder, fitness model and business woman Sarah Griffiths talks tears, training and competitons.


Kat Appleton talks about transforming from flabby to fit.

p. 13



Can excercise make you smarter?

p. p.1713



Sweat in style

p. 15 2







With UKBFF Finalist Sarah Griffiths


UKBFF finalist, fitness model, business woman and all- round


Sarah Griffiths talks to Amy Nicholson about her gruelling

training regime and her search for Mr right!


f anything is going to make you feel guilty about last night’s Chinese its sitting next to this perfectly formed Liverpudlian. Sat in Costa Coffee with my bucket cup Latte, the 5ft 6 bodybuilder orders a green tea to complement her pot of protein yogurt. Ever dedicated to maintaining her impressive physique, “I can only have this or a black coffee” she tells me. Even if you work out regularly, it’s easy to feel flabby next to Sarah. With her bulging biceps protruding from under her fitted T shirt and a bum so perfectly worked-out you could balance a kettlebell on it (let alone squat with it), it’s not hard to see how she made it to the final of last year’s UK bodybuilding and Fitness Federation Championships (UKBFF). Although maintaining her impressive physique isn’t the only trick this lady’s got up her sleeve, she also finds time to model for various fitness campaigns, along with running a full time nutrition business. “I’m literally exhausted, it’s been the busiest year for me so far” she said. After four months of punishing her body with strenuous work outs and existing on a diet of protein porridge and rice cakes, this 33 year old is preparing to be in tip top shape to line-up in the UKBFF Body Fitness category next month. And this time, she’s going for gold...



Photography: Joe Ehlen

the results. I’m not used to training like that, I’m used to going to the gym and smashing it - it was killing me! So this year this year I’m entering in to body fitness, which is a class higher. You’ve got your next comp coming up next month, how’s your preparation for that going? I started training on the 2 January this year and I’ve been training ever since, but this time I’ve taken a total different approach. I’m training twice a day, I’m eating 3,000 calories a day – the food intake in unbelievable. It sounds cliché but a car won’t work without fuel and your body won’t grow without feeding it. So how much muscle have you gained for the competition this time around? About a stone in muscle. Can you take me through your training regime on an avergae week? I train Monday to Friday but Monday to Photography: Joe Ehlen Thursday I’ll train twice a day. I train from 7.30- 9pm everyday with my trainer because I do need pushing on AN: What age did you begin body building? certain muscle groups, such as legs, but SG: I’ve done fitness since I was 16. I’ve done the rest of the time I just train myit all my life and I’ve always been in to heavy self. lifting sessions in the gym but I’ve only done Take me through an average day in your bodybuilding for the last 18 months. I was in diet? good shape and I wanted to see if I could take it I get up in the morning and I’ll have a to the next level so I started my first competiprotein shake and a black coffee. Then tion preparation last April and I did my first I’ll go to training and come competition in September. “They told me I was back and have a bowl of porTell me about your experience as ridge with protein, followed a UKBFF finalist? too muscly by a banana and a yogurt. Well last year I entered in to the Bikini Fitness category but Then for lunch I’ll have that’s why I never won! 200grams of chicken and 200g I was too muscly for the last one, that’s why I came second of potato with veg. After and never won! that I’ll have loads of chicken in the Really!? afternoon, along with oat cakes, rice Yeah, they said I was too big. If you look at cakes, more bananas, nuts. Then for my the photographs of me I was too ripped for that tea I’ll have steak, salmon or sweet category. For bikini, anyone could probably get potato with veg and then I’ve got to up and do that as long as you had a nice figure, have porridge again before I go to bed! butthey gave my trainer feedback and said that I It’s a lot! When I wake up in the mornneeded to soften’ my body a little bit. ing I just think “here we go again So how did you go about softening your physique? another day of eating!”. I’m eating to I had to massively lay back on the heavy and fuel and it’s not enjoyable. I’d just weights and the diet but I didn’t like FEMALE | FIT



Photography: Joe Ehlen

I’m on steroids because I’m quite veiny love to go out for a nice Chinese! but would never touch it! Don’t you constantly feel full? So Summer’s coming up, do you still keep Bloated! It wasn’t like that on the last up your strict diet on holiday? competition but because I’m on that many 100%! Last year I went to Ibiza with all carbs now I feel ill. Normally my stomach is the girls and I took my porridge and my flat but at the moment it’s bloated because protein shakes with me - I have to! I’m full of food and water. However, it’s a Do you drink alcohol? process that you’ve got to go through in the I do on holiday but I’ll stick to vodka training. because it’s low calorie. It was my birtDo you have a cheat day? I have what you call a “years ago everyone thought day last week and I didn’t drink then, I made all my mates reefed. Basically, it’s when your body needs to a butty and a bottle of water go out for steak with me because that’s the only think suck up a bit of norI could have. I’m going to the was a way to live” mal food and fat in order to races next week and I’ve got to reboot itself. So on a Sunday take me protein sachets with me! I’ll have a roast dinner. How to people react to your body when you Is there anything that you crave? go out? Jelly sweats like Haribo and of course wine! I try and cover myself up, I get so many Is there any mistakes which you’ve seen othstares because people aren’t used to seeer female body builders make? ing girls with muscles. My mates tell me I think people can get too big and too adits just jealously but when I’m out and dicted to it to the point where they use I’m sober I just want to go over and say steroids to make themselves look that little “what are you looking at?”I tried a dress bit bigger. People always presume that




and calculate the exact amount of calories on the other day and I looked huge in it they would need to eat to lose it and preand I did think “what have I done to mypare the food for them. self?”- I just have a tiny waist and huge What motivated you to set up the business? shoulders and it was a bit extreme! I’d opened my own gym which I had for two Are men are intimidated by your muscles? years, inside the gym I had unique juices They actually love it! The thing is I’m and I’ve just expanded on that. I think still really feminine - I don’t look like its because everyone’s in to fitness Jodie Marsh. nowadays, years ago everyone just though a Speaking of Jodie, your a fitness model, butty and a bottle of water was a way to but would you ever consider glamour modellive now everyone is very conscious on how ling? they eat. It’s not me! I’m not an underwear pouting person, I’m all about the fitness. Amy Nicholson All underwear models have to do is stand there and pout but it takes a lot of hard Unique by Sarah Griffiths work to be a fitness model – you have no life! You’re single at the moment, are you @UFA_SarahG looking for a man? Yeah of course, I’d love someone to share my life with but “I would be terrified to get a C-section I’d need to be with someone who –no one is cutting through these stomach muscles!” ach would understand my lifestyle. I think body building is the reason I am single because nobody can understand my lifestyle and be supportive of what I do. This is my career and I’m not prepared to change it for anybody. Do you want children? Yes but my business if far more important at the moment. When you do have children are you concerned about losing the physique? It would be weird seeing me without a six pack. Knowing me I’d probably be in the gym until the day that I give birth. I quite look forward to being pregnant but I would be terrified to get a C-section – no one is cutting through these stomach muscles! Tell me a bit about your business? It’s a nutrition company. It’s aimed at people with a busy lifestyle who haven’t got time to prepare their own food. We create the food for people based on their numbers. So if someone wants to loose a certain amount of weight in a certain amount of time we’ll take their weight





Photography: Joe Ehlen






According to a recent study, brown rice contains 80% more arsenic than white rice. That’s not enough to kill you but large qunantites could raise your risk of heart disease, cancer and type 2 diabetes. Concerned? Here are the best rice alternatives around: Cauliflower Rice 100g = 137 calories

Cauliflower contains sulforaphane, a sulfur compound that has also been shown to kill cancer stem cells, thereby slowing tumor growth.


Fonio 100g = 379 calories Rich in amino acids to promote a healthy liver, hair and skin.

Sorghum 100g = 339 calories This gluten-free grain is thought to fight cancer and lower cholestrol.





Research from Mount Sinal St Luke’s Hospital in New York has found that tapping your forehead for 30 seconds kills cravings by 10% as it disrupts your mental image of food. Chocolate Walk it off. Studies show a 15-minute walk is enough to cut cocoa cravings.

Netflix Click your fingers mid box-set binge to help you hit the stop button.

Your Phone Stare at a wall for 30 seconds to help you resist the urge to check WhatsApp.

The percentage the cognitive part of your brain can grow if you eat one portion of fish a week. Note: cooking fish over 180 C negates those brain benefits.


CRUSH CRAVINGS Research from Utrecht University in the Netherlands has revealed that birthday parties provide the strongest triggers for unhealthy snacking. Next time you’re about to cut yourself another piece of cake, try clenching your fists. Studies show that this action fires up part of the brain associated with willpower.

5 The number of teaspoons of olive oil a day needed to reduce your stroke risk by 24 %.

Photography: Amy Nicholson


Coffee lowers the risk of liver conditions. A study by the National Cancer Institute, US, found that people who drank three cups of coffee a day were 31% less likely to show signs of liver disease.






5-INGREDIENT GRANOLA BAR Sometimes you really just need a snack that has some serious staying power. The base for these bars is dates, which provides the sweetness. Then just add almonds, oats, peanut butter and honey and mix it all together! Simple flavours, wholesome ingredients, salty-sweet with lots of crunch. Plus, it will provide you with all the energy you need for a killer work out!

INSTRUCTIONS 1.Process dates in a food processor until small bits remain (about 1 minute). It should form a “dough” like consistency. 
2.Optional step: Toast your oats in a 350 degree oven for 15-ish minutes or until slightly golden brown. Otherwise, leave them raw. 3.Place oats, almonds and dates in a bowl - set aside. 4.Warm honey and peanut butter in a small sauce- pan over low heat. Stir and pour over oat mixture and then mix, breaking up the dates to disperse through- out. 5.Once thoroughly mixed, transfer to an 8x8 dish or other small pan lined with plastic wrap or parchment paper so they lift out easily.
 6. Press down until uniformly flattened. Cover with parchment or plastic wrap, and let set in fridge or freezer for 15-20 minutes to harden. 7. Remove bars from pan and chop into 10 even bars.

INGREDIENTS •1 cup packed dates, pitted •1/4 cup honey (or sub maple syrup) •1/4 cup creamy salted natural peanut butter or almond butter •1 cup roasted unsalted almonds, loosely chopped •1 1/2 cups rolled oats •optional additions: chocolate chips, dried fruit, nuts, banana chips, vannilla.




We all know that exercise can have dramatic effects on our physical health, but what about our minds? Dr Karen Postal, a neuropsychologist and clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School, talks about how the effects physical exercise go far beyond the prevention of disease and obesity. We all know the feeling, the 3pm slump at work that leaves you unable to concentrate or those endless hours spent in the library yet you still don’t seem to be getting anywhere with that essay. It appears that the answer to these problems are not heading for the coffee machine, but for the gym. Just 30 minutes of aerobic exercise can help encourage the growth of new brain cells, which in the long run can help make us more intelligent. It’s no coincidence that so many high-achieving

CAN EXERCISE MAKE YOU SMARTER? Struggling to concentrate? Cant seem to keep focused on the task ahead? Dr Karen Postal tells us why areobic exercise is the answer..



women, from Madonna to Victoria Beckham, share the care all know that exercise can have dramatgy levels increase and your thinking becomes instantdio habit. Anyone has on everour tackled the stair climber has ic who effects physical health, but what ly clearer and sharper. Secondly, the brain releases about our minds? Postal, neuropsya chemical called BDNF - brain derived neurotrophic a pretty good idea of what is goingDronKaren in your body awhen you chologist and clinical instructor at Harvard factor. Dr Postal explains: “This repairs our brain break a sweat; but what about what’s in your head? of cells and helps to make connections that solidify new Medical School, talksgoing aboutonhow the effects physical exercise go the farbody beyond the brain prevention memories. Finally, exercise triggers neurogenesis, The additional rush of blood around soaks disease and obesity. the birth of new brain cells. So far, it looks like cells inof oxygen and glucose, which they need to function. We all know the feeling, the 3pm slump at work that the new brain cells are born specifically in an area leaves to concentrate or Dr those endless of the brain responsible for making new memories.” The more theyyou get,unable the better they perform. Karen Postal hours spent in the library yet you still don’t seem Experienced regularly, all that extra rushing of blood explains exactly how that works. to be getting anywhere with that essay. It appears to the head primes your brain to grow. A recent study “Everythat time the humans engage in sweaty exercise three things answer to these problems are not heading published in Brain and Cognition found that after tothe but toisthe gym. Just minutes just 30 minutes of moderate bike riding, the subjects happen. First,coffee the themachine, frontal cortex activated. This30means of aerobic exercise can help encourage the growth of completed a cognitive test faster than they did before that thenew brain cells in thiswhich region better, and brain cells, in start the firing long run can faster help make exercising, and did it just as accurately. Further, us” more intelligent. coincidence thatofso stronger. Said Dr Postal The It’s frontalnocortex is the part themany the brain-boosting effect lasted for at least 52 minhigh-achieving women, from Madonna to Victoria Beckutes after the ride. Further, if you happen to take a brain which helps the us tocardio focus and concentrate, it also contribham, share habit. break from regular exercise, even for up to two weeks, who of has everareas tackled stair climber no worries. Your brain has a molecular memory, which utes to theAnyone function other of thethe brain which help has us a pretty good idea of what is going on in your body helps it churn out high levels of BDNF after just two organise, time when youmanage break aand of hitting the gym and triggers - days brains solve problems. “So literally, sweat; but what about “exercise repairs our again. going in mental mojo that you the birth of new brain cells” getThefrom after wewhat’s exercise, our on brains your head? The addicardio is not are abletional to think and rush ofconcenblood around the body soaks brain cells just limited to increasing your brain power, it also in oxygen and glucose, which they need to function. has the ability to reduce your stress levels and helps trate better. ” She said. The more they get, the better they perform. Dr Karen you to sleep better. Dr Postal says: “On a day when Essentially, a pulse-pounding out has similar effect on Postal explains more onwork exactly howathat works. we exercise, it is easier to fall asleep, and stay humansAsengage in sweaty exercise three asleep all night. Chronic, low level sleep deprivathe body“Every as a cuptime of coffee. your heart rate picks up, your things happen. First, the the frontal cortex is actition (for adults, 6.5 hours or less a night) leads to circulation increases, yourthat energy your vated. This means the levels brain increase cells inand this region less activation in the frontal cortex and results in start firinginstantly better, clearer faster and and sharper. stronger.” Says Dr poor concentration.” However, there’s some bad news thinking becomes Secondly, the Postal. This part of the brain is responsible for so for those of you who’d rather spend your gym session brain releases a chemical called BDNF brain derived neumuch of what we value in efficient workers and good lifting weights as these effects are only created from rotrophic factor. whilst Dr Postal repairs brain students, it explains: helps us “This to focus and our concentrate, aerobic exercise. Dr Postal explains: “40 minutes it helps also to contributes to the function of other areas to an hour a day is necessary to create the effects. cells and make connections that solidify new memof the brain which help us organise, time manage and Running, jump roping, rowing, soccer, tennis, laories. Finally, exercise triggers neurogenesis, of newour crosse, bike riding, essentially any exercise that solve problems. “So literally, afterthe webirth exercise, brains to think concentrate brain cells. Soare far,able it looks like theand new brain cells better.” are born She gets ones heart rate up will work.” So all the more says. However, the effects of exercise aren’t just reason to hit the elliptical or head to that Box-Fit specifically in an the brainones. responsible for making limited toarea the of immediate “Exercise repairs our class you’ve been avoiding. brains and triggers the birth ofallnew If a few hours a week on the treadmill ultimately new memories. ” Experienced regularly, thatbrain extracells rush-in our memory centers, it is also acts as a great ‘inhelps you think quicker, make better decisions, and ing of blood to the head primes your brain to grow. A recent surance policy’ that our brains will be healthy for climb the ladder at work, your sweat will have quite years to come.” explains. literally paid off. study published in BrainDr andPostal Cognition found that after just Essentially, a pulse-pounding work out has a similar 30 minutes of moderate bike riding, the subjects completed a Amy Nicholson effect on the body as a cup of coffee. As your heart cognitive test faster than they did before exercising, and did it rate picks up, your circulation increases, your enerjust as accurately. Further, the brain-boosting effect lasted for


KAT APPLETON: y l e t e l p m o c s a h g n i “Bodybuild

changed my life” In her university days Kat Appleton, 24, was desperately unhappy with her body. These days... she’s a bodybuilder. A whopping 97% of women in the UK are unhappy with their body but Kat is no longer one of them. A keen sprinter in her younger years, Kat lost her confidence after she piled on the pounds during a fourmonth summer trip to America. “Whilst I was there I gained over two stone and felt awful about my body”. She said. Instead of hiding her body under baggy clothes and reaching for the Ben and Jerry’s, the former Leeds met student from Norkfolk, ditched the cream cakes in order to lift weights. “I now compete in female figure competitions, where competitors are judged on their muscle tone and symmetry. This year I hope to qualify for the British finals” she says. But how does a 5ft 2” former sprinter become an all butt clenching, bicep tensing machine? “I wanted to be a strength and conditioning coach for a long time and worked as an Intern at Leeds United Football Club for a year, I always knew I wanted a career based around gyms and strength training but I never in a million years thought I’d become a bodybuilder. I’d always been fairly fit but lifting weights was a whole different ball game” She said. After returning from the US a slightly frumpier version of herself Kat employed a coach to help bulk up and her gain muscle. Kat said “People are always surprised when I tell them my unusual hobby.

I think there is an image that pops into people’s heads of women striving to look like men, but that’s not true at all.” However, although Kat is now happy with her 9st 9lb physique it does not come without criticism. “Bodybuilding has made me more confident in every aspect of my life. But everyone has critics – one of my favourites is “you look good now but don’t get too big.” Why? Would it personally affect you if I wasn’t nice to look at in your view?” Unlike many female bodybuilders who often train twice a day, six times a week Kat only believes in training four days a week. She said: “I like to spilt the routine up. Monday might be legs and shoulders, Tuesday might be back and triceps and so on. Training too often causes the enjoyment to fade.” A former Leeds Met student, Kat knows what it’s like trying to battle the bulge whilst on a budget so her number one tip is to buy in bulk. “It’s so much cheaper to buy in bulk and fill up you freezer - it’s not as expensive as people would believe. I manage to feed myself for a week for the price of one takeaway.”She said. So far, it looks like Kat’s bodybuilding efforts are paying off. Last year she came fourth in the NPA (Natural Body Building) Midland Championships, this year she’s been training extra hard in order to qualify for the British finals. Good luck Kat!






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KAT’S DAILY DIET Breakfast - White fish, eggs and spinach 11am - Sprouts and nuts Lunch - Chicken and sprouts 4pm - White fish, sprouts and coconut oil Dinner - Protein Shake Supper - Greek Yogurt FEMALE | FIT

Puma Essentials Racer Back Top Ladies £13.00

Nike Essentials Tee Top Ladies £15.00



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