939 Long Hill Rd W

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S EAM LE SS LY U N ITI N G D E S I G N AN D NATU R E. E nj oy seas o nal H uds o n R i v er v ie ws ato p a v erdant, lush lands cap e. This 1959 s pac i o us m o dern w ith three le v els o f w est-fac ing walls o f glass and o utd o o r delightful s pac es en v elo p s yo u in nature. U p o n entering the h o me’s m oto r c o urt, immediately yo u sense s o mething s p e c ial to b e fo und b eyo nd the j o ined all-seas o n fr o nt entry. S eemingly floating stairs greet and rise to the o p en main le v el li v ing s pac e fo r family and friends to gather. One o f tw o fire p lac es reminis c ent o f minimalist design is enj oyed by dining and li v ing r o o m. The adjac ent, gener o us kitc hen is b right and in v iting w ith a greenh o use style dining atrium. N ested b elo w yo ur mar v elo us e v eryday li v ing s pac es are the b edr o o ms, all w ith v ie ws o f o ur w o nder ful H uds o n Valley greens cap e. D o n’t miss the lo w er-le v el walk-o ut, a w o nder ful area fo r summer fun w ith c o v ered o utd o o r GATH E R I N G s p ot. S ensati o nal and smart li v ing fo und, enj oyed, c herished. BY TH E N U M B E R S: .905 AC R E S, 3,000 S F, 4 B E D S, 3.1 BATH S, 2 FI R E P LAC E S ,D E N, FAM I LY R OO M.

ar c hite ctural h o mes ny.c o m TODD GODDARD & AMY VIA

associate real estate broker/SALESPERSON & ARCHITECTURAL team

914-523-9248 TOP PRODUCERS 2010-21

237 Mamaroneck Avenue, White Plains New York 10605

Offering subject to errors, omissions, change of price or withdrawal without notice. This brochure is intended for information purposes only and is not considered a solicitation.If your home is currently listed with another broker, please disregard.

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