piano recital...
Try & keep on trying until that wich seems
PIANO Recital
Difď€ cult because possible & that which seems only possible becomes
Habit and a real part of you...
Friday, 12th June Brand Library & Art Center 1601 W. Mountain St. Glendale, CA 91201
start at 7.00pm Bran Library & Art Center
Concert Porgram Teacher- Anna Papian
Teacher- Anna Papian master of musical art
Music is what feeling sounds like
Withour music, life would be a mistake.
master of musical art
Concert Porgram
Try & keep on trying until that wich seems
PIANO Recital
Difď€ cult because possible & that which seems only possible becomes
Habit and a real part of you...
Friday, 12th June Brand Library & Art Center 1601 W. Mountain St. Glendale, CA 91201
start at 7.00pm Bran Library & Art Center
Concert Porgram Teacher- Anna Papian
Teacher- Anna Papian master of musical art
Music is what feeling sounds like
Withour music, life would be a mistake.
master of musical art
Concert Porgram
Try & keep on trying until that wich seems
because possible & that which seems only possible becomes
Piano Recital 2015
and a real part of you...
Brand Library & Art Center 1601 W. Mountain St. Glendale, CA 91201
Friday, 12th June
start at 7.00pm Bran Library & Art Center
Concert Porgram
Concert Porgram
master of musical art
master of musical art
Teacher- Anna Papian
tahw si cisuM ekil sdnuos gnileef
Music is what feeling sounds like
Teacher- Anna Papian
Try & keep on trying until that wich seems
because possible & that which seems only possible becomes
Piano Recital 2015
and a real part of you...
Brand Library & Art Center 1601 W. Mountain St. Glendale, CA 91201
Friday, 12th June
start at 7.00pm Bran Library & Art Center
Concert Porgram
Concert Porgram
master of musical art
master of musical art
Teacher- Anna Papian
Music is what feeling sounds like
Withour music, life would be a mistake.
Teacher- Anna Papian
Try & keep on trying until that wich seems
because possible & that which seems only possible becomes
Piano Recital 2015
and a real part of you...
Brand Library & Art Center 1601 W. Mountain St. Glendale, CA 91201
Friday, 12th June
start at 7.00pm Bran Library & Art Center
Concert Porgram
Concert Porgram
master of musical art
master of musical art
Teacher- Anna Papian
Music is what feeling sounds like
Withour music, life would be a mistake.
Teacher- Anna Papian
thank you...