Building Early Skills
Vocabulary Awareness
Special thanks To Mirta Teper for the wonderful clipart she made for this book!
The serie Pack your English is dedicated to all the teachers who Inspire Each Student to extraordinary achievement every day
Analia Capurro Created by Ingles360ÂŽ
Š 2010
Building Early Skills
Vocabulary Awareness
Chapter 1 What is Vocabulary awareness?
Vocabulary, glossary, jargon, lexicon, palaver, phraseology, terminology, language of a person or people. No matter the word you use, all languages have words, and all languages emerge with words. The acquisition of the new words is a never ending process. Even, in our mother tongue, we are continually learning new words, and learning new meanings for old words. Effective learning of a foreign or second language involves to a great extent learning new vocabulary words.
Created by Ingles360ÂŽ
Š 2010
Building Early Skills
Vocabulary Awareness
What do we mean by “vocabulary”? I look up for the term “vocabulary” in many dictionaries and in search engines in the web and found these definitions: Vocabulary is:
a listing of the words used in some enterprise
a language user's knowledge of words
the system of techniques or symbols serving as a means of expression (as in arts or crafts); "he introduced a wide vocabulary of techniques"
vocabulary is a set of words known to a person or other entity, or that are part of a specific language.
Created by Ingles360®
© 2010
Building Early Skills
Vocabulary Awareness
Hop that word!
You will need: Chalk Cards Download reproducible
What to do: Select the vocabulary you want to practice or review, print them on construction paper and laminate. Draw a traditional board game with a piece chalk on the floor. Instead of drawing a number, paste a picture in the middle of each square. Created by Ingles360ÂŽ
Š 2010
Building Early Skills
Vocabulary Awareness
Let children in turns hop the board and when they land on a square they have to identify and name the picture. Say “Can you name that word?”
What is it?
Can you name that word?
Created by Ingles360®
© 2010