2018-2023// Academic and
Ana-Maria Vasilache//
Professional Work
Ana-Maria Vasilache// 2018-2023// Academic and Professional Work
Ana-Maria Vasilache
Freelance Architectural Designer at Dividual Rotterdam| M.Sc. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences T.U. Delft | B.A. Architecture University of Sheffield
Goldstein Heather Architecture Recruitment Team
Dear Simon Goldstein and Giles Heather,
Date. September 8th 2023
I am writing with the intention of applying for a Part 2 Architectural Assistant position with Goldstein Heather Architecture, hoping to continue my training as an architectural professional and expand my practical experience in the field. I am an experienced architectural designer and researcher with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture from the University of Sheffield, The United Kingdom (2018), and a Master’s degree Cum Laude in Architecture from The Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands (2022). My practice has been particularly concerned with issues of socio-spatial resilience, and the cultivation of local community culture and historical development. Additionally, as detailed in the C.V. and Portfolio attached, I have covered an extensive array of architectural scales and subjects throughout my professional and educational experience.
As a student in Delft, I have been involved in individual and group projects ranging from masterplan and large-scale architectural newbuilt to redevelopment projects and interior design. At this time, I was also given the opportunity to pursue my research interest further by authoring a History Thesis on the political influence of Communist mass housing on the female body, which was awarded 10/10 and is currently in the process of being academically published. Additionally, my Graduation Project was awarded an additional 9.5/10 and developed an innovative approach for mitigating issues of extensive urban depopulation in New Belgrade, Serbia. For further details regarding the graduation project, please consult the attached portfolio.
Additionally, while pursuing my Bachelor’s Degree from the University of Sheffield, I was involved with several design-led initiatives in the fields of theatre, photography, poetry and visual arts, assuming the roles of curator, designer, photographer and tutor. At this time, I was additionally invested in research into architectural conservation, renewal and remaking, attending courses presided by Prof. Dr. Arh. Tancredi Carunchio (Sapienza – Università di Roma), and volunteering with the Dimitrie Gusti National Village Museum (Bucharest, Romania). I later pursued my interest in conservation and heritage as a Part 1 Architectural Assistant at ADAM Architecture (Winchester, U.K.), working predominantly with Grade I and Grade II listed buildings at both the planning and construction stages (stages 0 through 5).
As shown above, I believe my interest and abilities align with the portfolio of Goldstein Heather, showcasing a high degree of curiosity and willingness to explore built environments beyond the traditional confines of architectural production or discourse. To this end, my work has highlighted underlying research by (and through) design trajectories, particularly harnessed during my time as a student in Delft. As such, I believe the experience of working with Goldstein Heather will allow me to take my skills further throughout my professional and academic career.
I appreciate your interest.
Kind regards,
Ana Maria Vasilache
Ana-Maria Vasilache
Ana-Maria Vasilache - Reference Letter
I have no hesitation in recommending Ana-Maria Vasilache, she has been undertaking a 17-month placementinourofficeasaPartIArchitectural Assistantsince3 rd September2018andhasimpressed herfellowteamwithherdiligenceandcommitmentduringhertimewithus.
Ana-Maria has worked on several projects including proposed alterations to a range of historic buildings. Shehasprepareddrawingsforplanningandlistedbuildingsapplications,aswellastechnical drawingsforjoinerydetails. Alloftheworkundertakenhasbeenofhighquality, witha goodeyefor detail. Thisisallowingtohercompetencyinassessingtheworksrequired andherstrongworkethic. In her portfolio she has demonstrated excellent graphic skills, an eye for pattern and colour, and an interestintherefinementofwellcrafteddetails.
Ana-Maria is someone that can listen and is eager to learn, she is naturally inquisitive and eager to respondtoanyproblemortask.Wehavefoundhertobeaveryresponsibleandcompetentperson,and havenohesitationinrecommendingher.
GeorgeSaumarezSmithMA(Hons)Dip.ArchRIBA Director ForADAMArchitecture
D11'1\i\('II MA RIB,\ Practice Manager Mark White ll · 11,1 081· Senior i\s·o ial<'s Gail K 111011 11,111C11 D11'1\KC11 ,\ll'IIIL( 'A�lAII) 1'111,(C.1",111) AIIR RIIIA DatT�II l'l'i ·c RA(II0\) Dll'1\IKII ARI! lllllA Thomas Orr B.
GSS/GSS/jl April2019 ARCHITECTURE WI NCHES TER LONDON OL DHYDEHOU SE , 75 HYDESTR EE T, WINCHE STER ,HAMP SHIR E, SO2 37DW TELEPHONE 01%2 843843 FACSIMILE 01962 843303 www adamarch i tee tu re com contact@ada mare hi tee ture com
D1rARc11 RIBA rRSA Nigel J D
BSc(Ho \S) D1l'ARC11 RlllA Robert Kerr MA(HoNS) D1rARC11 RIBA HIAS Hllgh Petter BA(Ho,s) Dll'ARCII JUBA l'HSA George Saurnarez Sm ith MA(HONS) D1 rARc11 IUBA Technical D irector Palll Il. S. Hanvey BSc(Uu1) MCIAT ACIOB Associate Directors Steven Ilushcll MCIAT Peter Critoph R1\(H0Ns) D1rARCH RIBA Jonathan Fox BA(HoNs) DlrAllCH rGD11• RIOA Ian La11rcn,·c 11 rt110,,) ,\I "IAT ICIOH i\11dl''\\' \oor MCl,11 l',llil i>ino M 11\T Wayne Hcak<'s 11,l(IIO�s)
C(llo�,) .II!><. ' IIA Rl'II RIM Associates Ian Aburrow MA DJPAlll'II RIBA Corr Ilabb MA(A RCII) LEED-Al' Fredrik Carlsson MA AOU l'eter Cooke BA(HONS) DwARCII IUIIA Robert Cox llA(H0'5) MAnrncrnsn PGD1r RIHA Robert Down llA(HoNs) Jeremy Drake BSC(IION.I) Mark Himmens MA(IIONS) D11•LAllCll Andrew Moneyhcffer llARCII CNU-A AlcxMontague-Smith BA(I-IONS) D1rAllCH RIIIA Thomas Paris IIA(IIONS) MAllrn HIBA Diana Yu RAR,H Historic Building Consultant Professor Dan Cruickshank BA(l·IONS) IIO�FRIIIA LONDON OFFICE 6 QUEEN SQUARE. LONDON, WCIN 3AT TELEPHONE 020 7841 0140 ADAM ARCHITECTURE IS A TRADING NAME OF ADAM ARCHITECTURE LTD REGISHI\F.I) IN ENGLAND N0 198·1723
Professor Robert Adam
Date 21-09-2022
Reference AR-22-208
Contact person Jorge Mejia Hernandez
Telephone/fax +31(0)6 818 12 535
E-mail J.A.MejiaHernandez@tudelft.nl
Subject Reference Letter Ana-Maria Vasilache
Faculty of Architecture a nd the Built Environment
Department of Architecture
Vis iting / postal address : Julianalaan 134 2628 BL Delft
The Netherlands
Pos tal address: P.O. Box 5043 2600 GA Delft
The Netherlands
To w hom i t may concern,
I hereby w ish to refer t he MSc A rchitect Ana - Maria Vasilache i n th e f ollowing te rms.
I have k nown h er s ince 2 021, when s he s tarted th e M Sc3/4 G raduation S tudio I coordinated a nd ta ugh t at TU D elft, under th e C hair o f M ethods o f Analysis a nd Imagination. As part o f h er w ork i n o ur S tudio, Ana - Maria e xamined, evaluated, and discovered the potential o f a rchitectural c onfiguration a nd meaning , while c arrying o ut a thorough i nvestigation a t the p erformative l evel o f th e b uilt environ ment.
During the p rocess, carried o ut in B elgrade ( Serbia), Ana - Maria c onfronted s ome of th e mos t pressing p roblems o f th e c ontemporary E uropean city (e.g. depopulation, aging co mmunities, the o bsolescence o f i ndustrial/socialist infrastructure) a nd th eir e ffects o n architecture a nd th e c ity Her p roject contributed valuable k nowledge to o ur understanding of th e p otential reuse of e xisting l arge s cale r esidential c omplexes, touching o n s everal lines o f i nquiry s imultaneously, with remarkable d iscipline, conceptual c larity , and intellectual r igor. In this s ense, her w ork i s tr uly o utstanding.
My e xperience a s her tutor a llows me to a ffirm th a t An a - Maria V asilache h as exceptional pr ofessional q ualities a nd s kills to p erform at the h ighest levels w ithin any progressive architectural p ractice, as well a s i n g overnmental, business, or research o rganizations that strive f or excellence.
The f inal g raduation project by A na - Maria V asilache r eceived a f inal mark o f 9 ,5/10 , and she r eceived h er Master’s d egree w ith a C um L aude d istinction.
Should th ere b e an y q uestions o r th e n eed to f urther e laborate o n th is s tatement, please do n ot hesitate to c ontac t me.
Assistant Professor of Architecture Chair of Methods of Analysis and Imagination Faculty of Architecture and the Built Environment, TU Delft
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00.2 curriculum vitae
Ana-Maria Vasilache
Freelance Architectural Designer Dividual | M.Sc. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences T.U. Delft |
B.A. Architecture University of Sheffield
Sept. 2020 - Aug. 2022
M.Sc. Architecture, Urbanism and Building Sciences; Architecture Track
T.U. Delft, Delft, The Netherlands
Grade: 9.5/ 10 (Cum Laude)
Sept. 2014 - July 2018
BA. (Hons.) Architecture
University of Sheffield, Sheffield, U.K.
Grade: Upper 2.1
Oct. 2017
Restart (Restoration Course)
Sapienza University, Timisoara Romania
Sept. 2010 - July 2014
Baccalaureate Diploma
“Grigore Moisil” College, Bucharest (Romania)
.personal information
Email: amvasilache@ymail.com
Phone: +40722163264
Right to Work:
U.K. Settled Status (No work visa required) Romanian Citizenship (E.U. Citizenship)
Adobe Photoshop
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe InDesign
Rhino Autocad
.professional experience
July 2023 - Current
Freelance Architectural Designer
Dividual, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Dec. 2022 - July 2023
Stagiaire Architecte
A2RC, Brussels, Belgium.
Sept. 2018 - Apr. 2020
Part 1 Architectural Assistant
ADAM Architecture, Winchester, U.K.
Sept. 2017 - Dec. 2017
Junior Architectural Assistant
The Bucharest Village Museum, Bucharest, Romania
.other interests and experience
May 2017 - Aug. 2017
Publicity Designer
Threshold Theatre, Sheffield, U.K.
Jan. 2016 - June 2017
Production Photographer
Sheffield University Theatre Co., Sheffield, U.K.
June 2016 - Oct. 2016
Assistant Set Designer
Sheffield University Theatre Co., Sheffield, U.K.
Sept. 2016
Public Relations Assistant
Festival of the Mind, Sheffield, U.K.
George Saumarez Smith Director, ADAM Architecture, U.K. georgess@adamarchitecture.com
Dr. Jorge Mejia Hernandez
Principal Tutor M.Sc. 3-4, T.U. Delft, The Netherlands
+ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
01 re-domesticating mass housing
An Investigation in Re-Domesticating Modernist Housing Estates in New Belgrade
M.Sc. 3-4
(Sept. 2021 - Aug. 2022)
Academic Thesis Project
T.U. Delft
Jorge Mejia Hernandes, Aleksandar Stanicic and Pierre Jennen;
Block 23, Belgrade, Serbia;
//View of 1:20 Scale Model Highlighting an Upper Floor Substraction;
01. Concept Statement
Depopulation comes at a high cost. Depopulation and its by-products, enhanced by the existing architectures of New Belgrade, give way to what Rod Serling labels "the barrier of loneliness". Given demographic projections, depopulation will become pervasive in all Serbian environments. The pressing presence of this phenomenon allows posing a different question to the ones pressing during the Yugoslav housing construction periods: is a functional dwelling enough? The following project develops the above narrative, splitting the redevelopment of a mass-housing building in New Belgrade into three distinct stages that tackle the dwellers' reintegration at all building levels: domestic, transitional and public.
//Site Model at Scale 1:500;
//Axonometric of Typical Dwelling Unit as Existing;
04. Stage I of Development
//View of the Walkways Introduced;
Stage I of the design aims to reinstate dignity to an existing building that is becoming increasingly dilapidated. The repair procedures primarily assume a reunification of the facade. At the same time, while the project pays respect to the original external design aesthetics, it also proposes an extensive redevelopment of the internal courtyards of the building through the instruction of an extensive network of walkways connecting residents from all sides and levels of the structure.
//Existing Residential Plan;
//Proposed Residential Plan at Stage I;
//Proposed Residential Plan at Stage III;
//Site Model at Scale 1:20;
03. Stage II of Development
Stage II proposes the introduction of Ground Floor Level community spaces that are driven by their experiential output. Here, whether we talk of pools of fragrant mint and jasmine mixing with the smell of freshly made Serbian coffee, or surfaces of extreme gloss partially covered by thin translucent curtains, the new spaces evoke a sense of calm and belonging.
//Impression from The Still Room;
//Impression from The Soft Room;
//Sketches of the Ground Floor Redeveloped Spaces;
04. Stage III of Development
//Proposed Ground Floor Plan and Elevation at Stage III;
Finally, the final design stage is expected to develop over an indefinite period. As apartments become disused and pass into governmental custody, these are modified into communal lifted courtyards, improving the living conditions of the remaining residents, encouraging interaction at all building levels and the retention and potential attraction of future tenants or dwellers.
02 salon
Negative Space and Architectural Bricolage
M.Sc. 2 (Apr. 2021 - Jul. 2021)
Academic Individual Project
T.U. Delft
Susanne Pietsch and Leontine de Wit;
Location Diepeveen Building, Rotterdam, The Netherlands;
//Exploded Axonometric of the Diepeveen Building Intervention (Up)+;
01. Concept Statement
The project reacts to the assemblage nature of the building in Diepeveen. The new structure becomes an installation exploring the tension between the idiosyncratic existing and the necessary useful. At the same time, importing from Gordon Matta Clark’s work with found structures and Rachel Whiteread’s work indicative approach to negative space, the installation becomes an artefact that sheds its layers systemically to reveal its contents.
// 1:50 Scale Model Photographs of The Central Internal Space;
//Sectional Perspective through Existing and Proposed Areas;
In the initial stages, the exiting building was (de) coded as a palimpsestical structure by reinterpreting Whiteread’s work - which in itself becomes a coding of everyday objects. This approach to codification meant that not only is there a clear methodology backing the salon’s design, but also the new structure itself becomes only one of its many possible iterations.
//Construction Axonometric of Internal Skin (Left);
//Construction Axonometric of External Skin (Right);
Inner Skin
//Developed Surface Drawing;
The design marks a clear differentiation between the outside and inside conditions by employing a dual volumetry of visibly different materializations. The tension between the two volumetrics generates a variety of residual spaces that may be appropriated and inhabited accordingly. With their almost contradictory boundaries, the nature of these residual spaces emphasizes the nature of the original warehouse in its found state.
04. Internal Space
//View of the Main Internal Space (Up);
Internally, the main pavilion provides three rooms, separated by curtain partitions. In this case, the design allows for the expansion or contraction of the salon according to usage. Given the necessity for a visibly tectonic external skin, the latter is constructed in recycled plastic with visual and tactile similarity to marble. Given the nature of the construction elements, most building materials can either be sourced locally or provided by the local community.
//External View of the Diepeveen Building;
//View of the Main Internal Space;
//View of the Pavilion in the Context of the Shed;
03 typology transfer
M.Sc. 2
(Apr. 2021 - Jul. 2021)
Academic Group
T.U. Delft
Harald Mooij; Dr. Vanessa Grossman and Dr. Nelson Mota;
Barra Funda, Sao Paulo, Brazil;
Exploring Affordable Housing in Barra Funda, Sao Paulo
//Axonometric of Proposed Typology Mixtures;
//Axonometric of Type E Typology Mixture;
//Site Axonometric Showing Environmental Considerations;
//(Right) Existing Street Elevation;
04 docile bodies
Romanian Communist Domesticities and Socialist Women in Berceni (1977-1989)
History Thesis; M.Sc. 2 (Feb. 2021April. 2021)
Academic Individual Project
T.U. Delft Supervisor Supervisors: Maria Novas de Ferradas;
Berceni, Bucharest, Romania;
1960-1963 (Sg. Nitu Vasile microraion)
1964-1970 (Berceni South 1)
1970-1975 (Berceni South 2)
pre-socialist pre-socialist post-socialist
Masterplan Highlighting the Construction Phases of Berceni;
01. Abstract
//Paper in the Process of Academic Publishing;
The research proposes a dialectical re-reading of the Romanian Communist housing as a gendered control mechanism. Therefore, the paper concentrates on Berceni neighbourhood between 1977 and 1989 as a case study for a larger urban phenomenon under the late Romanian Communist Regime (1965-1989). In this context, the research juxtaposes the Marxist ideologies on women’s emancipation (proliferated throughout the Eastern Block) with female inhabitants’ experiences in Berceni. This contextualization is crucial, given that response to women’s issues was state-enforced and disseminated top-down. In aiding with a broader political and economic agenda, state policy dictated that women should be liberated from home duties (the private sphere) and be transposed into productive members of the society (the public sphere). Given that decision-making was assigned to a predominantly male political elite, the state disregarded the family resources necessary to fulfil tasks historically associated with womanhood. Therefore, Socialist Women became just as tied to domesticity as their predecessors. What changed was that they were now forcefully assigned a dual character: an aseptic asexual public persona of state worker along with the already existing sexualized domestic one. In understanding the link between women and domesticity, the research confronts the implication of state propaganda on the Lived Experience identified in the stories of some of the women inhabitants of 1977-89 Berceni. Among other points, the paper identified women’s isolation, over-working, and distrust to be some of the aftermaths of this clash between ideology and context.
02. Principal Conclusions
//Photographs from Ioana’s flat;
The Romanian Communist state did not succeed in bringing about genuine communal living, nor true gender equality. However, it did achieve its housing goal on one front: bringing together different social categories and housing them in the same districts, streets and housing blocks. The irony is that by the late 1980s this collage of inhabitants would be brought together not in achieving an ideal Socialist Society, but in enduring ever-worsening living situations. Although in themselves, the ideals of the Socialist Society and the Socialist Woman were radical, especially considering the patriarchal pre-socialist Romanian society, implementing these ideals was never achieved. The high levels of domestic violence, the political under-representation and the employment gap of contemporary Romanian women (Boia, 2021) show that traditional ideas about male and female roles had been remarkably resilient throughout the Communist period and overrode the willed new gender relations.
05 counter delirium
Explorations on the Urban Dutch Delirium and Its By-Products
M.Sc. 1
(Sept. 2020 - Jan. 2021)
Academic Group
T.U. Delft
Gosia Golabek and Lex van Deudekom;
Den Haag Central, The Hague, The Netherlands;
//Relation between the Hague and the Randstadt;
Concept Statement
Through its central location in The Hague, the Green Metropolitan Forum reacts critically to the undemocratic nature of the metropolitan delirium. The ensemble achieves a new metropolitan character, defined by democratic discussions and exchanges of ideas. Referencing the Athenian Agora, and its associated constellation of functions, the essence of the building becomes linked to the inbetween unprescribed spaces.
//Relation between Building and Immediate Context;
02. Culture of Congestion //1:20 Section (Right);
The Forum is opposing the Dutch “culture of congestion”, while working within its context. Ultimately the GMF provides a hybrid character mediating between the extreme urban and the fabricated rural aspects of The Hague.
03. The Green Metropolitan Forum
Through democratic and inclusive design, the building provokes encounters and exchanges of ideas and information, practically taking advantage of the vacancy it creates to generate opportunities for creative and spontaneous uses. The building performs similarly at an urban and architectural scale by creating publicness through the porosity of itself and its boundaries. Therefore, the Green Metropolitan Forum minimizes its environmental impact through low energy consumption levels and the use of sustainable materials and modularity. The flexible spatial organization and the opportunity for the building to grow upon itself allow the forum to adapt to and showcase the changing societal milieu.
//First Floor Plan Highlighting the Constellation of Functions;
//Aerial View of the Eastern Plaza;
06 hoare’s bank// g. II+ listed bank
Interior Conservation Project: Grade II Listed Bank
Dec. 2018 - Oct. 2019
Team-Based Professional Project ADAM Architecture
George Saumarez Smith;
Hoare’s Bank, London, United Kingdom;
//(Up) South Banking Hall Elevation as Proposed; //(Down) Condition Survey of the South Banking Hall Elevation;
Refix loose joinery Wood fil damaged profile or corner Wood fill damaged profile or corner Refix loose joinery and woodfill gaps/ damaged profiles Plug hole with timber match Replace damaged/ missing joinery with new to match existing Replase poor quality wood fil Stabilise splitting timber and fil as required
South Banking Hall Elevation as Proposed Condition Survey of the South Banking Hall Elevation
Refix loose joinery Plug hole with timber match
adamarchitecture @ adamarchitecture TELEPHONE 01962 843843 FACSIMILE 01962 843303
South Banking Hall Elevation as Proposed Condition Survey of the South Banking Hall Elevation
Joinery Details of Top: Section through Bottom: Plan through
//West Lobby Elevation as Proposed;
//Condition Survey of the South Banking Hall Elevation;
//Security Desk Elevations as Proposed Showing Design Intent;
07 west hall, longburton// g. I listed
Residential Refurbishment/ Conservation Project: Grade I Listed Manor House
Sept. 2018 - Jan.
Team-Based Professional Project ADAM Architecture
George Saumarez
West Hall, Longburton, United Kingdom;
//(Up) South Elevation of the Main House as Proposed;
//Short Section through House as Proposed;
//(Down) Key Plan of Ground Floor;
08 technical packages
Extracts from New-Built and Conservation Projects
Nov. 2019 - Apr.
Team-Based Professional Projects
ADAM Architecture and A2RC;
George Saumarez Smith; Carla de Sabata;
United Kingdom; Belgium;
//GA Elevation (Original Scale 1:50) (Up);
//GA Plan at Ground Floor Level (Original Scale 1:50) (Up); //Planning and Pre-Tender Stage Detail Section (Original Scale 1:10) (Down);
D 9 DG 1 DG1 DG 3 D G G G rimary Pump Cat Water Booster Set Dirt Air Separato DG11,37 2,40 1,04 10 4,92 1,38 2,40 1,04 10 4,92 4,04 3,58 4,82 5,17 2,37 86 8,41 7 7,35 5,02 2,37 71 8,11 7 7,203 3,28 4,82 8,11 7 2,37 1,22 2,37 7,50 4,68 181 1,71 1,06 1,67 2,67 2,37 62 7,35 206 1,19 2,604 2,60 1,19 4,17 3,70 4,250 3,706 4,180 1,19 2,605 2,60 1,196 20 4,83 3,72 3,72 3,72 4,83 206 3,800 3,80 4,17 3,70 4,250 3,706 4,180 3,800 3,80 4,83 3,72 3,72 3,72 4,83 7,84 20 20 1,77 10,80 1,00 8,80 1,00 1,25 2,40 1,26 1,20 2,40 1,21 10 2,20 10 1,21 2,40 1,20 1,26 2,40 1,25 21,89 20 36,26 20 4,82 4,83 4,92 10 1,00 10 2,20 10 1,42 4 4,92 1,20 5,00 1,19 1,20 5,02 1,20 3,80 1,20 5,03 1,20 1,20 5,00 1,20 20 36,26 206 1,25 2,40 1,26 1,20 2,40 1,21 10 2,20 10 1,21 2,40 1,20 1,27 2,40 1,25 21,89 4,92 4,68 4,68 above roof penetratio 600 000 32 Heating Oil Storage H mountin required - to atmospher Cold Water Storage Removable Louvred Wal section with door for tank chamber ventilatio Removabl Lo vred Do ble Doors required min 180 Louvred Double rs required 80 osp e e F P at G02 Generator Roo FCL MAIN PLANTROOM NOTE MINIMUM FLOOR TO CEILING HEIGHT 600 PLANTROOM VENT REQUIREMEN G01 Main Plant Room FCL G04 Boosted Cold Water Tank Room FCL G06 Sub-Statio FCL G01 Main Plant Roo FCL G07 Heating Oil Tank Chamber FCL G05 Electrical Switch Roo FCL G01 Main Plant Roo FCL G03 WC FCL 1 1 2 2 4 4 5 5 6 6 A A C C H H J J D D 3 3 E E F F G G B B 2,37 2,37 4,35 2,37 62 1,25 1,12 1,12 1,12 1,12 1,25 6,27 1,08 35 8,72 2,376 15,147 1,08 35 7,70 1,20 6,15 6 3,72 236 1,080 6,093 7,409 4,68 38 1,080 3,085 4,55 38 1,080 6,38 3,32 10 98 12 2,20 10 1,42 4 147 2n 000 Litre Thermal Stores 300 Ø 5350 Presurisation Uni Degasse Contro Heatpumps Cascade Arrangemen Possible Future Heat umps in Cascade Arrangemen Secondary Pump
09 the seeing eye
Explorations on the Art Gallery Culture
Year III, Sem. II (Jan.
2018 - June 2018)
Individual Academic Project
University of Sheffield
Russell D. Light;
Bradford, United Kingdom;
//Perspective of the South Facade in Context;
//Perspective of the North Facade in Context;
01. Concept Statement
Responding to research showing that the standard museum viewer spends no more than 15 seconds in front of any given exhibit, the building creates art viewing spaces that offer a unique approach to the traditional gallery experience. Thus, conceptually, the spaces develop vertically from group discussion spaces (of low privacy) to Individual Viewing Rooms (of high privacy).
// Long Section in Context;
//Concept Sketch Exploring Movement Patterns and Activity;
02. Spatial Development
//East Elevation
in Context;
Considering the tight spacing of the existing structures around the site, the building expands the route-through to create a small plaza offering views of the cathedral and the neighbouring Italianate housing units. This is expressed internally as a set-out strategy for privacy levels, transitioning from the highly public areas on Ground Floor to the private spaces in the wings upstairs.
03. Technical Resolution
//Construction Section (Original at 1:20 Scale);
The building is constructed on a concrete frame structure with acoustically insulated internal partitions (allowing for a more private experience of the art). The internal finishes are mainly constituted of tinted fibrous concrete boards with brass detailing.overrode the willed new gender relations.
10 photography
Extracts from Professional and Personal Photography Projects
//Theatre Photography: Jackdaws Final Scene;
//Alba Iulia Cathedral Interior;
//Theatre Photography: Rent;
// Theatre Photography: Arabian Nights;
//Sighet Memorial to Communist Crimes;
Ana-Maria Vasilache// 2018-2023// Academic and Professional Work
Thank you for your interest!
Ana-Maria Vasilache// 2018-2023// Academic and Professional Work