Portfolio jan2017

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October 2010 – July 2016 Integrated Bachlor’s and Master’s Degree in Architecture University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, Bucharest, Romania

Ana Maria Munteanu Le Bergamine Street Peschiera del Garda (VR), Italy +39 327 750 6658 ana.muntteanu@yahoo.com 13/02/1991 romanian

September 2006 – June 2010 Baccalaureat Diploma National College of Arts “Hariclea Darclee”, Braila, Romania Field : Architecture, Art and Design

Work experience

11.2015 – 02.2016 Stage in the Technical Studio Design Basciu Geom. Thelene Salionze di Valeggio sul Mincio, Verona, Italy (building survey and restoration house in the historic center, residential units design, technical and graphic details, 3d models, etc)

May 2010 Digital Competence Certificate - Proficient National College of Arts “Hariclea Darclee”, Braila, Romania

01. 2015 – 03. 2015 Bella Sposa Exhibition Stand The Bride’s Guide Fair 2015, Romexpo Center, Bucharest, Romania (concept, technical details, managing project, installation)


02. 2012 – 06. 2012 Collaboration with Institute for Management and Sustainable Development (IMDD), Bucharest, Romania (creative participation in sustainable development projects, brainstorming, drawings, ideas)


October 2012 ArhiCAD Certificate Basic Training ConSoft Training Center, Bucharest May 2010 Certificate of Technical Drawing for Architecture and Design Professional Qualification - Level 3 National College of Arts “Hariclea Darclee”, Braila, Romania




Organizational Comunication Artistic Personal



flexible, creative problem solving teamwork, communicative graphics, design, painting active, creative, ambitious

Software Competencies Advanced Intermediate Basic

ArhiCAD, Artlantis, AutoCAD, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe InDesign, Office Adobe Illustrator, Rhinoceros, Autodesk Revit, Corel Draw 3ds Max



01. Low rise high density housing


02. Multifunctional center


03. Philharmonic


04. Collective housing


05. Community center


06. Chiajna Monastery Restoration


07. Public space


08. Pedestrian bridge


09. Revitalising urban design


10. Students competition C|A|S|A


11. ArtCenter


12. Cultural center


13. Horezu - Interpretation center


14. Row housesv


15. Interior design


16. Free Drawings

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Low rise high density housing | Traian Neighborhood


Diploma session 2016 Tutor: Assoc Prof. Phd. Arch. Andra Panait Ing.: Dragos Marcu

Context The site of the project in question is found in Traian neighborhood, on Tepes Voda street, 37-39, at the intersection with Popa Nan street and is currently unoccupied. The surrounding area is characterized by a great diversity of functions, the predominant one being represented by single and multi-family housing. As a result of a detailed study on the area, I was able to observe the presence of traditional historical tissue, spontaneously developed tissue and numerous historical monuments with distinguished historic-architectural features.

Statement of intent Densification is inevitable in poorly built and unprotected area. The project aims to answer the current needs of people living in this area, by providing a high-quality urban intervention, protecting the existing patrimony values, improving the built space and housing facilities and restoring a unified spirit and urban direction to the community. The new direction of real estate development (large exemptions from the imposed heights, the new programs and functions – high-rise residential buildings, office buildings) has led to inconsistencies in the existing urban structure, often aggressive to their surroundings. These development trends are inconsistent with the existing historical urban tissue and have had a destructive impact on the character of the area. As an alternative to this existing trend of development, the project proposes the construction of a low-rise, high density building, with a well-justified and adequate function to the existing urban structure.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

T h e i m p a c t o f t a l l b u i l d i n g s i n t h e h i s t o r i c t o w n

R e a l e s t a t e t r e n d o f r e c e n t y e a r s - P OT > 8 0 %


H > P + 6

Method The project was based on an extensive analysis of the urban structure, analysis which was thoroughly conducted and had as a support a series of questions regarding the existing situation. Starting from the integrity and identity of the area, to discovering the housing needs of the neighborhood in relation to the sense of community, but also to the idea of intimacy, and finalizing with a spatial conformation adapted to the program, the process (analysis-discovery-action) led to a solution ready to fulfill the needs of the project. The frame of the project reinterprets the fragmentation of the existing urban tissue, through cracks, withdrawals, additions and different textures and levels of transparencies. Various filters and intermediate spaces mediate the transition from the public space to the private one, like a maze: passages, narrow spaces, joint courtyard, gardens, common or individual entrances, private courtyards, verandas, balconies – “discovering the space and finding out the surprise�.


Housing needs|Intimacy|Comunity

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Spatial conformation|Structure|Materiality



- D e m o l a t i o n | D e s t r u c t u ra t i o n o f t h e t ra d i t i o n a l t i s s u e - Inconsistencies in urban structure - A lack of activities inside of the community


Urban morphology

U r b a n m o r p h o l o g y | P u b l i c p r i v a t e f i l t e r s


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

- Tra d i t i o n a l h i s t o r i c a l t i s s u e - Diversity of functions - Accesibility

Historical context

Urban context

Programme /Function One of the projects’ innovations was the creation of collective-housing units that are able to fully adapt to this area, through intermediate housing units, at the limit between single-family and multi-family housing. The influence of common services and spaces has beneficial impacts on the relationship established between the community members, and small services found at the ground floor can be used by people nearby, without suffocating the circulation nor disturbing the neighborhood. The diversity of space typologies is a direct result of different analogies with interior and exterior spaces from the area: courtyards, fences, gardens, porticos, balconies, etc.

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Design Benefits of individual housing units -such as private access, gardens, courtyards and semi-private – can be found in the new proposed complex and they become an attractive point for the future tenants. They also provide the means to guarantee the continuity of the existing urban tissue and in the same time they try to establish a favorable framework for the birth of a new community, with different degrees of intimacy.

C o m p o s i t i o n - F ra g m e n t a t i o n - F l e x i b i l i t y - A c c e s i b i l i t y


Apartaments types

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Technique From a technical point of view, the project is strongly linked to its orientations towards the exterior, as well as to its interior ones. Regarding the interior space, a good ventilation of the apartments was established and various points of view towards the exterior were provided for each unit. Another important aspect of the project is its orientation towards the nearby park, providing as a result an optimal amount of sunlight for the building. Together with green roofs, community spaces and bicycle parking lots, the interior courtyard created and all the green terraces offer the tenants a sense of belonging and a space to be seen as a major part of their lives.

portfolio | ana maria munteanu



portfolio | ana maria munteanu

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Multifunctional center | Berzei blvd - Bucharest


Year: 2015 Studio: Ştefan Scafa Udrişte Function: bussines center, offices, temporary housing/hotel

Context ‘Berzei – Buzesti’ boulevard is a very controversial area in the city of Bucharest. Tracing the boulevard has brought a series of violent of demolition in the area. The subject of the school project is formulated in the sense of revitalizing the area and the proposal must focus on the boulevard. Design|Function The site is located near Traian hall, an important historical monument of the city and an important market for the whole community. The project is set to have a lot of functions to the boulevard to serve the entire area: bussines center, conference rooms, offices, shops, restaurants, temporary housing, public spaces etc. In the middle of the plot is designed a large atrium (a public space) which unites all functions. Also, it integrates several existing old house on the plot to keep the identity of the place.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

portfolio | ana maria munteanu



portfolio | ana maria munteanu

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Philharmonic | Unirii blvd - Bucharest


Year: 2015 Studio: Ştefan Scafa Udrişte Function: concert hall, education, offices

Context The site or this project is set on a currently abandoned concrete platform where Ceausescu wanted to build the National Opera House during the communist regime. The entire boulevard and much of the area surrounding it has been built in the 80’s following the demolition of many traditional neighbourhoods.

Design|Function The existing masterplan suggests positioning the Philharmonic in the middle part of the site, while on its left will be a future business center with offices and commercial areas. On its right, the site will be occupied by the headquarters of the Ministry of Justice. The big open area in front of the Philharmonic is set to give a monumental perception on the building.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Principal elevation

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Secondary elevation



2nd basement

1st basement


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Ground floor

Longitudinal section

1st floor

Cross section

2nd floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

3rd floor


Collective housing | Mântuleasa - Bucharest


Year: 2013 Studio: Haytham Zeki & Andra Panait Function: collective housing

Context Mantuleasa neighborhood was a bohemian place, gathering architects, artists and merchants. This powerful community and the desire to create an intimate, yet open space were the elements that guided our design process. Since all people living in this neighborhood are so different and colorful, we decided that the type of building we would design should be diverse (both regarding functionality and the type of housing).

Design|Function The project included several types of houses: apartment (1, 2, 3 or 4 rooms), duplexes and individual homes with their own gardens. It is a project that gathers people from all trades and social statuses, placing an emphasis on community, while creating a dialogue between new and old design features.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu



Apartament types

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Mântuleasa elevation

AA’ section

street perspective

Ground floor


1st floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

2nd floor

BB’ section

CC’ section


3rd floor

4th floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu



Community center | Remus street - Bucharest


Year: 2012 Studio: Haytham Zeki & Andra Panait Function: social

Context|Function This project is a public location where members the community tend to gather for group activities, social support, public information, and other purposes. This is open for the whole community : children, adults, old people etc. Community center is a place for all, is a place to spend time relaxing, learning and mutual aid.tends to be user-friendly and interactive, and often scenographic exhibitions and multimedia programs.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


basement floor


ground floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

1st floor

plan details

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

section detail


Chiajna Monastery restoration | GiuleĹ&#x;ti road - Bucharest


Year: 2014 Studio: Ĺžtefan Bâlici Function: restoration

Context|Design The restoration of Chiajna Monastery was a project that required attention to the construction technique and details of the church. The purpose was to conserve the building and restore its initial form, while transforming it into attraction point for visitors. The curch is an important piece for the Romanian heritage. The restoration project includes a new covering system and structural interventions in order to preserve the building. From distance, the new covering system, was of metal strips illustrate the church as a silhouette and gives it an interior mystical light. Analyze - possibilities

A n a l y z e - d e g ra d a t i o n

Analogy argument


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

The choice


ground floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


roof plan


Public space | Mihai Bravu blvd - Bucharest


Year: 2012 Studio: Haytham Zeki & Andra Panait Function: public space

Context The assignment consisted in the improvement of a deconstructed space situated at the border between the old traditional urban tissue and the brutal intervention, with high collective dwellings built during the communist regime. The plot, located next to an important intersection, does not fulfill its purpose as a leisure place for the people living in the area. The site has an area of approximately 6000 square meters and at the moment consist of an improper playground and a place for occasional community fairs. Currently it has no vegetation, it is unwelcoming and is only used by the people living in the area as a shortcut in the neighborhood.

Design|Function Because the site is vast and hard to comprehend, the project was thought as a grid with rectangular plots of a 8 square meters each that has as a starting point the two axes made by the two alleys created by the locals to ease their crossing of the area. The plots were organized in different ways so that this public space would offer the visitor places to sit, greenery, water, surfaces, places protected from the sun and others exposed to the sun. The space is understood in a continuous change, never the same, either because of the different materiality of the plots, either because the landscape changes due the season change(different species of plants were selected so that season would be colorful). Maintaining the tradition of the community fair, the project proposes four pavilions in the middle of the site. The playground was designed as a protected placed in the narrow part of the site, near the buildings


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Public space plan

Seasonal color chart

Spring Summer



portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Pedestrian bridge | Titan park - Bucharest


Year: 2014 Studio: Ştefan Scafa Udrişte Function: bridge

Context Titan park is one of the biggest parks in Bucharest;surrounded by grey bland apartments on Titan Lake. Here there are five small islands, officially nicknamed the “Island of the Pensioners,” “Island of the IOR”, “Island of Dogs,” “Island of Roses” and “ The Sunken Island”. Look out too for the replica Maramures wooden church on the southern side of the park, on Str. Liviu Rebreanu, one of the most popular churches in Bucharest. You can be either a young rebel or a retired person, the Titan Park is a must see place in Bucharest to better discover the hidden city.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Revitalising urban design | Unirii blvd - Bucharest Year: 2013 Studio: Ĺžtefan Scafa UdriĹ&#x;te Function: modular pergola

Context The Unirii boulevard is important, not just for the District 3, but for the whole Bucharest. Following the 1980, Bucharest’s city center suffered significant damage, and a large number of historic buildings were demolished to make way for the new Civic Center. Now this boulevard needs to be revitalising for become a symbol and one of the favorite places for Bucharest inhabitants.

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Students competition C|A|S|A | Schei Quarter - BraĹ&#x;ov


Year: 2012 Studio: Haytham Zeki & Andra Panait Function: individual house

Context Schei is known as one of the oldest parts of the medieval city of Brasov. Situated in the exterior area of the medieval fortifications, the neighborhood is scattered on the hills, in the point where urban context interconnects with a powerful mountain landscape. Full of culture and tradition in the area preserves a nostalgic rural ambiance with small houses and crooked streets, always having the forest as a background.

Design|Function Situated on an upper area of the neighborhood ,the plot also has a strong slope which is facing the urban part of the city. The concept of the project is a playful of space and perception by introducing an inside and outside space between the street and the house.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

basement floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

ground floor


1st floor

Art center | Unirii blvd - Bucharest


Year: 2014 Studio: Ĺžtefan Scafa UdriĹ&#x;te Function: art gallery, cultural, education

Context The aim of the project was to propose a function that can be integrated in existing context by analyzing the actors of the social life. The plot is a surface which is a link between the old city part of Bucharest and the communist intervention. On one side we meet small pedestrian streets with a dense urban tissue, houses which are declared architectural monuments and an area known to activate at night time as the most important spot in social events. Bars, coffe shops, small utility and antique shops are forever present. On the other side we face Splaiul Unirii Boulevard divided in the middle by Dambovita River and scattered urban tissue build in the communist period. Two different urban contexts which connect in one point.

Design|Function The already existing spatial link is a pretext to change and convert the chaotic side of the city but it also can be perceived as a portal from one ambiance to another. The concept was to invite the people to participate in the social daytime life of the city by introducing a conceptual art gallery. People would come and see the artist installing art, making art and would be invited to participate as well. The ground floor is used as a portal from one street to another and has two separate entrance points facing the two streets.

site plan


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

ground floor

1st floor

Nicolae ToniĹŁÄƒ street elevation

2nd floor

Unirii Boulevard elevation

3rd floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

4th floor


longitudinal section

Cultural center | Traian 5 - Bucharest


Year: 2012 Studio: Haytham Zeki & Andra Panait Function: cultural, exhibition

Context Public spaces represent one of the most important issues architecture has to deal with nowadays. Bucharest, in particular, suffers greatly because of the lack of such spaces. There are very few of them, unevenly spread in the centre and some other key points of the city, but an immense part of Bucharest remains deprived of these very important spaces, generators of communities and interpersonal relationship.

Design|Function The studied site has a peculiar character, being at the limit between traditional urban tissue and the destructured area of the modernist blocks of flats. After a detailed site analysis, the conclusion was that that the project could not host only one architectural program because it has to address all types of people, so the proposal was to create a cultural apparatus which gets people together.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Longitudinal section

Cross section

Principal elavation

basement floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu

ground floor


1st floor

Horezu - Interpretation center | Romanii de Jos Village, Vâlcea


Year: 2011 Studio: Haytham Zeki & Andra Panait Function: cultural, museum

Context The site is located near Monastery of Horezu which represents an important centre for the diffusion of culture. Founded in 1690 by Prince Constantine Brancovan, the monastery is a masterpiece of the ‘Brancovan’ style. It is known for its architectural purity and balance, the richness of its sculptural detail, the treatment of its religious compositions, its votive portraits and its painted decorative works.

Design|Function The project is an interpretation centre, an institution for dissemination of knowledge of natural and cultural heritage. Interpretation centres use different means of communication to enhance the understanding of heritage. To aid and stimulate the discovery process and the visitor’s intellectual and emotional connection to heritage, the main presentation strategy tends to be user-friendly and interactive, and often scenographic exhibitions and multimedia programs.

ground floor


upper storey tower

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


Row houses | Vatra Luminoasă neighborhood, Bucharest Year: 2011 Studio: Haytham Zeki & Andra Panait Function: row housing

Context The site is located in a famous housing neighborhood (Vatra Luminoasa) that was mainly built in the 1930s. It use to accommodate people from the middle class. Each housing unit belongs to two families. These housing units were coupled , sharing a wall, in order to better use the land. A row of parcels in this area remained vacant and similar type of construction was requested. However, because the land owners wanted to divide the space into more lots, the typology of housing fitting was row housing.

ground floor

2nd floor

basement floor

1st floor

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


3rd floor

Interior design | Bucharest


Year: 2012 Studio: Dan Vucicovici Function: cafe bar

Context The project is an interior design solution for a small bar in Bucharest, that reguired maximum attention for details and technique. When you create a space bar, you need to consider a range of facilities. Bar furniture is designed to be the height of a bar and usually consists of the chairs, stools, shelves, table and windows presentation.


portfolio | ana maria munteanu

Free drawings


Year: 2009-2014

Context “When I draw something, I try to build some kind of history into it. Drawing an object that has a certain amount of wear and tear or rust; or a tree that is damaged. I love trying to render not just the object, but what it has been through.� - Alan Lee

portfolio | ana maria munteanu


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