Curso: Deseño de actividades TIC para o ensino de linguas extranxeiras- PLATEGA Módulo 4 – actividade 4 Ana Arias Castro
Comparative & superlative sentences 3º ESO Recursos necesarios: • ordenador con acceso a internet • impresora (opcional si deseamos imprimir la actividad) Contidos a tratar: • gramáticais: a comparación en inglés • vocabulario: adjetivos e cualidades • a cohesión do parágrafo Procedemento a seguir para levala á práctica: • lectura e explicación do cadro inicial (enténdese que é unha actividade complementaria de reforzo) • realización do exercicio 1 de práctica controlada • realización do exercicio seguinte, no que cómpre escribir textos no que se faga uso da competencia comunicativa por escrito integrando os recén adquiridos elementos gramaticais que permitan a comparación e contraste de elementos producindo textos coherentes e cohesionados.
Comparatives and superlatives short adjectives long adjectives exceptions short adjectives long adjectives exceptions
rule adjective + er THAN (double final consonant) (-y -ier) more + adjective + THAN good better bad worse far father, further THE + adjective + est (double final consonant) (-y -iest) THE + most + adjective
as ... as
good best bad worst far fathest, furthest (not) as + adjective + as
too enough
too + adjective (not) + adjective + enough
examples My sister is taller than you. They are slimmer than me. Sue is funnier than Eve. This unit is more important than that one. My mobile is more modern than yours. My car is good but yours is better. The situation is worse than I expected. Coruña is farther than Lugo. He is the wisest person in the family. This is the hottest fashion. Those jeans are the trendiest. This is the most exciting book I’ve ever read. The Beatles were the most popular band ever. This book is the best seller. Pollution is the worst problem we have. Australia is the farthest country from Spain. Jake is as tall as Shane. My mobile phone isn’t as expensive as yours. The exam was too difficult for me. They are clever enough to be quiet. The trousers aren’t long enough for me.
1) Complete these sentences. Use a comparative or superlative: a)
Betty’s car is bigger (big) than mine.
b) c) d) e) f)
Our house is _____________ (modern) than yours. My brother is _____________ (tall) than you. My sister is _______________ (old) as you. My mother is _________________ (hard-working) than my father. My mobile cost €100. Yours cost €120. So, my mobile phone is __________________ than yours and yours is ________________ than mine. g) Red roses are ________________ (beautiful) than yellow roses. h) High definition television is ________________ (good) than the previous system. i) Barcelona isn’t _________________ (populated) as Madrid. j) Mexico D.C. is the __________________ (populated) city in Latin America. k) Summer in Guntín is ______________ (dry) than winter but winter is the ________________ (cold) season.
2) Write comparative and superlative sentences using the information in the charts. old / young intelligent tall / short lazy / hard-working
old / new expensive / cheap comfortable efficient
15 very intelligent 1.81m very lazy
15 ½ very intelligent 1.65 m a bit lazy
16 not intelligent 1. 65 m very hard-working
14 a bit intelligent 1.60 m a bit hard-working
Seat 600
Ferrari Spider
Toyota Prius
Opel Corsa
very old cheap very uncomfortable a bit efficient
brand new very expensive very comfortable
new a bit expensive comfortable
not too old or new a bit cheap a bit uncomfortable
not efficient
very efficient
a bit efficient