1 minute read
About: The living wall was installed as a part of an office transformation, where green areas, transparenc, lught an materials were the protagonist of proposal. The green wall was designed aligned with a spiral staircase, a challenge in termns of design shapes, plant selection and auxiliary lighting design.


Design mainlines follow organic waves, as natural fibers, mixing textures and shapes of the different species in a balanced way. A rich planting palette has been selected, considering the properly illuminated space.
CONTRASTof textures and volumes; ferns leaves with rounded leaves: Asplenium pavarti, Philondendron scandes and Calathea orbifolia
Design mainlines follow organic waves, as natural fibers, mixing textures and shapes of the different species in a balanced way. A rich planting palette has been selected, considering the properly illuminated space.
COULOURS with elegant cosntrast where highlighted in the design, to create more defined shapes and accents over the green carpet.

Quadrant House
About: As part of the modernisation of the outdated building the Caterham and North Tandridge Regeneration Programme team decided to introduce a Living Wall, not only for aesthetic reasons, also for its biodiversity and microclimate benefits.

THE OBJECTIVE was to increase the local biodiversity and to guarantee a sustainable all year colour and interest planting palette. Design main lines have been established vertically, in a curved way, enclosing areas of different sizes and connecting upper panels with lower ones. Trustable species have been selected to perform the background of the living wall, with some spotted floral accents.
In addition, textures and different green tones will give interest to the design, but without breaking the overall simple and natural character of the design. PLANT SELECTION has been done considering the average climate and the Hardiness Zone of the region. Also, the sunlight study reveals that this facade will not receive more than 4 daily sun hours though the year and no proper sunlight during the winter/autumn months