The secret that doubles testosterone

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First of I would like to thank you for being part of the Anabolic Men Community! As a gift for your loyalty I would like to tell you this amazing secret that can easily double your testosterone levels and bring a huge list of amazing health benefits to you. This information that I'm giving away to you for free, is actual sold on various sites as an e-book with a huge price tag, however the same information that can be found on that super pricey e-book can also be found by digging up old studies and one special forum. So this trick is not invented by me, it was not even invited by the guy who sells the e-book about this very same secret – it was invented by a community of men and women on one single forum who actively research alternative health products. The huge increase in testosterone and libido was actually just something that the men in that very community noticed by an accident. Which later on led various of nutritional expert and real life doctors who participate in the very forums to create a protocol that was designed for men, to increase libido, energy and testosterone levels. Before I decided to share this information, I had to make sure that the protocol really works, so I purchased all the needed stuff for it and started to test this protocol out. The results were immediate. Although I had been doing this natural testosterone stuff for years, and I though I really had it all covered with already very high testosterone levels – this protocol really blew my mind completely! And I am not the only one, the forum that invented this thing practically has hundreds of men who are filled with enthuasism about this protocol, it has changed the lives of many men who before this suffered from ED or low testosterone. So it doesn't matter wether youre fit as fuck, or just an average Joe – this protocol will bring incredible results to anybody!

Scroll down to the next page to see the secret.

LIQUID IODINE WITH CO-FACTORS! Yup that's right the secret is high potency liquid iodine, along with few supplements to aid the processes of iodine. BUT! The iodine is not consumed orally for this protocol as you might think (you do also take it orally, but it's not the main part of this) The real secret is to paint you testicles with the iodine! Yes that's correct! I know it sounds funny, and it is funny! But let me tell you... This just works. Now before I reveal you the exact process how this has to be done for the benefits. I'll explain you why this works. It's all about the fact that Iodine is one of the most important minerals to human body, it's practically in every single cell of us. However toxic halides like fluoride, chlorine, and bromine will wreck havoc inside your body by taking iodine's spot inside the cells. When this happens in your thyroid cells and the leydic cells located at your testicles, your testosterone levels will plummet hard. And this has already happened to you. It's a sad fact that you cannot avoid fluoride, bromine or cholrine in the modern society - as fluoride and cholrine are found in the drinking water and tooth pastes for example, and bromine is absent in flours and bakery. So your body is pretty much filled with all the toxic halides, but it's deficient in iodine, which is no longer found in our soil or foods like it used to. This will lead to huge problems, that have been absent probably for your whole life – with you probably thinking that those symptoms are completely normal. So the whole thing in a nutshell is just you supplementing with iodine straight to the places where you nee it the most, to drive away all the toxic halides from the body, and replace them with the iodine your body

is craving for. And the place that your body really needs the iodine is your testicles! Because if there's fluoride in your leydig cells - which there is if you haven't been living in a bubble for your whole life, you really need to get rid of that fluoride to really start the full production of testosterone. This might sound like a big fucking hype, but I'm just so excited about this whole thing, as it literally worked so amazingly well! I mean I would of never have thought that after years of doing natural testosterone stuff, something would still completely blow my mind like this protocol. So let's take a closer look at the whole protocol and how to do it. On the next page we'll look into the necessary co-factors and everything else.


Below are the exact minimum requirements for the co-factors that you MUST consume when painting with iodine. (this is the original and communtiy accepted text from the forum) If you decide to supplement with iodine, you MUST take these co-supplements: - 200ug Vitamin K2 (has to be k2, not k1) - ½ tsp Natural Celtic Salt, Himalayan Pink Salt, Redmonds Salt or Hawaiin black salt (if the sea salt is pure white, it is unacceptable - minerals have been stripped out) - 200mcg selenium (L-selenomethionine or Methylselenocystine preferred) - 400 mg Magnesium - Glycinate preferred - 2,000mg Vitamin C (ester preferred) - ATP Cofactors caplet contains both 100mg B2 & 500mg B3 (Niacin) - The iodine that you should use is liquid iodine, like lugols for example with very high potency (mines 17,000 times the equilavent of RDA per drop) DO REMEMBER THAT WE'RE NOT TALKING ABOUT RADIOACTIVE IODINE HERE. WARNING if you are not willing to take the co-supplements with the protocol there's then no real reason to do this whole thing, as the halogens that we are flushing out with this protocol, would only get instantly reabsorbed without these co-factors! The above supplements are copied straight out of the original very succesful protocol – however, me being a guy who does everything as naturally as possible, decided to avoid those synthetic vitamins and minerals. Instead on the next page you'll find my my own natural approach to this thing that will work actually much better as the preferred nutrients are in much more bio-available form. While simultaneously being much more cheaper alternative to the one above.

The Anabolic Men protocol for Iodine painting THE VITAMIN K2 You can easily get the needed vitamin K2 from fremented foods, such as sauerkraut – most of the k2 is actually in the liquid of it, so what I like to do is, I use somethingh to squeeze the liquid out of the contents of the sauerkraut and just drink it. That's some instantly absorbing k2 right there! This post will explain a bit more. (Synthetic forms of vitamin k2 have been shown to be in-effective and partially unhealthy, that's one more reason to take this natural approach) THE SALT As stated in the original co-factors the salt has to be original salt with the full mineral content. NEVER USE TABLE SALT. Instead just use some of the original salt like himalayan pink mineral salt, crystal salt, unrefined sea salts. Etc THE SELENIUM This whole selenium thing is very important, and after magnesium I'd say that the selenium is the most important co-factor of them all, so do not skip this. You don't need to supplement with synthetic selenium for this protocol to work, instead eat BRAZILIAN NUTS. Those nuts contain over 500mcg's of selenium per 5-7 nuts! So instead of buying synthetic selenium supplement. Consider purchasing a bag of brazilian nuts which are far more bio-available to your body. THE MAGNESIUM For the magnesium I do two things, raw chocolate and transmedal magnesium oil. The oil will absorb very effectively to your body right trough your skin for maximum effects, and the orally consumed raw chocolate will make sure that there's no need for extra magnesium anytime soon. THE VITAMIN C For the vitamin C, I would normally use Camu Camu berry powder which is the highest botanical source of C but it alco contains calcium which will hamper iodine's activity a bit so for the program I prefer the basic vitamin C ester pills. THE ATP CO-FACTORS CAPLET This is the only one that I supplement as a pill, as it's designed to be used together with iodine. THE ACTUAL IODINE People have been testing this protocol with various different forms of iodine, but the one that is definitely the best is something with both IODINE AND IODIDE. As your prostate uses IODINE but your thyroid which regulates hormones will use IODIDE. So the best form of liquid Iodine supplement is without a doubt LUGOLS SOLUTION which has both.

Okay so now that you know the needed supplements for this to work perfectly, you need to know how to exactly do it. Here's the most beneficial approach for testosterone production and libido; 1. consume about 10 brazilian nuts (selenium) along with the raw chocolate (magnesium) and sauerkraut liquid (K2) 2. mix your selection of quality salt in to a glass of water, and add 2 drops of iodine in to the glass, pour the mixture in to your mouth and keep there for a minute, then swallow. 3. Consume the vitamin C in the form of Camu Camu powder, 1 tbl spoon should be enough. Also take your ATP co-factor caplets. 4. Next on starts the actual testicle painting protocol so make sure you read this part carefully; - you will spray you balls, chest and insides of your thighs with the magnesium oil and wait for couple of minutes before hitting the shower (this part will tingle a bit). 5. In the shower you will use moderately hot water to wash of the magnesium oil and to make sure that your skin will absorb the iodine more easily. 6. After the shower dry yourself and apply 4-8 drops of liquid Iodine straight onto your balls, and massage it into the skin, also you should take 2 drops orally. 7. Then just wait for a few minutes before putting on any pants to let the iodine absorb straight into your leydig cells 8. Then just go on with your day like you normally do, and repeat this procedure every other day. ( by not doing this daily you make sure that your scrotum will not get irritated, as iodine can be pretty harsh on skin) TIPS, TRICKS & WARNINGS –

After you notice the huge benefits of this program, you will ofcourse want to up the dosage, however I strongly suggest that you always stay below 10 drops of iodine per day, as it may have toxic effects in the body when taken too much.

It's much easier to apply iodine to shaved balls

To avoid the burning effects on skin, you can use carrier oil, such as grapeseed oil for instance (but avoid vegetable oils, they will not do anything good for your testicles.)

You could wear rubber gloves to avoid getting iodine to your hands as it leaves a yellowish color for few hours after.

The co-factors can be taken also again after your painting to maximize the effects.


Try not to consume Calcium at the same time when painting as it hampers the program a bit.

Start The Program So now you know how to do it, and you also know what you need to do it, next on I will give you links to these items that I use myself which will work for 100% certain if you do it exactly like told above. I will give you two options. One will be the classic one which was invented by the community who invented this whole thing, and the other one is something that I modified to furthermore enchance absorbtion and testosterone production. - Both will work so give or take. After these links ill ad a fancy disclaimer to this .pdf which just means that I am not a doctor etc. I'll also add a bunch of testimonials from those forums where men have literally gotten their teen years back with this thing.


Lugols Iodine

Vitamin K2

Himalayan Crystal Salt



Vitamin C

ATP Co-Factors

THE ANABOLIC MEN IODINE PROGRAM ITEMS: (almost the same blueprint with slight modifications for higher bio-availbity)

Lugols Iodine

Sauerkraut Juice (K2)

Himalayan Crystal Salt

Brazil Nuts (Selenium)

Raw Chocolate and Magnesium Oil (Magnesium)

Vitamin C

ATP Co-Factors

TESTIMONIALS THIS ONE IS FROM A 56 YEARS OLD MAN FROM THE FORUMS: ”I have painted 20 drops of 5% elemental Iodine (Lugols should work too) on one side of the testes and perineum and then the next night, on the other side, making sure that 48 hours separates the same side painting. That way no sun burn effect happens. Note: A slight burning occurs momentarily when painting takes place, but is very tolerable. Very incredible results occurred! Also, the product output (semen) resulted in increased quantity and yes, viscosity. However when I started K2 mk4 doing 15 mg’s I achieved full RIGOR mortis in a profound way several minutes after ingesting the K2 and the next morning I awake with a teenage woody that only a morning tinkle would relieve. Strangely, I had to reduce the K2 mk4 to just 5 mg’s a night but I suspect 3mg’s or even 1 mg’s would work for younger people since I am now 56. So Iodine and K2 makes a man be, much more of a man! I always do the painting at bed time only... Take a dropper and fill it up. Drip about 20 drops back into the bottle and get an idea in your mind where 20 drops are on the dropper glass. That way you won't have to set there and drip 20 drops each time, give or take a few drops. So now load about 20 drops into the dropper and drag the dropper in the middle of the perineum starting near the backside to the front. Quickly take 4 fingers and spread the Iodine over the entire area which will include the inside of the leg, the perineum and entire side of the testes. Remember the next night do the other side so that 48 hours passes before you get back to the original side you started with. Of course I was still taking large amounts of iodine orally also! You can always put a rubber glove on to keep iodine off your fingers but I love iodine most anywhere! I did it every night for along time. Now I do it a couple of times a month! There is no question Iodine increases testosterone. I've raised my free and total T 60% since starting iodine 12 months ago (monthly blood work). Still have a ways to go to get into range for my age. I'm now taking 100mg As the data goes to show there was - despite the usual diurnal ups-and-downs a clear trend towards increased serum testosterone levels in the MK-4 group - on average, +56% more testosterone from weeks 1-5 in the MK4 group. And a whopping +70% at the end of the study period. An even greater increase of +88% was seen in the tissue concentration of testosterone within the testes. The latter went hand in hand with a profound enrichment in vitamin K2 content in the reproductive organs, as well as in the livers of the MK4-supplemented animals (no, I did not make a mistake, there really was almost no MK4 in the livers of unsupplemented animals, cf. figure 2). ”

MORE TESTIMONIALS Conversation continues on a different thread ============================= ”I started with Iodine and it was incredible what it did on my overall well being! After painting the privates. Libido took off! Remember, the one a day regimen of aspirin, the docs had me on, depleted my K2 stores. So the k2 took me even higher in a libido sort of way. The docs say I have the heart of a 70 year old. Iodine has given me the libido and spirit of a teenager! A GOOD man has preached for so long : “Iodine” makes everything work better. And, oh yea; EVERYTHING! The TRUTH doesn't always hurt...” =============

”This is starting to freak me out. I have painted (my testicles) Lugol's for three days now. WOW, I feel like my Newfoundland attacking a beef bone. The reason why I ask is that I keep on thinking it is my mind causing the change. NO WAY. I am noticing some nice changes. Does it work that quick?” =============== ”It did for me by the next morning! Sensation increased several fold! Output had more quantity and viscosity too! (This was my experience exactly - Grizz) I posted about this over 3 years ago. I know, it sounds like a sex ad. But I have had a long affair with iodine! It can be addictive!” ========================

”My girlfriend was wondering if I was on something because I was on the attack mode. I have been taking Lugol's for some time now. I added all the support supplements and coconut oil. I have lost weight and feel great. This painting stuff puts ingesting the Lugol's to shame. Well, maybe I don't see what it is doing inside etc. Is it possible to overdose on painting? I feel great...” ======================= ”By all means, keep ingesting it because the inside-out method is very powerful on so many other levels. I suspect if you didn't have all the halagens to fight then the MILLIgram level of Iodine you take would take you to the finish line! But the outside-in painting goes direct to the organs in a profound way. Oh, and your prostate, will thank you. So go ahead and have a ball…! More than half of men in their 50's will have benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and by 80 years of age, 90% of men will have it. Scientists don't know what causes prostate cancer??? But we at this FORUM do! P.S. I’ve often wondered how much in a libido way it would help a women to alternate painting 5 inch diameter circles each night on the skin, above her ovaries, as well as keep taking it orally. But at the very least it would help prevent ovarian cancer to a degree. And a much diluted iodine solution could be applied as a douche a couple of times a week on both ovaries. and prevent cancer a lot…! ”

”Your invention of painting testicles has just helped a man suffering from a testicular cyst his entire life ! ! He painted his testicles and WAHLAH the cyst is GONE like magic ! ! IT'S ANOTHER IODINE MIRACLE.”

”I have been spraying several squirts of magnesium oil on myself, my daughter, and my wife over the last couple of months. (I started taking some magnesium malate and I like it too) Anyway I started painting small circles of iodine on my wife and then I was putting full dropper full’s of iodine on different parts of her body. She started taking 10,000 iu’s of D3 also. I mostly painted iodine on my daughter and myself also, to encourage my wife to try and continue iodine... I upped my daughter and my D3 from 2000 iu's to 5000 IU’s. My wife took 5 MILLIgrams of K2 mk4 three times a day with a teaspoon of olive oil each day and my daughter and I took 2 MILLIgrams of K2 mk4 three times a day with coconut oil. We will keep our D3 levels checked. This is the only change in our diets and my wife has lost over 30 lbs and my daughter and I have each, lost 16 lbs. Iodine, K2 mk4, D3, and magnesium will curtail osteoporosis and even help new bone growth flourish. My absolute belief is that when IODINE has the right materials (vitamins, minerals, etc.) to work with, stubborn weight will melt away, libido will flourish, good health will abound, diseases will flee! T2t ”




DISCLAIMERS: The information on this .pdf is designed for educational purposes only. It is not intended to be a substitute for informed medical advice or care. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat any health problems or illnesses without consulting your pediatrician or family doctor. Please consult a doctor with any questions or concerns you might have regarding your conditions

It is your right to educate yourself in health and medical knowledge, to seek helpful information, and make use of it for your own benefit, and for that of your family. You are the one responsible for your health. In order to make decisions in all health matters, you must educate yourself. The views and nutritional advice expressed by this e-book are not intended to be a substitute for conventional medical service. If you have a severe medical condition, see your physician of choice. I do not claim to "cure" disease, but simply help you make physical and mental changes in your own body in order to help your body heal itself.

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