Work Book

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ana cortez barbosa

Si l’on entend par éternité Non la durée infinie mais l’intemporalité, Alors il a la vie éternelle celui qui vit Dans le présent. Notre vie n’a jamais de fin, Comme notre champ de vision est sans frontière.

If we take eternity to mean not infinite temporal duration but timelessness, then eternal life belongs to those who live in the present. Our life has no end in just the way in which our visual field has no limits.

Ludwig Wittgenstein in DOLLÉ, Jean-Paul, Territoire du rien ou la contre-révolution patrimonial, Paris, Éditions Lignes & Manifestes, 2005, Pg.1335

Graduated with a master’s degree in Architecture from FAUP, Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto, I’ve been working for two years in Francisco Barata Fernandes & Madalena Pinto da Silva, Lda where I learned how to do preliminary drafts, licensing projects, monitoring work, and had direct contact with complem. teams and clients. Throughout University, I’ve also participated in many workshops led by well-known architects and, in 2012, I won two contests both of them in the aim of European Capital of Culture’12. Besides architecture, my passions are interior design, photography, cinema and travelling. I consider myself a positive person, creative, persevering, honest, flexible, thoughtful, good at conceptual thinking, and a good team player.




Anuária faup’07

organized by Guimarães 2012 In the aim of European Capital of Culture 2012 exhibited in CAAA-Centre for Art and Architecture Affairs

organized by Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (faup) exhibited in Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (faup) 2011

Master plan bruno

publicated in Boarding Pass by Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (faup)


Master Thesis

“A alma dos Espaços. Construções de lugar” [“The Soul of the Spaces. Construction of place”] in Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (faup) 19/20 orientation by Arch Madalena Pinto da Silva 2005 to 2011

Master of Architecture

in faculdade de arquitectura do porto (faup) 14/20 2009 to 2010


in technische universität graz, (tu graz), Austria 2007 to 2009

oil Painting

personal classes with Ricardo Leite 1988 to 1998

Primary School

in École Française de Porto, Porto

main subjects architectural project, urbanism, hand draw, history of architecture, construction, geometry, work with wood, lighting, oil painting

TECHNICAL Skills archicad, autocad, adobe indesign, adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop, physical models, digital photography, photomontages, and hand drawing [Hight capacity of adaptation and quick improvement to other software]

PERSONAL Skills strong team work sense, positive, punctual, responsable, creative, perseverant, honest, flexible, thoughtful, sociable First language portuguese Other languages english, french and spanish

INTERESTS Travel, Cinema, Design, Photography and Contemporary art

CV winner honorable mention

PERSONAL Information Nationality portuguese Date of birth 29-01-1987

PROFESSIONAL Experience 2012 to [...]


2011 to 2012


in Francisco Barata Fernandes & Madalena Pinto da Silva, Lda.

in Francisco Barata Fernandes & Madalena Pinto da Silva, Lda.

main subjects preliminary draft, licensing project, monitoring work, direct contact with complementary teams and clients




Estruturas Urbanas

by Guimarães 2012 in the aim of European Capital of Culture’12

by Find Lab in the aim of European Capital of Culture’12 in partnership with Arch António Cruz Lopes




Espaço Publico


Il parco e a città. Il território storico dell’appia nel futuro di Roma

by Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), Arch Camilo Rebelo, João Pedro Serôdio and Nuno Brandão Costa in partenership with Fábio Veríssimo, Joana Azevedo, João Maia, Margarida Leão and Steffan Heath

organized by Faculdade de Arquitectura da Universidade do Porto (FAUP), Architect Cristina Guedes, Francisco Vieira de Campos, Helder Casal Ribeiro and Madalena Pinto da Silva in partenership with António Cruz Lopes, Francisco Ascensão, Jaime Cunha and Sabrina Stafin

organized by Sapienza Università di Roma and UNESCO representing faup with Arch Francisco Barata Fernandes and Madalena Pinto da Silva in partenership with Alessia Zarzani, Roberto Carpino and Erica Chladová

Camilo Rebelo Arquitecto Unipessoal Lda. Rua da Arrábida Nº189, 4150-110 Porto | | T/F:+351226161597 |

To whom it may concern,

Porto 06.11.2013 Dear Colleague, This letter is to present Ana Barbosa as a young architect. I met Ana during her 4th school year 2008/2009 in F.A.U.P. – Faculty of Architecture from Oporto University, as a student in my Atelier. She is clever, a much focused student, always a hard worker and extremely interested in the discipline issues and in contemporary architecture. She demonstrated the capacity to incorporate new issues and themes, conceptualizing and producing nice spaces and forms. She spent a year – 2009/2010 abroad as an Erasmus student in Austria–Graz. This experience was very important to her, both in the achievement of personal development as in knowledge of the central European cultures. After the Erasmus experience she made her diploma, an academic thesis which was highly valuated. Since Ana finished her studies she has been practicing in an Oporto atelier but her desire to improve abroad in the professional field is the reason why she aspires to practice with a highly qualified atelier as yours. I’m truly convinced that she can be a good collaborator for your team, with the capacity to integrate with very good results.

Best regards, Camilo Rebelo.




2011, built

wooden chair


2010, built, academic



2012, built, contest

housing for immigrants


2010, academic

rehabilitation of a xix’s century house 2011, master thesis

public library


2009, academic

public school


2012-2013, monitoring work

square coronel pacheco 2011, workshop

douro’s front


2011, workshop



2012, contest



2010, academic

watt apia antica 2011, workshop




handle built

2011 gaia Portugal

This handle, made in brushed steel, was designed thinking that this is the first object with which we have contact before entering the house. The design adapts do the man’s hand with a little curvature. It is a piece with 1,15 x 0,06 x 0,06.


wooden chair built, academic 2010 graz Austria

Thirty radius converge on the axis of the wheel And it’s the emptiness of the center that made her move. We mold the clay to create the voids And it’s the interior void that makes it useful. We open the doors and the windows on the wall of the house And it’s from those voids that we live it. The BEING verify the vantage of the things But it’s for the not being that we use them

Lao Tse, Tao Te King in CARNEIRO, Alberto, Campo Sujeito e Representação no Ensino e na Prática do Desenho/Projecto, Porto, publicações F.A.U.P., 1995, Pg.81



built, contest Estruturas Urbanas - organized by find lab, in the aim of europe capital of culture 2012 in partnership with antonio cruz lopes WINNER 2012 guimarães Portugal

Shelter is an object to enjoy the open air space no matter if in a warm or rainy day. It can be used in public or private spaces and be placed whether in a park, a square, or a garden. It was designed in the aim of a contest that was calling for the design of urban furniture to support public activities in the city’s center of Guimarães. We project this shelter ideal to read a book, play a table game, watch cinema, or for an exhibition.



wi er


r e n in

It’s like if we only leave in what is passing by, consumed by the spectacle of his passage, taking advantage of what exactly the reality continuously dies. The poetry cries it; then, remembering it, will try to create the magic picture of the sacred time through an active language, creator. It will continuously search the innocence of the word and will do it going deeper to the interior of our hermetic life until he founds a certain space, a lake of calmness and quietness; on that point, this center from which it’s possible to ensure everything, without ever losing it. It is, it will always increasing be, its illusion. The word will always return to what it seems to be its opposite and even enemy: the silence. (…) But, on the back down until the silence, it has to go deep to the interior of the rhythm; to absorb everything that the word in its logic form seems to have left behind. Because only on being, at the same time, thought, image, rhythm and silence seems that the word can recuperate its lost innocence, and being for once pure action, creator word.

María Zambrano in ZAMBRANO, María, A metáfora do coração e outros escritos, Lisboa, Assírio & Alvim, 1993, Pg.45


xix’s century house master’s thesis orientaded by arch madalena pinto da silva, 19/20 2010/2011 porto Portugal

Thesis abstract Nothing is eternal or unchangeable, as nothing is strict or undeniable. The reality is constructed by us and we are the construction of the reminding and forgetting of what we are and made us being a being in the world, a person in a place. As the contemporary city is constructed by the witnesses of a pass, a present and a future, where memory and nostalgia tent to be confused, we try to focus, in this work, on the transformative/mutacional capacity of the city, according to his position and relation with the evolutionary condition of the single men. Considering the architecture as a concordance between shapes and signs, between men and the necessity of living Space, we search the architectonic argument, not just a physical circumstance of the space, but the analyzing of the values underlying to the space that makes the interaction with men, as also by a physical dimension but a conceptual one, sensitive and perceptive.

The public space is a place of common remembrance. In a certain way, we are what we remind or what we want to remind. The authors constitutes as part of the play in the sense that they articulate a space of reminding and forgetting, a story that they can conceder common, even if the common is nothing else but the continuity of a controversy. Daniel Innerarity

in INNERARITY, Daniel, El nuevo espacio público, Madrid, Editorial Espasa Calpe, S.A., 2006, Pg. 57











S4 0m








for immigrants academic orientaded by arch anna popelka and georg poduschka 2010 viena Austria

Like in many countries in Europe, Austria receives, daily, legal and illegal emigrants in its country. In 2000, 9,8% of the resident population was composed by emigrants, one of the highest percentage, when compared with the others European countries. For a better and easiest integration between the Austrian habitants and the other coming from abroad, sometimes with cultures, habits and languages so dissimilar and contrasting, the Austrian government puts an effort on the creation of residential blocs adapted to receive foreign communities. There, the emigrants construct, between them, a unifying connection, based in the comprehension and camaraderie, recognized values as encourager for an easiest incorporation with the society where they hope to integrate with. This politic of integration, instead of the social exclusion, promotes an undeniable enrichment to the cultural and sociable growth of the local inhabitants.The proposal that has been given – the creation of a residential bloc for emigrants, located by the Museums Quartier – asked us to defined an integration strategy within the city and the population (on which way could the emigrants come to relate with people passing by) also to defined the users of those buildings, if they would be just for foreign people or also locals. In that sense, we draw a complex of 3 building with only 4 levels, assembled in a way that would give the idea of neighborhood. Each building corresponds to a different theme that we think has to do with the easiest way to share culture and knowledge – the music, the culinary and the dance. Organized in gallery distribution, they ensure the particularity of offering, in the lower level, a space to workshops relates to the theme of that building where the inhabitants can teach and share their knowledge. On the top roof, those tree buildings are connected between them so that it’s possible to any person, after having pass through the buildings, to access to the top and also to the organization of big parties that would exchange the experiences of which specialty.





public library

academic work oriented by arch camilo rebelo, 16/20 2008/2009 porto Portugal

In my fourth year of University, the task was to design a public library in Gaia, Portugal. This library has to have an conference room, a bookstore, a cafeteria, a child and an adult library and an administration area. We had also to think about tow different entrances – one public and the other for cervices – and to solve the surroundings. In a topography with 5 meters difference of high between the south and north part, we divided the terrain on two platforms so that we could redraw a new way down between those two levels, in alternative to the existing one that forces to go through the big roundabout which scale it’s inappropriate for a human scale. On the superior platform there’s a quadrangular volume from where is draw the public entrance. This volume is craved by a patio where a tree grows up to 5 meters. Putting the functions with a more transitory use on the upper level, as it is the book shop, conference room and a cafeteria, we left the program of the library rooms for the lower level, with more reserved patios and privacy. The administrative part is located in the ground level, facing a third patio – a service patio with its own service entrance, working independently to the rest of the library.


1- Entrance 2- Reception 3- Book store 4- Auditorium 5- Bar 6- Hall 7- Adults 8- Children 9- Administration 10- Loading dock S1








public school

escola secundária d. egas moniz monitoring work and project review in the aim of cost-cutting in francisco barata fernandes & madalena pinto da silva, lda. 2012-2013 resende, Portugal

Since November 2011, I’ve been working in Francisco Barata Fernandes & Madalena Pinto da Silva, one year as an intern and one year as an architect, where I’ve done, within other things, Monitoring work and Project review in the aim of cost-cutting from, the school Escola Secundária D. Egas Moniz, Resende, Portugal











square coronel pacheco

requalification a square in the center workshop organized by faculdade de arquitectura da universidade do porto (FAUP), ach cristina guedes, francisco vieira de campos, graça correia, hélder ribeiro, madalena pinto da silva, manuel fernandes de sá and pedro bandeira in partnership with antónio lopes, francisco ascensão, jaime cunha and sabrina stafin 2011 porto Portugal

In just two days, we’ve been asked to reformulate the square of Coronel Pacheco, a little square located in Porto’s center, on the mediation of a university campus and a commercial street. Currently dominated by an existing parking car, we were challenged to redesign and redefined the area to park the cars out of the square and to restructure the square and its use. Therefore, we started from the difference of level already existing in the territory to draw the division of the square in two moments, corresponding to two types of circulation - one fast and other slow. The transition among those two levels is made by big quadrangular plates that help, not only to ascent from other level, but also to a more interaction to the activities that can happen here in the future. The existing geometry of this square configures itself a reserved and contained space, with a welcoming scale.


douro’s front

requalification of an historical front workshop organized by faculdade de arquitectura da universidade do porto (FAUP), arch camilo rebelo, joão pedro serôdio and nuno brandão costa in partenership with fábio veríssimo, joana azevedo, joão maia, margarida leão and seffan heath 2011 porto Portugal

Considering the connection between those four parts: Miragaia, Alfandega, Ribeira and the Historical City Centre as confused and imperceptible in the immensity and ruggedness of this platform, we decided to develop the theme fluxes to unify and integrated them. Considering the program that has been given - the construction of a port/dock to support two boats of 90 meters long, a restaurant, an exhibition space, a fairground, a concert area and a multi-uses space, we started to draw a new south limit of this platform, as well as longitudinal lines that would help us defining new connection points between the four identified zones as disaggregated but with associable potentialities. We pretended to transform this massive platform in one transitory element between tree different moments: in the lower level, Miragaia; in the middle level, Alfandega of Oporto and, on the opposite side, the old houses of Ribeira; and, in the higher level, all the development of the Antic City. The second concept of this work refers to the flexibility of the uses - considering that the use of the public space varies according his environment and scale, we decided to organized this platform in continuous spaces but with different relations and dimensions. Along the established platform in the 8th level, there’s a rail structure (reminiscence to the existing rail way that was used to bring here the commodity from the Ribeira until Alfandega) where, standard elements with 3 meters long form 2.40 meters height slides until configuring a little fair. Those slides elements are also possible to be arranging in a store-room built-in between this platform and the ramp that gives her access. Also in a situation of big events, parties or concerts, there’s the chance to construct a stage 2.40 meters from the floor, composed by the carriages that gives support, in one other situation, to the fair.




PLANS fair

the house’s garden

contest Made-in - organized by guimarães 2012 in the eim of europe capital of culture 2012 winner two projects in four selected projects 2012 guimarães Portugal

The public lavadouros (wash’s houses) emerged at the end of the 19th century as a collective space where the feminine population washed his clothes and enjoyed the moment spent with other feminine elements while they accomplish a domestic task. Not only this place has an utilitarian character, but it’s also a place of socialization and gathering between the women. The lavadouros are supported by an ecological system where the renewal of the water is made by the natural source of the river that passes by. Along the 20th century, plenty of the lavadouros located in the city’s center fell into disuse as a consequence of the demographic development that emphasize the separation between the public and the private life and the appearance of the washer machines. Curiously, the Guimarães’s lavadouros are still in use, although by an older population. That makes us think that the ritual of meeting in the lavadouros and the use of this natural source may be on extinction, one day. We also verify that the lavadouros presented (four), are located in a very particular situations, whether by there’s topography, whether by there’s surroundings. Also, mostly of the time, they present some free space next to the tank, where we could intervene as a support to the lavadouro’s structure so that this place gains a refreshed view by the inhabitants. We decide to make an enclosure to each tank that, in one way, protects the user of the lavadouros of the weather conditions and, in other way, filters the storm waters as a natural source to renew the water tank. The shape of this structure remains to the image of a house to emphasize the domestic reference of the concept of lavadouro. This structure is also made with an ecological material, wood, and adapts very easily to the dimensions of each tank. In the environment of the tank we propose four differents public spaces according to the topography and localization in the city by using the theme of “House’s Garden” so that we could work each one in different way without losing a global image.



wi er


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masterplan academic orientated by eng johann zancanella 1/5 in partnership with filipa pereira and gizem agkun published in Boarding Pass 2010 brno Check Republic

Brno is the second largest city in the Czech Republic. Situated in the basin of the Svratka and Svitava rivers and between the Bohemian-Moravian hills and the southern Moravian lowlands is home to a population of 366.680 (2006) inhabitants. Standing on a crossroads, its signpost shows two directions, in which the city should proceed. One direction is based on tradition, the other one on innovation. Industry, namely textile and engineering, and provincialism can be seen as locomotives of the city economy based on tradition from industrial revolution. Innovations as advanced technologies, scientific developments and openness to the neighbors and the world are seen as potential that will become a locomotive as strong as tradition. SWOT ANALYSE „S“ Strengths: favorable geographic position and importance within the region,natural background of the city,heritage / attractiveness of the city for investors ,high proportion of services in the economy / city of universities and of foreign students / gradual construction of the Outer Ring Road „W“ Weaknesses: international anonymity / lack of friendliness in the services / insufficient supply of ready-made areas for business development / high amount of brownfield areas / decay in residential housing in the downtown / insufficient implementation of the system of city green areas and lack of public spaces „O“ Opportunities: strengthening of national and regional / development of revitalization of brownfields / expanding of green areas with recreational function / keeping university graduates in Brno / the implementation of the reconstruction of the Brno railway junction / development of the international airport and air transport „T“ Threats: weakening of the importance within the country / gradual decomposition of the compact urban structure / growing share of individual car transport on noise and air pollution / gradual change of green city areas into areas with different function


HOT SPOTS axonometries






wat appia antica reorganization of an historical territory in appia antica, rome workshop organized by sapienza università di roma in colaboration with UNESCO represented by arch francisco barata fernandes and madalena pinto da silva in partenership with alessia zarzani, roberto carpino and erica chladová honorable mention 2011 rome, Italy

A Park is not just a green area and Green Areas are more than just simple open fields. The Appia Park needs different connections among the heterogeneity of its 10 kilometer extension and, for that reason, this project proposes to connect the five centralities that surrounds the park and the three metro lines of Rome by creating a new connection system that crosses Via Appia Antica. This new line allows people to >experience different moments and different landscapes as history and journey, not only in the landscape but also in the time. Searching for the potential of Laurentina Centrality, it emerged that not only in its topography but also in the existing research area and green border spaces, the need for connections, both physical and visual were requierd. The starting point of this trip is in the valley of the city, continuing to cross the Via Adreatina, varied agriculture fields, the Via Appia Antica, Quarto Miglo, Cinecittà and the Park of Centro Celle, and finding its end in a connection point to the new metro C. The main proposal of this project is the connection between the Via Appia Park and the City of Rome, converting the existing urban parks close to the Appia Park, linking them in a circular system made by walking and bike paths. In addition to this green ring, a new transport line connects three metro lines, closing the loop of the metro system by linking lines A, B and C. The connection system between Laurentina Station, Cinecittà Station and the Park of Centro Celle is enriched by the heterogeneity of the landscape and by extended views to the landscape.


S2 / S3


S2 / S3









rua do molhe, 285, 4100-501, porto, portugal

ana cortez barbosa +351 93 961 63 62

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