Label Election Special

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Natasha Cox Editor in Chief

4 7

Grace Meritt Editor Ana Curbelo Art Director George Mostyn Online Content Editor Broderick Suthlerland Deputy Editor Greg Carter Head of Illustration Carolyn Brown Head of Photography Jan Baykara Design Assistant Meghan McCabe Vignette O’Brian News Editors Cathryn Antoniadis Laura Smith Features Editors Dan Nicholson Ella Stanbrook Music Editors Beth Baker-Wyse Joanna Donnelly Culture Editors Anna Birtwistle Chloé Fallon Style Editors Chloe Hemmings Rebecca Oldham Sport Editors

EDITORIALS Broderick Sutherland – Deputy Editor Ellie Read – President Ali Cole - VP Democracy and Communications


President and VP Democracy and Communications VP Education and Finance VP Welfare and Head of Media Rag and Action SocFed President and AU President






THE EXECUTIVE ELECTIONS LEGACY Additional Contributors Chloe McMackin Amber Hawkins Kathryn King

Peter Woolley Webmaster Maxine Cheyney Head of Events and Marketing

Cover image by Ana Curbelo

Disclaimer: Label is the publication of Loughborough Students’ Union. The opinions contained are those of individual contributors, not of Loughborough Students’ Union, the editorial team, or any other officer of the union unless otherwise stated.

From the Deputy The Winds of Change How do you measure success? Do you measure it by quality or quantity? If one were to take the ‘glass half-empty’ approach to these Executive Elections then you could argue that very little has changed. The candidates have their usual gimmicks with the posters, the costumes and the sweets which add nothing to the political nature of what elections are supposed to be about.

Label Magazine, your fortnightly fix of all things Loughborough.

However, if one were to take the ‘glass half-full’ approach to the elections then you can simply disregard the above as gibberish. The newly implemented budget cap, as well as LSUTV’s The Bubble Debate and the shortening of the campaign period meant that policy has been scrutinized more than ever before or at least in the three years of my Loughborough experience. I would argue that the gimmicks are necessary for the time being until Loughborough becomes more accustomed to the political nature of elections. Yet the winds of change are blowing for a more serious Executive with people that are definitely suited for ‘The Ultimate Graduate Job.’ Therefore it can be said that this election can be judged as a success story. Voting figures may not have been affected significantly, but it is safe to say that the quality of these elections will hopefully define a new legacy for the politics of Loughborough Student’s Union. Until next time, Broderick Sutherland Deputy Editor

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What a few weeks it has been! The preparation, recommendations, nominations, running, voting and results of elections has proved to be an incredibly exciting time for all of us at the Union, many Loughborough students and most predominantly the candidates themselves. There’s been a different feel to campaigning this year with the shortened length and budget cap but it is great to see candidates less exhausted by the whole experience than perhaps we looked and felt last year! I feel like there has been less of a buzz from campaigning as a whole this year and a much more relaxed atmosphere compared to how manic last year was, but perhaps that’s because this year I am just observing rather than taking part. Nevertheless, I think we can be confident that our Exec team will be highly successful and they should all be very proud and excited. I got myself a job last week and they specifically said that they picked me because of my experience as Union President, which is great news for the prospects our new Exec team! I wish them the best of luck when they start in July! Ellie Read Union President

Welcome to this special issue of Label featuring your new Executive team for 2013-14! In my opinion, after running last year, the Executive Elections needed to change. In particular the budget and the time schedule needed to be reviewed and reduced. Now, with the election over I have the chance to look back and see how my changes have affected our biggest elections. Have they been for the best? As an election, I still believe this has been the most accessible and policy focused election we have seen for at least the last four years. With a cap of £100, and a new live Hustings show introduced, we have seen less sweets and more scrutiny. But has the whole elections experience diminished as a result? From where I am sitting I am tempted to say yes. Whether this is because we had fewer candidates and less contests, or whether there is another reason I don’t know, but something has been missing. I still stand by my decisions made last term, and I hope the next few VP Democracy and Communications doesn’t revert to the old election style, and keep faith in a smaller budget and campaign period. In the long run, I am confident it will develop a new elections culture and a better, more inclusive election! Ali Cole VP: Democracy and Communications

04 - 05


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Media Week seems a long time ago with us getting our hands on the list of seventeen candidates for the first time before getting them to reveal all about their manifestos, fears, and even targets for the campaign period ahead. There has been controversy from the very first day with the introduction of the success that is The Bubble Debate. Questions were asked and answered, issues were debated and discussed, as the candidates aimed to prove their worth as Loughborough watched on, live on LSUTV. Loughborough Students Media have been with our candidates from the

very start, from the Live Reveal, through the line of fire at The Bubble Debate, and to the closing days of campaigning. But after ten days of hard graft, shout-outs, door-knocking, flash mobs and seeing how our candidates attempted to meet as many people as possible across sixteen halls, a grilling at the hands of the Firing Squad at The Bubble Debate and look where we are now... It is time to announce YOUR Executive for 2013-14! Words: George Mostyn; Vignette O’Bryan; Chloe Mcmackin; Amber Hawkins; Cathryn Antoniadis



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Photography by Carolyn Brown, Matthew Dent, Sarah Wilson, Alice Cox, Label Election Team


In aid of LSU’s charitable activities



Most Fashion Forward

Most Creative

Izzy ‘Rascal’ Ford

Sarah ‘Heart’ Haar

She rocked clashing colours, high tops and every girl’s trouser of the moment; disco pants! When it came to picking our ‘Most Fashion Forward’ candidate, one girl sprung instantly to mind, Izzy Ford. The 90s vibe to Izzy’s outfit is huge for Spring, plus the decision to wear a bomber jacket and high tops to run around campus in the cold and damp weather, earns Izzy extra points for being stylish yet practical. Although it may not be easiest look to wear on a regular day-to-day basis, it has most definitely captured Style’s heart.

Sarah Haar’s hand-made outfit certainly lit up our elections, giving everyone a reason to smile through the campaigning period. To hand-make an outfit that big must have taken time and dedication, translating how much she wanted the position. The Style team loved Sarah’s co-ordinating shiny, red wellington boots, perfect for the recent snow and damp weather that seems to have crept up on us, plus the statement colour will see her through to this year’s festival season.

Runner Up: Helen ‘Hands On’ Crossley.

Runner Up: Jennie ‘Call On Me’ Cooper.

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Putting together a campaign outfit requires creativity to devise something bold and memorable, especially when you can’t spend more than £100. Following up from Style’s take on candidate costumes for Label Online, we have gone one step further to create the very first Candidate Costume Awards. Well, it is awards season and fashion week after all!

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Most Relevant to the Position

Most Impractical

Paul ‘Ragnam Style’ Nanson

Dave ‘Pringle’ Tingle

Paul’s outfit is undoubtedly the most relevant to the position. The obvious alter campaign ego made it instantly clear which position he was running for. However, what Style loved most about this outfit was that the majority of it was made up from items from charity shops, meaning that part of his budget went to good causes. Thriftiness from the Rag Chair candidate and donating to help others whilst creating a memorable outfit, deservedly earned Paul the title of ‘Most Relevant Costume’.

Oh Dave... Why did you not put armholes in your Pringle can? It was one of the most original campaign outfits we’ve seen in recent years and definitely one of the most memorable, however the Style team just wanted to roll you around campus in that Pringle can. As much as we were impressed with the amount of effort required to make it and shuffle around in it, to not put arm holes in something that big is just silly!

Runner Up: Zak ‘Sparrow’ Evans

Runner Up: Becky ‘Bunny’ Lauder-Fletcher.


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E The Executive Elections Legacy

Mentioned in almost every Executive Elections article thus far, the changes to rules of campaigning implemented by VP Democracy and Communications Ali Cole have, in no small part, influenced the 2013 elections. Label Online Content Editor George Mostyn debates whether these changes have been effective, and whether they will face alterations in 2014...


o quote Benjamin Franklin: “A penny saved is a penny earned.” And for our winners, those pennies will feel hard earned after learning to campaign on a budget; one of the major changes to the Executive Elections’ structure for 2013. For most candidates, the £100 budget cap was manageable, with only a solitary sanction for stretching over the limit. However, issues concerning previously owned items, associative campaigning and product sourcing were always going to be at the pinnacle of the budget debate. Although associative campaigning can’t be avoided, I believe tighter guidelines regarding previously owned items should be put in to place. In addition, after seeing the likes of Izzy Ford banned from campaigning for the use of an undeclared material, the introduction of a fine system should be introduced to coalesce with the new budget cap in future elections. Finally, despite the beliefs of many stating the £100 budget has filtered out the most suitable candidates, to ensure a high level of student interest and the best quality campaigns, I foresee the budget cap rising over the next few years. From an elections coverage perspective, Media Week was a major success for LCR, LSUTV and Label, allowing us to obtain all the information we required from the candidates for upcoming content without interfering in the midst of campaigning. All content produced across the sections was at an excellent standard, and even supplemented The Bubble Debate and specific articles during campaign week. A further triumph for Ali Cole came in the form of the shortened campaign time, down from sixteen to ten days in length. As well as adjusting

for the addition of Media Week and the budget cap, the concentrated time frame pushed our candidates’ campaigning skills and reduced the overall stress placed upon them. Many current Exec, when asked, have told Label they would have much preferred a shorter campaign week, reflected by the reactions of this year’s candidates. The development of Hustings into the highly successful The Bubble Debate double-bill especially for the Exec Elections was the highlight for many involved with the elections and was a tremendous effort by LSUTV to produce such a highquality live broadcast on successive nights.

‘Many questioned why members of the Firing Squad were selected for the second instalment’ There is no doubt in my mind that The Bubble Debate will continue to remain a ‘staple’ for the opening days of the Exec Elections for years to come. However, there was one commonly-discussed issue: Although the input from the Firing Squad sparked some heated debate and provided a platform for the candidates to prove the rationale for their manifestos, many questioned why members of the Firing Squad were selected for the second instalment, featuring the Section Head candidates. With no experience in Rag, Action or SocFed between them, many viewers questioned why the panellists Jago Pearson, Chris Carter, Sophie Pettifer and Jon Constantinou weren’t substituted for individuals more suited for discussing the ideas of our Section Head Candidates.

And finally, the changes to the rules regarding pre-campaigning have seemed to be widely accepted by the student population, without much recognition that anything had actually changed. Ali Cole’s adaptation to the rules, mainly to accommodate a new independent publication in Loughborough, stated that candidates were able to declare their intent to run in the elections without engaging in any campaigning. VP Finance candidate Chris McKenna was the only individual in breach of the new rule; resulting in one of four full-day bans he received during the campaign period. Whilst doing live updates during the Candidate Reveal before campaigning begun, there were many Twitter-users using the #ExecElections hashtag who claimed to “know all the candidates already.” This is not an ideal situation for the Union but they cannot prevent an independent journalistic entity from revealing potential candidates ahead of the reveal in the future. This may also explain the lower number of applicants than expected, and when Label spoke to Ali Cole, he seemed to agree: “I think it’s crossed everyone’s minds. The reporting of manifesto points in January, effectively campaigning for potential candidates, would’ve have certainly put people off.” “The issues with pre-campaigning began last year when we became aware of an independent press body in 2012. In real world elections, ’free press’ is an extremely important influencing factor, so I don’t think they will be a full-blown threat to future Exec Elections. And although they may take the fun out of a student elections, their informative content ensures the students acknowledge our candidates’ manifestos.”


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