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forsaken world of fields

Anahit Hayrapetyan

I’m obsessed with a line. I’m obsessed with starting line somewhere and ending nowhere. I’m obsessed with fields. Field of buildings, field of columns, field of islands, field of objects … I’m obsessed with overgrown, forsaken spaces. I’m obsessed with my procrastination – with a drawing.

forsaken house

field of columns

parallel bridges


East Harlem


invisible towers

the fortress

voids as islands


excavation of field


There is a world where I don’t care about perfection. World that has many fields, where I feel the wind, I can listen to its noise. Where the direction of fields lead me to positive emotions. It is an honest world. It’s a world of never ending ideas and freedom.

my true self

field of houses

covert tower

architecture school

open closed doors in your brain

for Sabrina

for Mattew

for Narine

open any door, enter to any courtyard

synchronized randomness

3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197 169399375105820974944592307816406286 208 9986280348253421170679821480865132823066 47093844609550582231725359408128481 1174 50284102701938521105559644622948954930381 964428810975665933446128475648233 7867831 6527120190914564856692346034861045432664 8213393607260249141273724587006 606315588 17488152092096282925409171536436789259036 0011330530548820466521384146 951941511609 433057270365759591953092186117381932611793 105118548074462379962749 5673518857527248 91227938183011949129833673362440656643086 021394946395224737190 7021798609437027705 39217176293176752384674818467669405132000 568127145263560827 7857713427577896091736 37178721468440901224953430146549585371050 792279689258923 5420199561121290219608640 34418159813629774771309960518707211349999 998372978049 9510597317328160963185950244 5945534690830264252230825334468503526193 1188171010 003137838752886587533208381420 61717766914730359825349042875546873115956 2863882 353787593751957781857780532171226 80661300192787661119590921642019893809525 7201 065485863278865936153381827968230301 95203530185296899577362259941389124972177 5 2834791315155748572424541506959508295331 16861727855889075098381754637464939319 25 5060400927701671139009848824012858361603 563707660104710181942955596198946767 8374 4944825537977472684710404753464620804668 4259069491293313677028989152104752 162056 96602405803815019351125338243003558764024 7496473263914199272604269922796 782354781 63600934172164121992458631503028618297455 5706749838505494588586926995 69092721079 7509302955321165344987202755960236480665 499119881834797753566369807 4265425278625 51818417574672890977772793800081647060016 145249192173217214772350 14144197356854816 13611573525521334757418494684385233239073 94143334547762416862 51898356948556209921 9222184272550254256887671790494601653466

I was born in a pi day, 14th of March | 3.14 Complex yet very simple number.

conditional probability

gravitational forces

floating spaces


overlapping interaptions

three houses

inevitability of failure

blank spaces


what are the right doors?

find an exit or stay inside

to whom it may concern

stairs to nowhere

alone in a mountain


for Shary

for Thomas

for Diego




parallel worlds


city (day)

city (night)



the glacier


Drawings represent the feeling about the particular person.


for Mama, Papa, Gaya and Minas

for Maria

for Francisco

for Nesli

for Nazli

for Ada

for Giuseppe

spaces of silence


for Albert

There is a world where entropy increases and therefore inevitably reducing man’s attempts at order. Random urban overgrown fabric that facilitates human engagement with nature. Organic wild world where you breathe the nature, you live in a nature, you experience the nature. Architecture that is not just a buildings but is a process, It is a naturally formed space. It is a dynamic process of interactions and relationships between human and nature. Spaces where is a perpetual interaction between building and environment, both human behavior and the natural world. Force of impermanence that constantly reshapes architecture. Structures that move toward higher entropy. Field that intersects with surface which is not architecture, mass which creates unexpected, wild spaces. Field of nature that interrupts the architecture and takes over it. This wild urban condition inhabits the overgrown island. It contains five ecological atmospheres of cult, fitness, storage, retail and hotel. In this block the cult is a nature. It is a building dedicated to the protection and experience of nature. It’s a seed bank that conceals the wild nature inside the building. In this world the fitness is a training of brain and imagination: learning center, stress relief and an extreme sports center that helps to synchronize randomness in your brain. Where storage is an underground crematory, archive of body containers, storage of selves. It is an underground structure that is hidden under the wild nature. The retail towers that are floating over the field of islands. And the hotel that is a space for temporary working, living and storing that are overlapped and interrupted with green voids. Visitors and inhabitants of this island lose the feeling of time. Serene spaces bring them memories that they never had or did not know that they had. These are five responsive buildings that are willing to change with the time and enhance the relationship between time and architecture, human and nature.

cult of nature

seed bank


Plan on 00.00 Level

Plan on +11.98 Level

Plan on +16.78 Level

Plan on +20.10 Level

Two entrances of the building are connected with the elevated bridge that crosses the seed bank and connects to the opposite side of the building.

Seed bank cells surround the field of trees, the cells are located at the outer perimeter of walls.

My cult is a nature. I’m a bound particle of nature. I’m a nature. I want to see, to feel and to protect the nature.

Cult of nature is a building dedicated to the protection and experience of nature. It’s a seed bank that conceals the wild nature inside the building.

To access the circulation cores visitors need to cross the seed bank. Corridors along the seed bank cells lead to the circulation cores: stairs and bridges.

Circulation connections are located inside the courtyard. To reach the different levels of the building visitors pass through the forest of trees.

In different parts of the courtyard there are meditation rooms and observatory bridges.

Meditation spaces are lifted up from the ground, they float over the nature, they are surrounded by wild texture.

Meditation spaces work as an alternative to a praying room. Inner and outer spaces enhance the sense of unity within human and nature.

On the first floor only pillars touch the ground. Here the nature is an open-air meditation, spiritual space.

The walls of seeds isolate inner spaces: meditation rooms, observatory bridges and nature, from outer destruction and noise.

Two bridges connect the inner world with the outer reality. The third bridge that crosses the building connects it with the other four buildings.

The building is a sequence of serene spaces that interflow with nature. In these spaces, you lose the sense of inner and outer space.

You lose the sense of time and reality. Here evaporates the line between nature, architecture and the human.

synchronized randomness

learning center + stress relief center + extreme sports center


Plan on 0.00 Level GSEducationalVersion

Plan on +11.68 Level GSEducationalVersion

Fitness is the condition of being physically fit and healthy. The green matter is an open-air space for extreme sports center.

Or fitness-suitability, reliability, validity, feasibility, workability, repair. Repair from life, from uneasiness. Indoor spaces are learning rooms.

Fitness to train yourself to confront the difficulties in life.

I want to train my imagination, therefore I need to open closed doors in my brain.

Doors‌there are many doors in my brain. I need to understand myself, I need learn to overcome the problems.

How many doors do I need to open to reach my goals? What’s the right path in life, what are the right doors?

There is always fear, doubt, the feeling of failure. There is no failure, it is an experience, with each failure you are stronger.

More doors you open more you learn. Even if they are wrong doors, they lead you to new experiences.

If there is a problem work on it or eat it!

The building is a learning center, stress relief center and an extreme sports center. Spaces to train your brain and imagination, to work on your skills.

It has many entrances, many doors, you can choose which one to open or where to start. Series of narrow paths lead to other doors.

With each door you can discover new experiences. You can find library, stress relief group meetings, learning rooms or gym.

Transition from one door to other door, from one point to other point can help to learn more, help to open up your imagination.

The porous structure of the building consists of series of stairs and elevators which lead to different units of the building.

The units are interconnected with indoor and outdoor bridges. The large library space is located in the central part of the porous building.

The green matter took over the three units of the building. The three towers are connected with roots in the underground floors.

Three green towers. Three towers are green spaces to rest, to climb, to dream, to think or to rest.

Inner spaces of the building are the learning center and the stress relief center.

The outer shell of the building and green courtyards are part of extreme sports program. The envelope of the building is a climbing surface.

The brain is the most complex thing in the universe and it’s right behind the nose. The Science of Sleep

It is difficult to achieve randomness, it seems your journey was random but you synchronized that randomness in your brain.

In the end, when there are no closed doors anymore in your brain you feel the air, you feel relief, you feel free.

You just jump into the arms of fearless life. By the end of the journey you can experience bungee jumping from the top of the building.




Plan on 0.00 Level

Plan on -15.00 Level

The ground is given to the nature, it is an overgrown field where are located four entrances to crematorium spaces.

Self is an underground building. In different floors there are tunnels surrounded by body container archive.

The building is a crematory, archive of body containers, storage of selves.

Self represents the end and the beginning of the life circle.

There was a self. Self lived in a city of selves. Self had many dreams. Self was selfish like other selves. Self realized many dreams.

Self failed a lot too. Self collected many important and unimportant things. Self stored failings in order to come back and realize.

Within overgrown ground there is a huge void, the canyon.

The canyon is the main source of light. It represent the allegory of hope.

Around the canyon there is a gallery, the ramp for walk.The route of ramp helps visitors to think and to remember.

The last level of the canyon is the ceremony space. It is an open-air spaces with a stage and seats.

Seed bank faces the canyon. The bridge that is connected to the seed bank is floating over the field.

The pedestrian bridge intersects the horizontal surface of the ground with the vertical circulation core.

Is canyon a space itself or the outer matter is a space?

The end is the beginning?

Should the green matter grow inside or outside?

Should we be positive about the death?


nine towers


Public Islands

Plan on 0.00 Level

9 Towers

Plan on +15.00 Level

The ground floor is open, it is devoted to food. In parts it is an urban farm where can be produced food.

In different parts islands are open-air or closed restaurants and cafes. In some parts they are public squares for everyday interaction.

Nine public islands. Nine retail towers. Nine ways to shop. Retail is divided into nine sections-buildings.

Each tower has its own public island on the first floor, its own public square. The ground is fluid.

Hey, are you a dreamer? -Yeah. -I haven’t seen too many around lately.

They say that dreams are only real as long as they last. Couldn’t you say the same thing about life? Do you think this is a real space?

You shop quick and there is a time to enjoy the overgrown atmosphere of this world.

Each tower is devoted to one type of shopping: clothes, shoes, sporting goods, furniture, home appliances, toys, cosmetics and gardening.

The nine towers are floating over the wild ground. Each of them has its own circulation core.

Towers are interconnected in different floors with indoor bridges. Pedestrian bridges duplicate the fluid shapes of the ground.

overlapping interruptions

hotel + coworking + storage


Plan on 0.00 Level


Plan on +3.90 Level


Plan on -3.90 Level


Plan on +19.50 Level


The first three floors are occupied by coworking spaces which are interconnected spaces with a free planning.

There are no doors inside or barriers that would stop the flow. You can occupy the space the way you want.

This hotel is a space for temporary working, living and storing. The building is divided into three layers of storage, coworking spaces and apartments.

The system of walls in coworking and storage spaces become a column system in upper floors of apartment cells.

Underground six floors is the storage where you can store if you leave the hotel or if you live in the hotel.

Hotel rooms are individual apartment cells. You can rent them while you work here. The column grid of the hotel cells are interrupted by green voids.

The apartment cells are hanging from this column grid. The cells are interconnected with bridges.

The block is surrounded and covered by green belt. The green takes over the hotel block.

The green matter starts deep from the underground and goes across coworking spaces and apartments.

The hotel is connected to seed bank with the pedestrian bridge. You can use seeds to plant your food in a green matter.

five ecological atmospheres

five responsive buildings

overgrown island

Random urban overgrown fabric that facilitates human engagement with the nature.

Organic wild world where you breathe the nature, you live in nature, you experience the nature.

Here architecture is not just a buildings but is a process, It is a naturally formed space.

It is a dynamic process of interactions and relationships between human and nature.

Visitors and inhabitants of this island lose the feeling of time and reality.

Serene spaces bring them memories that they never had or did not know that they had.

“Cities, like dreams, are made of desires and fears, even if the thread of their discourse is secret, their rules are absurd, their perspectives deceitful, and everything conceals something else.� Italo Calvino, Invisible Cities

Copyright © 2016 Anahit Hayrapetyan Printed in New York, USA

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