Content 1. Anáhuac Cancún, a brief history of our campus 2. Managing your degree over 4 years 3. Refinitiv 4. English business degrees, leading the way with flexible hybrid study 5. Welcome to Coventry students 6. Important dates to remember for July 7. Common daily means of communication vs. 100 years ago
Anáhuac Cancún, a brief history of our campus The Anáhuac University was founded in 1964 in Mexico City, and in 1968, its first campus “Mexico North” was inaugurated. 32 years later, on the 28th of August 2000, with the commitment to offer an unparalleled education to an increasing number of university students at the forefront of the university’s mission, the Anáhuac Cancun University opened its doors to the first 147 undergraduate students. The first degrees to be offered at the campus were: Law, Communication, International Business, Marketing, Business Administration, Public Accounting, International Tourism, Hospitality & Restaurant Management. The university was well on its way to positioning itself as the first choice within the community; and expanded its reach very rapidly from then. In 2019, International Business, became the first degree offered completely in English, positioning the Cancun campus as the International Campus for the Anáhuac Network. Today, 22 years on, the Anáhuac Cancun University is house to 3500 students, of which more than 20% come from beyond Mexico’s boarders, we have an offer of 43 degrees, of which 10 are in English, 14 masters' degrees and 2 PhDs.
Managing your degree over 4 years Our degree study plans are designed to allow each student a flexible approach to Study. Worldwide, the traditional and expected timeframe to commence and finish an undergraduate programme of study is four years or 8 semesters. Ideally, all students can aim for this timeframe. In order to achieve your 4-year study goal, it is recommended you start your first semesters with as many credits as you are able to upload. As time progresses, courses become more focused and intense; to this end, you will want to have extra time to get the most from these courses. A typical degree is based on 360 credits, under normal conditions, this means an average of 45 credits per semester. Whenever you may fall short, it is advisable to seek summer courses which give you the flexibility to study in an intensive & shorter timeframe. Further, summer courses tend to have less students enrolled making them more personalized and enriching. For students thinking of enrolling in the Coventry Dual Degree, this is an important consideration as you will be required to have achieved 240 credits prior to your semester 6 elective study courses.
Always be one step ahead. Encourage some classmates to study a summer course with you, remember a minimum number of 6 students will guarantee the course be offered. Always consult your study plan and stay informed to avoid being left behind. Judge for yourself, do you want to graduate in 8 semesters or be here for a lot longer than necessary?
It´s up to you.
Refinitiv For all financially minded business students and anybody who wishes to stay connected to the word on the street, we are pleased to offer REFINITV – Reuters globally acclaimed Real-Time market data, analytics & news stream.
As of now, many of your courses will feature the use of market data, research, commentary & opinion from the world´s leading experts – financial institutions, brokers, banks, fund managers, legal profession, analysts & corporate gurus amongst others.
REFINITV will open your eyes and mind to Real-Time market data; get to be the first to find out about a new merger, a new share flotation, latest inflation or domestic figures, central bank perspectives which impact you, your study, your family, your city, your country & your favourite products and services.
REFINITIV will be rolled out into several key finance classes.
Watch out for REFINITIV Reuters.
English business degrees, leading the way with
flexible hybrid study
We offer (3) three great ways to learn at Cancun Campus. Current student preferences and keeping pace with a dynamic & ever-changing macro environment allow us to respond to the needs of all stakeholders, in turn helping us to better contribute to the success of our International Business and Strategic Business Management undergraduate degrees.
On Campus or In Campus
A true experience with no or limited engagement with the lecturer. Online can also be termed plug ´n play in as much as the entire course will be pre-laid out in Brightspace with complete instructions and guidelines. Online study encourages self-discipline, focus and effort and is good for students who work better at certain times of the day
Classroom style interaction held for 90 minutes twice weekly, or one 180-minute session encourages direct interaction between student and lecturer, engages focus and allows maximum flexibility & control.
Whilst our campus is fully open and ALL students are back in Cancun without exception, we are blessed to enrich our courses with lecturers who due to professional commitments need to travel or relocate temporarily. This type of proactive approach to teaching allows our students to have a choice of learning styles & enables us to still retain top academic talent from around the world. A Win-Win for All, wouldn´t you agree?
Virtual Interaction as above via Zoom or Teams encourages use of technology, individual autonomy and discipline as well as flexibility during inclement weather or out of town situations.
Welcome to Coventry students We would like to extend a warm welcome to all Coventry students that will be on campus between the 4th and 8th of July for their Soft Skills and Leadership blocks, which will be lectured by Kiev Ariza directly from Coventry University in the UK. It promises to be a very rewarding & eventful week, as students from the Cancún, Mexico City and Querétaro Campuses come together to share their experiences!
Important dates to remember for July… 8
Last day of summer classes
11 – 12
Summer course exams
Deadline to pay fall semester enrolment fee
Deadline to request a change in degree or campus transfer
20 – 22
Early registration for returning students for the fall term
25 – 29
Graduations, bachelor's degrees
Common daily means of communication vs. 100 years ago We are so used to the comforts and speed offered by our means of communication this day and age that its quite hard to imagine what life must have been like 100 years ago without them, so why don’t we take a glimpse at a few simple aspects… There were no mobile phones In 1917, Finnish inventor Eric Tigerstedt filed a patent for a "pocket-size folding telephone with a very thin carbon microphone" but it wasn’t until 1973 that the first handheld cellular mobile phone was demonstrated by John F. Mitchell and Martin Cooper of Motorola (Wikipedia, 2022). Before mobile phones, personal landlines were the most common as well as public telephone boxes, although if we go back 100 years, the most widespread form of communication was the telegraph. There was no social media
There was no internet
The first ever social media platform, “Six Degrees”, was launched in 1997 and was then followed by “Myspace” in the early 2000s at the same time as LinkedIn was created for business professionals. Facebook was then released in 2004 & Twitter in 2006 (Tom & Co. , s.f.).
Although it is interesting that Nickola Tesla thought about the idea of a “World Wireless System” in the early 1900s, it is impossible to credit a sole person with the invention of the internet because it is the result of the work of many pioneering scientists, programmers, and engineers, (Andrews, 2019).
How did people manage to socialize without social media?? The most common form was writing letters and sending them by mail, which was transported primarily by rail, although, believe it or not, in 1910 correspondence was actually delivered by scooter in some places! Airmail was first used in 1918. All types of gatherings were extremely commonplace.
And although it may seem impossible, we did manage to communicate and stay in touch without the internet, can you believe that for centuries people used messenger pigeons? But 100 years ago, we relied on YES, the telegraph! What other comforts of modern life can you think about that have only been around for a few years?
Quote of the month
Answers to last editions’ crossword
“Come out of the masses. Stand alone like a lion and live your life according to your own light.” Osho
Sources Andrews, E. (19 de October de 2019). History. Obtenido de Who Invented the Internet?: Britanica, T. E. (4 de March de 2021). Britannica. Obtenido de Cahn, L. (17 de June de 2022). Readers Digest. Obtenido de What mail delivery looked like 100 years ago: The connecting word. (s.f.). Communication before the internet, part 1. Obtenido de Tom & Co. . (s.f.). The History of Social Media Platforms. Obtenido de Wikipedia. (25 de June de 2022). Mobile phone. Obtenido de,T elegraph%20and%20Telephone%20in%201979.