Portfolio Anaïs Bellini 2017

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PORTFOLIO Anaïs Bellini

ABOUT ME PSSD and ME student graphic and interior designer


am Anaïs Bellini, a passionate double degree student in Product Service System Design and Management Engineering (PSSD & ME). As designer, I manage the realization of meaningful products and services, capable to satisfy customers’ needs.

As manager, instead, I envision innovative business models able to face unsolved problems. The capability of combining these two approaches into one single project is what allows me to conceive, develop and implement new cohesive customer experiences.



Date of birth 01-03-1993

Organizational and management skills Ability to work in stressful situations, especially related to management relationships and upcoming project deadlines

Contact +39 346 3208683 anais.bellini.1993 @gmail.com via Dante 9, 21057, Olgiate Olona, Italy Language Italian, French, English PORTFOLIO AIM This portfolio is designed to show the most relevant projects that I have done during my studies at Politecnico di Milano and during my work experience. It covers my whole background: service design, consultancy projects, communication and interior design.

Communication skills Excellent ability to work in group, developed thanks to several years of sports and participation in university and working projects. I am open to dialogue, able to bring on my proper convictions but also ready to question them, always towards a constructive solution. Other skills Ability to undertake new paths and adapt quickly to changes.


Service desgin projects | 01 Migo | Deloitte Digital Circolo | 10 Corso Como Chase-Mi | 5 vie Milano

Consultancy experiences | 02 Innovative leadership | NestlĂŠ Stories innovation | LaFeltrinelli

Interior design projects | 03 Leonardo process | Cenacolo Vinciano Inside | Area M Milano


MiGo Professional wrkshop for Mialno municipality wtih Deloitte digital


ew integrated digital experience designed for Mialn Citzens to ease the mobility services of the city. Migo is a platform that guides users in their daily mobility journey. It aggregates all the possible solutions and it is directy connected to what is published on social media. Social media works as a bridge between platfrom and users and it enables an integrated experience driven by real time users’ behaviours. Through Instagram and its stories users can access to real time information about mobility issue and delay. Hashtags are used as aggregators of these information.

Enjoy the experience

Integration and aggregation through digital innovation Facebook instead work as a virtual shop window to buy directly the services the user is looking for. And give the user official information about public transport issues suggesting to them some alternative paths. Both the social media are connected directly with Migo platform allowig a continuous flow.

#MiGo It’s Easy





Getting stuck How 1 | Overinformation 2 | Inefficient system 3 | High complexity

#Learning How 1 | Hashtags 2 | Areas of Milano 3 | Transportation lines

Applying How 1 | Choice 2 | Paths 3 | Finalization

Moving How 1 | Personal account 2 | Path specifications 3 | Receiving notifications

CIRCOLO Enhance the interaction between creatives through digital innovation


igital innovation of the retail shop 10 Corso Como. The study and the understanding of the different methodologies used during the development have been of fundamental importance for the success of this project. Lean Startup, IDEO and Design Sprint’s have been applied to each step of the development. After the preliminary research we identified 4 key drivers to design the final solution: Selection of items, being a reference thanks to the product selection. Elite environment, elitarian circle, well defined target. Community, evoke a sense of community to get closer to the customer. Application, give an added value to the application.

Get closer to the lifestyle of people We came out with a solution called “Circolo�, which consists in an innovative board of art directors for 10 Corso Como, still led by Carla Sozzani but with the participation of other creatives. In this way, customers all around the world will have the chance to be part of 10 Corso Como artistic curation and to add value to it.





people engagement

digital hiring process


‘circolo’ communication

01. city contamination + in-store adv

02. | 03. existing app implementation, totally new hiring process

04. existing website implementation, collaboration platform

MVP As to understand if the creaives where actully open and keen at the idea of guiding a store like 10 Corso Como’s art direction, we developped a specific strategy. We designed a physical MVP that could

attract the creatives and ask them to share their creative capabilities. The willingness of a certain number of people stopping by and keen to accept the ‘challenge’ has been our indicator for the evaluation of the

interest in the creatives environment.

Enjoy the MVP testing

CHASE-MI Discovering the “milanese” artisan’s world


im of this app is to let the users discover the unknown world of workshop in “5 vie” in Milan. The main issues of these places are their hidden location and their unusual opening times. The idea is to push the users to visit them and discover the Milanese artisan’s world through virtual avatar. We design one avatar for each workshop and each of

them has its own personality and background. The avatar will give information and the more the user will be close to the workshop the more this curiosities will be interesting and motivating. The duration of the phone charge it’s a big constraint so users will also have the possibility to switch in a 2D view in order to preserve it.

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The destination is “hidden”, users know only the time required to join it The avatars interact with each others Information will be given during the path If during your path you will find a close workshop the avatar will appear asleep After having visited the shop users should solve a quitz to unlock comments

Video teaser Quotes Images g gallery Everyon can see the Everyone feedback but only the people peop that went physical physically there are able to leave some commen comments Search O Options Worksho Workshops info, curiositi curiosities and contacts vis The visited places will be highlighted with a p pin

Enjoy the experience


LEADERSHIP AND INNOVATION AT NESTLÉ A learning experience to develop innovative leaders and cultivate an entrepereneurial culture across Nestlé


xperience based in Berlin and Vevey. Nestlé managers were to understand the importance of innovation and leadership for a company and how to implement these aspects in their job creating value for the market while unleashing their entrepreneurship. Each team was made by 6 Nestlé managers and a designer who was the enabler of the whole process. My role, as young designer and workshop facilitator was to help them visualize and proceed phase by phase during the experience.

The process followed 4 main steps: The outside-in imperative: individual phase. External challanges spark innovation intent. Creating market value: buddy phase. Explore how innovation can bring value to your business challenges. Protect the Maverick: radical circle, team. How you can become an innovation role model to nurture an innovative and collaborative culture. Innovative leadership: radical circle, team. Reflect on how you can make innovation happen.

LA FELTRINELLI “LA STORIA CHE VOGLIO ESSERE� A consultancy project with MIP team to innovate LaFeltrinelli meaning and experience


he core of the project lays on the concept of stories. Stories are always meaningful to people and always survive. Because of digital evolution the way in which these stories are delviered to customer was totally redesigned. LaFeltrinelli became the selector of new form of storytellers according to the choerence of content they deliver and its brand. As a young designer my role was to support small teams, made up of LaFeltrinelli managers, in visualizing and developping new concepts for their new retail experience by using customer journey, system map and blue-print tools.

The process followed 4 main steps: Vision generation: individual phase, individuation of 38 innovative challanges to transform into individual visions. Meaning Factory: Couple phase, explore how to move from vision to new meanings. Collaborative interpretation lab: Radical circle, external people interpreting meanings and visions emerged during the previous phase. Probing Factory: Radical circle, viosion enrichment and final definition of new retail experience and its business model.


CENACOLO VINCIANO MUSEUM An immersion in the Leonardo ’s methodology


museum path to lead the visitors through the Leonardo da Vinci’s methodology. A close observation of the reality directs to a rational reasoning of the information experienced first hand. Technology isn’t just about the device you’re reading things on, it’s also fundamentally changing the places we go and the experiences we encounter. This has been the philophy that guided our vision throughout the design of this new Museum experience. The overall system of the Last Supper Museum has been

designed keeping in mind 3 foundamental points: Leonardo Da Vinci’s scientific method applied to art, Kolb’s theory of learning and the time that nowadays people have for learning. A simple oval bracelet turns the museum into an active experience designed in order to stimulate different learning styles. This is based on the concept that learning is more successful when learning materials are tailored on the learner’s needs and interests.



The whole experience and the museum path are designed following three main moments that are the three steps that Leonardo used to follow for the Last supper and for his paintings in general: OBSERVATION REASONING EXPERIMENTING These three moments ,

according to Kolb’s thoeries, are the foundamental moment for a better learning process expecially in the adult age. The key elements of the experience are: direct observation of the nature (main reason why our path starts from the garden), immersive observation (concept

that explains the shape of the observation spots, that obliges the visitors lean towards the screens), the mathematics, the geometry, the prospective, the use of the colours and the experiementation of new materials and ideas for the time.

3 4

2 5

1 6

scale 1:100 0m















Enjoy the experience


INSIDE Project for Area M, Milan


rea M is an artistic project related to Jazz world in Milan. Their auditorium, located in Via Valvassori Peroni, 56, every week promote a lot of events but the attendance is very poor becuse of the lack of visibility and identity. To face these problems, they decided to promote a workshop, involving the students of the design faculty of Politecnico, and in particular our class giving us a budget of 5000â‚Ź. During the development of the project the main issue was giving back a soul to this anonymous place. To stay alligned with the Jazz world we took inspiration from the internal shape of a contrabass and we try to reproduce it in a bigger scale to let the user feel like being inside a musical instrument.



engagement through interactive totem around the city to improve visibility and stimulate people couriosity

Multi functional space able to change configuration according with the event requirements.

To face sound issue we used material such as wood and cork to imprve sound propagation.




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