Task 14 CLIL

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Ana Martínez Vicedo CLIL


Unidad didáctica CLIL: “An Artistic perspective” “An Artistic perspective” es una unidad didáctica CLIL dirigida a alumnos de Primero de Bachillerato. Esta unidad pretende introducir al alumnado los conceptos más importantes de arte en lengua inglesa. Trabajamos con alumnos cuyas necesidades van más allá de la pura instrucción lingüística y por este motivo creemos necesario

el poner en práctica la lengua

aprendida. Para desarrollar esto de la mejor manera posible, decidimos llevarlos cabo a través de una asignatura de contenido como en este caso la asignatura de Historia del Arte. Esta unidad está pensada para ser impartida en la asignatura de lengua y por tanto, trataremos de utilizar esta lengua la mayor parte del tiempo. Nos coordinaremos con el departamento de Historia y Geografía, fundiéndose así lengua y contenido en dos clases diferentes, con dos profesores diferentes, pero con objetivos compartidos. Los objetivos de esta unidad son: -Entender la importancia del arte y de la perspectiva. -Comprender diferentes movimientos artísticos a lo largo de la historia. - Ser capaces de identificar y conocer algunas de las obras, autores y movimientos artísticos más conocidos. -Ser capaces de describir de forma crítica una obra artística. - Aprender vocabulario artístico y ser capaces de describir formas, colores y sensaciones a través del arte.

Ana Martínez Vicedo



La unidad se dividirá en cincosesiones: En la primera sesión se hará una serie de actividades introductorias para que el alumno comprenda las diferentes perspectivas y puntos de vista del objeto dependiendo de la persona que lo analiza. Continuamente se hará un trabajo en parejas para seguir con el concepto de “perspectiva del artista”. Se abrirá un debate que concluirá con una actividad que quedará abierta para concluir en la próxima sesión (visionado y reconocimiento de tres pinturas muy conocidas). En la segunda sesión se entablará un debate con la actividad de investigación que se plantea en la anterior sesión. Esto dará paso al visionado de algunas de las pinturas del artista Rob Gonsales y un posterior debate. En la tercera los alumnos realizarán una Webquest sobre el tema en cuestión. La cuarta sesión simplemente se utilizará para la información y el comienzo de la preparación de la tarea final. Esta actividad es muy importante ya que será la que se tendrá en cuenta para la nota final. La quinta sesión será una puesta en práctica sobre todo lo aprendido en la unidad, es decir, la exposición de las obras finales y su posterior debate. Estas son las tareas que, junto con el resto de las actividades realizadas a lo largo de todas las sesiones, proporcionarán los elementos objetivamente evaluables.

Ana Martínez Vicedo

Ana Martínez Vicedo


DIDACTIC UNIT ART CLIL SESSION 1 Pre-Activity 1. Give the students a piece of paper and tell them to draw a house. Highlight this activity needs to be done individually. Do this like 20 times (this activity must be done fast, so they do not have much time to think). They will start asking “What kind of house do we need to draw?”, “How big?”, “How many more are we going to draw?”. The important side here is you need to answer “Do whatever you think is best!”. People with more imagination and creativity will draw different and beautiful kind of houses, while the rest will draw the typical square house:



*This activity will make them reflect on the different perceptions that people have of words. The world “house” or “home” will have different connotations depending on the way you look at it.

Ana Martínez Vicedo


DIDACTIC UNIT ART CLIL 2.Another activity to work on perspective would be to give them another piece of paper and show them this picture for 10 seconds:

After this we will tell them to draw what they remember. We will give them 5 minutes for this. Activity 3. This activity will be done in pairs, they will have to get these two templates:

Ana MartĂ­nez Vicedo


DIDACTIC UNIT ART CLIL Imagine each template is a piece of paper. Apart from these two, give them two sheets of paper to develop the following activity: a) They will have to describe to the other person the template they got. The person should not look at the template and he/she will have to try and draw what the other person described. b) Compared the drawings with the original ones. c) Discuss about the findings. What do you think happened? POST- ACTIVITY 4. Debate on the findings: a) What do you think happened? b) Were the drawings very different from the original? c) What was the problem: your classmate description or your perception of what he/she was saying? d) What does this suggest you? 5. For the following class try to find out the name of these masterpieces, the authors and the periods of time:

Ana MartĂ­nez Vicedo


DIDACTIC UNIT ART CLIL SESSION 2 Pre-activity 1.Debate on the findings. Activity 2. Look at these Pictures by Rob Gonsales, who is an artist born in 1959 in Toronto. Rob creates rare mix of creativity and optical illusions. He started developing an interest in drawing when he was a child, as he got older his technique improved. By the age of twelve he got into architecture and that is when he learnt perspective techniques and started to create his own work of imagined buildings. He was inspired by artists Dali and Tanguy. 3. Reflect upon these questions and write the answers down: A) What do you think they are suggesting us? B) Do you think the author is trying to send a message by these pictures? C) Which one is your favorite? Why? D) Do you know any similar artist? Write your answers down. Then debate in pairs. Post-activity 4. Debate about the findings and conclusions.

Ana MartĂ­nez Vicedo




Ana Martínez Vicedo



This is a webquest about art. You have to surf the net to find some answers, and show you crack in the new technologies!! Activity One We start here, in Spain: http://www.biography.com/people/salvador-dal-40389#synopsis Oh my Lord! There are some words missing here! Please find them: Salvador Dalí was born on May 11, 1904, in Figueres, Spain. From an early age. Dalí was _____________ to practice his art and would ____________ go on to study at an academy in Madrid. In the 1920s, he went to Paris and began _____________ with artists such as Picaso, Magritte and Miró, which led to Dalí's first __________ phrase. He is perhaps best known for his 1931 painting The______________ of Memory, showing _____________ clocks in a ______________ setting. The rise of _________________ leader Francisco Franco in Spain led to the artist's _____________ from the Surrealist movement, but that didn't stop from ______________. Dalí died in Figueres in 1989.

Activity Two Now it's Italy's Turn! Go to the link below and watch this video: https://www.khanacademy.org/humanities/renaissance-reformation/earlyrenaissance1/painting-in-Florence/v/botticelli-the-birth-of-venus-1483-85 Ana Martínez Vicedo



Now, write a paragraph (50 words) with a summary of what you have just seen. Activity Three Now, we are going to read a bit of The Guardian Newspaper: http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/jonathanjonesblog/2013/oct/02/portraitof-an-enigma-diego-velazquez-las-meninas

Write four characteristics of “Las Meninas” by Diego Velázquez: 1.____________________________ 2.____________________________ 3.____________________________ 4. ___________________________

Activity Four Try to complete the data with the Artistic periods from this Art Timeline: http://www.visual-arts-cork.com/history-of-art-timeline.htm

   

1400-1530:__________________________________ 450-1050: __________________________________ 800 BCE- 400 CE: ___________________________ 2.5 million BCE to 800 BCE: ___________________

Ana Martínez Vicedo


DIDACTIC UNIT ART CLIL Activity Five Enough of working so hard. Now we are going to play a little! Click on these links: Let’sPlay 1: Spanish Art Let’sPlay 2: Elements of Art

And now take this easy quiz: Renaissance Follow up activity: we have stopped in the timeline at the end of the renaissance period. Now it is up to you to create a time line with the main following periods of art. You must look up for your data, describe the facts with your words and add your pictures. If you don’t know to do it click here and you will get wonderful ideas. SESSION 4 We will use this session to explain the final task which consists on: -

Choosing a masterpiece you really like or hate.


You will have to do some research about that masterpiece.


You will need to present it through a PowerPoint presentation. You will have to include the title, the author and the period.


You will need to explain why you chose that masterpiece in particular, what it suggests you and what the meaning is.


The length of the activity will be between 4 to 10 minutes.


You can use pictures, videos, music and everything needed.


Effort, creativity and originality will be taken into account for the final mark.

SESSION 5: Presentations- EVALUATION

Ana Martínez Vicedo


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