SCHOOLS FOR A NEW WORLD Nutrition and Interculturality Aim of the project Help high school students to develop their ideas and knowledge to change their close world.
TN ID: TN-In-ES-SV-2011-1232
SCHOOLS FOR A NEW WORLD Nutrition and Interculturality Description - Preparation and deliver workshops and training sessions. - Educate students on nutrition from an intercultural view. Obesity in children Diets and malnutrition Obsession with body Hunger and food overproduction. - Educate students on living and acting local, thinking global. Languages required: Spanish, English or French
SCHOOLS FOR A NEW WORLD Nutrition and Interculturality Additional Info Duration January 9 - February 19, 2012
Accomodation Provided Contacts Daniel Calvo
Carlos Alvarez
SCHOOLS FOR A NEW WORLD Nutrition and Interculturality How to apply Complete the questionnaire you'll find in the WIKI. Apply for a time to have an interview. After a few days you will receive an email accepting you or not for interview. Two weeks later we'll inform you about if you have been selected or not.
SCHOOLS FOR A NEW WORLD Nutrition and Interculturality Sevilla is History, Culture, Tradition and Vitality