Dnote Xpress Issue #18 - 7 Years of Success...Celebration With a Cause

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Issue: #18 | October 2015



In this issue: Today's Knowledge Is Tomorrow's Opportunity

Fiinovation Celebrates 7 Years of Excellence

Too many of them dying-A lot needs to be done

Dissection of the Health Sector in India

Fiinobservation of International Days

www.ďŹ inova on.co.in

From The


Fiinova on started its journey in 2007, with a team of four members aiming to provide quality and effec ve services in the CSR and Sustainability domain that could change the socio-economics of the country. Mo vated by the objec ves and devoted for a cause, the growth story of our organiza on came through dedica on and hard work that has been recognized and appreciated in the social development sector. We have been able to create the linkages essen al for result-oriented partnerships through in-depth research at groundwork. With years of work and a team of experts, we proudly developed the Asia's First Proposal Research & Design Laboratory wherein research focuses primarily on four sectors: Health, Educa on, Livelihood and Environment. We have been also assis ng corpora ons on framing their CSR policies and programme implementa on to achieve their objec ves with stakeholders in their respec ve work arena. We have been successful in bridging the gap between businesses and communi es. I feel overwhelmed by not only the recogni ons and awards that Fiinova on has gained interna onally and na onally, but more so because of the lives that we have been able to touch by our work. The credit of these achievements goes to every member of the Fiinova on family, who gives nothing less than 100 percent to the task in hand and treats every challenge as a new opportunity to shine. As Fiinova on celebrates its 7th Founda on Day, with great pride and pleasure, I want to congratulate each member of our organiza on. I dedicate this day to all the stakeholders who have contributed in every possible way for the very success that we are able to nurture with our family on this given day. Although, seven years have passed but each day starts afresh and mo vates/inspires us to broaden our opera onal horizons and create new milestones of our success. Fiinova on takes pride in working with CSO's and other organisa ons for making an impact on the lives of those who need help for a aining a be er standard of living. The path of development of all is not easy but as they say, “even the longest journey begins with a single step.” Fiinova on also believes that small efforts lead to great achievements. From the past seven years, our team of experts have been con nuously working in the sectors of health, educa on, livelihood and environment, and have performed marvellously. The journey has been tremendously sa sfying knowing that we have been able to make a difference in these social sectors. As we grow, we look towards addressing more challenges and overcoming them with flying colours. Mr. Soumitro Chakraborty CEO, Fiinovation (Innovative Financial Advisors Pvt. Ltd.)




Fiinova on at 9th Interna onal Conference on Corporate Social Responsibility Awarded the "CSR Team of the Year "& "Caring company at World CSR Day" Launch of #PowerOfBangles Campaign Fiinova on & Ins tute of Directors conference on 16th Environment Management Collabora on with CII for Webinar series on CSR & Affirma ve Ac on & Promo on of Social Enterprises Mr. Soumitro Chakraborty CEO Fiinova on, empanelled on the Advisory Council of World Sustainability Congress & World CSR Day Mr. Soumitro Chakraborty , CEO, invited and empanelled as Commi ee Member of the CII Northern Region: Regional Commi ee on Affirma ve Ac on Fiinova on & IOD London Global Conven on 2015, UK




Knowledge partner for NGO box Mobile site launch for instant update


Integrated solu on enabler in the CSR domain Web portal for instant project updates


Whistle blower in India for CSR


Fiinova on was founded with a team of four members




8th Interna onal conference on CSR "Best Innova on Product or Service "at Social Innova on Award Fiinova on & Ins tute of Directors' path breaking partnership Fiinova on & FKCCI at the face of the Companies Act, 2013 Fiinova on at 24th World Congress on Total Quality and Leadership Fiinova on & IOD conference on Environment Management EBA : Socrates Award 'Best Enterprise of the Year - in the field of Health, Educa on, Environment and Livelihood with a focus on CSR & Sustainability', Oxford, UK Fiinova on & IOD London Global Conven on, UK Fiinova on at CII -'Bridging the Gap 2014'

1st research consultancy specialized in CSR Asia's first Proposal Research & Design lab" Sector specific innova on in development

1st research consultancy specialized in CSR



September 30, 2015, New Delhi: On the occasion of its 7th Founda on Day, Fiinova on in associa on with Lions Blood Bank successfully organised the annual blood dona on camp on 29th September, 2015 in Okhla , New Delhi. Third campaign of the Blood dona on series comes close on the heels of the current dengue outbreak that has gripped the na onal capital and meets the demand of the shortage observed. With the theme "Donate blood for a reason, let the reason be life," the mo ve of Fiinova on was to address the acute and rising concern of dengue in its own way. On the ini a ve, Mr. Soumitro Chakraborty - Founder & CEO, Fiinova on, said, "Elimina ng blood shortage is the need of the hour. Even though we organise this campaign every year on our Founda on Day, this year it is although more required, looking at the number of dengue cases reported so far. The company stands on the strong founda on of facilita ng services to those who need it and this drive on our annual day is symbolic to our beliefs. It is the perfect tribute to the seven years of the journey we have undertaken and are pleased that this small ini a ve will help save lives." An overwhelming response to this noble ini a ve was observed, as people came forward volunteering to be a part of this noble endeavour. More than 150 people par cipated in the ini a ve, mainly from organiza ons across Okhla, such as My Dala, Madison, Leo Burne , Gla India, Nathealth, Snapdeal, Sonata Informa on Technology and Wygen Systems among others. Mr. Chakraborty, ini ated the drive, followed by other volunteers. About 150 units of blood donated in one single day, highligh ng the success of the campaign. Since 2013, Fiinova on is organising Blood Dona on campaign on its Founda on Day. It was certainly a proud moment for the blood donors to associate for such a noble cause which can transform lives and bring a change in the community.

imagine. believe. achieve.



India is a young country that needs to build a founda on, which is strong and healthy. Access, infrastructure, affordability and technology will be required to shape the road ahead for the healthcare sector in India. Healthcare has been one of the core sectors of economic development for many countries across the world. Healthcare increases efficiency and produc vity of any economic market. With India set to seek economic expansion and popula on surge, this sector is likely to be one of the largest and fastest growing ones. It is also a value creator as it facilitates job opportuni es for millions across the globe. Investments in this sector will open scope for addressing the challenges that it is facing today. Due to unavailability of affordable and right health care systems, many people are dying. India's health care systems ranking is 112th, out of 190 countries as per the WHO reports, which is alarming keeping in sight the development interven ons in India. There is a lot of scope for improvement, which can help save millions of lives, including those, which are lost during epidemic outbreaks. Despite millions of dollars spent, India is not able to tackle the rising deaths due to dengue, swine flu, cholera, chikungunya, malaria and other diseases. The recent dengue outbreak in the capital of the country has claimed 40 lives unofficially, with more than 9300 cases registered un l Oct 5th. India faces the challenge of dengue almost every year. In 2010, over 6,200 cases, only eight deaths were officially reported. Un l October 3rd, 2014, cases registered were 120, while in 2013 it was 2,557. In 2012, nearly 100 dengue cases, while 2011 saw 283 dengue cases in the same period. Other outbreaks such as Jaundice in Odisha and Gujarat, and Swine Flu in Gujarat and Rajasthan have also claimed thousands of lives. The major concern is the lack of healthcare funding from government, global groups and other sources, which is inhibi ng long-term behavioural changes, among both people and the health care sector whereby increasing the chances of repeated outbreaks of epidemics. In this crucial stage, there is a window of opportunity for corpora ons under their CSR strategy to collaborate with organiza ons and individuals in building a healthier India. As per NRHM Mission Director Anuradha Gupta, private players must come out of their comfort zone and reach out to remote areas with healthcare programmes through effec ve public-private partnerships (PPP). India carries 20% of the world's disease burden, as per WHO, and it will require support by the corpora ons in healthcare programmes. This would require making healthcare accessible, at affordable price, available in the far corners of the country, incorpora ng all the technological advancements and establishing adequate infrastructure. Partnerships with civil society, training skilled manpower and providing funds for health programmes will surely help improve the ground situa on. Though CSR funds will not be enough to build the infrastructure required, the CSR funding can be u lised towards research, awareness and building technologically advanced medical devices to deliver healthcare in a portable, convenient and cost-effec ve way. Therefore, the bo om line is, if a corpora on considers healthcare as their CSR strategy and builds a systema c approach to any issue, it will do a lot for the country, people and resources in the future. -Rahul Choudhury

DISSECTION OF THE HEALTH SECTOR IN INDIA The Indian healthcare sector is to reach $280 billion by 2020 with a compound annual growth rate of 22.9 percent. The major contributors to this growth is the rise in income levels, greater health awareness, increased precedence of lifestyle diseases and epidemics and improved access to insurance. Healthcare is one of the largest sectors in India both in terms of revenue and employment, with its competitive advantage lying in its vast pool of well-trained medical professionals. There are around 6.6 lakh doctors in India and it requires about 4 lakh more by 2020 to meet the desired target of one doctor per 1000 people.

Healthcare sector - growth trend (US$ billion)

Market Size Ÿ



Indian healthcare market is worth US$ 100 billion and is expected to grow to US$ 280 billion by 2020 The Indian medical tourism industry is pegged at US$ 3 billion per annum, with tourist arrivals estimated at 230,000 The average investment size by private equity funds in healthcare chains has already increased to US$ 20-30 million

300 240



R: 17


180 120 60 0

















India requires 600,000 to 700,000 additional beds over the next five to six years, indicative of an investment opportunity of US$ 25-30 billion


Per capita healthcare expenditure is estimated at a CAGR of 11.3 per cent during FY 2008–15 to US$ 91 billion by 2015

Source: Frost & Sullivan, LSI Financial Services, Deloitte, TechSci Research Notes: E – Estimate, F - Forecast

Major Initiatives - Public & Private Ÿ

Apollo Hospitals Enterprise (AHEL) plans to add another 2,000 beds over the next two financial years, at a cost of around US$ 225.28 million


The E-health initiative, which is a part of Digital India drive, aims at providing effective and economical healthcare services to all citizens


Chinese online giant Tencent has made its debut in India by leading a Rs 573-crore ($90-million) investment round in Practo (valued at $525 million), an Internet-based service to schedule appointments with doctors


The allocation of Rs 33,150 crore for the healthcare sector is similar to the outlay in previous budgets by the Government of India


CDC, a UK based development finance institution, invested US$ 48 million in Narayana Hrudayalaya, a multi-speciality healthcare provider


India has received an aggregate of $377.3 billion in FDI from April 2000 to May 2015


In the second phase of Mission Indradhanush, 352 districts have been selected including 279 mid priority districts, 33 from the North East states and 40 districts from phase one where large number of missed out children were detected. In the first phase 2 crore vaccines were administered to the children and pregnant women


26 463


45 1262





Steadily Increasing (PE/VC investment in health care) DEALS INVESTMENT *

71 1359 *

Figures In $mn; Source Bain & Company


Zee News@ZeeNew


Ministry of Health@ MoHFW_INDIA

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Food for Thought...

Hear the Influencers Speak...

Guidelines to Article 8 of the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control state that there is “no safe level of exposure to tobacco smoke.” Creating 100% smoke-free environments is the only way to protect people from the harmful effects of second-hand tobacco smoke.

"In countries around the world, waistlines are expanding so rapidly that health experts recently coined a term for the epidemic: globesity."

Health ministry claims that there are about 6-6.5 lakh doctors available. However, India would need about four lakh more by 2020 to maintain the required ratio of one doctor per 1,000 people.

“80% of health apps are abandoned within two weeks.”

WHO estimates that, in India, water-borne diseases affect about 38 million people every year, out of which over 75% are children; 780,000 deaths are attributable to contaminated water and more than 400,000 because of diarrhea alone. In India, even today, one person dies every two minutes due to TB. It is the second biggest killer after HIV/AIDS worldwide. According to WHO, mortality rate due to cardiovascular diseases has decreased by 60% in Japan and Finland, 50% in the US, and 25% in Canada and Australia, but by 2015, mortality rate due to cardiac ailments will increase by 100 per cent in India. According to current estimates, India will soon have the highest number of cases of cardiovascular disease in the world and estimated to account for 35.9% deaths by the year 2030.

- Laurie CunninghamSouth Africa

- Marco Della Torre

"Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being, and not merely the absence of disease or infirmity” - World Health Organization, 1948

“[In India] we covered 130 million children by way of special campaigns against measles, focusing on those we were constantly missing in the past and the results surprised us … that is the amazing power of vaccines.” - Anuradha Gupta, Deputy CEO, Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance

“You treat a disease: You win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you win - no matter the outcome.” - Patch Adams

Fiinobservation of International Days The International Day of Girl Child

International Day for Disaster Reduction

11 October

13 October

From female foeticide, ignoring the girl child, to motivating them to fulfil their dreams, today, the Indian society, through conscious efforts of the government, private organizations and more informed parents, has been working towards transforming the orthodox mindsets. This includes entailing them with best of health care, education, food, etc as is enjoyed by their opposite gender. However, on analyzing the DISE data 2014-15, Fiinovation reviewed that as a girl child advances in her life, a few of them also drop out from school due to increased responsibilities. Deliberate and conscious effort towards fulfilling the dreams of a girl child shall help and take us a step closer to attaining the sustainable development goals. The United Nations General Assembly on December 19, 2011 declared October 11, as the International Day for the Girl Child, with an aim to recognize the girls’ rights and the challenges faced by them across the globe. The introduction of SDGs this year by the global community is a suitable time to acknowledge and recognize the achievements of the young girls in India. Their achievement is undeniable to obtain the mentioned

Every year the world is struck by a natural disaster that claims thousands of lives and leaves millions homeless. Despite, all the efforts, scientific knowledge, preparedness and risk reduction measures, the world has not been able to save lives and rehabilitate people. The devastation due to the natural disasters such as droughts, floods, earthquakes, anthropogenic activities add to other adverse miseries which result in a catastrophe. Natural disasters, majority of which are exacerbated by climate change, have a negative impact on investment in sustainable development and the desired outcomes. The International Day for Disaster Reduction has been observed every year on 22nd December since 1989 after UNGA passed a resolution to promote global awareness for preventive measures for disasters including mitigation and preparedness. In 2009, the UNGA passed a resolution and designated 13th October every year to be asserted as International Day for Disaster Reduction. This year the theme for the day is “Knowledge for Life – Focussing on the use of traditional, indigenous and local knowledge.”

Hand Washing Day 15 October

The United Nations General Assembly observed 2008 as the year of sanitation and declared 15th October as the “Global Hand Washing Day” to be celebrated every year. In India 3,3400 children die under the age of five due to the same diarrheal disease, which could have been prevented if good hygiene standards were maintained. Hand hygiene plays a vital role in ensuring a good health, nearly 80 percent of the communicable diseases spread by touch and if hand hygiene is practiced properly one can easily avoid large number of infections. Touch is not only limited to coming in contact with another person, objects but also performing various activities, like eating without proper clean hands, touching eyes, nose and other body parts, that maybe vulnerable if proper hygiene care are not taken with care. As they say prevention is better than cure, it is important for the people to understand and embed good hygiene practices in daily life. The kids should be told the importance of washing their hands and the habit of good hygiene should be developed in them from a very early age.

About Fiinovation Fiinovation, a research based organization, is an integrated solution enabler in the CSR and sustainability domain. It is focused towards enhancing quality across organizational value chain through meaningful innovation thereby ensuring sustainability. It is Asia's first proposal research laboratory wherein research is focused primarily on four sectors, which include health, education, livelihood and environment. The practices CSR Portfolio Management (CPM), CSR-CSO Partnership, Initiative Design, Initiative Management, Monitoring and Evaluation, Impact Assessment and Sustainability Reporting help provide simple solutions to their partners. Fiinovation 24/30, Ground Floor, Okhla Industrial Estate, Phase III, New Delhi - 110020 Phone: 011-42332200 | Fax : 011-42332205 website: www.fiinovation.co.in | Email: media@fiinovation.co.in

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