Fiinovation the world and climate change

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4. 87% 1. 57% 2. 23% 1. 75%

14. 69% 23. 43%

3. 61%

5. 7%

2. 31% 4. 17%

*Thi si sagr aphi calr epr esent at i on,t het er r i t or i esmi ghtdi f f eri nt heor i gi nalscal esoft hewor l dmap.

f i i n o v a t i o n

Thecur r ents i t uat i on: USAandChi nat obecomel owcar boneconomi es , USt odoubl e t her at eofr educt i onandChi nawi l ls t ar tr educi ngi t scoalus age wi t hi ns i xyear s . Eur opeanUni ont or educecar bonemi s s i onby40% by2030. Sout hAf r i cawi l ls t opi ncr eas i ngemi s s i onsby2025. Al lnat i onst ohal tf or es tl os sby2030. Gover nment shaveagr eedt opr ovi deagr eat er t hanexpect ed $10bi l l i ont oaf und t ohel p poorcount r i esaddr es scl i mat e change. TheLi maCl i mat eConf er enceachi evedar angeofot heri mpor t antout comesanddeci s i onsand" f i r s t s "i nt hehi s t or yoft he i nt er nat i onalcl i mat epr oces s . Level soft r ans par encyandconf i dencebui l di ngr eachednew hei ght sass ever ali ndus t r i al i z ed count r i ess ubmi t t ed t hems el vest oques t i oni ngaboutt hei remi s s i onst ar get sunderanew pr oces scal l edaMul t i l at er alAs s es s ment . The Li ma Mi ni s t er i alDecl ar at i on on Educat i on and Awar enes s r ai s i ngcal l songover nment st oputcl i mat echangei nt o s choolcur r i cul aandcl i mat eawar enes si nt onat i onaldevel opmentpl ans . I naf ur t herboos tt ot headapt at i onambi t i onsofdevel opi ng count r i es ,Ger manymadeapl edgeof55mi l l i onEur ost ot he Adapt at i onFund. Chi naal s oannounced$10mi l l i onf orSout hSout hcooper at i on andment i onedt heywoul ddoubl ei tnextyear .

Gov er nment sar r i v ed i nL i ma on a wav eofpos i t i v enewsandopt i mi s m r es ul t i ngf r om t hecl i mat eact i onannouncement soft heEur opeanUni on, Chi na and t he Uni t ed St at est ot he s cal i ngupofpl edgesf ort heGr een Cl i mat eFund.Theyl eav eL i maona f r es hwav eofpos i t i v i t yt owar dsPar i s wi t har angeofkeydeci s i onsagr eed andact i onagendasl aunched, i ncl udi ngonhow t obet t ers cal eupandf i nance adapt at i on,al ongs i de act i ons onf or es t sandeducat i on. ”-Chr i s t i ana Fi guer es ,Ex ecut i v e Secr et ar y of t he UN Fr amewor k on Cl i mat e Change( UNFCCC)

LI MATALKSRI PPLEPOSI TI VEVI BES Uni t ed Nat i onsFr amewor k Conv ent i on on Cl i mat e Change ( UNFCCC) ,hel dt he L I MA cl i mat e changeconf er ence( COP20) , whi chconcl udedonapos i t i v enot e. “ L i maCal lf orCl i mat eAct i on” , a 5pagedocument ,i st heout comeoft hi sconf er ence. Thewav eofopt i mi s m acr os st hewor l dr os e f r om t heU. S. -Chi nadeal . Butmuchs t i l l needst obedonet obur ni s ht her el at i onsbet weendev el opi nganddev el opednat i onsbef or et heCOP21i nPar i s , nexty ear . Negot i at i onswer enoteas yast her ewer ev ar i ouspoi nt sofcont ent i ons : Devel opi ngnat i onsl i keI ndi aandChi napus hedf orgr eat erdi f f er ent i at i on.Thi scomesf r om a1992UNFCCC agr eementwhi chput sdi f f er ent i at edr es pons i bi l i t yonbot hdevel opedanddevel opi ngnat i onsont hebas i sof hi s t or i cemi s s i ons , wi t hs t r i ngentf i nanci ali mpl i cat i ons . Smal lI s l andSt at esbl ocpr es s edon“l os sanddamage”t obei ncl udedass t andal onemeas ur e. Thi swoul dhel p t hem s eekcompens at i onf ort hedamagecaus edbecaus eoft her api dcl i mat echange. Devel opedcount r i espus hedf orar evi ewofpr os pect i veemi s s i oncut sandpl edgedt oenhanceaccount abi l i t y . Thef i naldocument , t oucheduponmos toft hecont ent i ousi s s ues , s t r i ki ngabal ancebet weendi f f er entbl ocs .

Thet opi cofDi f f er ent i at i onhasal waysf oundcent r es t agei ncl i mat echangemeet i ng. But , Chi na’ s decl ar at i onofi ncr eas i ngemi s s i onsby2030ear l i ert hi sy ear , wasi nv ar i ancewi t hi t ss ol i dar i t yon dev el oped/ dev el opi ngdi f f er ent i at i on. Howev er , l i t t l ehaschanged, wi t hChi nabac ki ngI ndi aupon di f f er ent i at edr es pons i bi l i t yandr emov aloft hecl aus et hats ayst hatdev el opi ngnat i onss hal lpayf or mi t i gat i oncos t s . Thi scamei nt hebac kgr oundofi ncr eas i ngcar bonemi s s i onsbyI ndi aandChi na, wi t hf ocusonhi gherr at esofdev el opment s . Chi nas t andst hi r dsi nt er msofcar bonemi s s i ons , l ead byt heU. S. andEU. I ndi ahol dsal at eei ght hpos i t i on, y ets i gni f i cantwhens eeni nt er msofcar bon emi s s i ons . Gar ner i ngf i nanceshasal s obeent hecent r alagendas i ncet heCOP15,Copenhagen.Dev el oped nat i oncommi t t edt omobi l i z e$ 30bi l l i on/ y earf r om 201012,i ncr eas i ngi tt o$ 100bi l l i onby2020. COP16s aw amor ef or malpl edgeof$ 100bi l l i on/ y earal ongwi t hdev el opmentofGr eenCl i mat e Fund( GCF) . Thef i naldocumentofL i maur gesdev el opednat i onst opr ov i deenhancedf i nanci al s uppor toft hi sf r ont . I ni t i at i v esout s i det heUNFCCC pr oces s ,s uchasChi na’ sr ecentl aunchofani nt er nat i onalcl i mat e f undt oas s i s tdev el opi ngcount r i esi nt ac kl i ngcl i mat echanges ugges t sawi l l i ngnes sonBei j i ng’ s par tt oact , whi chhasbeenl ar gel yabs entwi t hi ncl i mat echangemeet i ngs . Adv ancesi nt hedepl oymentofr enewabl eener gyt echnol ogi es ,whi chChi naandI ndi ahav ebot hs howni nt er es ti n,al s o s ugges t st hatt her ei spot ent i alf ormeani ngf ulact i ont hatcanboos tconf i dencepr i ort oPar i s .

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