1 minute read
2.3 Lighting analysis
Tunnel night view 1: 23:00 (June) Tunnel night view 2: 23:00 (June)


Tunnel night view 3: 23:00 (June) Tunnel night view 4: 23:00 (June)
The tunnel reveals the light tracks even more, which are coming in and out of the dark surface of the ceiling and walls, reminiscent of the old train tracks you can still find around Copenhagen. This makes the transition more dynamic, amplified by their continuous glow. Here, the light tracks are complemented by the use of the pools of light, which bring attention to the architecture of the tunnel and make one’s journey more enjoyable.

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Sunset scenario: 21:30 (June)
Night scenario: 23:00 (June) Rainy, overcast: 15:00 (June)
Otto Busses Vej node
The inner tunnel pools of light and light tracks accompany users through the tunnel and finally into The Railway City, where they are met with the final element of our design, the Otto Busses Vej pools of light. The light poles shine down on the 4 pathways, showing the way deeper into the City, which people can further explore.

Afternoon scenario: 15:00 (June)
User journey to the Railway City
The user journey is presented from a pedestrian perspective, in order to emphasize the ideal usage of this otherwise cramped tunnel.

Still images taking you through the tunnel into the Railway City, from Enghavevej to Otto Bussesvej.