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Launch of Nairobi Regional Training Centre (RTC)

Official Opening of the Nairobi

Regional Training Centre (RTC) took place on June 13, 2018. UMBKenya supported the refurbishmentof the Nairobi RTC and setting up oftechnical infrastructure to support anECHO-based learning collaborativeunder the Nairobi regional technicalworking group (RTWG), primarilyas a regional hub for continuousmedical education (CME), complexcase management and data-drivenmentorship.


ECHO is an e-based learningplatform that reaches a largenumber of clinicians to enhance theirknowledge and provide them withsupport to manage complex cases.

The PACE-K program aims toimplement sustainable mentorshipmodels to increase capacity forand access to HIV managementknowledge and skills through theRTCs.

Dr Hitan Majevda, County ExecutiveCommittee (CEC) Member forHealth, Nairobi County thankedUMB for their continued support.“UMB has renovated this place intoan ultra-modern facility, a sharpcontrast to what it was before. Let usutilize this facility well and improvethe health outcomes of our people,”he said.

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