Keeping up to speed with trends can be difficult. Technology is rapidly changing and will continue to change every year and every day. Having a mobile friendly website is crucial. Over 60% of users are unlikely to return to a website that is difficult to navigate and/or access. These users will then travel onto your closest competitor. Incorporating a mobile-friendly website should be at the top of your 2017 marketing to-do list. Learn more about the importance of mobile friendly websites here. By remaining on trend for website design- your users and search engines, like Google, take notice. Updating your website regularly will improve your search engine optimization (SEO) and boost your rankings. It’s already June 2017 and there’s only 6 more months until 2018! Time is of the essence. Not keeping up to date with trends can leave users thinking you, your products, or services are #outdated, and no one wants to feel as though they are not fitting the recent style. Below is a list of website development trends to follow in 2017 to result in a more responsive website. 1. Security With the increase of innovative website trends and digital marketing assets comes the threat of your website security. Does your website have a secured SSL Certificate implemented? An SSL Certificate is important for all websites, but especially important to have on an e-commerce website. The SSL Certificate adds another layer of encryption on the website user’s credit card and other personal information. Read more about this important security measure in our previous blog: Why Your Website Needs an SSL Certificate. 2. Slide Animation By scrolling through a website, the slides will be able to change automatically. Images and descriptions can appear without clicking. By this occurring, parallaxes and layering can be appealing. Having images and descriptions in a clean cut, one right after the other, looks repetitive or even mundane. Overlapping images and having descriptions appear and disappear allows the website to look more abnormal. It’s all about being unique. 3. Illustrations, Theme & Color It’s important to have your page be a responsive website while having a responsive design. Illustrations and themes allows users to get to know a little bit about you or your company. These two components can make or break users. Interactive menu’s that flow smoothly along with the design can appeal to the eyes of what people are looking at/for.Still taking into consideration that minimalistic themes are still okay to do. There are many types of people with different brand expectations that hold unique identities and values to them. Still incorporating smooth animation and parallaxe scan make it look organic and professional. The idea to take away from themes, illustrations and color is still, regardless, making it a user-friendly website design and being a responsive design. 4. Diverse to the User Having a more dynamic composition can charm all types important to consider who will be visiting your site. to people of different races, genders, ages, incomes, Making your site more mobile friendly will help users easily and not run into complications.
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When it comes to website design and development, don’t take any chances. If ranking number 1 on search engines was easy, everyone would be there. It is crucial to have a digital strategy that keeps your foot on the gas. Let Kirk Communications develop the long lasting digital strategy to compete in the current market. As a global SEO company, kirk knows which solutions are best for your brand. Give us a call at 603-766-4925 for a free consultation.