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The purpose of this project is to suggest an innovative building for the MMU Faculty of Health and Education, emphasising the enlargement of areas for the Physiotherapy Department. The project client, represented by the Brooks Building, has outgrown its current capacity in the Health Department. Consequently, this proposal serves as a crucial intervention. The Institute is designed to provide new dedicated areas for physiotherapy and mental health treatments. It is dedicated to integrating biodiversity while focusing on users’ overall state of well-being. Starting from an analogue approach, the proposal develops into a sanctuary that fosters connectivity among individuals, the environment, and the architecture. Embodying a linear design, the Institute facilitates the interconnection of programmes through vegetation, positioning itself as a beacon for future developments in Manchester’s community.
Initially the project was presented through technical drawings to understand the dimensions of the site location and to offer a better sense of the proposals character. The hand drawings helped in building up the character of the Institute. Analysing the building, through analogue techniques and from various angles such as section views, perspectives, and landscape plans, helped in the further development of the concept when digital modelling was implemented.
Having an initial analogue approach for the building proposal resulted in analyzing various strategies and designs for the central column. The atrium space of the building is located in center of the design. Its function is to interconnect the programs of the building by generating a communal space surrounded by greenery. Initially the atrium consisted of a singular column aiming to support the central structure of the building. The column is part of the primary structure of the building. Starting with various iterations of its aspect, the column design further developed when digital techniques were utilized. All the hand drawings depict various strategies in which the column could be used as a structural element and how it influences the identity of the proposal. By analyzing each type through building sections, plans and sectioned axonometric views a better understanding of the atrium space was gained. This analysis helped in making further decisions on terms of columns’ aspect and structural functions.
Being located in the heart of the design a further analysis of the load distribution through the central part was required. The diagrams on the left present multiple iterations of the required number of columns to distribute the loads through the atrium area. The diagrams consist of structural grids that depict the connection of possible columns and their locations on the central area.
The organic columns proposed for the building is part of the primary structure. They were designed using parametric methods to create intricate organic figures. Due of the height and curvature of the structure, the columns require structural support between each organic element. The reinforcement is created by using SHS and steel ring connecters placed at different heights of the column.
Exploded axonometric view of the atrium space showcasing the relationship between the structural elements and the interior garden strategy. The organic columns build up the character of the proposal and by including timber structures for planting and seating the biophilic approach is enhanced. The space created boosts biodiversity and connection between users and the environment.
Atrium space showcasing the space designed for interior gardens with unobstructed views of the exterior boosting connection between the interior and exterior and offering constant natural lightning. The space aims to further connect users with the environment by surrounding them with vegetation and further develop the biodiversity.
The external cladding of the building was selected to enhance the overall performance of the proposal. The chosen façade aims to generate a better thermal comfort throughout the year while building up the internal and external character of the building. The iterative testing of the parametric cladding generated with Voronoi focused on analysing the internal floor thermal comfort and the geometries solar gains throughout the year. The selected façade aims to create an environment that requires minimal mechanical services focusing on passive heating and cooling.
The 1:10 physical model explores the building layers of the top floor in relation to the exterior and the cladding proposal. The model is best presented on an elevated platform for further understanding of the layers and textures used. The exterior organic cladding of the model has been 3D Printed and coated with dark green acrylic paints to showcase the metallic texture of the façade. The concrete slab of the floor had been casted with grey plaster and sprayed with black paints to recreate the real material. The insulation of the floor is presented with three foamboards stacked together to present the actual dimensions of the mineral wool insulation. The model is cut at different dimensions to show the interior layers and the connection between each element. To depict the double-glazing two clear acrylic board were cut and glued together. The timber floor finishing was created by using an MDF board and coating it with light oak paint.
The design implements multiple sustainable strategies to reduce the utilization of mechanical systems and lower the overall carbon footprint of the building. By including operable windows in the central atrium. Passive cooling and heating throughout the year is created. The extensive green strategy implemented throughout the proposal has multiple roles consisting of boosting oxygen production, releasing the CO2, and creating a natural buffer for external noise sources. Simultaneously, the green roof system enhances the biodiversity of the area and makes a significant contribution to the thermal performance of the design. The site being directly exposed to natural lightning allows the implementation of photovoltaic solar panels to produce green energy throughout the building. Therefore, the proposal has a positive impact on the surrounding environment and creates a comfortable space for the users focusing on sustainable and green strategies.
The proposal aims to integrate green environments in the community. Placing the building in the centre of the site permitted the implementation of multiple landscape strategies. The design is surrounded by timber structural elements with various functions. The landscape intervention consists of introducing design elements where trees and vegetation are planted and simultaneously the elements could be used for seating thus further developing the connection between the users, nature, and architecture. This strategy aims to create multiple entrances on site to allow the access of the building from any point.
The linear character of the proposal strives to further develop the relation between users, nature, and buildings’ programme. The programmes of the design are divided into four main areas, and they are connected through the central atrium. The atrium is considered the heart of the Institute and intends to reconnect the community. by integrating study and practice areas, students are encourage to engage with professionals from the health industry to further develop their skills and knowledge while providing services for Hulme’s community.
Axonometric view showing the sectioned area of the building. The axonometry includes the landscape strategy found in that particular area and presents the relationship between the interior and the exterior of the building. In this view the curved character of the façade is visible, and the materials qualities are exposed. The landscape presented shows the various ways people could benefit of the space.
False ceiling connection detail through C channels and suspension cords
Roof layers:
1. Growing vegetation
2. Growing medium 150mm
3. Filter fabric 1mm
4. Metallic drainage board 20mm
5. Root barrier 1mm
6. Waterproof membrane 0.3mm
7. Celotex XR4000 insulation 150mm
8. PVC roofing membrane 1.5mm
9. Precast concrete slab 50mm
10. Metal decking 0.5mm
11. Outdoor stainless steel C channel coated light blue
12. SHS steel connecter for parametric cladding
13. 5mm steel planks for SHS steel connecter
14. Continuous aluminium gutter coated light blue
15. 254x146x37 I beam stainless steel
Parametric Façade strategy:
16. SHS (200mm width) curved steel fireproof coated dark green
17. Aluminium decking coated light blue for windows
18. Aluminium frame coated dark green for windows
19. Double glazing system
20. Aluminium cladding sheets coated dark green 5mm
False ceiling:
21. Aluminium C channels for ceiling attachment
22. Suspension cords
23. False ceiling acoustic panels 1200x600x15mm
24. T24 metal runner
25. Aluminium electrical rail with cables
26. Water pipe
27. Ventilation system
28. Light fixtures
Top floor layers:
29. Metallic aspect floor finishing 50mm
30. 203x203x46kg I Universal stainless-steel column
31. Exterior stainless steel C channel connector coated light blue
32. Vapour control barrier
33. Celotex F15000 insulation 100mm
34. Precast concrete slab 50mm
35. Metal decking 0.5mm
36. x146x37 I beam stainless steel
Exterior wall build-up:
37. Interior plasterboards 2x10mm
38. Vapour control barrier 0.3mm
39. Celotex GA4000 insulation 200mm
40. Breather membrane 0.3mm
41. Sheeting board 10mm
42. Vertical Rail 10mm
43. Fibre cement panels Equitone [lunara] LA60 Hessain 10mm
44. 203x203x46kg I Universal stainless-steel column
45. 254x146x37 I beam stainless steel
Ground floor
46. Floor finish 20mm
47. Screed 50mm
48. Celotex FI5000 insulation 100mm
49. Damp Proof Membrane 2mm
50. Precast Concrete Ground Slab 200mm
51. Compacted Soil 150mm
52. Ground
The building proposal creates a unique connection between architecture and nature. Through the linear character showcased in the south elevation it is clear how the concept integrates in the proposed landscape strategy. The parametric designed façade coated green aims to reproduce the aspect of tree leaves and with the organic columns depicting tree trunks the buildings’ structure becomes part of the natural environment. The sections showcase the connectivity of the spaces through the central atrium considered the “green” heart of the Institute. The exploded axonometric of the proposal intends to present the structural layers and how they are connected. It offers a clear understanding of the materials chosen throughout the design and how they blend to establish the proposals’ identity. The Institutes’ character and nature integration is seen in the night front render.