Vase, Stoneware, glaze, 9’’x 9’’x 10’’
Head, Stoneware, glaze, 15’’x13’’12’’
Elephant, Stoneware, glaze, cone 06, 35’’x 27’’x 12”
Elephant, detail, Stoneware, glaze, cone 06, 35’’x 27’’x 12”
Stoneware, Soda atmosphering ring, 15’’x 17’’x 13’’
Masks, Stoneware, glaze cone 06, 17’’x 9’’x 18’’
oughts, Metal, 25’’x 18’’x 31’’
Experiment, wax, wire, metalplate, plexiglass 40”x 17”x 16”
Abstract, Stoneware, glaze cone 04, 16’’x 16’’x 24’’
Garden joy, Stoneware, glaze cone 04, 20’’x17’’x 23’’
Bull, Stoneware, glaze cone 04, 15’’x17’’x13’’
Life, Acrylic paint, 30”x42”
It’s that you Woodblock Print, Relief Color Ink, 24”x19”
Jungle in the city, Acrilic paint, 14”x19”
Busteni, Woodblock print, Ink, 8’’x12’’
Busteni, Ink 8”x12”
Were not chichen, Lithograph print, 12”x10’’
Hora Romanian traditional dance, Ink on canvas, 36”x48”
Stoneware, glaze cone, 11’’x15’’x12’’
Stoneware, glaze cone 08, 12”x10’’
Stoneware, Salt red glaze, 3.5’’x4’’ (le) 3.25’’x3.5’’ (right)
Stoneware, glaze, 4’’x4.5’’ (le) 2.5’’x 5.5’’ (right)
Ancient sundial model, Maple wood chain saw chair, 29”x 29”x 34”