Touchdown Malta 2013-14

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13/07/2012 14:50


FIRST EDITION 2013 – 2014

This First number of Touchdown Malta is presented as a Supplement in the 10th Edition of Yachting in Malta (2013-2014). The contents in general is made up of editorial focusing on the different services and facilities making up the Malta industry highlighting their respective advantages.

PRODUCTION CREDITS Editor - Publisher Wilfred Sultana Artistic Consultant Reno Psaila

Whilst every effort has been made

Editorial Contributors Aurelio Micallef Grimaud Capt. Ray Zarb Dr Max Ganado Dr. Desiree Cassar Pwc Kevin Valenzia PwC Malta Business Aviation Association Malta Enterprise Malta International Airport (MIA) plc MCAST Aviation Maintenance Training Centre Sandy Cassar Cardona Sky Parks Business Centre Transport Malta

to verify all the information in this publication to ensure accuracy, Wilfred Sultana & Associates cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or views expressed in this Guide. Data expressed in respect to facilities

Photography Capt. Lawrence Dalli Kevin Casha Lufthansa Private Jet MCAST Aviation Maintenance Training Centre Malta Aviation Society

and services have been provided


Advertising Reps Freda Sultana Natasha Farrugia

© Wilfred Sultana & Associates

Design & Layout Studiografik Ltd (San Gwann)

by various sources and not necessary reflect the opinion of the

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Printers Gutenberg Press Ltd. (Malta)

by means graphic, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or information storage and retrieval systems, without the written permission of the Publishers.

Distribution The 1st issue of Touchdown Malta, which is incorporated in the 10th Edition of Yachting in Malta (2013-2014), is available for Free upon request to the Publishers. Produced & Published by Wilfred Sultana & Associates MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS P.O. Box 24, Gzira GZR 1001, MALTA Tel: (+356) 9907 1949 E-Mail: Web-Site:

CONTENTS Contents, Credits, Index to Advertisers Foreword Editor’s Introduction Aircraft Registration Act Taxation Planning Opportunities Focus on the MBAA The Legal Directory * MIA-The Islands’ Gateway to the World Pilot Training Flying the Flag of Confidence Company Profiles Listing SkyParks – Doing Better Business! Safi Aviation Park Making The Case For Business Aviation MCAST’s Aviation Training Centre Aviation Maintenance Malta International Air Show Sky Blue Pages

01 02 03 04 05 07 08 11 12 13 16 19 21 22 23 25 26 27

INDEX TO ADVERTISERS BizAV Services Ltd DC Aviation Ltd European Pilot Academy-Malta Hawk Aerospace Ltd Lufthansa German Airlines Malta Enterprise Malta International Airport plc Malta School of Flying/Malta Wings Co. Ltd Mediterranean Aviation Co. Ltd S&D Aviation Limited Sky Gourmet Malta Ltd SkyParks Business Centre Ltd The Legal Directory* Transport Malta

06 06 06 18 14/15 20 BC 06 24 18 10 IFC 08 IBC

* The Legal Directory The Law Firms featured as part of The Legal Directory are: EMD Advocates Emmanuel Mallia & Associates, Advocates Fenech & Fenech, Advocates Ganado & Associates, Advocates Mifsud & Mifsud, Advocates Tanti-Dougall & Associates, Advocates

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European Business Aviation Association (EBAA) BUSINESS AVIATION is a vital tool for company executives and is essential for the economic development of Europe. Not only does it provide an efficient and secure way to travel and accommodate the demanding schedules of leading executives, the European business aviation sector contributes around €20bn in annual gross value added (GVA) to the European economy. APPROXIMATELY 650,000 business aviation flights are taken across Europe each year, and the majority of jets are owned by governments and companies, with just 3% of the total number of aircraft registered in Europe being privately owned (there are approximately 4,000 aircraft registered in Europe). OWNING a jet is not the only way to benefit from business aviation. Through charter operators and fractional ownership, today’s business aviation users, which also include mid-tier management and mid-market firms, can benefit from a wide choice of aircraft and flight options which means the cost of flying privately is highly competitive. THE European Business Aviation Association (EBAA), which was established in 1977, is focused on ensuring the proper recognition of business aviation as a vital part of the aviation infrastructure, supporting local and national economies. EBAA works hard with all of our members to enable them to deliver best-in-class safety and operational efficiency, whilst representing their interests at all levels in Europe. THE Association actively contributes to defining appropriate rules regarding many different policy developments and topics such as the Single European Sky, airfields and airspace access, environment, safety, security, taxes and charges. ACROSS Europe the demand for business aviation remains stable. Whilst there is a distinct two-tier Europe in terms of economic stability, we are seeing that business aviation remains a robust part of the business community and flight numbers are on par with 2011 levels. MALTA is a strong emerging player in the industry and since 2010, when the Aircraft Registration Act was passed Malta’s reputation for being an attractive location for business aviation has grown. At the beginning of 2012 there were 104 aircraft registered in Malta, an increase of 18 aircraft over 2011. MALTA is viewed as an attractive location for business jet owners and operators because of the VAT exemption for international aviation services. Aircraft registered in Malta also have access to European intra-community traffic rights, which enables operators licensed in Malta to operate their aircraft commercially within the EU. FROM Brussels we wish Malta’s Business Aviation industry a booming future.

Fabio Gamba CEO – EBAA





Editor’s Introduction

An Unwavering Commitment To Excellence! IT is always interesting and inspiring to get involved in a project with great potential from the beginning and observing its progress and development. TWO years ago while working on the 9th Edition of Yachting in Malta (2011-2012) the new Aircraft Registration Act, 2010, was introduced and somehow I thought of referring to this new legislation in the yachting directory. Making such a reference was quite relevant as the Superyachts and the Business Aviation industries present a good number of mutual approaches. THE positive response of the Malta Business Aviation Association (MBAA) was instrumental in the realisation of a one-page presentation on the subject. TODAY that brief introduction to the local Business Aviation industry is being further enhanced to highlight in more detail Malta’s emerging potential as a highly regarded player in the international world of aviation. THROUGHOUT the past 37 years the prime objective of the yachting Directory had been that of creating an extensive awareness on the international scene of what Malta had to offer in the yachting industry. AT this significant moment, the launching of TOUCHDOWN MALTA marks the endorsement of a foremost mission meant to expose and promote Malta with all its resources operated by competent professionals, keen to establish the Island as a Business/General Aviation Hub. A quick browse through these pages, the first modest presentation of its sort, will project the enthusiasm, proficiency and selection of what’s on the country’s agenda and why Malta is attracting prestigious aviation names to make the Island their base of operations, as well as others who seek to utilise the various available services and facilities. MALTA is gaining tangible growth through a respectable reputation of being an attractive location for business aviation. MAINTAINING such a standing is a demanding challenge for all concerned, Administration and Private Sector, where an unwavering commitment to excellence must be maintained at all levels. ON this first memorable opportunity of being associated so directly with the industry I thank all those who supported my initiative and I sincerely wish overwhelming success to the Malta Business Aviation industry and to all the people involved in this sector. A special word of thanks goes to Mr. Fabio Gamba, CEO – European Business Aviation Association, who has honoured us with his foreword to this Edition.

Wilfred Sultana Editor - Publisher

A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page



The Aircraft Registration Act

Legal Strategy!

ACT VIII OF 2010 brought into force the Aircraft Registration Act (the “Act”) as Chapter 503 of the Laws of Malta. This Act, one may argue, has been given a very humble title, giving importance solely to the ‘registration’ aspect of aircraft. To the contrary however, though aircraft registration remains very much in the centre of the aviation industry, the Act brought with it drastic changes to the way in which security interests may be taken over aircraft, influencing changes also to the Shipping industry as well as to the Civil Code generally and other laws, aiming generally at the growth of the aviation cluster business. Though the eligibility rules for aircraft registration have been widened, the project aims well beyond the growth of the aircraft register itself. This Act gives financiers added comfort by providing a creditorfriendly environment through which security interests may be granted over aircraft. The aviation industry followed the model upon which the shipping industry has thrived for the past decades in Malta, allowing investors to obtain liens, privileges and (perhaps more importantly) mortgages over the asset being financed. This means that upon registering such security interests one immediately obtains an executive title which gives the creditor the power to enforce his claim upon default, with the debt already being considered as certain, liquidated and due. Furthermore, apart from the local security interests the Act also gives creditors the opportunity to register international security interests through the adoption of the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and the Aircraft Protocol thereto. This means that a creditor’s security is now not only registered and recognised in the local register, but rather, in an international framework. The Cape Town security interests take precedence over national security interests, and therefore creditors seem to be taking a ‘double-cover’ as a market page



standard by registering both a national and an international interest over the debtor’s aircraft. An international interest can be granted under a security agreement or vested in a conditional seller under a title reservation agreement or in a lessor under a leasing agreement. A lessor may now also request that its interests are recorded in the National Aircraft Register as well as in the Certificate of Register of an aircraft. Since enforceability of one’s claim is perhaps the most important aspect of having a security interest, the Act, mirroring the Cape Town Convention allows one to obtain an Irrevocable De-Registration and Export Request Authorisation (“IDERA”), which allows the creditor to be registered as a recognised and authorised party to procure the de-registration of the aircraft from the National Aircraft Register and thereby procure the export and physical transfer of the aircraft from Malta. This can take place upon there being a written demand being made to the Director of Civil Aviation without the debtor’s further consent. Furthermore an IDERA can be granted not only by an owner, but also by an operator, or any other person having any rights of enjoyment over the said aircraft. The IDERA has also introduced the concept of having an irrevocable mandate by way of security being granted. This has meant altering the basic provisions of our Civil Code which deal with ‘mandate’ generally, with this form of security being now available generally and not solely for aviation purposes. Whereas a mandate is by its nature irrevocable, a mandate by way of security, when granted, can have an irrevocable nature, allowing one to act for and on behalf of someone else to secure his own interest. One is therefore ensuring that he will obtain control over an asset by having been granted an ‘irrevocable’ consent allowing him to safeguard his position and consequently to enforce his claim thereby.


Taxation Planning

Opportunities for the Aviation Sector in Malta INCOME FROM AIRCRAFT / AIRCRAFT ENGINES in international transport has foreign source Income derived from the ownership/lease/operation of an aircraft or aircraft engine used for the international transport of goods or passengers is deemed to arise outside Malta. The foreign source nature of the income applies regardless of the country of registration of the aircraft, or whether the aircraft has called at or operates from a Maltese airport. What are the tax planning opportunities emanating from the foreign source nature of aviation income? (1) The leasing of aircraft and aircraft engines by nonresidents to Maltese-resident lessees is not subject to Maltese income tax, whether by withholding or otherwise irrespective of the existence or otherwise of a double taxation treaty between the Malta and the country of residence of the lessor; (2) Maltese-resident aircraft lessors and operators may benefit from tax planning opportunities applicable under Maltese tax law in respect of foreign source income as well as from Malta’s double tax treaty network where applicable. Taxation of income from aircraft and aircraft engines in international transport A number of interesting tax provisions apply in respect of income from aircraft and aircraft engines: (1) In case of operating leases, the lessor is taxable on the lease payments. If the lessor maintains the burden of wear and tear, he is able to set off capital allowances against such income. In finance lease situations, the lessor is chargeable solely on the interest element of the lease, with no deduction being available for capital allowances; (2) Lessees may claim a deduction for lease payments in case of operating leases as well as capital allowances if the

burden of wear and tear falls on them. In finance leases, lessees may deduct the interest element of the lease, repairs and maintenance, insurance and capital allowances; (3) Aircraft airframe, engines and overhaul thereto are written off for tax purposes over a period of not less than 6 years (i.e. a 16.67% rate per annum on a straight line method), whilst interiors and other parts are written off over a minimum of 4 years (i.e. a 25% rate per annum on a straight line method); (4) Aircraft leasing and other income derived from international air transport operations is taxable at the corporate rate of 35% but on distribution to shareholders, the imputation system applies with qualifying shareholders being entitled to a refund of 6/7ths of the tax suffered on the distributed profits, subject to satisfying the statutory conditions; (5) No taxable fringe benefits arise from the private use of aircraft by non-resident individuals who are shareholders, employees or officers of companies involved in the international transport of goods or passengers; (5) Interesting planning opportunities may arise regarding re-domiciliation to Malta of foreign companies conducting international aviation operations. Investment Tax Credits to Maltese Incorporated Entities involved in the Aviation Industry. Malta grants tax incentives, in line with the EU framework of Regional Aid, to companies that are involved in the repair, overhaul or maintenance of aircraft, engines or equipment incorporated or used in such aircraft. These are provided mainly in the form of tax credits the quantum of which depends on the level of investment made by the particular company and on whether the company is considered to be a small, medium or large enterprise. Any unutilised investment tax credits may be carried forward.

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Our Pilot training portfolio takes you from Basic AirCadet through Professional JAA/EASA-Airline Transport Pilot License Training.

TM. CAD - EASA Approved Part M-Sub Part F Maintenance Facility Single / Multi Engines Piston Aircraft Maintenance and Refurbishment




Security Gate 1, Malta International Airport Luqa LQA 4000, Malta. T: (+356) 2125 7127 / 2125 7128 / 2369 5423 E: or W:


Business Aviation

Focus on the THE MALTA BUSINESS AVIATION ASSOCIATION (MBAA) was founded in 2009 with the aim to promote excellence and professionalism amongst its business aviation members enabling them to deliver best-in-class safety and operational efficiency, whilst representing them at all levels in Malta and Europe. One of its principle objectives is to strive to ensure recognition of business aviation as a vital part of the aviation infrastructure and the Maltese economy. Three years since its inception the MBAA now numbers in excess of 30 members, from business jet operators to handling providers, charter brokers to aviation consultants, from aviation lawyers to corporate services providers. The association’s Linked-in page has almost 200 members and the Maltese Association is actively represented on the board of Governors of the European Business Aviation Association. In 3 years the majority of new Air Operator Certificates (AOC) issued by the Maltese Civil Aviation Directorate belonged to the business aviation category. There is no single best definition of business aviation, Eurocontrol for its statistical compilations defines it by aircraft types, which can be anything from a corporate Airbus or Boeing Business Jet to a turbo prop King Air 350. In Europe there are in excess of 4,000 business aviation aircraft. Business aviation is operated under a number of different business models. The International Business Aviation Council (IBAC) classifies business aviation operators in three categories: Commercial: Aircraft flown for business purposes by an operator having a commercial operating certificate. Typically these are on-demand charters (“air taxis”), fractional operators, but for the new very light jets “per seat, on demand” is also proposed.

Corporate: Non-commercial operations with professional crews employed to fly the aircraft (e.g. corporate fleets). Owner Operated: Aircraft flown for business purposes by the owner of the aircraft. The Maltese register now numbers in excess of 110 aircraft of which almost 25% are in the business aviation category. Once again the growth in the register has been predominantly in this category. Despite the economic downturn throughout Europe, Malta has managed to tap successfully in this market. There are a number of factors contributing to this the language, the legislation, the geographical location, the work force and the will of all parties to work together to grow this market. We have seen the growth in a number of aviation activities which are directly related to the growth of the business aviation market, not only operators but also we now have 2 maintenance organisations providing services for business aircraft. We have seen also the development of not only pilot schools but also training organisations providing specific training to flight and ground crew. It has not been a bed of roses and surely we cannot rest on our laurels. If we are to maintain our growth and continue to strengthen our position in this highly competitive market more needs to be done. On top of the MBAA list will be access to Malta International Airport and not just the fees and security but also better facilities which must include proper fixed based operations (F80) facilities. In the meantime the Association will continue to pledge its support to the local industry, Transport Malta and Malta Enterprise to further grow Malta as a hub for business aviation in Europe.


A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page




Vaults 13 – 16, Valletta Waterfront, FRN 1914, Malta Tel: (+356) 2203 0000 Fax: (+356) 2123 7277 E-mail: Website: Contact:

Dr. Italo Ellul - Partner

E-Mail: Direct Contact: (+356) 2203 0000

Emmanuel Mallia & Associates Advocates

First Floor, Msida Court, 61, Msida Seafront Msida MSD 9043, Malta Tel: (+356) 2122 2912, 2122 1001 Fax: (+356) 2123 0414 E-Mail: Website: Contact:

Dr. Emmanuel Mallia L.P., LL.D - Managing Partner

E-Mail: Direct Contact: (+356) 2124 4302

198, Old Bakery Street, Valletta, VLT 1455, Malta Tel: (+356) 2124 1232 Fax: (+356) 2599 0645 Email: Website: Contact:

Dr. Nicky Vella Falzon

E-Mail: Direct Contact: (+356) 2124 1232





The Legal Directory! • Aviation • Corporate Services • Financial Services • Tax Advisory

171, Old Bakery Street, Valletta VLT 1455, Malta Tel: (+356) 2123 5406/7/8 Fax: (+356) 2124 0550 Email: Website: Contact:

Dr. Max Ganado - Managing Partner

E-Mail: Direct Contact: (+356) 2123 5406

123, Melita Street, Valletta, VLT1455, Malta Tel: (+356) 2723 7172 Fax: (+356) 2723 7314 Email: Website: Contact:

Dr. Cedric Mifsud - Partner

E-Mail: Direct Contact: (+356) 9959 1572

91A/1, Archbishop Street, Valletta, VLT 1446, Malta Tel: (+356) 2122 7900 Email: Website:


Dr. Michael Tanti-Dougall - Senior Partner

E-Mail: Direct Contact: (+356) 9949 0414

*Law Firms are listed in alphabetical order. A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page


Your In-Flight Catering Partner In the Centre of the Mediterranean Sea

Sky Gourmet – (Malta) Inflight Services Ltd Airline Catering and Logistics, St. Thomas Road, Luqa LQA 9036 Tel: (+356) 2125 7162 • Fax: (+356) 2180 9045 E-Mail: Web:;;


The Islands’ Gateway to the World MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (MIA) plc was registered as a company on the 16th May 1991 and commenced operations on 1st January 1992. Initially, MIA managed and operated the air terminal but was later entrusted with the responsibility of the entire airport. Before 1992 these activities had been undertaken by the Government of Malta. On 1st May 1998, in addition to the operation of the air terminal activities, MIA also took over the operation and management of the airfield facilities as well as the air traffic control of Malta’s Flight Information Region (FIR). The latter was again separated from the MIA central structure in 2001. It is now an autonomous, government entity known as Malta Air Traffic Services Ltd. The transfer of the operation of the airfield services from the government to MIA consolidated the operation and management of all airport facilities of Malta’s only licensed airport and consequently crystallised the line of demarcation between the regulatory functions which are the administrative responsibility of the Civil Aviation Directorate (Transport Malta) and the operational responsibilities for the Airport which are now entirely vested in MIA. In July 2002, the Government of Malta signed an agreement with the Malta Mediterranean Link Consortium Ltd (MML) for the sale of 40% of Malta International Airport plc. The deal was worth Lm 40 million (€93.16 million). MML is owned by Flughafen Wien AG (57%), SNC-Lavalin Inc. (39%) and Airport Investments Ltd, which is an associate company of the Maltese Bianchi Group of Companies. The Government of Malta sold a further 20% of its shares in MIA by means of an Initial Public Offering in November 2002 and another 20% in November 2005. In 2011, Malta International Airport handled 3.5 million passengers (+6.5% over 2010) on scheduled and non-

scheduled flights; over 28,000 aircraft movements and almost 15,000 tonnes of cargo and mail. For the Financial Year ended 31 December 2011, the Company’s turnover was of €52.4 million resulting in an EBITDA of €24.8 million and the EBITDA margin standing at 47.3%. MIA’s core air terminal operations include general passenger services, and the operation of an extensive range of retail services at the airport, airside and landside shops, restaurants and other outlets, which are all operated on concession agreements. MIA also leases office space to airlines and other travel related operators at the airport. The General Aviation operation – which includes all aviation activity which is neither military, scheduled/chartered passenger nor cargo operations – at Malta International Airport, has seen an increase over the last decade and the airport has three dedicated Aprons for this activity, which in particular includes, flight training, local and private flight operators. Malta International Airport is also working to enhance its facilities to address the increasing demand following the proactive approach by the authorities to attract further aircraft registration to Malta. The safety of operations and security of passengers, aircraft and the Airport are of prime importance to the Company and the facilities available comply with ICAO standards. MIA also operates Malta’s only Meteorological service – the Malta Airport MetOffice – providing information to aircraft making use of Malta’s Flight Information Region as well as to the maritime industry, the media, the agricultural and fishing industries, professional users and the general public. Further information or business enquiries may be addressed by email to

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Careers in Aviation

Pilot Training in Malta LEARNING TO FLY IN MALTA IS A PLEASURE. With bright blue skies most of the year, a mild climate, a fully equipped international airport situated in a friendly English speaking country it is ideal for aspiring pilots to consider taking up flight training in Malta Up to twenty years ago, anyone wanting to undergo pilot training had to go abroad as there were no flight training schools in Malta. As there was then a demand for pilot training, Ray Zarb, who was at that time a pilot with the Armed Forces of Malta took the bold initiative to start the flight training academy locally. Thus 19 years ago, the first pilot training academy, European Flight Academy (today European Pilot Academy) was born. The start was tough. As there were no other such schools there was no regulating structure and initially the school started teaching towards an FAA license only and later to a UK CAA license until Malta started issuing the pilot license. As a country, Malta is regulated by EASA (the European Air Safety Agency) and licenses issued by the Maltese authorities conform to the highest European standards and are held in very high regard. Training is split into two parts. The first part is the ground theory which includes exams, radio telephony training and English proficiency. Then comes the fun part - Students start their flight training on a two or four seater aircraft with an experienced flight instructor. Students carry out various flight training exercises at Malta’s international airport and over the Maltese Islands. Then they carry out navigation exercises in Sicily and South Italy. Once training has finished, a student will sit for a flight exam and obtain his private license. The next step is the Airline Transport Pilot License theoretical training. One of the Flight training Organisations in Malta conducts this training where local and foreign students sit for all 14 theoretical exams locally. At this stage, it’s back to flight training. This includes Commercial flight training, instrument flight training and multi engine training. Training is much regulated and follows a well structured syllabus. Besides single and multi engine aircrafts, a part of commercial training and a large percentage of instrument flight training are carried out on a simulator. There are four flight Training schools in Malta that consist of: two registered facilities – Sky People and Malta School of Flying- that can conduct training towards the issue of the Private Pilot License and two Flight Training Organisations – European Pilot Academy and Diamond Flight Training - that provide training from Private Pilot right up to professional pilot training. Currently there is only one FNPT II Flight Simulator in Malta which belongs to one of the Flight Training Organisation. Flight Simulators approved by EASA and are used for approved Instrument flight training. FNPT II Flight Simulators are very sophisticated and comprise page



of a large semi cylindrical screen (9 Meters wide) to generate authentic life like flight conditions. One can set the simulator to generate from perfect weather conditions to hurricane conditions, or an airworthy aircraft to a variety of system failures including engine failures. The Malta airport is equipped with the most advanced radar system in Europe and utilizes two runways both in excess of 7000 feet. NavAids available are 2 ILS’s, 2 DME’s, 1 NDB, and also a VOR. Student pilot will benefit from a real world of General Aviation, Commercial Aviation and Military Operations. The safety of operations and security of the Airport are of prime importance and comply with ICAO standards. The airport has two runways; RWY 13-31 (approx. 3,544m long x 60m wide) and RWY 05-23 (approx. 2,377m long x 45m wide) aligned nearly at right angles to each other and has nine designated aircraft Apron areas. Apron 1 is used for General Aviation aircraft, Malta Air Traffic Services (MATS) is the Air Navigation Service Provider for Malta. MATS provides a variety of services primarily aimed at ensuring that aircraft flying in the Malta Flight Information Region (FIR) are safely separated in accordance with international civil aviation regulations. Safety is therefore the first and foremost priority but MATS also aims to provide its services in an efficient and costeffective way. In 2002 the Air Traffic Control centre of the MATS handled over 70,000 aircraft movements. MATS personnel working in the Area Control Centre (ACC) are responsible for providing control and information useful for the safe and efficient conduct of flight primarily by means of RADAR. The radar system in Malta gathers information from 3 different radar stations. Two are locally based, one at Luqa and the other at Dingli. The third radar is situated at Ustica just north of Palermo, Sicily. The fourth radar is based at Kithira in Greece which provides coverage of the East sector of the Malta airspace. Pilot Training in Malta is a pleasant experience indeed where proficient academic training is set in a friendly and exclusive environment.


The Civil Aviation Directorate

Flying the Flag of Confidence NEW LEGISLATION has breathed new life into Malta’s aviation industry, and the country is steadily building up a cluster of aviation services related to the management, maintenance, financing and leasing of aircraft. Malta aims to develop into a fullyfledged aviation centre that supports operators, financiers and managers. Key to Malta’s strategy to develop itself into an aviation hub in the Mediterranean was the introduction of the new Aircraft registration Act in October 2010 which sets a strong yet flexible legal framework and positioned Malta as an attractive on shore jurisdiction for aircraft registration. While the new Aircraft Registration Act was not expected to be an overnight success, Transport Malta is working on its ambitious goal to expand its aircraft register. Since its introduction in 2010, the aviation registry has been steadily expanding and is proving to be one of Europe’s most attractive destinations for the aerospace industry. Interest from international business aviation operators is growing and by the end of 2012 the Civil Aviation Directorate (CAD) within Transport Malta had 112 aircraft on the register and a total of 19 AOC holders, including world renowned business aviation operators. Malta’ aviation register, similar to the shipping register, has projected itself as a flag of confidence, and not one of convenience. In fact, the country’s membership in the EU and its network of around 55 Air Service Agreements enhance Malta’s position as a base for aviation operators. Malta operates under a strict safety regulation regime, and all aircraft on Malta’s register are compliant with European Aviation Safety Association (EASA) standards.

between three to five days to register a privately operated aircraft, provided that a Certificate of Airworthiness is submitted with the application. For a Commercially operated aircraft, the registration process takes a little longer, once the applicant has submitted an Air Operator’s Licence and Certificate, it takes approximately 16 weeks for the aircraft to be placed on the Maltese register. Aware of the importance to continue providing an efficient, speedy service and also to maintain its excellent safety oversight reputation, Transport Malta is committed to continue investing in the CAD and equip it with the required resources and expertise to ensure this aim is fulfilled. Malta has all the right elements in place for the aviation niche to grow and prosper. The new legal framework has strengthened Malta’s international reputation and has broadened the island’s ambition of positioning itself as a centre of excellence for all aspects of aviation services. With the country’s thriving maritime industry as a prime example, Malta has made the aviation industry part of its economic development agenda and Transport Malta is determined to attract and support the growth of business aviation.

Mission Statement

To promote and develop the transport sector in Malta by means of proper regulation and by promotion and development of related services, businesses and other interests both locally and internationally.

Transport Malta Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS 1917, Malta T: (+356) 2122 2203 F: (+356) 2124 8911 E: W:

Although a relatively small entity, the CAD is renowned of providing an efficient service, a factor which is key to the successes of this growing industry. The Directorate takes

A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page



Company Profiles Listing Touchdown Malta is a ‘first’ most modest effort to draw-up a mini Directory focusing on the Maltese aviation industry which is generally acknowledged as having now been established for thirty years. In recent years following the implementation of appropriate legislations and an enthusiastic approach by Government and the private sector alike the aviation sector is making significant headway. Company Profiles Listing presents the respective profiles of those companies who extended advertising support to this mini-directory. The mission of this opening number of Touchdown Malta is mainly meant to expose and promote the Malta Business/General Aviation sector and the following information should serve as an Index to some of the industry’s service providers. Profiles given under Company Profiles Listing are given in alphabetical order irrespective of category. This is being done because a number of listed companies offer various services and being listed under a particular category could be misleading.

BIZAV Services Ltd. 198, Swieqi Road, Swieqi SWQ 3435 Tel: (+356) 2147 0829 Fax: (+356) 2333 1076 E-Mail: CONSTITITED OF A GROUP of aviation management professionals all with hands on experience in EU-OPS Air Operator Certificate Operations, Continuing Airworthiness and Quality and Safety disciplines, BizAv Services is a provider of Business Aviation Consultancy and project management services. It specialises in; aircraft acquisition, aircraft registration, legal and fiscal services for incorporation of tax efficient Malta based company, management and support for EU-OPS Air Operator certificate applicants in Malta. Development of Operations Manuals and Continuing Airworthiness Management expositions, Quality audits and provision of certain aspects of flight and cabin crew training. Through an extensive network, worldwide VIP and business aircraft charters are also provided. Contact Person: Adrian Spiteri (Director) Tel: (+356) 2147 0829 -Mobile: (+44) 77 4778 8137

DC Aviation Limited Kyle Apt. 3, Triq il-Mediterran, The Village, St. Julians, STJ 1879 Tel: (+356) 2137 3546 Fax: (+356) 2137 1808 E-Mail: DC AVIATION LIMITED is the only dedicated business aviation handling company in Malta. In collaboration with Airmalta, we provide the most discerning traveler with the best service available on the island, from the limousine service waiting for the passengers on the ramp, to passenger lounges and crew facilities. Like Malta International Airport we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and 365 days a year. Whether Malta is one’s end destination, or simply a fuel stop, our passion for quality guarantees our customers expedient transit through customs and immigration, quick turnarounds and any other service that one might require, such as crew or passenger transfers, discounted hotel reservations, in flight catering and aircraft re-fuelling. Our customer oriented staff look forward to welcome your aircraft, crew and passengers at Malta International Airport. Contact Person: Stanley Bugeja (Managing Director) Mob: (+356) 9944 5555 page


Falcon Alliance Group of Companies is the parent company of Falcon Aviation Engineering Ltd. With 20 years of experience in aviation business, Falcon Aviation Engineering Ltd was established as an independent General Aviation Maintenance Facility approved by TM CAD - EASA Part M- Sub Part F to carry out maintenance on Single and Multi Engines Piston Aircrafts.

Hawk Aerospace Ltd Sean Buildings, Psaila Street, Birkirkara BKR 9078, Tel: (+356) 2149 0202 Email:

FAE provides maintenance and refurbishment on a wide range of Single and Multi engine piston aircraft including Rotax 912 series aircraft engines and ‘N’ registered aircraft. All works are carried out by fully qualified and professional staff in our secure and modern hangar. Our workforce is dedicated to ensuring quick and efficient turnaround times. These key components of maintenance are our top priority when providing you with an excellent level of line service.

WE ARE IN THE BUSINESS of helping organizations improve their operations in the fields of aviation, security and communications. Through our expertise we see where the use of technology can benefit your organization and how it fits within your own environments.

FAE provide a service of aircraft registration on the Maltese register and full assistance to the aircraft owner to prepare all the necessary maintenance schedules /registration formalities to the Civil Aviation Directorate - Malta

The company was set up in 2004 and is a fully Maltese owned limited liability company. At first the company provided ICT services but in 2007 a diversification process started where high technology became the core focus area. Today Hawk is an SME with a vast range of partners and collaborators that provide our customers the optimum choice in meeting the requirements. Our main focus area is Unmanned Aircraft, which are remotely controlled aircraft where the pilot sits on the ground rather than on the aircraft. These aircraft offer a wide range of applications, where by fixing a camera on the aircraft, one can take aerial imagery, provide aerial security and ensure border control. Although our company can provide advice and solutions in the entire products life cycle, we are not attached to a particular product or service. We tailor make solutions, using both off the shelf products and our own designs, to fit the needs of our clients. Contact Person: Adrian Archer, Business Development, Mob: (+356) 9923 2697

Malta Enterprise, Gwardamangia Hill, Pietà MEC 0001 Tel: (+356) 2542 0000 Email: MALTA ENTERPRISE is the national economic development agency responsible for promoting and facilitating international investment in the Maltese Islands by offering investors excellent business opportunities and tailored services. The Malta Enterprise network operates in various countries around the globe, with offices or representation in embassies and consulates in Europe, North Africa, the Middle East, Asia, the United States and Australia. The Corporation also coordinates initiatives to promote the islands’ economic growth attractiveness. Moreover Malta Enterprise is also responsible for the growth and development of Maltese enterprises both locally and beyond our shores. Together with Malta Industrial Parks Ltd, the Corporation is responsible for the administration and maintenance of various industrial estates and the factories located within.

European Pilot Academy – Malta Falcon Alliance Bldg, Security Gate 1, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA 4000 Tel: (+356) 2125 7127 -2125 7128 -2369 5423 Fax: (+356) 2125 7126 Email: info@ or EUROPEAN PILOT ACADEMY, based in the heart of the general aviation at the Malta International Airport, has been the pioneer in introducing pilot training in Malta 20 years ago. Throughout this time the Academy promoted excellence in academics and character striving to make possible students aspiration of reaching their highest objective in becoming Professional Pilots. The European Pilot Academy Collective Commitment is based on four main principles, namely: to provide a safe and inviting aviation training environment; to set up challenging goals and provide effective instruction; to encourage a positive approach towards the aviation industry and to improve our training through collaboration and new training techniques Since European Pilot Academy was established, over 1388 student of diverse nationalities have successful completed aviation studies from Basic to Airline Transport Pilot training courses where most of them are now working with local or international airlines, Military and Aviation Authorities. European Pilot Academy has proved crucial in the establishment and the expansion of the aviation sector in Malta.

Falcon Aviation Engineering Ltd. Falcon Alliance Bldg, Security Gate 1, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA 4000 Tel: (+356) 2125 7127 -2125 7128 -2369 5423 Email:


Malta International Airport plc Luqa LQA 4000 Tel: (+356) 2124 9600 Fax: (+356) 2124 9563 - SITA MLAHKXH MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT has been open for commercial traffic for over 50 years. The terminal – inaugurated in 1992 – is currently handling 3.5 million passenger movements and is equipped with the facilities expected of a modern international air terminal. The airfield has two runways; RWY 13-31 (3,544m long x 60m wide) and RWY 05-23 (2,377m long x 45m wide) aligned nearly at right angles to each other. The airport has eight designated aircraft parking areas with Aprons 4, 8 and 9 supporting commercial operations and Aprons 1, 2, 3 and 5 mainly used for General Aviation aircraft. Apron 7 is dedicated to Armed Forces of Malta military operations. For the business travellers, the airport has two executive lounges as well as a separate, exclusive VVIP building for Heads of States and diplomats. Passing through the Malta International Airport one can use the services of the La Valette Club – purposely set up for the sophisticated traveler. An extended presentation on the Malta International Airport may be viewed on page 11 of this publication or by going to below

Malta School of Flying P.O. Box 49, Malta International Airport, Gudja LQA 5000

TOUCHDOWN MALTA FIRST EDITION 2013 – 2014 Tel: (+356) 2164 7888 - Mob: (+356) 7970 5877 Fax: (+356) 2369 5393 Email: MALTA SCHOOL OF FLYING was established with the intention of providing unique, professional flight services in the Maltese Islands. The company has rapidly grown to become Malta’s largest flight training organisation and now operates a fleet of six aircraft whilst employing a team of five highly qualified and experienced flight instructors. Services offered range from trial flights during which customers experience flying an aircraft themselves under the watchful eye of a flight instructor, to Airline Transport Pilot Licence courses, Private Pilot Licence courses, night training and induction courses for teenagers. In addition to our fleet of renowned Cessna aircraft, our latest exciting development is the acquisition of a P2006T aircraft! This brand new multi-engine state-of-the-art aircraft was added to the fleet in July 2012 and will make it possible for commercial and instrument pilot training to be carried out locally. The company boasts a 100% safety record which can be attributed to the experience and high qualifications of the flight instructors, the training quality provided to the students as well as the high maintenance standards adhered to by the maintenance department.

Malta Wings P.O. Box 49, Malta International Airport, Gudja LQA 5000 Tel: (+356) 2164 7888 - Mob: (+356) 7964 7888 Fax: (+356) 2369 5393 Email: MALTA WINGS is a commercial air operator certified to conduct sightseeing flights using a six seat Cessna 206 aircraft. The company also offers aerial work services such as photography and aerial surveillance. Malta Wings also operates a brand new P2006T multi-engine state of the art aircraft and is introducing air taxi and cargo services operated on a 24 hour basis which provide customers with the flexibility of selecting their preferred travel itinerary. Boasting the luxury of being equipped with an aircraft capable of taking off and landing on short airstrips, we are able to take you closer to your chosen destination which could be unreachable by direct scheduled flights. No queues or hassles; decide your own itinerary and fly direct to your preferred airport. Available 24 hours a day, every day, this service will provide customers with a flying experience they never thought was possible!

of humanitarian agency UN World Food Programme.

SKY GOURMET MALTA was set up in April 2007 through a partnership between James Caterers Ltd, Seabank Group Malta and DO&CO Party Service of Austria, Sky Gourmet Malta operates from a catering unit located on the MIA Park 8, and a few minutes away from Park 9 where all scheduled carriers operate from. Sky Gourmet Malta is Malta’s largest independent provider of airline catering and provisioning services with a work force of over 120 employees, with a daily production capacity exceeding 12,000 meals daily and operates on a 24/7 system.

Lufthansa German Airlines Malta Head Office: Mezzanine Level, Departures Hall, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA5000 Tel: (+356) 2125 2020 Fax: (+356) 2124 7052 Email: EVERY YEAR MORE THAN 90 MILLION PASSENGERS choose to fly Lufthansa with good reason: because of our extensive global network, our highly efficient hubs and our modern fleet, passengers can reach their chosen destination quickly, reliably and comfortably – no matter where it is. With Lufthansa, the world’s fourth-largest airline <http://> , passengers enjoy ideal connections around the world. Lufthansa’s service alone includes more than 6,500 flights a week to 211 destinations in 84 countries worldwide. Furthermore together with our partner airlines, we can offer our passengers almost 15,000 flights a week across Africa, Americas, Asia and Europe. Yes, the whole world is so within reach with Lufthansa - Excellent connections to all the important business centres and cities in Europe, and the whole world, are available to our customers via Frankfurt and Munich hubs. Lufthansa’s global flying presence is exceptional touching 111 destinations in 38 European countries; namely, 17 destinations in Germany, 26 destinations in 12 countries across Asia/Pacific, 21 destinations in Canada/USA, 5 destinations in 5 countries across Central and South America, 14 destinations in 11 countries in the Middle East and also 17 destinations across 15 African countries. And talking of Business Aviation we offer Lufthansa Private Jet, an exclusive and discreet way to travel whether going to a business meeting, a weekend away or simply to connect with your intercontinental flight. Here we are supported by our business partners NetJets, boasting a fleet of some 150 aircraft, and recognised as the global market leader in private aviation.

S. & D. Aviation Limited 10, ‘Sea Breeze’, Giuseppe Cali Street, Ta’Xbiex XBX 1421 Tel: (+356) 2132 0577, 2133 1515, 2133 9908 Fax: (+356) 2133 2259 E-Mail:

Mediterranean Aviation Co. Ltd P.O. Box 48, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA 4000 Tel: (+356) 2249 0000 Fax: (+356) 2249 0151 E-Mail: MEDITERRANEAN AVIATION CO. LTD - Medavia - was incorporated in 1978 and has been successfully trading as an aviation service provider to the oil industry in Libya ever since. All Medavia aircraft are operated under an EU OPS1 Air Operator’s Certificate and maintained under the Company’s EASA Part 145 Maintenance and EASA Part 21J Design Engineering approval for small and large aircraft. The main core business is the provision of passenger and cargo services mainly in Libya and Malta. The Medavia Ground Support network spans through all Libyan airports and the Island of Malta, offering a consistent array of the highest level of service for passengers and crew. Our team of trained and certified staff is ready to meet and exceed any request for ground support services 24/7. During the years, Medavia has chartered executive jets in all categories, large airliners including wide body aircraft, dedicated freighter aircraft as well as fully equipped air ambulance aircraft. Heads of State, Government Delegations, Celebrities and renowned International Executives are amongst the passengers that normally choose Medavia for their personal travel arrangements. Due to its reputation and second-to-none services, the Organisation has operated its fleet of aircraft in Greece, Italy as well as in Norway. Moreover, the Company was recently awarded two large operations in Mauritana and Sudan on behalf

E-Mail: Web-Sites:;

S&D AVIATION LIMITED is a synergy of local and international experts with a vast experience in the field of aviation/yacht registration, corporate finance and legal services. The Company provides a full range of services related to Aircraft Registration, Management and Administration of Aircraft and Owning Companies, Technical and Legal Compliance, Tax Efficient Aircraft Ownership Structures, Airworthiness Management Services, Importation and Exportation of Aircraft. The combination of services gives clients a one stop facility for any corporate, management and compliance services related to aircraft and luxury yachts. The company c provides its clients with all the necessary information, advisory and technical support with regards to the Maltese legal system and assistance needed to incorporate an aircraft owning company. S & D Aviation Limited is one of Malta’s leading corporate services providers that offer a wide array of services related to the aviation industry. Contact Person: Dr. Cerdic Mifsud - Tel: (+356) 2123 7172

Sky Gourmet – (Malta) Inflight Services Ltd Airline Catering and Logistics, St. Thomas Road, Luqa LQA 9036 Tel: (+356) 2125 7162 Fax: (+356) 2180 9045

Sky Gourmet Malta customer portfolio includes amongst others, Emirates Airlines, Air Malta, Ryan Air, and Austrian Airlines. Throughout its presence at MIA, Sky Gourmet Malta Limited has also rendered services amongst others to Air China, Qatar Airlines, and Hellenic Charter Airlines. Sky Gourmet Malta is also the preferred supplier for airport handling companies Globe Ground Malta and Medavia, and is also the local exclusive service provider of Private Flight Inc. of New Zealand. Sky Gourmet Malta is a member of ITCA and is also ISO 9001+HACCP Certified. Contact Person: John B. Mansueto (General Manager) Tel: (+356) 7944 6281

SkyParks Business Centre Ltd Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA 4000 Tel: (+356) 2369 6161 Email: SKYPARKS BUSINESS CENTRE boasts numerous features that make it a great workspace and a leading corporate address in Malta, giving that competitive edge in a busy world. It is a situation where one’s Jet is precisely waiting outside’s one’s office. At the time of going to print the Confirmed Tenants list at SkyParks Business Centre included: - Hangar 8 – Hyperion Aviation – Hermes Aviation – Air Malta – Vodafone Malta - Momentum Consult – AgriBank. Complementing the Grade A office space are services provided by reputable entities located within the business park, these being: Talbot & Bons - YOYO Child Care Centre - Bank of Valletta (BOV) – Headlines Newsagent & Booksllers - The Matrix. Other amenities include: restaurants, a fitness centre, and underground parking. An extended presentation on the SkyParks Business Centre may be viewed on page 19 of this publication or by going to below:

Transport Malta Malta Transport Centre, Marsa MRS 1917 T: (+356) 2122 2203 F: (+356) 2124 8911 E: THE CIVIL AVIATION DIRECTORATE within the Authority for Transport in Malta is responsible for all matters connected with civil aviation in Malta. The Maltese Aircraft Registry offers an opportunity to aircraft owners and operators seeking to maximise their potential within a regulated, yet flexible European jurisdiction. It prides itself of its highest standards of service, technical expertise and excellent reputation for safety oversight. The introduction of The Malta Aircraft Registration Act, introduced in October 2010 made the Island a most attractive destination for owners to register their aircraft whereby the country has positioned itself as a serviceoriented and tax efficient jurisdiction to own and operate aircraft. An extended presentation on Transport in Malta may be viewed by going to below:

A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page




��������������������������� S&D Aviation is a synergy of local and international experts with a vast experience in aviation/yacht registration, company management, corporate structures and legal services. �� �� �� �� �� ��

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123, Melita Street, Valletta VLT 1123 - Malta Tel: (+356) 2123 7172, Mob: (+356) 9947 8678 Fax: (+356) 2133 2259, E-mail:

speak to us at Hawk, we can help We are in the business of helping organizations improve their operations in the fields of aviation, security and communications. Through our expertise we see where the use of technology can benefit your organization and how it fits within your own environments.

Media And Filming

Unmanned Solutions

IT & Communications

We offer cost effective aerial photography and filming. Through our service we can guarantee a closer and more cutting edge shots.

Hawk Aerospace specialises in the provision of aerial unmanned solutions to meet diverse missions, roles and operations.

Helping you to simplify long distance communications whether you are in logistics, exploration missions and security.

Hawk Aerospace, Sean Building, S. Psaila Street, Birkirkara, BKR 9078, Malta, Europe. Tel: + 356 21 490 202 | Email: | Website:


Doing Better Business! BESIDES THE ADVANTAGE of increased connectivity, Malta is also an attractive opportunity for investment due to its highly distinctive features; a stable macro-environment, an efficient business infrastructure and a highly esteemed work force with excellent language skills are only some of the reasons why foreign companies are increasingly looking at Malta as their first choice location to invest in. SkyParks Business Centre is a purposely-built office park for companies and firms who wish to make the most of their location within Europe, while at the same time being close to Northern Africa, offering unparalleled advantages in terms of location and ease of movement.

THINK GREEN Committed to energy efficient performance, SkyParks Business centre recently obtained the internationally recognised BREEAM eco-certification to become Malta’s first grade ‘A’ building. This means that the building has been constructed to maintain a low carbon footprint by: • maximising use of natural daylight • installing sensory lighting control systems • minimising waste • operating one of the most efficient vertical transportation systems. When adopting such environmentally friendly practices, tenants would be saving energy, thus also saving on their utility costs.

Situated at SkyParks, your office will be just two minutes away from your next destination due to the close proximity to the airport. Moreover SkyParks puts you as close to the rest of the world as it does to the island’s main arteries, commercial centres and thriving business districts.

BE WELL-SERVED SkyParks Business Centre scores high on location due to the availability of various restaurants, the childcare centre, the fitness and wellness centre, health and beauty services, as well as banking services, all found within the building.

MALTA’S MOST DESIRABLE CORPORATE ADDRESS SkyParks is redefining office space, going beyond mere space and devoting all attention to the daily intricate needs of businesses. The development enjoys: • Open-plan layouts with flexibility of use – this provides a flexible and modular space that’s easily adaptable to particular business’ needs. • High Capacity Parking - for staff, business partners and clients with over 160 slots in the underground levels of the building and more available within additional areas surrounding the building designated for surface parking. • Elevated Security Systems - with 24/7 on site security, CCTV cameras, and access control which protects the safety of tenants and their clients alike. • A High Standard of Building Design - state-of the-art, both in its building envelope and its mechanical and electrical services, promising the highest levels of practicality and comfort. • An Energy Efficiency Ethic throughout

Within walking distance are other facilities available at the airport, including pharmacy, post office, stationery and convenience store. Moreover, SkyParks is a hub for connectivity; being on one of the main public transport routes, and only a stone’s throw away from over 75 non-stop overseas destinations through Malta International Airport makes the Business Centre uniquely accessible and convenient for visitors and tenants alike. PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Managed by SkyParks Business Centre Ltd, a subsidiary of Malta International Airport, the project will be run by the same team of people who was awarded the ACI Award as Best Airport (in its class) in Europe for the past two successive years, promising both credibility and reliability on the part of the developer. T: +356 2369 6161 W:

A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page


Business success requires talent. Just like a little sapling, talent grows with time, patience and the pouring of resources.

We’ve long discovered the importance of honing talent… With a 500 year old University and 6% of our GDP poured yearly into education facilities and services, the Maltese workforce has been able to perform, adapt and grow to the expectations of over 200 foreign direct investors, some of which have been steadily expanding over the past 30 years. As a business person, in Malta you will find affordable, available and malleable human capital and world-class education facilities for your children. We put our talent in front of us, because we believe in it as much as you do. Try it! Gwardamangia Hill, Pieta’ MEC 0001 - Malta T: +356 2542 0000 F: +356 2542 3401 E: W:


Safi Aviation Park MALTA’s shift away from low-cost operations towards a knowledge-based economy with a higher added value has, among others, led to significant growth in the local aviation industry, which moreover has also diversified its offering to comprise other niche sectors that were previously untapped. Indeed, besides the operation of scheduled flights which up to a few years ago represented the entire industry, nowadays Malta hosts companies operating in a wide range of sectors, such as manufacturing of aviation components; private aircraft handling and commercial services; aircraft registration and financing; research and innovation on flying vehicles and UAVs; flight training; as well as ICT and software development for the aviation industry and back office support and call centre operations. Possibly the biggest growth within this industry, however, was registered in the provision of maintenance, repair and overhaul (MRO) services, with international companies such as Lufthansa Technik, SR Technics, Medavia, Aeromartime and MCM all operating from Malta, within only a short flight time away from their clients in the Euro-Mediterranean region. Such growth has instigated the development of the Safi Aviation Park, which is a 200,000 square metre fully-functional facility with direct access to the Malta International Airport’s infrastructure and main runway. The Park already houses two tenants, namely Medavia and SR Technics, while a third tenant – Dutch spray-painting company Aviation Cosmetics – is in the process of setting up its operations after announcing its €22 million investment in May 2012. The latter development highlights the key advantage that the Safi Aviation Park offers, namely that of a clustered environment with direct airside access where a number of related services can be provided by different companies from the same location, with consequent benefits for their clients who would thus be further encouraged to use the facilities in view of the savings in time and resources.

Specific areas have already been earmarked for additional future developments, with the possibility of building new hangars ranging from 2,500 to 5,000 square metres. Consequently, there is potential for the provision of additional and complementary services, thereby improving even further the services offered through the Safi Aviation Park. The Park is managed by Malta Enterprise, which may also assist companies in setting up their operations through the provision of an attractive incentives package, which complements the fiscal benefits for companies based in Malta that comprise one of the lowest corporate rates in the EU. Amongst others, this incentives package comprises additional fiscal aid to encouarge investment - whereby tax liability may be reduced through tax credits calculated on the value of investment or new employment generated, ranging from 30% to 50% depending on the size of the company - as well as other schemes to facilitate access to finance including financial support and loan interest subsidies, assistance for training of the workforce, and other schemes to encourage R&D, innovation and competitiveness. Malta Enterprise also provides assistance through ongoing professional support during the setting up phase and the business consolidation, while – even before that – foreign investors are also assisted in learning more about Malta and the advantages that the country offers, including through the organisation of fact finding missions. For further information visit or contact: Malta Enterprise Gwardamangia Hill, Pietà MEC 0001, Malta Tel: (+356) 2542 0000 - Fax: (+356) 2542 3401 E-mail: A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page



Making The Case For

Business Aviation

A SURVEY PREPARED FOR The National Business Aviation Association and the General Aviation Manufacturers Association found that most companies operating business aircraft are small, with fewer than 500 employees, and that 80% of flights are made to airports with infrequent or no airline service. NEXA Advisors presented a report, with fresh data and insights, updating and revalidating conclusions prior studies. Of the Standard & Poor’s® 500 companies studied by NEXA, between 2003 and 2009 users of business aircraft outnumbered nonusers by three to one – a significant finding. Importantly, users found ways to deploy this unique asset, driving increased revenues, profitability and efficiency by a wide margin over nonusers. Most surprisingly, we found that business aircraft users had a dominant presence, on average of 92 percent, among the most innovative, most admired, best brands, and best places to work, as well as dominating the list of companies strongest in corporate governance and responsibility. This report carries a powerful message to company boards, government policymakers and industry leaders: business aviation is a tool that provides a unique competitive benefit to businesses, manifesting in higher shareholder and enterprise value. In this unique role, business aviation is without substitute. As small and medium enterprises continue to grow in Malta so does the need to be able to travel to and from Malta in an efficient manner. A country with a population of just over 400,000 people can hardly be labeled a lucrative market for the scheduled airlines. Whilst many might think that Malta is well served by its national airline and a number of legacy carriers such as Alitalia, Lufthansa and Emirates Airlines and more recently the low cost airlines, try telling that to a business man or woman who needs to come to page



Malta for a short meeting or a day trip. The flight time from Malta to Malaga is barely 2 hours but getting there by scheduled airlines will take you the best part of a day. Business aviation veterans who have handled every type of weather became ill from one scene in Washington in November 2008. Three top auto industry executives flew private jets from Detroit to plead for a federal bailout. Couldn’t you have jet-pooled, one congressman asked? For an aviation industry already hit hard by the global recession, the scene cast a harmful stereotype in sharp relief. Here was more evidence that private aviation was expensive, wasteful and elite. But if anyone needed any proof on the value of business aviation then Malta could be one excellent case study. Despite the global economic turmoil, in particular in the southern part of the European Union, Malta has managed to stand out in contrast to its neighboring countries but also the rest of the world by maintaining a certain level of growth. While the use of business jets in Europe is at best erratic the statistics published by Eurocontrol show that in Malta the use of business aircraft continue to grow. The local government policy to support this industry sure plays an important role but the nature of the industry itself and purpose it provides suggest that growth of business aviation is due to the country’s economic growth and vice versa. Today there is in excess of 20 business aircraft registered in Malta from corporate Airbus to a Piaggio Avanti P180. All these companies operating on a Maltese Air Operator Certificate and offering the diligent business man the possibility to do business to/from Malta yet still manage to be home for dinner.


Flying high with:

MCAST’s Aviation Maintenance Training Centre SIX YEARS AGO, no one would have thought that aviation maintenance would become one of Malta’s most promising emerging markets. When international investors expressed interest in setting up aviation maintenance operations in Malta, they realised that the Islands’ workforce, albeit highly skilled and flexible, had no opportunities to train and obtain the necessary qualifications to work in this sector. That’s when the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology (MCAST) stepped in to fill this void. The College’s Institute of Mechanical Engineering and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering joined forces to set up the MCAST Aviation Maintenance Training Centre. Through its long-established ongoing collaborations with leading Maltese industries, MCAST obtained the assistance of international Approved Aircraft Maintenance Organisations (MROs), which provided the expertise and resources necessary to start Malta’s first aviation maintenance courses. Within a few years, as it invested in new state-of-the-art training facilities and the recruitment and training of experienced aviation maintenance lecturers, the Training Centre was officially recognised as a European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) Part-147 Approved Centre to provide Part 66 Category A1 training and certification. Today, the centre offers several courses, including those leading to the attainment of the EASA Part-66 Category A Licence as well as other programmes that constitute a part-requirement for the attainment of the EASA Part-66 Category B Licences. These are two of the three different levels of licences, known as the “EASA Part 66”, required by EASA from technicians or engineers in the aviation maintenance sector. MCAST’s aviation maintenance facilities are built in line with EASA specifications, and are approved to operate by Transport Malta’s Civil Aviation Directorate.

new teaching techniques that enhance the students’ learning experience. The Training Centre is also supported by the MROs that set up operations in Malta in recent years, as this local sector developed. These MROs provide MCAST students with on-thejob training opportunities and other assistance. Since the Training Centre was established, over 450 MCAST students have already completed aviation maintenance courses and most of them are now working with local or international MROs. In this regard, the MCAST Aviation Maintenance Training Centre, combined with the efforts of local authorities, proved crucial to the establishment and the expansion of the aviation maintenance sector in Malta. Every year, more new students start their aviation maintenance studies at MCAST, as more MROs express interest in recruiting additional aviation maintenance technicians to expand their operations. The recent inauguration of the new Safi Aviation Park, close to the Malta International Airport, is a promising development for the creation of new job opportunities in this sector, as it consolidates the local authorities’ efforts to promote Malta as an ideal hub for international aviation maintenance organisations. MCAST will continue to be at the forefront of this sector with the provision of high flying, experienced technicians and engineers who can rise to the occasion and turn these growth opportunities into new investment realities and thriving careers in the Maltese Islands. For more information about MCAST, visit

Some of the Training Centre’s courses are co-financed by the EU through a European Social Fund project entitled ‘ESF1.34 - Addressing Skills Mismatches in the Aviation Maintenance Industry’. Through this project MCAST continued to upgrade its aviation maintenance training facilities, with the setting up of new workshops equipped with specialised tools and equipment, two new advanced laboratories for computer-based aviation maintenance training, and the acquisition of a training aircraft to be used by students during the hands-on practical components of their studies. The project also financed specialised training for the Training Centre’s lecturers, to develop their skills and acquire A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page



Past, present and future:

Aviation Maintenance AVIATION ACTIVITY IN MALTA started way back in 1916, when the British military forces present in Malta at the time built a seaplane hangar and a slipway on the western shore of Marsaxlokk Bay. As Malta became an important location in the British military strategy, and as aircraft became a crucial military resource, permanent airfields were set up in Hal Far, Luqa, Safi and Ta’ Qali. With the eventual demise of the British Empire and the departure of the British forces from Malta, only one airfield remained in operation, Luqa Airport. Up until this time, the maintenance of military aircraft was predominantly carried out by military personnel. Maintenance on civil aircraft started out in the 1960s. The Malta International Aviation Company (MIACO) was set up in late March 1967 in Hal Far, with business related mainly to oil companies in the Middle East and North Africa. Eventually NCA International entered the scene as well. 1974 saw the arrival of Air Malta, as flag carrier, and eventually the setting up of its own maintenance facility to service the fleet. The capabilities then included the Boeing 720B, and at a later stage, the B737 and the Airbus A320, which formed part of the company’s fleet. In 1978 Medavia was set up as a joint venture between Malta and Libya, operating aircraft in Libya, while carrying out most of the maintenance at their base in Luqa, and later Safi. A major development in aircraft maintenance in Malta came in June 2002, when Air Malta and Lufthansa Technik AG signed a joint venture agreement to establish Lufthansa Technik Malta at the former Air Malta base maintenance hangar at Luqa. Operations started in January 2003 maintaining Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320 of the shareholders. Another milestone was established in December 2008, when Lufthansa Technik Malta extended its operation to include also the Airbus A330 and A340 in a new 61,000 square metre state-of-the art facility, with an investment of approximately EUR 60 million.

to provide such students in this sector, the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology, MCAST, has been instrumental in providing specific courses for Maltese students interested in pursuing a career in this sector. To date more than 450 students have been trained and are now fulfilling their career expectations in Malta and abroad. To further consolidate this growing industry, Malta Enterprise and Malta Industrial Parks invested in a €17 million Safi Aviation Park in 2012. The 200,000 square metre park is expected to provide the infrastructure to facilitate the creation of an aviation cluster, with a number of complementary services being provided from one location. Medavia and SR Technics already provide MRO services from hangars located within the perimeter of the Safi Aviation Park, while a third tenant was also announced on the same day of the inauguration, namely Aviation Cosmetics. The company shall be investing around €22 million in a new 12,000 square metres facility to provide spray-painting and refurbishing services to airplanes in two hangars that can simultaneously service one Boeing B737 and one Boeing 747 (or planes of similar size such as Airbus A380). The aviation industry in Malta nowadays comprises a wide range of sectors apart from Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul (MRO), to also include Aircraft Registration and Operation including the relative legal and professional services, Aircraft Management and VIP Services, Private Charters, Air Taxis, Air Ambulances, Flight and other Training, as well as R&D on UAVs. Additionally, the industry also uses the services provided by other industries such as call centres and specific software development for aviation.

In mid 2010, SR Technics also established a maintenance facility from a newly refurbished 4,000 square metre hangar at Safi, offering maintenance for the Airbus A320 family of aircraft. Other smaller facilities have also set up shop here in Malta to cater for their specific needs especially for VIP and General Aviation aircraft. Such a growing industry requires suitably-trained personnel, and A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page



When referring to Aviation in Malta one certainly has to refer to a particular exciting happening!

The Malta International Air Show ONE OF MALTA’S largest and most spectacular outdoor events is the MALTA INTERNATIONAL AIR SHOW, which in a span of nineteen years, the first Show was held in 1993, has gained a well-merited standing as it grew both in quantity as well as quality. The Malta International Air Show originated and organised by the Malta Aviation Society, a forty-year old Club which has in its fold over 200 enthusiastic members many of whom have made their hobby develop into full-time careers the like of air-traffic controllers, pilots, and military personnel. Over the years, the Malta International Airshow has attracted many interesting aircraft including Israeli F-15s and F-16s, Czech

L-39, Italian F-104s and Do-228, Ex-Israeli A-4 Skyhawks, US Navy F-14, EA-6B, S-3s, F-18s, Tornados, B-52, B-1B, Spitfire and Hurricane plus most of the European national display teams including the Red Arrows, Patrouille de France, Frecce Tricolori, the Spanish team Patruila Aguoila, Swiss PC-7 Team, Breitling Jet Team, and many other types of aircraft from all over the world. The Malta International Air Show is traditionally held annually over the last full weekend of September with the Malta International Airport making available its services and facilities to host the participating crews and their aircraft. Full details of this exciting and spectacular annual event may be obtained from the organisers’ website, namely –

Action images from the Malta International Air Show collection.

LEFT: Image shows the Royal Air Force Aerobatic Team the Red Arrows Photo: Crown Copyright

BELOW: A vintage Spitfire aircraft and the newly livered Air Malta Airbus performed a unique flypast in close formation during the 2012 Malta International Airshow. The Spitfire was in Malta to mark the 70th anniversary since Malta was granted the George Cross Photo: Capt Lawrence Dalli





SKYbluepages Further to the comprehensive information given under Company Profiles Listing, SKY BLUE PAGES is meant to serve as an Index to an amplified number of service providers on the home scene thus the main objections of the publication is better attained - to expose and promote the people behind the Business/General Aviation sector in Malta. The following firms are members of the Malta Business Aviation Association:

Company: 3A Malta Limited Category: Audit, Accounting & Corporate Services Contact Person: Mr. Christian Vella, Director Postal Address: The Penthouse, Level 3, Palazzo Ca’ Brugnera, Valley Road, B’kara BKR9024 Tel Numbers: (+356) 2757 2757 Fax Number: (+356) 2757 2758 E-Mail: Website: Company: Aequitas Legal Category: Legal Firm Contact Person: Mr. Adrian Delia, Partner Postal Address: Valletta Bulidings, South Street, Valletta VLT1251 Tel Number: (+356) 2123 4085 Fax Number: (+356) 2122 3306 E-Mail: Website: Company: Aeronautica Category: Aviation Training and Consultancy Contact Person: Mr. Marco Ciliberti, CEO Postal Address: 28 Cathedral Street, Sliema SLM1525 Tel Number: (+356) 2132 3626 Fax Number: (+356) 2132 3627 E-Mail: Website: Company: Affinity Management Services Malta Limited Category: Corporate Services Contact Person: Mr. Shaun Ridings, Senior Postal Address: Rosa Marina Buildings, level 4 , suite 8, Marina Seafront, Tal-Pieta, Pieta PTA 9041 Tel Number: (+356) 2010 4700 Fax Number: (+356) 2010 4707 E-Mail: Website: Company: Aircraft Corporate Services (Malta) Limited Category: Aircraft Corporate Services Contact Person: Ms Fiona Healy, Director Postal Address: Alpine House Naxxar Road, San Gwann SGN 9032 Tel Number: (+356) 2576 2222 Fax Number: (+356) 2576 2131 E-Mail: Website: Company: AP - Aeronautical Professionals Malta Ltd. Category: Aviation Training and Consultancy Contact Person: Mr. Dierk Reitzig, Director Postal Address: P.O. Box 21, Luqa LQA1000

Tel Number: (+356) 2397 8300 Fax Number: (+356) 2397 8400 E-Mail: Website:

Admin Manager Postal Address: Kyle Apt. 3, Triq il-Mediterran, The Village, St. Julians STJ 1879 Tel Number: (+356) +35621375973 Fax Number: (+356) +35621375958 E-Mail: Website:

Company: AVIATRAX LTD. Category: Aviation Consultancy Firm Contact Person: Mr Matthildur Matthildur, Managing Director Postal Address: The Orchard, Lourdes Lane, St Julians, SWQ 3000 Tel Number: (+356) 2778 0134 E-Mail: Website: Company: BizAv Services Ltd. Category: Aviation Training and Consultancy Contact Person: Mr. Adrian Spiteri, Director Postal Address: 198, Swieqi Road, Swieqi SWQ3435 Tel Number: (+356) 2147 2206 Fax Number: (+356) 2333 1076 E-Mail: Website: Company: Carre Aviation Ltd. Category: Executive Aircraft Charter and Management Contact Person: Mr. Marc Lile, CEO Postal Address: 177A, St. Moritz, Tower Road, Sliema SLM1063 Tel Number: (+356) 2133 8282 Fax Number: (+356) 2133 0061 E-Mail: Website: Company: CemAir (Pty) Ltd Category: Air Taxi and Leasing Company Contact Person: Mr. Declan McEneaney, Quality Manager Postal Address: P O Box 1312, Lanseria 1748 (South Africa) Tel Number: (+27) 11 659 2171 Fax Number: (+27) 11 659 2174 E-Mail: Website: Company: DC Aviation Flight Crew Ltd. Category: Flight Crew Services Contact Person: Dr Birgit Friedrich, Operative Director Postal Address: Kyle Apt. No.3 Triq il-Mediterran, The Village, St. Julians STJ 1879 Tel Number: (+356) 21373547 Fax Number: (+356) 21371808 E-Mail: Website: Company: DC Aviation GmbH Category: Executive Aircraft Charter and Management Contact Person: Mr. Stanley Bugeja, Managing Director Postal Address: Stuttgart Airport, Stuttgart 70629 (Germany) Tel Number: (+356) 2137 3546 Fax Number: (+356) 2137 1808 E-Mail: Website: Company: DC Aviation Ltd. Category: Business Aircraft Handling, Flight Operations Support and Charter Contact Person: Mrs Sandy Cassar Cardona, Ops and

Company: Deguara Farrugia Advocates Category: Legal Firm Contact Person: Mr. Kevin Deguara, Partner Postal Address: Il-Piazzetta A Suite 41 Tower Road, Sliema SLM1607 Tel Number: (+356) 2131 3930 Fax Number: (+356) 2134 0401 E-Mail: Website: Company: EMCS International Category: Corporate Services Contact Person: Ms. Geraldine Schembri, Managing Director Postal Address: Level 2 regional Business Centre Achille Ferris Street, Msida MDS1751 Tel Number: (+356) 2777 2540 Fax Number: (+356) 21318677 E-Mail: Website: Company: EMD Category: Legal Firm Contact Person: Mr. Italo Ellul, Partner Postal Address: Vaults 13-16 Valletta Waterfront, Floriana FRN1913 Tel Number: (+356) 2203 0000 Fax Number: (+356) 2123 7277 E-Mail: Website: Company: Executive Training Institute -Malta Category: Training Institute Contact Person: Mr. Franco Debono, Director General Postal Address: Executive Training Institute ESE Building, Paceville Avenue, St.Julian’s STJ 3103 Tel Number: (+356) 2379 6321 Fax Number: (+356) 2137 3725 E-Mail: Website: Company: Fenech & Fenech Advocates Category: Legal Firm Contact Person: Mr. Joseph Ghio, Partner Postal Address: 198, Old Bakery Street, Valletta, VLT1455 Tel Number: (+356) 2599 0635 Fax Number: (+356) 2599 0692 E-Mail: Website: Company: FFF Legal Category: Legal Firm Contact Person: Mr. Tonio Fenech, Managing Partner Postal Address: Tower Business Centre, Level 1 Tower Street, Swatar BKR4013 Tel Number: (+356) 2549 6000 Fax Number: (+356) 2549 6444 E-Mail: Website:

A TENTH EDITION YIM Business Aviation SPECIAL page



SKY bluepages Company: Ganado & Associates, Advocates Category: Legal Firm Contact Person: Mr. Daniel Aquilina, Partner Postal Address: 171, Old Bakery Street, Valletta VLT1455 Tel Number: (+356) 2123 5406 Fax Number: (+356) 2122 5908 E-Mail: Website: Company: Globe Ground Malta Ltd. Category: Aircraft Handling Contact Person: Mr. Joseph Bugeja, Chief Operations Officer Postal Address: P.O. Box 11, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA 1000 Tel Number: (+356) 2369 6420 Fax Number: (+356) 2369 6422 E-Mail: Website: Company: Hyperion Aviation Ltd Category: Executive Aircraft Charter and Management Contact Person: Mr. Eric Weisskopf, Accountable Manager Postal Address: Space Offices, Welcomers Hall, P.O. Box 50 Malta International Airport, Luqa 4000 Tel Number: (+356) 9990 7010 E-Mail: Website: Company: International Management Services Limited Category: Audit, Accounting and Corporate Services Contact Person: Mr. Gordon Mifsud, Director Postal Address: Regent House, Office 21 Bisazza Street, Sliema SLM1641 Tel Number: (+356) 2134 1219 E-Mail: Website: Company: Maintenance Centre Malta Ltd. Category: Maintenance Centre Contact Person: Mr. Alexander Vit, Managing Director Postal Address: Regent House, 61 Bisazza Street, Sliema SLM1641 Tel Number: (+49) 172 1497790 Fax Number: (+356) 2180 8796 E-Mail: Website:

E-Mail: Website: Company: Orion (Malta) Ltd Category: Executive Aircraft Charter and Management Contact Person: Mr. Boris Ioffe, Accountable Manager Postal Address: 2 Spiteri Bulidings, Gianni Vassallo Street, Luqa LQA 1500 Tel Number: (+356) 2125 7270 Fax Number: (+356) 2125 7271 E-Mail: Website: Company: RSM Malta Category: Audit, Accounting and Corporate Services Contact Person: Mr. Timothy Zammit, Tax Lawyer Postal Address: Cobalt House 2nd Floor Notabile Road, Mriehel BKR 3000 Tel Number: (+356) 2149 3313 Fax Number: (+356) 2149 3318 E-Mail: Website: Company: S&D Aviation Ltd Category: Corporate Services Contact Person: Mr. Cedric Mifsud, Legal Adviser Postal Address: 123 Melita Street, Valletta VLT1123 Tel Number: (+356) 2123 7172 Fax Number: (+356) 2723 7314 E-Mail: Website: Company: Salvo Grima (Freeport Operations) Ltd Category: Storage Services Contact Person: Mr. Roger Calleja, Senior Manager - Group Marketing Postal Address: 187, Pinto House, Wine Pressers Wharf, Marsa MRS 1912 Tel Number: (+356) 2560 7181 Fax Number: (+356) 2560 7155 E-Mail: Website: Company: Square Concept Category: IT Support Contact Person: Mr. Franco Vella, Director Postal Address: 40, Gummar Street, Bkara BKR 4753 Tel Number: (+356) 2147 0803 E-Mail: Website: OTHERS:


Company: Mediterranean Aviation Co. Ltd. Category: Air Taxi, Handling and Maintenance Contact Person: Ms Claire Abela, Charters/Handling Section Manager Postal Address: Medavia Hangar tal-Karwija, Safi SFI1710 Tel Number: (+356) 9947 7238 Fax Number: (+356) 2249 0145 E-Mail: Website:

Company: European Pilot Academy - Malta Category: Flight Training Organisation Contact Person: Ms. Sarah Zarb, CEO Postal Address: Falcon Alliance Group, Security Gate 1, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA 4000 Tel Number: (+356) 2125 7127 -2125 7128 -2369 5423 Fax Number: (+356) 2125 7126 E-Mail: Website:

Company: Nexia BT Category: Audit, Accounting and Corporate Services Contact Person: Mr. Karl Cini, Partner Postal Address: Tower Business Centre, Ground Floor, Tower Street, Swatar BKR4013 Tel Number: (+356) 2163 7778

Company: Falcon Aviation Engineering Ltd - Malta Category: Maintenance Facility- (G.A Refurbishing/ maintenance) Contact Person: Capt. Ray Zarb, M. Director / Matt Rota - Hangar Assistant



Postal Address: Falcon Alliance Group, Security Gate 1, Malta International Airport, Luqa LQA 4000 Tel Number: (+356) 2125 7127 -2125 7128 -2369 5423 Fax Number: (+356) 2125 7126 E-Mail: Website: Company: Fly Tech Services Ltd Category: CAMO Services and Aviation Consulting Contact Person: Ing. Luigi Pepe Postal Address: Tower Gate Place, Tal Qroqq Street, Msida MSD 1703 Tel Number: (+356) 2131 3060 Fax Number: (+356) 2131 3064 Email: Website: Company: Hawk Aerospace Ltd Category: SME Contact Person: Adrian Archer, Business Development Postal Address: Sean Buildings, Psaila Street, Birkirkara BKR 9078, Tel Number: (+356) 2149 0202 Fax Number: (+356) n/a E-Mail: Website: Company: Malta School of Flying Category: Flight Training Organisation Contact Person: Patrick Fenech, Director Postal Address: P.O. Box 49, Malta International Airport, Gudja LQA 5000 Tel Number: (+356) 2164 7888 Fax Number: (+356) 2369 5393 E-Mail: Website: Company: Malta Wings Category: Aerial Photography, Surveys, Sightseeing flights, Air Taxi Contact Person: Patrick Fenech, Director Postal Address: P.O. Box 49, Malta International Airport, Gudja LQA 5000 Tel Number: (+356) 2164 7888 Fax Number: (+356) 2369 5393 E-Mail: Website: Company: M. Demajo Maritime Services Limited Category: Legal Firm Contact Person: Dr. Francesca Galea, Director Postal Address: Demajo House, 103, Archbishop Street, Valletta VLT 1446 Tel Number: (+356) 2552 3310 Fax Number: (+356) 2552 3311 E-mail: Website: Company: Sky Gourmet – (Malta) Inflight Services Ltd Fax Number: (+356) 2180 9045 Category: Airline Catering and Logistics Contact Person: John B. Mansueto, General Manager Postal Address: St. Thomas Road, Luqa LQA 9036 Tel Number: (+356) 2125 7162 E-Mail: Websites:;;


Transport Malta is the Government agency responsible for all modes of transport in Malta including the Register and Administration of the Malta Maritime Flag and the Aviation Register including licensing of Air Operating Companies. Building on the experience and expertise gained through establishing itself as the largest shipping register in Europe, Transport Malta is now committed to further develop its registers for superyachts and aircrafts.

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