2nd Exam English Teaching I By: Ana Valeria Maffioli Barquero
Week #7
ASSESSMENT is process of collecting information about something that we are interested in, according to procedures that are systematic and substantially grounded.
Objectives of Assessment
1. To make decisions for individuals (microevaluation), programs (macro-evaluation), and other stakeholders. 2. Can be used to select individuals, make changes in instruction, predict future performance of testtakers, make changes. 3. To formulate new research questions, and modify the understanding of a specific language phenomenon
EVALUATION Evaluation is a broader term than "test." It includes all kinds and exams in it. Its purpose is not only to verify the knowledge of the student. But all aspects of what has been learned
Characteristics of evaluation 1. Continuous process: It leads together with Teaching-learning process. 2. Comprehensive:-Evaluation is comprehensive as it includes everything can be evaluated. 3. Child-Centered:-Evaluation is a child-centered process which gives importance to the learning process, not to the teaching process. 4. Cooperative process:-Evaluation is a cooperative process involving students, teachers parents, and peer-groups.
Types of Assessments
FORMAL ASSESSMENT Designed to get information about students’ achievement in predetermined times. Considered all kinds of tests as formal assessment.
OBJECTIVES 1. To Understand whether a student is ready to go to next level. 2. To Know about problematic areas. 3. To Figure out what the students have learnt. 4. To Compare the students.
INFORMAL ASSESSMENT Consists of various types of feedback; from simply saying “Nice job!” to giving some detailed comments about students. Is a way of collecting information about our students’ performance in normal classroom conditions. Is sometimes referred to as continuous assessment.
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENTS As its name suggests, summarizes what the students learnt during a course and it is usually done at the end of the semester. Shows what objectives have been accomplished, but it lacks feedback or any suggestion to improve performance. Examples: Final exams or proficiency.
FORMATIVE ASSESSMENTS Takes place during learning and is aimed to help learning and teaching by giving appropriate feedback. It provides feedback for immediate action.
PURPOSES 1. Selecting or modifying learning procedures. 2. Choose the best remedies for improving weak points in learning and teaching.
EXPLICIT ASSESSMENTS Occurs when teacher clearly announce the assessment. The students and teacher both know that the process which is going on is an assessment. And be either formative or summative (whether the objectives of the course have been satisfied or not).
PURPOSES 1. Summative decisions. 2. Decide who passes the course 3. Certify level of ability 4. Formative decisions. 5. Teacher: Move to the next level or review current lesson
IMPLICIT ASSESSMENTS CHARACTERISTICS Continuous Instantaneous Cyclical Implicit: both teacher and students may be unaware that assessment is taking place
PURPOSES A.Formative decisions. B.Correct or not correct student’s response C.Change form of questioning D.Call on another student E.Produce a model utterance F.Request a group response
Tools of Assessments
CHECKLISTS Usually offer a yes/no format in relation to student demonstration of specific criteria. They may be used to record observations of an individual, a group or a whole class.
RATING SCALES Indicate the degree or frequency of the behaviors, skills and strategies displayed by the learner Use descriptive words, such as always, usually, sometimes and never helps them pinpoint specific strengths and needs
RUBRICS Use a set of criteria to evaluate a student's performance. Commonly used to evaluate student performance with the intention of including the result in a grade for reporting purposes. The use of Holistic Rubrics
Week #8
Integration Approaches
Gives students greater motivation that converts to better retention of principles of effective: speaking, listening, reading and writing. Students are given a chance to diversify their efforts in more meaningful tasks.
A ) C O N T E N T - B A S E D I N S T R U C TI O N Language teaching integrates the learning of some specific subject-matter, with the learning of a second language. Curriculum is Dictated more by the nature of the subject matter than by language forms and sequences, It allows learners to acquire knowledge and skills about a specific subject. Learners focus on practical objectives, which is relevant to their long-term goals. Presents some challenges to language teachers. Allows for complete the integration of a four skills.
B ) T H E M E - B A S E D I N S T R U C TI O N Can serve the multiple interests of the students in the classroom. Provides an alternative to what would otherwise be traditional language classes by structuring a course around themes or topics. It offers a focus on content while still covering the structure of a language course. Are successfully able to get students excited and interested in some topic, issue, idea or problem.
C) EXPERIENTIAL LEARNING Includes activities that engage both: left and right brain, processing that contextualize language, that integrate skills, and that point toward authentic, real world purposes. Giving students concrete experiences which, they discover language principles. By trial and error, by processing feedback, by building hypothesis about language.
D ) T H E E P I S O D E H Y P O T H E SI S Is and easily followed storyline, or and easily visualized steps, the students are led through the process of chopping an gathering wood. The text will be easier to reproduce, understand, and recall, to the extent that is enhanced if students receive interconnected sentences in an interest-provoking episode rather than in a disconnected series of a sentences. The interaction of cognition and language enables learners to form “expectancies” as they encounter logically linked sentences.
E) TASK-BASED TEACHING A task-based curriculum specifies what a learner needs to do with the English language in terms of target tasks and organizes a series of pedagogical tasks intended to reach those goals. Makes an important distinction between target task which students accomplish beyond the classroom, and pedagogical task, which form nucleus of the classroom activity..
C O M M U N I C A T I V E T A S K S MU S T HAVE THESE DIMENSIONS: Goal Input from the teacher Techniques The role of the teacher The role of the learner Evaluation
Week #10
Grammar Translation Method
CONCEPT GRAMMAR TRANSLATION METHOD Was used for the purpose of helping students to read and appreciate foreign language literature. fundamental purpose of learning a language is to be able to read literature written in the target language. The roles are very traditional. The teacher is the authority in the classroom. The students do as she says so they can learn what she knows.
CHARACTERISTICS 1. Students are taught to translate from one language into another. 2. Students can translate readings in the target language about some aspect of the culture of the target language community. 3. Students study grammar deductively 4. Learn grammatical paradigms such as verb conjugations.
COMMON PRINCIPLES: A fundamental purpose of learning a language is to be able to read literature written in it. Literary language is superior to spoken language. An important goal is for students to be able to translate each language into the other. The ability to communicate in the target language is not a goal of language instruction. The primary skills to be developed are reading and writing. The teacher is the authority in the classroom. It is important for students to learn about the grammar or form of the target language.