Maritime Planning Experiences Principles, Concepts and Spatial Scope of the MSP
The Atlantic Ocean - The European Union adopted the Action Plan and the Atlantic Strategy to revitalize the marine and maritime economy of the Region.
Member States: Guadalupe
Martinique French Guiana Madeira
Azores Canary Islands
The Plans:
The European Union has designed to create up 2020, 7 million of jobs related with blue growth. The plan also has also goals as revitalizing the maritime economy of the countries involved. The plan is in accordance with the objectives of the Common Strategic Framework (CSI) and the European Structural Funds of Investiment (ESIF).
North Sea Ireland
United Kingdom
Atlantic Ocean
- Investiments - Research - Specialization
Potencial of the Atlantic Area:
- Jobs - Value - Sustainability
Mediterranean Sea 500 km
Main Characteristics
Other sectors of Blue Economy:
- Encourage Entrepreurship and innovation - Protect the environment and develop the potential of the Atlantic Area - Improve accessibility, connectivity between ports and maritime veins - Create sustainable models of regional development
- Shipbuilding & ship repair - Transport - Fisheries - Offshore oil and gas
Coastal and Maritime Tourism Aquaculture
Jobs in the Blue Growth sector that should be created until 2020: 200.000 180.000 160.000 140.000 120.000 100.000 80.000 60.000 40.000 20.000 0 France
1500 km
The 5 Blue Growth Sectors:
Source: Atlantic Action Plan/ Unit Jobs x Country
Inclusive Grouth Delivering smart Sustainable
1000 km
United Kingdom
2000 km
Source: Atlantic Action Plan/ Atlantic Strategy
St. Martin
Baltic Sea
Renewable Energy Biotechnology
Mineral Resources
Universidad de Sevilla/ Erasmus Mundus - Master in Maritime Spacial Planning . Academic Year 2015/16 Professor Juan Luiz Suarez Vivero . Student Ana Vit贸ria Tereza de Magalh茫es /