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Puzzle by Number USA - uild your way across the country with the uzzle y Number Map of the nited States! Follow the enclosed pattern by placing each color on its matching number to create all 50 states. Flip the poster over to discover over 700 interesting state facts ags, mottos, state capitals, and more. Then, display your map on the wall at home or in the classroom - no glue or ironing required! Ages 5+, Available Summer 2023.
Learn to Build BIG Activity Set - lus- lus’s newest ig Activity Set helps little ones discover patterns, colors, counting, and shapes while having a blast making funny faces and planting a lus- lus garden. This set includes 10 cards and over 100 pieces and is packed full of full games like dominoes, bowling, and tic tac toe. Ages 5+, Available Summer 2023.
Axolotl Tube - It’s not an alien it’s an A olotl! These adorable but rare creatures only live in two lakes in Me ico, but now you can create an A olotl of your own with lus- lus’s latest tube. Follow the enclosed instructions to build your creature out of lus- lus, then turn the lights out to watch it glow in the dark! Ages 5+, Available Summer 2023.

Gnome Tube - An adorable nome has stepped right out of a fairy tale and into the newest lus- lus tube! He may be small, but this charming creature is filled with mythical whimsy and creative fun. Each tube includes three skin colors to add even more building possibilities. Follow the instructions to discover how to create this charming nome and his two tiny mushrooms. Ages 5+, Available Summer 2023.

Pudgy Penguins Figure - Adopt your new Pudgy Penguins forever friend, and redeem a unique digital e perience! Each udgy enguins figure comes complete with two interchangeable accessories, and an immersive digital customization e perience. nlock a multi-generational, innovative connection between the digital physical worlds! Also look out for udgy enguins Collectible figure in an Igloo. Available now.
Sonic Prime Articulated Action Figure in Capsule - nlock a Shatterverse of articulated action figures from the world of Sonic rime! Each Sonic rime Capsule contains 1 of articulated collectible figures and a collector’s lea et, all wrapped up with Sonic rime branded innovative packagings. Reenact your favorite scenes from oscage Mase and New York City, and look out for the 2 rare figures! Available Fall 2023.
Sonic Prime Paradox Prism - Sonic Prime Paradox Prism - Each Paradox Prism Capsule contains 1 of 16 collectible figures with its corresponding rism shard, based on the Net i original series. This product’s innovative packaging is based on the arado rism, a crucial element in the original show that unlocks different universes and versions of Sonic and his friends when it’s shattered. ook out for all rare figures! Also look out for the Sonic rime Collectible Figures pack delu e. Available Fall 2023.
Piñata Smashlings Pinata Box - E plore the i ataverse with these collectible, articulated pi atas! With pi atas, each comes complete with its corresponding pi ata stick, a redeemable R code that enables e clusive C content in-game, and 2 epic Smashlings one of them is hidden inside the i ata itself! Also look out for Piñata Smashlings Blind Box Plush. E plore the i ataverse and unbo one of 6 surprise Smashling plushies! Standing at 12 inches tall, and made of the squishiest, softest materials, each plushie comes with a unique R code, enabling you to unlock e clusive in-game content. Collect them all and become the ultimate i ataverse champion! Available September 2023.
Piñata Smashlings vs. Bashlings 8 pack Deluxe box - et the best Smashling win with the Smashlings vs. ashlings -pack of collectible figures! With over 0 different figures to collect, this -pack comes complete with a redeemable R code that enables e clusive C content in-game, one hidden Smashling and one hidden ashling, both classified as rare or epic. Also look for the i t s i s fi es c De e with a redeemable R code that enables e clusive C content in-game, and different hidden Smashlings, 2 of which are rare, one legendary, and one bubblegum pink Smashling! Available September 2023.

Piñata Smashlings Yum Yum Playset - ine at the Smashlings Yum Yum layset! This hunger-inducing playset comes complete with 3 foodie accessories 2 condiment bottles, a drink, and a side of French fries. ut who will eat all this food The Smashlings inside of course! 2 of them are classified as rare and epic, and 2 bubblegum pink. Each playset comes complete with a redeemable R code that enables e clusive C content in-game! et your food truck going! Also look out for the Party Bus Playset and Rainbow Whale Playset
Rainbow Loom

Cylinder Surprise Kit is a bracelet craft kit that features Loomi-Pals charms from Rainbow Loom. Each cylinder contains a mystery assortment of 30 collectible charms and everything you’ll need to make bracelets. With over 160 different oomis- als characters, who will you find Ages 7+.

Introducing Loomies! A new collection of adorable IY Characters from Rainbow oom. With just a frame, rubber bands, and easy to use tools, you can create your own collectible oomies figurine. Each oomies figurine comes with interchangeable themed accessories allowing you to make a variety of characters. reat for any age, just create, play, and display! Keep your eyes open for oomies Fairy 2 and pk IY Characters, and oomies Food 2 and pk IY Characters.
Beadmoji are Rainbow Loom’s unique beads that feature fun messaging and icons that allow you to tell your story with a wide variety of trendy themes. Create fun and original accessories for you and your friends. Carry all of your components and creations in a handy organizer case. eadmoji features our new speed loom and dual hook allowing you to create bracelets twice as fast. Create your own style! ook out for the elu e Kit, Trendy Kit, ood Vibes Kit, esties Kit, and Combo Kit. Also keep your eyes out for eadmoji Alpha eads, which allow you to tell your own story. Create fun and original messages for you and your friends. Create your own style! Ages 7+.