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Brand Profi le: Goliath

When we started/history: Goliath was founded in 1980 in Holland by Adi Golad. In 2008 David Norman joined forces with the Golad family to bring Goliath to the United States. From its humble beginnings in David Norman’s garage, the North American o ce has grown into a bustling o ce in Richardson, TX for over 50 employees, with a warehouse and an impressive drop-shipping facility. Globally, Goliath has created o ces in 13 di erent countries while their products are sold in over 75 di erent countries. Some of Goliath’s notable strategic acquisitions include Pressman Toy in 2014 and JAX in 2017, expanding the brand even further.

Product focus: Goliath is committed to creating products that help
kids, families, and adults be clever together. ey do this through skill and action games like Greedy Granny, Pop the Pig and Shark Bite. ey also feature many well-loved games, including multigenerational favorites like Rummikub, Sequence, Mastermind and Tri-ominos.
Goliath is currently working on expanding their footprint into the realm of toys and outdoor products through their acquired brand Wahu. ey have also had great success with their Unsolved Case Files games and more in the world of murder mystery.

Goliath Fun Facts:
• One of the few remaining toy companies that is family owned. • One of the world’s fasted growing independent toy companies. • ird largest game manufacturer in
North America. • Lead specialist in family games, skill and action, outdoor products, classics and party games.