5 minute read
A New Year and a New Logo for ASTRA!
by Sue Warfield, ASTRA President
We have hit the ground running! We’ve regrouped, refocused and reinvented our programs, o erings, bene ts, and gatherings. We are now a sta of 8 that is eager to work with our members and partners to be the guiding star of the specialty play industry.
Before we get into the details of our plans for the year, we want you to get to know our sta . Below is the listing of each of us, along with our email addresses and direct phone lines. We no longer have a physical o ce, and all work remotely, so we are able to truly connect individually with all of you! We look forward to working more closely with our members this year to better communicate our events and o erings, as well as get input on what o erings will be most bene cial to engage, educate, and promote the success of all in our specialty play industry.
President Sue War eld
Direct Line: 312-283-9393 | Email: swar eld@astratoy.org
Director of Operations Kathy Balogh
Direct Line: 773-261-8707 | Email: kbalogh@astratoy.org
Special Projects and Events Manager Michael Foldeak
Direct Line: 312-283-4255 | Email: mfoldeak@astratoy.org
Membership & Programs Specialist Jenna Stirling
Direct Line: 312-283-7144 | Email: jstirling@astratoy.org
Communications and Marketing Coordinator Briana White
Direct Line: 312-238-9845 | Email: bwhite@astratoy.org
Administrative and Membership Support Ashlee Cammack
Direct Line: 312-238-9887 | Email: acammack@astratoy.org
Education Coordinator Katie Cooley
Direct Line: 312-414-1546 | Email: kcooley@astratoy.org
Programs, Events & Membership Sales Dan Guzman
Direct Line: 773-536-9927 | Email: dguzman@astratoy.org
What will be working on speci cally? In January, we attended the Dallas, Atlanta, and Las Vegas Gi shows. It is imperative that we go out to where are members are to meet in-person, and have the opportunity to listen to what challenges and opportunities are out there in the play environment.
Nominations are open for our ASTRA Star Play Awards (formerly our Best Toys for Kids Awards). Anyone can nominate products – retailers, reps, and manufacturers! Simply snap a photo of the product, and text it along with your name and company name to Jenna Stirling at 312-283-7144! Nominations are open through February 28, 2023. Once nalists are chosen from the nominations by our retailer committee, voting will begin in late April. Only ASTRA retailers can vote, and the winners will be announced at our Marketplace & Academy in June.
In February, ASTRA will be attending the NY NOW show at Javits. Michael Foldeak will be there to answer questions and talk about all our events and o erings for 2023.
Something totally new in 2023 – ASTRA’s Toy Boat Experience. If we learned nothing else in the past two years, it is that we need to be innovative! Sticking with what we’ve always done, while at rst may seem the safest, in the long run makes for complacency. At ASTRA, we were inundated with requests to do something to ll the gap that was le when Toy Fair announced their move to September. Another trade show just wasn’t needed with the January gi shows, NY Now and Toy Fest already on the calendar. When we asked what was most important for our members and industry colleagues during the February time frame the top two answers were 1: Networking and 2: Seeing new product.
ASTRA took the bold move to do an entirely di erent kind of event, booking cabins, a conference room, and tabletops for vendors on a Royal Caribbean Cruise. Innovative, exciting and new – this experience allows time for build ing relationships, having more relaxed conversations amongst retailers, reps, manufacturers, and a liates to learn from one another, sharing ideas, building year-round programs and seeing brand new items via a less overwhelming presentation than a large trade show. We sail on February 20 and will be sharing posts from the ship. Is this a risk? Perhaps, but all new things involve taking a chance, and for those that will be on board, it will be an amazing experience. Watch our Facebook and Instagram for snippets that will post from the ship!
ASTRA will be at Toy Fest! Stop by and see Sue War eld, ASTRA’s president, and share your ideas, sign up for Marketplace & Academy in Columbus, or just learn more about what ASTRA is planning for 2023 and beyond. ASTRA’s Star Event, Marketplace & Academy, is happening in Columbus, Ohio June 11th -14th, with receptions on the evening of Saturday the 10th. We have more than ever scheduled this year! With our mission to engage, elevate and promote the success of our members, the actual trade show is just one component of Marketplace & Academy. To Engage and Elevate, we are o ering educational tracks, our game and kit session, our opening night party, educational learning on the show oor each morning (with breakfast before the actual show oor opens), and our ever-popular toy sync battle. To allow all that attend to experience everything, we will only be o ering a free “show oor only” badge to children under 16. e full conference badge will allow all other attendees into all events, as well as provide vouchers for food at our numeorus scheduled meals. Attendees can register by going to www.astratoy.org. Event information can be found at: https://astra.glueup.com/event/astra-marketplace-academy-2023-columbus-ohio-64799/
If you are in the specialty play industry, you will want to become a Certi ed Play Expert! What is that? Earning the ASTRA Certi ed Play Expert credential will deepen your knowledge about child development and the importance of play – through all ages! We are o ering the in-person, 2 day classes throughout the year. Participants will get top-quality, research-based instruction in several core areas, including theories of child development, characteristics of major developmental stages, types of play and their bene ts, advocating for play, and making sense of play. Parents and buyers depend on the specialty toy industry for toys that are loads of fun for kids, and promote healthy, developmentally appropriate play at the same time. Becoming well-versed in the art and science of play is an important business strategy that leads to di erentiating your products or your store from the competition, and builds trust with your customers. Our Certi ed Play Expert program classes are at our website on events tab and “upcoming events”– or at this link: https://www.astratoy.org/events
Young inventors Challenge - e Young Inventor Challenge provides an opportunity for students to develop and pitch their original toy and game inventions to major companies, industry professionals, members of the media, and the general public. is unique and educational experience ignites imagination, creativity, and presentation skills, providing a means of taking these inventions to greater heights, via professional critiques and mentoring opportunities from our industry experts. ASTRA is partnering with People of Play on this incredible initiative for children in 2023.
ASTRA retailers will have the opportunity to sign up to have their stores serve as sign-up locations or summer camp/ workshop locations, guided by step-by-step curriculum for leading kids through this unique experience of becoming a game or toy inventor.
All ASTRA member types will have the opportunity to serve as mentors or volunteers in their local areas and via zoom. We are all so excited to expand the reach of the program that challenges kids to think creatively, dream big, and make those dreams a reality!
We will, once again, celebrate Neighborhood Toy Store Month in November. Information and participation signups for both manufacturers and retailers will be ready at Marketplace & Academy. is initiative is designed to provide great specials, in-store activities, and PR to drive tra c for our retail members, and share the brilliant bene ts of toys with the communities they serve.
Watch for more exciting ASTRA news over the next few months! If you are not a member, we send our Toy Times Monthly Digital to all our contacts, and you can sign up on our website. It’s going to be a fabulous year!