Revista El Caballo Español 2012, n.212 (ENGLISH)

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ovember is here, and it is time for our annual celebration of SICA B. While the event brings special excitement for breeders, organizers and ANCCE, the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain, it is the zenith of the annual calendar, from which a number of conclusions will be drawn. For many, the work of an entire year will be put to the test. O n t h is o cca sion , SICA B comes with the celebration of two exceptional events that concur in 2012. First of all, ANCCE is remembering its 40th anniversary; then there is the first centennial of the PRE Stud Book. These are two circumstances that must not, nor should go unnoticed. I usually refer to both in commemorative terms, rather than a celebration, because the economy is in no condition for celebrating anything. However, even during hard times it is only just and necessary to recognize and pay tribute both to the institutions and the people who have made them possible. That has been the spirit of the special activities we have organized throughout the year and also within the scope of the SICAB program. Once again, there will be a guest country at SICAB; this year it will be Nicaragua. As was the case last year with Argentina as well as other preceding countries, the contributions of the guest country enrich the event with attractive

contributions, both to improve knowledge about that country, and bring the reality of breeding in the Central American countries closer to us all, where the prestige of the PRE and the quality of the work undertaken by breeders is continuously growing. With regards to the Stud Book centennial, ANCCE would like to honor those who, for more than 90 years, were responsible for its administration. Thus, the Cria Caballar has been designated 2012 Honorary Member of ANCCE. A specific space in the commercial area of the Trade Fair has been reserved and the organization will contribute new features to the daily Show. As for our 40th anniversary, among other initiatives, the result of the short story competition— “Fairytale Horses”—summoned by ANCCE, will be announced. The prize will be presented to the author of the winning story. Thus, the promotional and participative programs that began with the photo competition “Cover Horses”, which concluded in May and coincided with the celebration of t he A ssociat ion’s a n nu al Assembly, will be completed. The winning photo illustrates the cover of this month’s issue of El Caballo Español. If we focus on the aspects related with the f inal of the Spa n ish Cha mpionsh ips, t he development of the competitions

throughout the year has indicated that the level of participation will be high, both in quantitative and in qualitative terms. This aspect must be highlighted, bearing in mind that it has been a difficult yea r, w it h fewe r qu al if y i ng competitions. T he sa me ca n be said of t he compet it ive D ressage competitions, with all the horses that have qualified throughout the ANCCE Cup. And at this point I would like to refer to the recent celebration of the Final of the Young Horses Selection Tests (PSCJ) in the discipline of Dressage, held at ECUZAR in Zaragoza. Of the 181 horses t hat qu alif ied i n t he t welve tests making up this circuit, 160 were Purebred Spanish Horses. This fact underlines their high quality as proven by the results, since almost 40% of the Spanish horses presented obtained the qualification of Excellent and more than 36% earned Very Good. Our congratulations go to everyone for their magnificent work. I invite you to this twentysecond edition of SICAB, in which, beyond the newest features and the anniversaries, we have to highlight the essentials: just how important it is for the PRE to have an event that has become an international reference within the equine world. It is date that has been repeated, uninter r uptedly, for 22 years, against the winds and tides.

El Caballo Español


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EL CABALLO ESPAÑOL The PRE magazine since 1978



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Edited by: Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española (ANCCE) Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) 41014 SEVILLA Telephone: +34 954 68 92 60 Fax: +34 954 69 03 27 Editor-in-Chief: Javier Conde Cerrato Editorial Committee: ANCCE Communication Commission Editor: Inmaculada Rodríguez Publicity: Inmaculada Rodríguez +34 954 689 260 Photos: Carlos Núñez y Rafael Lemos Design and Set up: Editorial Maratania Translations: Yreva Arobed, S.L. Photo mechanics and Printing: J. de Haro Artes Gráficas, S.L. ISSN 1889-4623 Legal Registration Code: SE-1965-2009


Nº 212 nov. - dic. 2012

El Caballo Español

Nº 212 nov. - dic. 2012

Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española

© All rights reserved. No part of this magazine, including its contents, texts, graphics and photographs, whether in English or Spanish, may be reproduced by any means without specific written permission from the publishers. El Caballo Español is not responsible for the opinions expressed by its collaborators in the articles published.

Asociación Nacional de Criadores de Caballos de Pura Raza Española

Cover Page: Winner of the "Cover Horses" photographic contest Photo: Daniel Susaeta



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STUD FARM MANAGER OR FOREMAN This is the name given to the person in charge of the care and preparation of horses. They are responsible for the smooth r unning of the st ud far ms or work as exper ts on the st ud farms in Mexico, dedicating their life both to their bosses and the horses. A good example of this ancient profession is Don Arturo Her nández Rivera, Stud Far m Manager at Yeguada el Jazmín, an expert like few others in the horse world. Son of a butcher—a totally different profession—he was a horse enthusiast from his earliest childhood. When he was only a lad, about ten years old and so short that he was just a few hand spans from the ground, he began racing, known as “parejeras,” which is a very popular tradition practiced for years in Mexico. It was at one of these races that he met Justo Fernández and knew that he had to work for him, saying “charrito, you have to work with me”. That was the beginning of it all; first, he learned how to clean the stables to then become totally involved in the world of horses, learning the secrets of how he should treat the horses, demonstrating a natural ability and skill for the job. This, in turn, led him to have second thoughts about following in his father's

footsteps at the butcher shop; in the end, he faced his future from the perspective of what he really loved—caring for and handling horses. As of 1976, he devoted his life to horses at the race track k now n as Hipód romo de las Américas and continued there until well into the ‘80s, when he started working for a renowned landowner and breeder, Jorge Gan. Soon after, his destiny changed, as he was hired by engineer Francisco Barona, who only had Lusitano horses. During those almost 20 years, he met some of the most important personalities of Mexico, including Mr. Maximo Balbuena, president of the PRE Association at that time; Tita Grey, breeder and rejoneadora (mounted bull f ighter); Luis González Diez, breeders and friend of his friends; Conchita Citrón, (mounted bull fighter); breeder Federico Jiménez and riders Manolo Cid and Pedro Luceiro from Portugal. During any conversation with Arturo, he always uttered one of his most famous prayers: “Lord, cut not my mane, harness me not, burden me not with a packsaddle, let not a fool ride me!” awhile reveali ng t he ha rd life of a foremen, with his course hands, covered in calluses, with marks of frostbite on in his ears from

the cold, but oozing love for the animals from all sides. It never mattered if he had to get up at one or two in the morning to attend a foaling mare or to give a horse some emergency treatment. That is proof of a person who loves for his work, because it is something that money can never compensate. Thus, between chats and a glass or two of tequila, he recalled his first Dressage competition at Cortijo Las Cazuelas, some 20 years ago. Fernando Castelo Blanco, son of Conchita Citrón, a good rider and an even better person, entered the arena with Hebreo, whose name was changed in Mexico to Importante, owned by Francisco Barona. The horse perfor med all the movements of the Grand Prix test and for the first time, according to Arturo, he saw onetime changes. It was something incredible for him to see how his fore and hind legs changed leg; however, he greatly grieved its being disqualified for performing the Spanish walk. Lastly, when asked about the PR E, he responded that after having worked with other breeds, he loved the sweetness of the noble animal with the energy and spirit shown by the Spanish Horse. Rafael Lemos

Dialogue brings us closer to one another and enriches us. Experiences, stories, consultations, and opinions from all who support the Purebred Spanish Horse are good for us and are interesting to everyone. The magazine “El Caballo Español” trusts that this section, “Letters to the Editor”, will be an interesting and useful means of communication with its readers. The letters to this section must be signed, with name, surname(s), ID and telephone number, and must not exceed 350 words. Send your letters for publication to: • Postal address: Revista “El Caballo Español”, ANCCE, Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo), Bellavista 41014, Sevilla, Spain (España) • Or by e-mail to:



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El Caballo Espa単ol



Last September the Ronda Bull Ring was, once again, full to bursting for one of the most prestigious Carriage Driving Shows in Andalusia. With most par ticipants coming from Andalusia, they drove along the street known as Virgen de la Paz in front of hundreds of people, to then enter the century old Bull Ring. The competition, organized by City Ronda, the Royal Order of Chivalry in Ronda and run by the Royal Car riage Driving Club of Andalusia, was most outstanding due to the excellent quality of the carriages and the great professionalism of their drivers. Having completed the exhibition by categories, they took part in a Carrousel, which offered a unique Show, with the participation of 27 car riages circling around the Ronda Bull Ring. T he event concluded with the presentation of the trophies in the main hall of the Royal Order of Chivalry i n Rond a. Pr izes were awarded to the top three winners in each of the seven categories, in addition to the trophy for the Best Amateur



Whip, which went to Carlos Bohórquez Domecq, while the trophy for the Best Amateur Lady Whip went to Fátima Sánchez Cabrera. The trophy for the Best Amateur Whip under the age of 18 went to Gregorio Aranda Calderón. Rafael Carrasco Carrasco earned the trophy for the Best Professional W hip. The Royal Order of Chivalry in Ronda Trophy for the Be st Scor i ng Calese r a (A n d a l u s i a n C o u n t r y Harness) went to Yeguada La Cartuja. T he w i n ne r s of t he various categories were the carriages driven by: • Singles: Flora Reguera Atienza • Tronco: Flora Reguera Atienza • Pairs: Gregorio Aranda Calderón • Tandem: José Varo Garrido • Teams (4-in-hand): Gregorio Aranda Calderón • Pick-axe Team: José Luis Nimo Muñoz • Raw Power: Yeguada La Cartuja

SPANISH NATIONAL CARRIAGE DRIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS Carlos Sanjuán, Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez and Juan Real Antonio won the gold medals in the 2012 Spanish National Carriage Driving Championship, contested between the 5th and 7th of October, at Dehesa Montenmedio, in Vejer de la Frontera, Cadiz. A total of twenty carriages travelled there to participate in this competition. Carlos Sanjuán came out top in the Singles; the silver and bronze went to Joaquín Rodríguez and Ana Muñoz from Sevilla, respectively. Miguel Ángel Gutiérrez triumphed in the Pairs, leaving Francisco Galán and Sebastian Sabater to follow him. In the Teams (4-in-hand), Juan Antonio Real came ahead of Juan Robles and of José Barranco.

KINGS CUP FOR CARRIAGE DRIVING AND ANDALUSIA CUP At the Gran Hipódromo de Andalucía (race track), in Dos Hermanas, Sevilla, from the 26th and 28th of October, the King’s Cup for Carriage Driving was held together with the Second Andalusian Cup, in the CAN2* category. The event brought together enthusiastic followers of this beautif ul discipline, which is very important in the region. The program for these three days was for the categories of Teams (4-in-hand), Singles and Pairs, which began on Friday, the 26th. This was followed by dressage on Saturday with the marathon tests and concluded on Sunday with cones. Finally, the score totals on the closing day determined winners this year; these were Joaquín Rodríguez in Singles, Francisco Galán in Pairs and Juan Robles in Teams, who defended his title, having been the winner in 2011.

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If there is a household name that ever yone im mediately associates with the world of the horse it is the Pessoa family. It is to this family that the new book, “You will be a rider, my son”, or in its original name, “Tu seras cavalier, mon fils”, by French writer and sports journalist, Sabrine Delaveau, is dedicated. It tells the story of Nelson, the father, from Bangu on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, who crossed the Atlantic with his wife and his horses in the sixties, to conquer a n u n k n ow n E u r o p e. He became “Neco,” the Brazilian magician and visionary rider, who revolutionized the riding world, coming top in the best competitions in the world, where the big titles fell at

his feet, even before he had contested them. But he was also capable of training, with an incredible t ale nt , a g reat nu mbe r of c h a m p io n s . Un d o u b t e d l y, the best of his achievements was his son, Rodrigo, who following in the footsteps of his father, gave him one hundred per cent. “Tu seras cavalier, mon fils,” the life of Nelson and Rodrigo, is the story of an insatiable duo, but above all it is that of a successful recipe, one in the history of sports in found few and far between. The vision and k now-how of the son, combined with the wonderful intuition and knowledge of the father, turn this book into a unique saga.

El Caballo Español


MORE THAN 700 ENTHUSIASTS AT YEGUADA DE LA CARTUJA- HIERRO DEL BOCADO 27 horses with their riders disputed the title of Spanish Riding Champion of Spain Once again, Yeg uada de la Cartuja-Hierro del Bocado was the chosen venue to hold the Second Spanish Riding Championship of Spain, organized by the Yeguada itself, in coordination with the A lt a Escuela (Spa n ish H ig h School) Association. The intense promotional work that has been carried out about the event sparked the intereste of a number of riders to participate in this championship. This year there were 27 horses and riders who competed in the two programmed classes: Manejo Af ianzado C (Consolid ated Handli ng) and Manejo Magist ral (Master f ul Handling).

A nt o n io S a ld a ñ o, D e p u t y Mayor of Jerez presided t he event toget her w it h Jai me Guardiola, representing ANCCE and Marcelo Maestre, archivist of the Royal Order of Chivalry i n Sev i l la . T he s p on sor s of this second Championship of Spain of Spanish Riding were Car t ujanos de Castell; Gr upo Lettera; Hispalgan Zoosanitarios; the magazine Galope and Club Hípico Depor tivo Al-A ndalus (Equestrian Sports Club). The 27 horses and riders, who came from Murcia, Andalusia a nd Ex t r e m a d u r a , c omp et e d before more than 700 spectators, and under the gaze of the judges




Manuel Carvajal, as president, with Joaquín Cantos and José Luis Fernández. The champions in the Manejo Afianzado were: Manuel Pérez García riding Toledano XXXI, was t he Cha mpion of Spai n; t h e Re s e r ve C h a m pio n w a s Alejand ro Díaz López, r iding Nevado CXIII and third place went to Alejandro Pina Pamies, w it h For me nt or. I n Ma nejo Magistral, Manuel Aranda Peral, riding Jerezano, was Champion of Spain; Reserve Champion of Spain was Javier Ruiz Garrido w it h Z a h a r e ño a nd A nt on io Maldonado Marrón, riding Zeus 34, took third place.

The Royal Andalusian School of Equestrian Art (REAAE), dependent upon the Ministry of Tourism and Commerce, has participated in the second edition of the combined Show involving European Classical Equitation institutions, held from the 5th to 7th of October in Paris (France). In addition to the REAAE, the National School of France (Saumur), the Spanish Riding School of Vienna and the Portuguese School of Equestrian Art participated in this event. This event, titled “The 4 Schools,” took place in Paris Bercy. During their participation, the Andalusian equestrian institution used 22 horses for the various performances, with which they performed two individual and six group numbers in a Show that lasted for two hours and twenty minutes and involved a total of 16 choreographies.

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THE RFHE AND JAN BEMELMANS FAIL TO RENEW THEIR COLLABORATION AGREEMENT The Royal Spanish Equestrian Federation and Jan Bemelmans, who has, up to now, been the Nat ion a l D r e s s a ge Tr a i ne r, h ave a n n o u n c e d t h a t t h e i r collaboration agreement shall not be renewed. In the an nou ncement they confirm that this decision was a “mutual agreement” and that the RFHE is currently planning the framework for future Olympics, within which they will define both the person and the functions of the new technical management for this discipline. As the infor mation states: "af ter f if teen yea r s of collaboration, the R FHE and t hei r D ressage t r ai ner have

mutually decided not to renew the commitment that has linked them for all these years, during which Spanish Dressage has reached the highest levels of success for equitation in Spain, having achieved a total of three silver and five bronze medals. Both parties understand that this is the best time to confront new ch a l le nge s a nd , i n a n especially cordial and friendly m a n ne r, t hey h ave de cide d not to continue their technical collaboration in the future. The R FHE stated its satisfaction with these years together and wished Jan Bemelmans all the best in his new professional challenges."

El Caballo Español




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YEGUADA ALMUZARA SHARES THE STAGE WITH YEGUADA CÁRDENAS IN ÉCIJA At this year’s Feria de San Mateo (fair) in Ecija, one of the greatest innovations was the equestrian show presented by Yeguada Almuzara and the stud far m owned by Miguel Á ngel Cárdenas. Yeg uad a Almuzara—from the province of Cordoba, which will soon begin a new adventure with a tourism product known as “El Caballo Andaluz en el Campo y la Doma” (Andalusian horses in the field and training)—went to Ecija with several of its horses to share the stage with another stud farm that was just as brilliant as it was for the Olympic Games in London, where Fuego de Cárdenas made histor y and marked a PRE milestone. It all bega n w it h t he intervention of the Almuzara st ud fa r m ma nager, Á ngel Peralta, who recited several verses about the admiration he felt for the vocation of the Cárdenas Llavaneras bloodline, which is no doubt an example for all. The show focused on the encounter between horseman

and a f lamenco dancer conquering the rhythm. A mare cobra, the breeder’s pride and passion, was accompanied by a profou nd lect u re a nd live f lamenco music. While Cárdenas was tr uly a prof it in his ow n land Almuzara, from Dehesas Reales, was the ambassador. Ye g u a d a A l m u z a r a h a s recently signed an agreement with the Tourism Consortium of Cordoba to commercialize its equest rian show, which, after three years of hard work, has now been incorporated into the recreational and tourist offer for the province of Cordoba to make the “passionate world of PRE stud farms and fighting bulls known to all.” Therefore, the Royal Fields of Cordoba were decked out to create a perfect environment for the most traditional farm tasks to be recuperated, together with the magic hidden in every corner of the venue that saw the birth of the Purebred Spanish Horse at the hand of King Philip II of Spain.

On the 13th September, the Albacete Bull Ring was decked out to pay a just tribute to a renowned breeder: Samuel López Ortiz. Since childhood, Samuel has dedicated his life to Spanish Horses and in all its aspects: as rider, breeder and creative choreographer of the equestrian Show “T he ar t of d ance on horseback” that he perfor ms with his children, all them great riders. López Ortiz has played an outstanding role in the spread of the PRE throughout a multitude of countries where he has performed throughout his career, as well as in the international projection of Alta Escuela (Spanish High School) and Doma Vaquera, among other disciplines. He was sur rounded by his countless friends at this welldeserved tribute, in which riders like Álvaro Domecq, Luis and Antonio Domecq, Ignacio Bravo, Antonio Quinta and Eva Navarro took part. Likewise, a number of students from the Hacienda La Dehesica equestrian center were also there for the event. Photo: Rafael Lemos

El Caballo Español


DECRETO, THE SIRE STALLION OWNED BY YEGUADA SUSAETA, DIES The death of sire stallion Decreto is a great loss for the world of Dressage, in general and more specifically, for Yeguada Susaeta. This grey Spanish Horse, measuring 1.76 cm, who has 49 offspring, was born in 2001. He was twice awarded the score of "Excellent" in the Young Horse Dressage tests and included in the catalogues of Young Recommended Breeding Stock. At the start of 2012, Decreto and his rider, Guillermo Ayala, made their debut at Prix St Georges and Intermediate I level, coming top of the line-up in the ANCCE Cup. He had a promising future at Grand Prix, but a complication following an operation for an inguinal hernia cost the life of this stallion, in whom one could always trust thanks to his wonderful personality and behavior.



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El Caballo Espa単ol


It is not much fun to sit with a blank page in front of you to write about the death of someone, in this case, a friend such as Juan Carlos. We were chatting on the 20th of last month, we had planned to see each other soon, if not before, then when they named him an Academic of the Royal School of Fine arts, which he was so delighted about. I never thought that it would happen so soon and because of that, it caught me by surprise. Those of us who love the Spanish Horse will always be in debt with him. He took it upon himself to lear n, and than ks to his books and conferences, we learned a lot about the PRE, many aspects of which were either hidden, or distorted. His opinions could be discussed and were as debatable as any

others, but with his research and review of files and archives, the documents that he provided made his work unquestionable. He went through difficult times, he even received serious threats— that usually happens to those who seek out the truth—but nothing hindered his courage or his will, or his efforts as a researcher and historian. Our appreciation for each other was always mutual. In this case, between Juan Carlos and me, there was admiration, respect and friendship. You will always be present and every time that I glance at your books, it is most probable that all my good memories of you will return to my mind, and there are many .Adolfo Sánchez de Movellán

On behalf of the PRE breeder a n d ow n e r a s s o c i a t io n i n Belgium, we present our heartfelt condolences on the death of your father. He t r u ly k new how to express his feelings about this magnificent animal and to share his knowledge on the subject with all PRE lovers. His extraordinary work to share, with the most perfect precision, the importance and beaut y of the Pu rebred Spanish Horse is and will always be immeasurable. His works are books of reference, a bible that every PRE owner should have in their house. Those thirteen books—among we who adore this animal—bring a smile to the face from the first to the last page. They are books that we have read both at home while drinking our breakfast coffee and in the afternoon with a sherry on a terrace in Sevilla or throughout the whole of a Sunday under the shade of a tree in a garden. They are texts that we will always safeguard with special affection. Juan Carlos Altamirano is a name that will go down in the history books and in the life of the PRE. It is, even, a fundamental part of these animals. A thousand thanks to your father. We feel his loss. A hug for you and your family. Alain Maiheu



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This past month of October, A NCCE a nd t he equest r ia n world in general received some very harsh news. Juan Carlos Altamirano, collaborator and our personal friend, died in his native city, Malaga, after a long illness. His work as historian, researcher and writer has made him unique, t hus t he ma ny t r ibutes a nd recognitions that he has received throughout this year from several equestrian associations, such as the Andalusian PRE Breeders - Caballo Andaluz - and the Cordoba Breeders’ Association. Likewise, he was appointed 2012 Honorary Member of ANCCE, at SICAB last year. However, he was best known, above all else, for his human and professional qualities. “A Master” has left us. It was he who taught us everything we know about the Spanish Horse, with long, intense and impressive work that can be found in his résumé and that has greatly helped disseminate and recognize the qualities of the PRE throughout the world. He has also spoken at

conferences the world over and has published more than one hundred articles in various magazine of Spain, the United States, Sweden, Colombia, Germany, England, France, Poland, Mexico and Australia, etc. Likewise, we must not forget the important studies and research he carried out for his books at a time in which research was still rather a scarce activity and took place under truly precarious conditions. A l l of u s w h o h a d t h e opportunity of meeting him, the death of Juan Carlos Altamirano has brought us together with a common feeling: we consider ourselves tremendously fortunate to have k now n such g reat a Master. Juan Carlos, when I say your name, I am left with a memory wrapped up in nostalgia and gratitude. Thank you for so many years of team work, dedication and devotion. Rest in peace. Inmaculada Rodríguez Editora

Obituary On behalf of A NCCE and from this section, we would like to pass on our most heart-felt condolences to all those families, closely related with the horse world, who have recently lost a loved one. In the name of everyone within the Association, our most sincere sympathy, support and strength at this hard time. May they rest in peace: Miguel Tovar Sanz, Spanish Horse breeder and member of ANCCE. José Mata, Head coachman of the Royal School of Equestrian Art. The son of Iñigo de Arteaga Martín, owner of Yeguada Duque del Infantado. The father of our collaborator, Johanna Septs.

El Caballo Español



Artist Fernando Botero with one of his works Caballo de picador (Bullfighter’s horse), 1992



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Equestrian beauty has always been admired by great painters and sculptors throughout artistic history. Horses, due to their shape and proportion, have always been well appreciated by artists for their wonderful flexibility. Each artist has captured this with their perception of art. The essence is constant, but at the same time a different fragrance that even makes them unique; that is the case of horses painted by Fernando Botero. He has developed his own unique, recognizable and universal style by expressing reality through the exaltation of volume and color. Text: María Sáez de Propios

Oil on canvas; artist’s Collection. 20


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he United Arab Emirates, Germany, Mexico, Barcelona and, lastly, Bilbao, are only some of the scenarios for the sculptures of Botero’s horses. These monumental sculptures have on exhibit in a number of international cities since the mid 1980’s. As of 1992, Botero presented his greatest public exhibition of his sculptures in the Champs Elise of Paris. Likewise, seve r a l of his works

were exhibited in some of the most important avenues and squares of the world, including major avenues in New York, Paseo de Recoletos in Madrid, Plaza del Comercio in Lisbon and Plaza de la Señoría in Florence. The direct expressiveness of Botero’s work derives from his cultural roots, from the PreColumbian and Egyptian art as well as inf luences from the Near East or archaic Greek statuary to works by Renaissance Masters or, more recently, the sculpture of Henry Moore, among others. His figures share the iconic strength a nd p owe r f u l pre se nce t h at universalize their message.

Horses are a mainstay theme for sculptures as it is the “most beautiful and noble” animal. For that reason, horses have always inspired artists

HORSES, A CONTINUOUS SOURCE OF INSPIRATION FOR PAINTERS AND SCULPTORS Horses have always been a major topic for sculpturing as it is the “most beautiful and noble” animal. That is why it has inspired so many sculptors. “Each sculptor has made their horse different. What is impor tant is that the artist sees it in a particular way according to their ideas and their concept of art,” he confirmed to the magazine El Caballo Español. We all remember the Renaissance horses and those by Caravaggio, Velázquez and Picasso, but, he assures us that his horse “is a horse within my concept of art.” His ideas have created a personal, yet recognizable style, which “is most difficult and something that few artists attain.” He wa s b or n i n 1932 , i n Medellín, Colombia. Today, he is the best known Latin American artists still active in the second half of the 20th century. In 1944, he attended the bullfighting school in Medellín, where his vocation for the world of the bullfighting was born. His first paintings were dedicated to this subject, together with equestrianism. Since boyhood, he was aware of the usefulness of horses as transportation in Colombia—where there were few highways—and their beauty won his admiration. “The mixture of beauty and usufulness turned it into a source of inspiration for his sculptures,” Botero assures us, because “there is no other animal in nature as beautiful as a horse.” Size is his calling card. He assures us that, during his time in Italy, he was very interested in Quattrocento art, all very volumetric, as his initial works of art. They were the inventors of volume and space on a f lat su r face. T h is con f i r med h is inclination towards volume in his works as exaltation of volume and sensuality. “In art everything is excessive. Each artist exaggerates and flavors their concepts.”

El Caballo Español


In the park, 2006. Oil on canvas; artist’s Collection

The First Lady, 1989. Oil on canvas; artist’s Collection

His paintings and sculptures are figurative because for him “art contains a concept, a different presentation of nature

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In art everything is excessive. Each artist exaggerates and flavors their concepts

The President, 1989. Oil on canvas; artist’s Collection




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Gente del circo (Circus people), 2007. Oil on canva; private Collection

Caballo con bridas (Horse with Bridle) or as Fernando Botero called it Caballo (2011), is his most recent monumental sculpture, exhibited on the Gran Via in Bilbao, to celebrate his exhibition Celebración (Celebration) at the BBK Museum, inaugurated this past 8th of October. It is one of the best examples of his sculpturing, which he started in 1973. A ton and a half of bronze is what work number 80 consists of, which was chosen for this retrospective of the artist, the number that coincides with his age in 2012, and this is why he chose Celebración as the title of the exhibition. His paintings and

sculptures are figurative because for him “art contains a concept, a different presentation of nature.” His characteristic volumetric style appears as rounded forms representing animals and human figures—individuals, in pairs and, on occasion, broken into fragments. Meanwhile, the sensuality of color is substituted by a smooth, brilliant surface made of marble or, as in this case, of bronze, the material he prefers to complete his expressions using the lost wax technique. Work usually begins with clay models that he later makes in marble or brass, in the Tuscan town of Pietrasanta (Italy), famous

for the nearby Carrara marble quarries—where Miguel Ángel often visited—and for its bronze foundries. Botero has maintained a studio in this town since 1983, and the Caballo (2011) will return there once the exhibition has concluded. Looking back on a life dedicated to artistic creation, which he has defined a counter-current artistic style, and has given his own intention to art, he harmonizes with the thoughts of Aristotle, already pronounced in the 4th century B.C. when expressing that “the purpose of art is to give body to the secret essence of things, not copying their appearance.”

El Caballo Español



NEW MEETING BETWEEN A NCCE AND USPRE ANCCE President Javier Conde and PRE Stud Book Director, Arancha Rodríguez visit the new facilities

"Cover Horses" Photography Competition AND THE COVER HORSE WINNER IS……. YEGUADA SUSAETA Among other initiatives o commemorate 40 years of Association history, ANCCE lau nched a PR E -t hemed photog raphy competition called Cover Horses. The idea was well accepted by members and many sent in their best photographs, thirteen of which were among the finalists. In keeping with the contest rules, members could vote online for up to a maximum of three photos. This resulted in the favorite, and consequently the winner, being La Curiosidad (Curiosity) by Daniel Susaeta Ruiz from Yeguada Susaeta to become the cover for this issue. The photograph placed second was by Domingo Chinchilla Rodríguez with the photo Creciendo juntos (Growing up together), and third was Jesus Martínez Moraga with Araña a la limonera (Single horse Spider). The finalist photographs were on exhibit in the access hall prior to the General Assembly, held last May at the Palacio de Congresos y Exposiciones (Convention Center) in Sevilla.

Kimberly van Kampen, Javier Conde, Arancha Rodríguez and Alexander Zilo

Recently, a meeting was held between ANCCE and USPRE (United States PRE Association). This meeting was possible thanks to the collaboration agreement signed during SICAB last year, to reiterate the good relationships between both institutions. Javier Conde, President of ANCCE and Arancha Rodríguez, Director of the PRE Stud Book, were received by Kimberly van Kampen Boyer, President of USPRE and Alexander Zilo, Vice-president of USPRE and ANCCE Representative in the United States. They showed them the new facilities in Wellington, Florida and introduced them to the Stud Book staff in the USA, Tanya Duffey and Silvia Muñoz. The two days of work among the directors of both organizations were very fruitful, since a number of topics of interest for the North American breeders



were discussed, including conformation competitions, standard Stud Book procedures, collaboration in dressage, etc. Progress was made about a number of activities that are planned. These activities contemplate the possible organization of a National USPRE-ANCCE Championship in the USA and the organization of a TQB. USPRE is the largest PRE association in the United States; with more than 800 members distributed throughout the country. Likewise, this association has extensive experience in promoting the Spanish horse. In the agreement signed between both institutions, the North American association was designated as collaborators of the only official register for the PRE horse in the world that officially backed by Spain’s Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment, which offers new advantages for the USA breeders.

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Winner of the "Cover Horses" photographic contest

Photo: Daniel Susaeta

El Caballo Espa単ol


PRE Stud Book

World Equine Identification, Registration and data Interchange Committee meeting in Paris

ANCCE PARTICIPATES IN THE WHIRDEC MEETING AND THE 2012 WBFSH GENERAL ASSEMBLY Last September, the assistant director of the PRE Stud Book, Pedro J. Azor, travelled to the main Haras Nationaux (National Stud Farms) offices in Paris to attend the World Horse Identification, Registration & Exch a nge Dat e s Com m it t e e ( W H I R DEC) meet i ng. This organization is a member of WBFSH (World Breeding Federation for Sport Horses). Breeder association re present at ives ha nd li ng t he various Stud Books for horses that are members of WBFSH, members of the I nter nat ional Equest r ian Federation (FEI) and a number of public administrations from various countries participated in the event. This meeting covered technical aspects about t he Hub Dat a Exchange project (HDE Project), handled by WBFSH and the FEI, in compliance with EU requirements. This project created a web server for the exchange of data between the various St ud Books and the FEI. Participants were shown how



HUB works. This system works by requesting infor mation about horses using their UELN. Several suggestions were discussed. At t he fol low i ng c om m it t e e meet i ng, held i n New ma rket (England) on the 4th of November, the development of this project and the connections among databases were analyzed. The WBFSH (World Bre e d i ng Fe de r at ion for Sp or t Horses) General Assembly started on the following day at the same location. Topics including new identif ication tech nologies were debated. This event is held annually in a different countr y to discuss subject s related to t he va r ious stud books, breeding and sports at world level. On this occasion, more than 100 representatives from all the breeder associations handling the various equine stud books in the world pa r t icipated , as well as members of the Inter national Equestrian Federation and other bodies from the sector.

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NEW SERVICE FOR BREEDERS: CONFORMATION PERFORMANCE TEST ANCCE, the National PRE B r e e d e r s’ A s s o c i a t i o n o f Spain, has created a new Stud Book service, thanks to which breeders may request the Lineal Conformation Score (CML for the abbreviation in Spanish) for their breeding stock. Thus, these horses are assessed genetically and may subsequently seek the genetic categories established in the Breeding Program. The objective of this service is to continue helping breeders include their horses in the program. For those horses that are not yet used for breeding, the assessment for Basic Approval must be requested once the horse is three years old; at that point, the Lineal Conformation Score (LCS) will be carried out. To request this ser vice, present Request for Service 218 and in the space for “concept” (concepto), write in “CML.” This service has a single fee: 120 euros for 1 to 5 horses in in a single visit, and an additional 15 euros for the fifth horse or more. Interested breeders may

request a joint service, indicating a single meeting point where all the horses are to be assessed. T he r e q u e s t fo r s e r v ic e , together with the payment receipt, must then be sent to the main PRE ANCCE Stud Book Office. The corresponding judge will contact the person making the request to establish the visit to the stud farm. Before requesting this service, breeders may verify whether their breeding stock has already undergone the CML. The CML will continue to be performed at the Tribunal for Qualif ied Breeding Stock and may also be car ried out during the concentrations of horses previously established by ANCCE. This calendar may be consulted on the Association web-site. In the case of ANCCE e s t a bl i sh e d c o n c e nt r a t io n s , there is no additional fee for the breeder.. NOTE: Spanish breeders may use of this service. The Stud Book is currently adapting this service to breeders outside Spain..

El Caballo Español



MORERA & VALLEJO RENEW ITS COMMITMENT WITH SICAB The Andalusian insurance company will once again be one of the major sponsor of the International PRE Trade Fair

Javier Conde and Antonio Morera signing the sponsorship agreement

SICAB, the Inter national PR E Trade Fair, to be held this year f rom the 20th to the 25th of Nove mbe r at t he Pala cio de Exposicione s y Cong resos Convention Center in Sevilla, will once again enjoy the sponsorship of Morera & Vallejo. This company from Sevilla has worked in the insurance sector for more than three decades. Thus, the firm renews its initial 2011 commitment with the Trade Fair to step for ward as the f irst company with 100% Andalusian capital to become a major investor in an event that is organized by ANCCE, the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain, since 1991. The sponsorship agreement between ANCCE, as organizer of SICAB, and Morera & Vallejo, was sig ned this mor ning by the presidents of both organizations: Antonio Morera, president



of Gr upo Morera & Vallejo, and Javier Conde, president of the ANCCE. During the signing, the president of Gr upo Morera & Vallejo stressed his strong commitment with this type of initiative, due to the fundamental role it plays, on the one hand, as an international showcase for the greatness of the Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE) and its tradition. On the other hand, it is an essential element for the economic progress of the city. In this sense, it is important to note the 15 thousand jobs created by the breeding of Purebred Spanish Horses in Spain. In agreement, the president of ANCCE, Javier Conde, expressed his appreciation, accentuating the importance of having the support of someone who is not only a private investor, but also a great enthusiast and breeder and who has the determined confidence

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to promote outstanding events that generate so much benefit for the city of Sevilla. The International PRE Trade Fair is the third most important socioeconomic event of Sevilla, following Semana Santa (Easter Week) and the April Fair, and it is the most important single breed equine event in the world, dedicated exclusively to the Purebred Spanish Horse (PRE). Every year it plays host to more than 200,000 visitors and 1,000 PRE horses. Antonio Morero Vallejo k nows f irst hand the importance of the Trade Fair for the sector, because, in addition to being a businessman and sponsor of SICAB, he is a breeders and member of ANCCE. The economic contribution of the private sponsors of SICAB is one of the guarantees for the success of the Trade Fair, since this is what enables us to maintain the ticket prices for entry to the grounds, thus helping to ensure that the largest number possible of visitors are able to access and enjoy the event during the six days that it lasts. In words of Javier Conde, “SICAB is conceived as a shop window that makes the world of the horse more popular. If the costs to the general public had to rise, this would go against the main philosophy of the Trade Fair”.

MORERA & VALLEJO AND SICAB As it did last year at SICAB, Morera & Vallejo will have its own stand, from which it will offer information regarding a program of insurance aids and advantages designed exclusively for those attending the Trade Fair. Breeders, exhibitors and public visitors will therefore be able to benefit from major savings and discounts on the policies taken up, with the usual guaranteed conditions. The main office of Morera & Vallejo, located in the Cortijo Gota de Leche, on Avenida Kansas City of Sevilla, will also be the site of the Gala Dinner for the Closure of SICAB 2012, adding a golden fastener to its indispensable collaboration with the Trade Fair. Grupo Morera & Vallejo, with offices distributed throughout Spain, Europe and America: Sevilla, Huelva, Cordoba, Malaga, Valencia, Palma de Majorca, Madrid, Barcelona, Paris, Rome, Naples, London and Miami, has reached, throughout their more than 30 years of experience in insurance, a major volume of business and a great implication with projects related with the defense and promotion of the traditions of Andalusia in general and Seville in particular.


Once again, ANCCE will provide its members and PRE enthusiasts attending SICAB, a discount voucher for RENFE’s high-speed trains as well as for medium and long distance, conventional medium distance trains and commuter trains. By presenting this discou nt voucher — download it from the ANCCE web-site at www.—at any RENFE sales desk (station,

travel agency or sales offices) from the 15th to 30th November, the holder will obtain a 30% discount on all national journeys, return tickets when the origin or destination is SEVILLA. This discount is valid for high-speed trains, long and medium distance, in addition to conventional medium distance t rains and comuter trains.

El Caballo Español


NEW COURSES ABOUT THE EQUINE SECTOR AT SICAB 2012 ANCCE, the National PRE Breeders’ Association of Spain, has organized three courses about the equine sector. These courses will be held to coincide with SICAB 2012. These workshops, provided free of charge, seek to provide those interested in this sector with additional training and will take place on the 21st and 22nd of November. The first course—titled: “Equine Breeding Programs: Current Situation and Future Perspectives”—will cover the current situation regarding genetic selection among the main equine breeds as well as advances in assessment methodologies to be used in the future. The Lineal Morphological Score vs. Point-based Morphological Assessment and the genetic assessment of breeding stock for functionality will be the central themes of the second course, called: “Genetic Assessment of Equine Breeding Stock”. The third course—“Specific Rules and Regulations of the Purebred Spanish Horse Stud Book and Program”— will cover the latest innovations incorporated in both fields and published in the BOE (National Bulletin) this year. The speakers at these courses include Dr. Mercedes Valera, Specialist in Equine Genetics from the MERAGEM Research Group, and Dr. Pedro J. Azor, who is in charge of the PRE Breeding Program and Assistant Technical Director of the PRE Stud Book. All those attending these courses will receive a diploma certifying their participation, as well as a ticket to the SICAB Show for the day the course is held (Show ticket does not include the entrance ticket into the FIBES fairgrounds).

PROGRAMS OF THE COURSES BREEDING PROGRAM OF EQUINE BREEDS (WEDNESDAY 21) 4:15-4:45 pm. Inauguration and presentation of the course. 4:45-5:00 pm. Presentation of the 2012, 3rd Breeding Stock Catalog for Conformation (with a copy for each participant). 5:00-6:00 pm. Current situation of Equine Breeding Programs. 6:00-6:15 pm. Coffee break. 6:15-7:00 pm. Future perspectives for the Equine Breeding Programs. 7:00 pm. Conclusion. GENETIC ASSESSMENT OF BREEDING STOCK (THURSDAY 22) 11:15-11:45 am. Inauguration and presentation of the course. 11:45-12:00 am. Presentation of the 7th Breeding Stock Catalog for Dressage 2012. (A copy for each participant). 12:00-1:00 pm. The Lineal Morphological Score vs. Point-based Morphological Assessment 1:00-1:15 pm. Coffee break. 1:15-2:00 pm. Genetic assessment of breeding stock for functionality. 2:00 pm. Conclusion. SPECIFIC RULES AND REGULATIONS OF THE PUREBRED SPANISH HORSE STUD BOOK AND BREEDING PROGRAM (THURSDAY 22) 4:30-5:00 pm. Inauguration and presentation of the course. (A copy of the specific PRE Stud Book Breeding Rules and Regulations will be given to each participant). 5:00-6:00 pm. Specifics and latest incorporations to PRE Stud Book Rules and Regulations. 6:00-6:15 pm. Coffee break. 6:15-7:00 pm. Novelties in the PRE Breeding Program. 7:00 pm. Conclusion.

Cover page of the 2012 PRE Breeding Stock Catalog for Dressage



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The Purebred Spanish Horse reaches in England during the Renaissance and late Baroque

St Paul's Cathedral, London 34 ANCCE Cornell University Library

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Text: Juan Carlos Altamirano

El Caballo Espa単ol


On occasion, the appearance of specific, innovative artistic expressions in Great Britain was later than on the continent, especially in the fields of architecture, painting, dance, and music, as has been stated in a number of works. The period when PRE horses reached England is known as the English Baroque, which fell between the Great Fire of London in 1666 and the Treaty of Utrecht in 1713. By then, not only had the Cordovan breed been created, but it was expanding throughout Andalusia, the rest of Spain and parts of Europe. Due to ideological questions linking the Baroque style

to Catholicism were the reasons why Great Britain remained unaware of this artistic movement, which was taking place in southern, Catholic dominated Europe. Nevertheless, following the death of architect Iñigo Jones (1652), and a visit to Paris by Christopher Wren in 1665, changes in artistic style were becoming increasingly evident. Wren rebuilt fifty-three churches using Baroque style and construction ideas. His most representative work was Saint Paul’s Cathedral (1675-1711) with vaults comparable in quality and beauty to found in Italy and France.

The period when PRE horses reached England is known as the English Baroque (1666 -1713). By then, the breed had expanded throughout Andalusia, the rest of Spain and parts of Europe


Text: Juan Carlos Altamirano


f this important change was due to anyone, it was to King Charles I (1600-1649), second son of James VI of Scotland and I of England, and Anne of Denmark. His extreme fragility at birth led his parents to leave him in Scotland for a while, under the care of nurses and servants. He suffered psychological problems linked



to his delay in the development of language, mobility, and other associated issues. He fell in love with the esthetics of European Renaissance and Baroque styles. His attempt to moder nize his country after a visit to Madrid led him to send art dealers throughout Europe, until Parliament, due to the

excessive cost of his acquisitions, ordered his execution. That was a turning point in which England began to accept the esthetics that predominated the European continent. In this sit uation, France and Austria had been transformed into the European center of dressage with the PRE leading this process, while

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Charles I of England, by Pierre Lombart, inspired in an equestrian portrait by Van Dyck 37

Spain was a leading obtaining, breeding and raising such horses. It was a time when the PRE expanded throughout the world; it coincided with the Baroque influence, with the appearance of very voluminous Spanish Horses that were course a n d c h u n k y, w it h B a r o q u e movement, some with convex heads and double muscling on the croups (as shown in the paintings by Velázquez):

and long cannon bones and pasterns favored the appearance a nd lat e r pre se r vat ion of “dishing.” It is also noteworthy to highlight that in later years the Purebred Spanish Horse was used as a luxury carriage driving horse and for this, speed was not essential, but rather its elevations, which is why no more importance was given to this”.1

“ The conformation-functional a nd cu lt u r al relat ionsh ips such as the true use Spanish Horses were used for in the past, the outstanding width of their chests that led to knockkneed horses proliferating in the breed, short forelegs and forearms, high knees and hocks,

The economically sound social groups, essentially the bourgeoisie, became enthusiasts of hacking out on horseback, since this was 1 Altamirano Macarrón, JC (2001) El caballo español: la evolución de su morfología. Málaga, Ediciones Ecuestres (The Spanish Horse: the evolution of its morphology).

a display of social status. For this reason the way in which horses were ridden was configured as follows: “With a very strong and heavy bit, their head is kept high, and their chin glued to their neck: then, with spurs in their flanks, they perform the walk, they appear to walk on their hind legs, lifting their forelegs high and moving their hooves in circles, lifting the dust and mire, and replacing them with force almost in the same place from which they were lifted. That is a much appreciated walk...” 2

2 Sidney. The book of the horse. 1874-75. 2ª ed., 1893, p. 134.

When the PRE expanded throughout the world, it coincided with the Baroque influence, with the appearance of very voluminous Spanish Horses that were course and chunky, with Baroque movement, some with convex heads and double muscling on the croups


n Dyck

Horse, by Va



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Emperor Charles V by Van Dyck

El Caballo Espa単ol


The greatest example was Belgian artist Anthony van Dyck (1636-1638), as seen in the wellknown portraits of Charles I of England and of the Marquis of Aytona, among others


The Marquis of Aytona

Classicism was yet to arrive and become established before 3 these esthetics were softened . England continued faithful to its g reat love: horse raci ng. Nevertheless, a process began that introduced Purebred Spanish Horses; surprisingly, even today, it still continues, although on a small scale. Until that time, and going back centuries, the English equine market focused exclusively on the sale of “hacks;” a type of livestock that was sold annually at Smithfield market, in the north 4 of London . This was, in part, the origin of horses that could be 3 Pérez Sánchez, A. E. (1986), La pintura barroca en Italia y Francia. En Historia del arte. Madrid, Anaya (Baroque painting in Italy and France. In History of Art)) 4 Altamirano Macarrón, JC (1998) Historia y origen del caballo español: las caballerizas reales de Córdoba. Málaga, AMC Ediciones (History and origin of the Spanish Horse: The Royal Stables of Cordoba)



called the “early Thoroughbreds”, which had expanded throughout the whole of Europe. When the se horses were not as fast as was required, they were generally sold as driving horses, a system that 5 continues today . Even the Royal Stables of Cordoba acquired a few of this breed as sire stallions to produce driving horses. Proof of this is the order to the Royal Groom, from the Count of Grajal, to bring to Cordoba: “One Spanish horse, one Friesian and two Jack donkeys. For the hacks, one that has just arrived from England since these are the best, as ours become prettier 5 Archivo Palacio Real. Sección Administrativa, carta de compra de una partida de P.S.I. para la Casa Real Española de 1908, Leg. 1.003. (Royal Palace Archive. Administrative Section, purchase note for a group of Thoroughbreds for the Spanish Royal Household of 1908)

over time, losing their natural features”. 6 Within this context, the first paintings showing Spanish Horses app e a re d i n Engla nd . T hei r greatest exponent was Belgian artist Anthony van Dyck (16361638), as seen in the well-known portraits of Charles I of England and of the Marquis of Aytona, among others. The horses in these paintings, although idealized as were most of the horses painted during that period, appear more cloned than real. He even painted Charles V (1500 -1558) on an idealized Purebred Spanish Horse, which has led to great confusions due to the anachronism of the work. 6 A.P.R. Secc. Adm. Carta del Conde de Grajal al caballerizo mayor de Córdoba de 19 de agosto de 1642. Leg. 1061. (Letter from the Count of Gramal to the Head Groom at Cordoba, dated the 19th August, 1642)

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The Spanish Horse:El 29 Caballo Equestrian Portrait of Charles I of England Espa単ol 41


Luis Lucio riding Os-Nervi, owned by Yeguada Burgués Photo: Carlos Núñez



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El Caballo Espa単ol


At this stage in the game, everyone knows that horses learn a series of behaviors thanks to what Pavlov called Classic Conditioning, which can be represented with a very simple diagram: Stimulus →Response →Reward / Punishment In other words, a horse responds in a specific manner to a stimulus given by person; if the response appears to be correct, it is rewarded and if it is believed to be incorrect, it is punished. Thus, one can assume that a horse, upon receiving a reward, will repeat this response at the first possible opportunity and, on the other hand, will not repeat it again as it was punished.

Text: José A. Fdez. Lineros


ow si mple!! But then, if it is that simple, one might wonder: why is it so difficult to train a horse? And why are there so few well trained horses? The answer is not as simple as the question; there are a multitude of fundamental aspects in the horse/rider relationship which, on many occasions, we are oblivious to, while on others, we just do not know and that cause, involuntarily, a multitude

of associations (conditionings) to take place, escaping our control and affecting the behavior of the horse to a greater or lesser degree. L et’s se e: a s soon a s you mount a horse, it is practically i mpossible to apply a si ngle stimulus; an exper t rider with an impeccable position and a perfected technique, will be able to control their body to the point of coordinating the action of their hands, legs and weight perfectly,

coord i nate yes, but never eliminating everything until they leave only a single stimulus. So, the horse will always respond to a “combination” of stimuli and its response will be adequate or i n a de qu at e de p e nd i ng on whether the rider has been, or not, able to perfectly coordinate that “combination” to produce the required result. Not even the best rider in the world is perfect; therefore their actions are not

Guajiro XXVI, owned by Juan Bautista, bred by Mario Torio and ridden by Beatriz Samper



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At the start of its training, great attention must be paid to rewarding any sign or example of a positive attitude toward the rider or their requests, attention, concentration, calmness, obedience

always the same. To complicate this situation more inconvenient, horses are living beings, and its physical or mental state is not always the same, which leads us to the conclusion that the response of the horse to the riders’ requests will never be the same, although it may be similar. With this state of affairs, what should we reward or punish to condition the horse? Imagine that you have performed a fantastic pirouette and you pat your horse and a few minutes later you repeat the pirouette, it does not come out

so well, so you punish the horse with the whip; how does the horse know what it has to do the next time, if on the two occasions the horse has perfor med the same exercise, a pirouette on the first occasion that has been rewarded, and a pirouette on the second that has been punished? The er ror is that what you are rewarding or punishing does not depend on the horse, but on you. The correct execution of any exercise does not depend on the horse, but on the rider, it depends on the rider being able to coordinate, at


that moment, all the appropriate aids to keep the horse in the necessar y balance to execute, w it h qu al it y, what is a ske d. Therefore, it is not the execution that has to be conditioned, but the attitude. From the moment a horse is mounted for the first time, at the start of its training, great attention must be paid to rewarding any sign or example of a positive attitude toward the rider or their requests, attention, concentration, calmness, obedience, etc. and the rider must remain f ully aler t th roughout

Guajiro XXVI ridden by JosĂŠ A. Fdez. Lineros


Science has demonstrated that associations based on reward are much stronger and more durable than those that are based on punishment

our relationship with the horse, t o c o nt i nu e , u n f a i l i ng ly, t o reward this type behavior that, I must comment in passing, is also the rider’s responsibility to provoke and not any contrar y behaviors. If it is possible to positive and strongly condition these attitudes, if it is possible to instill an attitude of calmness and collaboration in the mind of the horse, the rest will depend, solely and exclusively, on the technical capacity of the rider and on the physical resources nat ure has endowed the horse with and not on the associations, probably er roneous, that the r ider has tried to establish based on their actions, for which the horse has not the least responsibility.



For a long time, especially in this par t of the world, people have tried to train horses using a method full of contradictions and lagoons, to not say without any method and, the conditioning has also been based on punishment. In other words, a lack of technical k nowle dge on b eh al f of t he rider translated in the stimuli (aids), which sought to achieve a spe cif ic respon se, d id not produce the required result. The horse, in the opinion of the rider, produced an inadequate response that, as it was not what was desired, was immediately and strongly punished. Fortunately, today very little of this is left, but, regrettably, there are some riders who have not understood


that the errors of the horse are, exclusively and entirely, their responsibility and not those of the animal. Scie nc e h a s r el iably b e e n responsible for conv i nci ngly demonstrating that associations based on reward are much s t r o n g e r a n d m o r e d u r a bl e than those that are based on pu nish ment. Only t raining focused on getting the horse to collaborate with the rider can have a happy ending; otherwise, it is probable that the end will never be reached. (To be continued)

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El Caballo Espa単ol



22 PRE Horses Classed as “Excellent” at the 2012 Young Horse Dressage Circuit Final Almost 40% of the Spanish Horses were awarded the score of Excellent, and more than 36% were Very Good Text: Inmaculada Rodríguez Photos: Topiberian

Excellent, in the class for 4-year-olds, Taranto AV, owned by Agrícola Valvi

The Final for the Young Horse Selection Tests (PSCJ) in the discipline of Dressage took place from the 8th to 11th of October in ECUZAR in Zaragoza. 181 horses (160 Purebred Spanish Horses) had qualified for the final of one of the twelve tests making up this ninth circuit, coordinated by ANCCE through a designation from the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and the Environment. These tests are distributed throughout the year and held throughout all of Spain.



Óxido, owned by Yeguada Domincano and bred by Hnos. Mojarro Zamora classified as Excellent in the class for 6-year-olds

In the category for 4 year-olds, 9 horses were awarded the score of Excellent; AV Taranto, owned by Agricola Valvi, being the horse with the highest score, with a final average of 72.983%. Of the 24 participant in the category for 5 year-old horses, 9 were awarded t he score of Excellent, w it h Spirit de Jama (CDE), owned by Yeguada Jama and bred by José Luis Muñoz, in the lead, with an average of 73.391%. He was followed by the PRE, ANCCE

Not able La Devesa —member of the ANCCE Team and owned by Yeguada La Devesa—with 71.378%. Among the 6 year-olds, 9 horses were Excellent, with Oxido being noteworthy; he is owned by Yeguada Domincano and bred by Hnos. Mojarro Zamora. Oxido ran away with first place and a final average of 74.898%. Likewise, ten 4 year-olds, nine 5 year-olds and four 6 year-olds were awarded the score of Very Good for Dressage.

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The classification of Good was awarded to seven PRE 4 year-old horses, two 5 yearolds and no 6 year-olds. All results obtained by t he hor s e s p a r t icip at i ng in the various tests of the Qualifiers and Final of the 9th Young Horse Circuit can be consulted on the ANCCE web-site: The 2012 Perfor mance Tests for Dressage concludes with this final. A performance test for mor pholog y was a l s o c a r r ie d out d u r i ng the final, using the Lineal Mor phological Score, which enables horses to be genetically assessed for their

aptit ude for dressage and for morphology. After this assessment, horses earning the category of Recommended Young Breeding Stock will be listed in the corresponding Br e e d i ng St o ck C a t a log and in the PRE Stud Book for distribution within the framework of the Breeding Program. Finally, the high quality of the horses presented at this final is noteworthy, as demonstrated by the results. Almost 40% of the Spanish horses presented achieved the qualification of Excellent and more than 36%, that of Very Good.

ANCCE Notable La Devesa, owned by Yeguada La Devesa and member of the ANCCE team classified as Excellent in the class for 5-year-olds

El Caballo Espa単ol



HOGGING &TRIMMING MANES & TAILS IN PREs Text: Emilio Caro Photos: Rafael Lemos

If there is an eye-cathcing aspect that characterizes young PRE horses and broodmares with regards to their esthetics, this is the unique way their manes and tails are displaid “hogged” and/or “trimmed”, as maked by tradition. Breeders and enthusiasts outside the PRE might fail to link this practice with the breeding of the PRE horses, when this seemingly unique practice to present both youngsters and broodmares is done in response to an attempt to intensify their beauty. However, there are other reasons why this practice becomes beneficial both for the horses and their breeders, well beyond being considered a simple custom.


irst of all, in the specific case of youngsters, hogging and trimming is not same for colts as it is for fillies (except during the f irst year of life). Therefore, the sex of a horse can easily be seen at first sight, based on what their manes and tails look like, even more so when observing them in the field. As pointed out previously, traditionally, there is no differentiation in the presentation of colts and fillies during the first year of life; both manes and tails are completely removed, since there is no



need to separate them at that age when raising them. However, once they are yearlings—for obvious reasons linked to their sexual instincts, which begin to develop as of that age, especially in colts—it is necessary for breeders to separate them. For this reason, the first differentiations appear in the hogging and trimming of manes and tails. Colts no longer have their manes or tails shaved, thus allowing the hair to grow naturally from then on; in the case of fillies, their manes and tails are shaved and trimmed, leaving more

or less mane depending on their age. With this, fillies are differentiated by age groups: fillies of 1-2 years, 2-3 years or over 3 years. Thanks to these techniques, not only can one guess the sex of the youngsters quickly, but it is also easy to know the age of the fillies before they are 3 year of age. As of this age, all broodmares are presented in a same way. The main difference between fillies and broodmares is that the hair of their manes (which seem longer, although they continue being short), and the hair of their tails is

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Mare owned by Yeguada San Fernando with shaved mane and tail

El Caballo Espa単ol


allowed to grow longer, half way down the dock, leveling off the bottom of the tail, keeping the top of the dock clipped short the same as 2-3 year-old fillies. This facilitates the tasks of covering and avoids inconveniences that could arise during foaling, thus avoiding entangled tail hair. On the other hand, broodmares can be differentiated from mares



used for other tasks, other than breed i ng, i nclud i ng r id i ng, driving, etc. In such cases, manes and tails are not usually hogged. Another reason to defend the hogging and trimming manes and tails in this type of livestock is directly related with their selection. A shor t or hogged mane and tail leaves the neck

and buttocks of the young horses and mares completely uncovered, thus allowing a better perspective of these body parts, and therefore, facilitating the observation of major defects and faults. To conclude, this t y pe of practice can also be attributed other reasons directly related to horse health and hygiene. Being that mares generally bred and

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are raised most of their lives in freedom, short or hogged manes and tails always remain clea ner wh ile at t he sa me time, hindering the existence and proliferation of parasites. Should these or other problems appear, eradication treatments are facilitated. In turn, it has been proven that with the manes and tails hogged at an early age,

fundamentally during the first year of life, future hair grows healthier and stronger than if they have been left uncut. Tradition, esthetics, practicality and hygiene are some of the reasons that make the hogging and trimming of PRE youngsters and mares a clear sign of identity when compared with other breeds.


The first differentiations appear in the hogging and trimming of manes and tails, leaving more or less mane depending on their age. With this, fillies are differentiated by age groups, whether 1, 2 or 3 years old



Tradition, esthetics, practicality and hygiene are some of the reasons that make the hogging and trimming of PRE youngsters and mares a clear sign of identity when compared with other breeds El Caballo EspaĂąol



HEALTHY AND BEAUTIFUL HORSES WITH AROMATHERAPY Text: José Antonio Polo Veterinario y Co-fundador de NaturalVetCollection

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to prevent and cure ailments; moreover, it is an extremely helpful to improve an animal’s mental state of health. It is an effective, natural therapy that always depends on the relationship between the active ingredients found in the essential oils and the therapeutic properties derived from them. Essential oils are 100% natural substances, containing elevated concentrations of active ingredients. Such oils are obtained through steam distillation, to extract the “secret essences” found in aromatic plants. They are very potent, but at the same time very delicate products (for example, their distillation at high temperatures would breakdown the various components).



Principles of aromatherapy Aromatic plants are those able to produce essences. Of the 800,000 vegetable species know today, only 10% have that ability. Depending on the species, their essences could be located in the flowers, the seeds, the fruits, the roots, the rhizomes or the bark; this means that a thorough knowledge of the plants is fundamental for the manipulation and production of these essential oils. In the specific case of the brand HORSESSENTIALS —created with the union of two passions: horses and essential oils and aromatherapy—it was founded years ago by an expert rider and Pranarom, a world leader in the field of scientific aromatherapy. All products are formulated by specialized herbalists. Their essential oils are well accepted in treatments for horses, since they are formulated with a specific ph that is adapted to the needs of horses. Their aroma is also excellent and satisfactory for horses, in such a way that it is not rejected by

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the delicate equine sense of smell, as may occur with other the aromas of other products that horses do not like. The essences can be found in variety parts of plant anatomy, but not in the same proportions. An in-depth knowledge of each part means that only those parts that have a greatest concentration being picked, to subsequently be treated du r ing the steam distillation process. To produce a small portion of essence, large quantities of plants are required. For this reason, certain essential oils are extremely pricey. Remember that as they are extremely concentrated essences; only a small amount is necessary for an effective treatment. Thus, the final treatment/price ratio is very advantageous. Not on ly does the qu alit y of the essences depend on the origins, the distillation method, and weather conditions, but also the part of the plant where the oil is extracted. Thanks to modern science, experts on this subject h ave s o - c a l le d che mot y p e s , which allow them to identify the biochemical components found in an essential oil and thus determine their therapeutic properties. Biochemically different, two chemotypes extracted from the same

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to prevent and cure ailments; moreover, it is an extremely helpful to improve an animal’s mental state of health


plant could present different therapeutic proper ties and toxicities. To achieve optimum quality, an essential oil should be 100% natural, 100% pure and 100% integral. BENEFITS OF AROMATHERAPY Horses frequently suffer from problems in their locomotive system. Regrettable, injuries to their tendons, muscular or joint problems are part of their day to day life due to their own nature, poor feeding, incorrect handling or excessive work, among others. The professional and responsible use of essential oils can help alleviate those dysfunctions in a natural way.

Massages using essential oils in the form of tonics, lotions or creams have very beneficial effects. Products based on mint, eucalyptus citriodora, rosemar y, cypress, Virginian juniper or Pistacia lentiscus, make up the ESSENTIAL COOL and ESSENTIAL COOL+ range; they are excellent allies to help in the recovery of muscles, tendons, ligaments and joints. The 100% natural clay elaborated with mint, eucalyptus, cajuput or rosemary, as in the case of ESSENTIAL CLAY, is very suitable to use as relaxing/ cooling clay on tendons and joints. Soot h i ng a nd regenerat ive products are needed to cure skin problems, where components such as tea tree, aloe vera, echinacea, niauli, geranium and roserock play a major role. These are found in ESSENTIAL DERM, which has antibacterial and fungicidal properties that help avoid possible infections. However, if you want your horse to boast strong and shiny hair, products such as ESSENTIAL SH EEN or ESSEN T I A L SENSIT I V E are a fantastic, 100% nat ural alternative. The former contains niauli, eucalyptus, lime, rosemary, jojoba and ylang-ylang while the latter has rosemary, tea tree, mint, orange, geranium, sage and ylangylang.

El Caballo Español


/ Remache XIII, owned by Yeguada Torreluna and bred by Benito Sierra Fraga

During the insect and acari season, products with eucalyptus citriodora, tea tree, mint, French lavender, cinnamon, rosemary, geranium and citronella, such as ESSENTIAL REPEL, can be a very effective partner to help combat pests and avoid the problems they cause to horses. For small wounds, calendula, tea tree, orange, lemon, geranium, myr rh and lavender oil bases, s u c h a s E S S E N T I A L A I D, a r e recommended.



The professional and responsible use of essential oils can help alleviate injuries to their tendons, muscular or joint problems


Photo: Carlos Núñez

I n a dd it ion to t hese br ief examples, aromatherapy offers solut ion s for ot he r s p e ci f ic problems, such as improving problems of the frog, breathing, r el a x at ion of mu s cle s a f t e r exercise, etc. Nevertheless, it is necessary to be aware that, if there is any doubt about the health of a horse, it is vital that a veterinarian be consulted first.

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El Caballo Espa単ol






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INSULIN RESISTANCE AND HOW IT DEVELOPS The function of the hormone insulin is to keep the glucose concentration in the blood at a constant level. Insulin lowers the blood sugar (glucose) when it rises after a meal by stimulating the cells that store glucose in tissues. Insulin release is regulated by the glucose concentration in the blood. The higher the glucose, the more insulin is released. Insulin resistance (IR) is defined as a defective insulin function in horses. Insulin fails to correctly stimulate cellular glucose uptake, with the glucose uptake being reduced. Studies show that obese horses fed with a high content of non-structural carbohydrates such as grain or concentrates show an impaired/reduced insulin sensitivity or insulin resistance. In obese horses with reduced insulin


Research indicates that a high insulin concentration in the blood is a contributing factor for the development of laminitis


sensitivity the glucose uptake is reduced even though insulin is released, they therefore have a high concentration of insulin and triglycerides in the blood due to this defective function. This

defect can result in an increased insulin release which stimulates t he t r a n spor t of fat t y a cid s (triglycerides) to the cells, which in t ur n leads to an excessive accumulation of fat and then obesity. Affected horses are prone to suffer from laminitis. THE CONNECTION BETWEEN INSULIN RESISTANCE AND LAMINITIS It is important to understand that IR and laminitis are not the same thing. IR does not necessarily lead to laminitis, but laminitis can be triggered by chronic insulin resistance. Research indicates that a high insulin concentration in the blood is a contributing factor for the development of laminitis. Insulin injections into the blood stream

El Caballo EspaĂąol


have triggered laminitis in healthy horses. I n s u l i n se n sit iv it y d i f fe r s between breeds. Ponies have lower insulin sensitivity than horses and are therefore more prone to develop IR, Equine metabolic syndrome (EMS) and laminitis. HORSES AT RISK OF DEVELOPING IR AND EMS Horses with an insulin resistant body type (obese) are highly prone to developing laminitis. These horses tend to accumulate fat in the neck, around the withers and on the upper par t of the hindquarters. Hor ses t hat have su f fe red laminitis usually have a higher concentration of insulin as well as triglycerides in their blood, compared to horses that never had laminitis. These horses have

a lower insulin resistance and are therefore prone to suffering IR and laminitis. HOW TO PREVENT IR AND EMS Horses that gain weight easily should be on a strict diet and be exercised regularly. These horses should not be fed with nonstructural carbohydrates such as grain, lush grass etc. Feeding EMS horses rations with a low content of non-structural carbohydrates results in a lower glucose intake and correct insulin release, which prevents further loss of insulin sensitivity. HOW TO TAKE CARE OF HORSES WITH IR AND EMS These horses require special a n d s p e c i f ic c a r e t o avoid laminitis. The most important

is regular exercise and a fully controlled and strict diet. Tests- Horses prone to EMS should be tested for glucose concentration in the blood at least once a year. Feed- The basis of a feed ration for an insulin resistant horse is hay, protein supplement if necessary (sugarless or low sugar content) and mineral supplement. Hay must be analyzed for nonstructural carbohydrates. These horses must not be overfed and absolutely must not get fat, so an exact calculation of the horse’s nutritional need is necessar y. Pasture is only recommended if fully controlled and only during a few hours per day. Exercise- Exercise is important in order to keep weight down and increase the condition of the horse.

Horses prone to EMS should be tested for glucose concentration in the blood at least once a year


Food intake

Food intake increases the concentration of glucose in the blood, this makes the pancreas secrete insulin, which in turn stimulates the cells to capture and use the glucose, to reduce the concentration of glucose in the blood flow.



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El Caballo Espa単ol



DRESSAGE IN MURCIA In September, APREA—the PRE Breeders’ Association of Alicante—held its first CDN3* at the Aros facilities, in Murcia, with the participation of 103 Spanish horse and riders. This success, although small, has encouraged APREA to consider a more ambitious competition calendar for year.

Mimoso JF, owned by Yeguada JF Miño and ridden by Anna Vidiella

YOUNG HORSES Taranto AV, ridden by Alfonso León, was the star of the class for 4 year-olds. This bay, PRE owned by Agricola Valvi, remained in first place throughout the twodays competition, with 70.400% in the preliminary and 72.000% in the final. Likewise, he earned the gold medal in the ANCCE Cup. PRE, Henares I (71.000%), a PRE ridden by Francisco Gil, took second place after the tie-breaker for general impression while Genoves de Martet (71.000%), owned by Yeguada Martet and ridden by Sergio Martí , came third. In the 5 year-old class, it was the mare, Luna CCL (77.400%), ridden by Mariano Cano and owned by Yeguada Vistabella, came out



top in the final test, thus achieving gold. The PRE horses owned by Yeguada J.F. Miño, Mimoso JF (70.200%) and Arminioso JF (67.400%) completed the podium for the preliminary. In the final, Cartujano XCV (69.600%), owned by Yeguada Cueva Andía knocked Arminioso JF off third place. In the final for 6 year-olds, first place went to the PRE Rosmarinus (67.800%), ridden by Juan Francisco Bery and owned by S.A.T. Cucaleras. Second went to Arminioso JJ, owned by Juan José Montes while third to Gorrón AR, owned by Yeguada Santa Nino. In the Dressage 1 and 2, the first three places earned similar percentages. Quarter dominated the scene taking third place on both days; he is owned by Juan Manuel

García Vergel and ridden by Juan Francisco Ver. Tenaz II, owned by Yeguada Vistabella and ridden by Mariano Cano led the line-up on the first and second day. ANCCE Marismeño LIII, ridden by Isidro Maldonado Espinosa and members of ANCCE team, took second place. PRIX ST GEORGES AND GRAND PRIX Damascus (64.868%), ridden by Francisco Gil and owned by Yeguada La Angostura, was the winner of the Prix St Georges. He was followed by the PREs, Armas Zumbel (63.947%), owned by Durán Vicens and Ingenioso XLVI, owned by Agustín Fco. Cárdenas.

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The all out winner in the Grand Prix was Victor Álvarez riding Curioso XXV JLE (66.362%); this horse is owned by José Luis de la Escalera. Another combination, Ignacio López Porras with Faraón LXXXVII (64.170%) followed him, with only a 2.1 point difference. Just 2.6 points behind them, in third palce, was Juan José Ruiz Garrido, riding Señorio IV (63.681%). THE KÜRS, MAGIC MOMENTS Initially programmed for the evening, on this occasion, the great Kür tests took place on Saturday rather than Sunday as was usual. It was a great success for the organizing

committee, thank to the huge attendance there on the Saturday. Kür Intermediate I was led by Francisco Javier Tineo riding Ingenioso XLVI (67.600%). They were followed by Cristina Durán with Armas Zumbel (67.475%) and Francisco Gil with Damascus (64.625%), who were also awarded the ANCCE Cup at Prix St Georges level. In Kür Grand Prix, Victor Álvarez and a bay PRE owned by José Luis de la Escalera, Curioso XXV JLE (71.525%), were once again at the top of the line-up. Lucas Elías earned second place and José Ignacio López Porras took third place with Faraón LXXXVII

Víctor Álvarez, GP and Kür GP Champion with Diego Díez, President of APREA

El Caballo Español



GALICIAN DRESSAGE CHAMPIONSHIPS Andrea Vigo Outón, a young man from Villagarcía de Arosa, was proclaimed gold medal winner and Absolute Dressage Champion of Galicia at the Final of the Galician Championships. The event was organized by the Galician Equestrian Federation at the Cemar Equestrian Club facilities of the Mondariz Balneario (Spa). Andrea Vigo earned an average score of 64.64% with his PRE Horse, Cariñoso LVIII, boasting the famous Arroyomonte brand. This horse is a son of the Ermitaño III, the only Elite sire stallion within Spain. It must be highlighted that Anrea, with his second horse, veteran and also champion the previous years, Artista VII, took home the silver medal and second place in these Galician championships. Andrea began in the competitive equestrian

world with well-known champion and equestrian rider-instructor of equitation, Sara Domínguez from Ogrove. To d a y, s h e c o n t i n u e s t o coordinate and share Andrea's training together with rider Alberto Garcia from Salamanca. Likewise, she counts on the backing of enthusiasts and equine centers in both Arosa and Salnés, especially the equestrian club ACCEGA, which she represents. We are delighted with our young hopefuls in equestrian sports, the number of which continue to increase year after ear. However, members of the federation in Galicia miss the involvement of provincial bodies and the General Secretary for Sports in supporting both our clubs and the development of such a fantastic competitive activity.

Rider Andrea Vigo, riding Cariñoso LVIII at the awards ceremony

TRAINING COURSE ON BREEDING AND THE PRE BREED CHARACTERISTICS A n t ó n Vá z q u e z , w i t h a d eg r e e i n ve t e r i n a r ia n science (specialist in equines), i nt e r n at ion a l PR E ju d ge, national Dressage judge and member of the Tribunal for Qualif ied Breeding Stock, was responsible for the course “Formación Ganadera y Patrón Racial del PRE” (Breeding and the PRE Breed Characteristics), organized by ACCEGA, the PRE Breeders’ Association of Galicia. The course was held this past month of October at the equestrian center known as



Centro Hípico Pazo de Meire in Villalba (Lugo). The theoretical sessions of the course were based on four subject areas: breed defects to be corrected, introduction to Dressage with young PRE horses, the paces of a horse, the functionality test at competitions and the ideal presentation of a PRE in hand at competition. The practical session was based on judging in the arena. This section was also used as a refresher course for official ACCEGA judges.

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ISRAEL SURRENDERS TO THE PRE HORSE PRE horses are becoming more and more popular in the Holy Land. Since the creation of the PRE Association in Israel four years ago, interest in the breed has grown constantly and the number of horses has duplicated, thanks to the imports coming from Spain and those breeding breed locally. Currently, the horses are used more specifically for Dressage, and for general pleasure riding. Bohemio I, bred by Francisco Moreno González and purchased by a citizen called Isaac, is the most recent horse to have arrived in the country. He will be a horse that will be used for riding and was

chosen for his sweet character and tolerant attitude when facing life. Quinone MAC, bred by Miguel Ángel Cárdenas is now owned

by Carmen Makover who will prepare him for dressage to debut in competition this autumn. The PRE Association, with the support of its Honorary President, Alexander Zilo, has played an important role in the cmarketing of the breed in Israel, supplying a great deal of information about the PRE to the local equestrian community. The Association has held open house, exhibitions and Shows; it has r un conferences about the breed and it has offered t raining courses for d ressage riders and trainers. In a few years, Israel will have a good number of “holy horses”.

El Caballo Español



Carrousel with the 12 PRE horses participating in the World Carriage Driving Championships in Riesenbeck

THE RIESENBECK WORLD CARRIAGE DRIVING CHAMPIONSHIPS PLAYS HOST TO A SHOW WITH GERMAN PRE HORSES Twelve members of AACCPRE participated in the Show held on August 17 The Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Germany (AACCPRE) initiated contact during the most recent edition of Equitana, the International Trade Fair of Equestrian Sport held annually in Germany, to participate at the World 4-in-hand Championships in Riesenbeck, with a Show in which PRE horses and German riders were the protagonists. Finally, AACCPRE and the promoter of the Championship signed an agreement that led to the presentation of PRE horses and German riders before an international audience, with the members themselves who brought the Show to life. Twelve r iders, w it h t hei r respective horses, were chosen, after several training sessions in Essen (Germany), by Heinz Gerlich, the AACCPRE head trainer. The definitive team was made up of Sabine Bauernfeind, with Nero; Claudia Berg with Andaluz; Verena Comfere with Airoso; Christiane Engels-Meurer with Oportuno; Sonja Esser with Ibérico; Katja Gondorf with Emparque IV; Anika Gutsch with Cocodrillo; Britta Kaup



with Mescalero; Dörte Krüger with Químico; Sabine Pedde with Novelero; Sascha Schaus with Pifero; and Melanie Schwarz with Cinamon. The Show created by AACCPRE was part of the official show at the last World Games. In the words of Horst Seyfried, president of the association, “upon reaching the show grounds, the team was nervous, because the moment to present their horses before the 25,000 spectators, who filled the entire space, was close at hand.” “Many of our riders had traveled a long distance to get there,” remembers Seyfried, “and the delay at the start of the exhibition caused major havoc to the nerves of the participants, although they took advantage of this time to rehearse all the elements of the show, for a final time, under the calm directions of Heinz Gerlich. In the end, both horses and riders entered the arena in a relaxed state of mind.” The show began once the ceremony announcing the winners of the World Carriage Driving Championships concluded. “The

audience had no time to slow down, as they continued applauding after bidding the winners farewell, when our riders entered the arena. I was in the grand stand, as a member of the audience. It was a very special moment and really impressive, because the space was enormous, with a 30 X 60 meter grass arena. It was a warm night, with many spot lights and excited viewers, better conditions would have been impossible to achieve,” confirmed Seyfried. “Everything went better than expected: those details that were problematic during the training sessions suddenly came out perfect, and the riders, dressed to the nines, along with their horses, managed to earn the admiration of the audience, who gave them a standing ovation as they left the arena.” After a job well done and the very warm welcome from those attending the event, the AACCPRE Board of Directors showed their satisfaction with how the Show had gone and thanked the members of the team and their horses, as well as head trainer, Heinz Gerlich, their great work.

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GERMANY HOLDS “THE EXCELLENCE CUP” FOR THE FIRST TIME Friends and Breeders of the Purebred Spanish Horse Association 2012 The Friends and Breeders of the Purebred Spanish Horse Association in Germany has, for the first time, organized the competition “The Excellence Cup” that seeks to promote the use of the PRE in German dressage and that will be a national event. As a consequence of the international expansion of the Spanish Horse, the association would like to offer its members the possibility that their achievements be recognized, from basic level right up to the most advanced levels. For this, all the national results achieved at official German Federation competitions, throughout Germany, both from type A and from specific competitions, such as those for Baroque horses, are collected. Sonja Thomas, president of the association, assures us that “the objective of this project is to motivate PRE horse riders and owners to enter those of their more talented horses in dressage competitions. We are convinced that in the long term, the PRE horse will end up making a place for itself in German dressage.” To date, the association has eight horses and their respective riders, although there are more and more people expressing interest in the breed. Not only do the horses and

their riders receive prizes, but also, breeders will receive important awards. Thus, we are contributing to the promotion of the Purebred Spanish Horse in the widest sense within the national dressage environment, becoming more and better k nown within the highest levels of the discipline. Currently, this interesting project is in its first phase, financed by the association itself, but we hope that, in future years, we will have the collaboration of sponsors behind “The Excellence Cup”. There are other options to help promote the PRE in Germany that are also being considered. One idea is that the three horses with the best scores in this competition will be invited to participate in the ANCCE Cup. For breeders, this is a magnificent opportunity to show their horses. At the same time, the possibility of holding a final during Equitana, the World Trade Fair of Equestrian Sport which takes place in Germany is being taken into consideration, as well as participation in the French MCI Competition, “Iberian Horse Masters.” Fo r f u r t h e r i n fo r m a t io n a n d competition results see:

El Caballo Español





Throughout the history of art, there have been continual representations in which horses appear or play an important role. Although so-called equine art has essentially appeared in paintings and sculptures, it has not been absent in other types of artistic expressions, such as reliefs, ceramics, wood carvings or engravings, among others. In the field of equine sculpture, its origins can be found in Ancient Rome, precursor of a trend, well extended through time—especially after the Renaissance— that consisted of immortalizing leaders after their military victories, representing them on horseback. Today, a full variety of equestrian statues decorate the urban landscape of an endless number of cities throughout the world, although only a few of these are exceptional due to the colossal size of the equines depicted. This is the case of the monument in honor of the Mongolian leader Genghis K han, located in Tsonjin Boldog (Mongolia), which measures more than 40 meters in height and weighs 250 tons. Another example is the statue of General José Artigas, which can be found in Minas, Department of Lavalleja, in Uruguay—located 280 meters above sea level—weighing 135 tons and with a height of 10 meters.

However, one of the most astonishing works—in addition to its size, its unique beauty—is a bronze sculpture by Robert Glen, known as “Mustangs at Las Colinas.” This work of art decorates Williams Square, in Las Colinas, Irving (Texas). It represents several wild horses running through a river bed. It is such a realistic scene that the animals even splash water with their hooves. It was installed in 1984 and is 1.5 times larger than life. The sculpture is a tribute to the wild mustangs that historically inhabited most of Texas. The English word “mustang” comes from the Spanish “mesteño” in reference to the horses taken to America by Spanish conquerors at the onset of the 16th century. These breeds included PREs, Arabs or Spanish-Arabs, that later bred with the local horses. Over time, they rapidly extended over the American plains and were greatly appreciated by the inhabitants as tough and strong animals. The “Mustangs at Las Colinas” represent the venturesome spirit, the courage and determination that were decisive in creating the state of Texas. More information can be found on the web-site:

Igual: se dice de la caballería que está libre de vicios. No vices: said of a horse that is free of vices. Iliac or pelvic bone: base bone of the hips, formed by the union of the ilium, ischium and the pubis. Ride forwards/ Ride on: push the horse forwards. Bridle-lameness: an up and down movement made by the horse, due to discomfort produced by the bit or by excessive hand pressure from the rider. Infibulation: placing of a ring or other obstacle on the genitals of a horse. Cantering short: when a horse canters without it bending its knees well, or extending its legs well forwards. Irritable/moody: a horse that is easily irritated. Toe-out: this is said of a horse that has its foreleg or hoof turned towards the outside. *After the initial word in Spanish, there may or may not be a translation, but the meaning is provided



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caliph from Baghdad called Al-Mamun had a beautiful horse he was ver y proud of. Omah, the tribal leader, wanted to own the horse so he offered the Caliph a great number of camels in exchange, but Al-Mamun did not want to lose his beloved horse. Faced with his refusal, Omah became furious and decided he would have him at any cost. He knew that AlMamun tended to hack his horse out along the same road; as he saw them approaching, Omah crouched down beside the road disguised as a pauper and feigning that he was very

ill. Al-Mamun was a good man, so when he saw the beggar he felt sorry for him; he dismounted and offered to take him to a hospital. - “Unfor t u nately I’ve not eaten anything in days, and I don't have the strength to get up”, complained the beggar. T hen, Al-Mamu n ver y carefully lifted him off the ground and sat him on his horse, with the intention of mounting behind him. But, when the false beggar saw he was in the saddle, he escaped, galloping away. Al-Mamun ran after them, trying to reach them and screamed for him to stop. When Omah was far enough from his pursuer, he

stopped and started to make the horse prance. - “Well, you have stolen my horse”, screamed AlMamun. “Now I only have one thing to ask you!” - “What is it?” Omah asked, also loudly. - “That you don't tell anyone how you got the horse!” - “And why shouldn’t I do that?” - “Because, perhaps one day there will be a man who is truly sick collapsed by the road and if people have heard about your deceit, they will perhaps ignore him and not offer to help him!” Joaquín García L.

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders AGRAPUR, S.L Dª Nuria Saiz Cifuentes C/ Única, s/n 25318 Renant – Lérida Tlf.: 696416811 – Fax: 973391017 AGRICOLA GUZMAN, S.A. Director Técnico: D. José Nieto Benítez C/ Amor de Dios, nº 2 1º Izq. 41002 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 65 95 36 Fax: 954 65 95 36 AGRICOLA JUAN ROJAS, S.L D. Juan Rojas Vázquez Avda. Martínez Barrio, 4 Edificio Viapol Center, 5ª planta 41013 Sevilla Tlf.: 954 450199 Fax: 954272716 Móvil: 619050589 AGRICOLA PERALTA Rancho El Rocío Ctra. Puebla del Rio - Isla Mayor, km. 10 41130 PUEBLA DEL RÍO - SEVILLA Tlf.: 955 77 12 12 Fax: 955 77 13 14 AGRICOLA SAN ALVARO, S. L. Dª Reyes Guardiola Domínguez Persona de contacto: D. José Pacheco López de Morla. Paseo de Colón, 14. 41001 SEVILLA 954 22 20 95 - 955 953 274 606 332 993 - 609 657 007 Fax: 954 216 785 AGRICOLA SMIRR D. Erik Smirr Am Geizenberg 2 66679 Waldhölzbach – Losheim Am See Alemania Tlf.: 0049 68723807 – Fax: 0049 6872994319 Móvil: 0049 1702010894 AGRICOLA VALVI, S.A. Gerente: Juan Manuel Fernández de Argüeso Plaza Nueva, 8-B. 41001 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 50 28 58 Fax: 954 50 37 20 Móvil: 607 378615 AGRÍCOLA Y GANADERA CUEVA SERRANA - LO GRACIA D. José Menarguez Gracia C/. José Antonio, 22 03300 Orihuela - ALICANTE Tlf.: 670 206666 - 676 978382 AGROGANADERA VARTRON, S.L. Sres. José Varo Garrido y Juan Manuel Troncoso Cardona Cortijo Olivera, Apartado 181 41500 Alcalá de Guadaira - SEVILLA Tlf.: 955 681976 - 607 514214 - 617 300058 Fax: 955 684857 AGROPECUARIA “EL ANCLA” D. Antonio F. González Sánchez Carretera N-IV 340 Cádiz-Málaga Km 50, Finca Canteruelas, Vejer de la Frontera – Cádiz 619 112 250 - 956 23 25 61 FINCA EL ANCLA. Calle B. Las Lapas.Tucacas 042 83 03 73 Oficina: 041 33 39 60 - 33 49 60 VENEZUELA

AGROPECUARIA LARIOS, S.A. YEGUADA LARIOS Dña. Gisela Rexroth Silving Ctra. Jerez-Algeciras, Km. 48 11180 Alcala de los Gazules. Cádiz - ESPAÑA Tlf.: 956 420 595 Fax: 956 413 170 Móvil 696935306 AGROPECUARIO E INDUSTRIAL EL CARMIN YEGUADA EL CARMEN. Hacienda: Sector San Antonio. Yunguilla Tlf.: (593.7)226-2214 / 226-2382 Oficinas: Av. Octavio Chacón 3-09 y Segunda Transversal (Sector Parque Industrial). Cuenca - Ecuador Tlf.: 593 72 803006 - 803005 Fax: 593 72 86200 AGUILAR GARCIA, D. ANTONIO Colón, 5. 41440, LORA DEL RIO (Sevilla) 955 80 30 76 - 679 443404 AGUILAR MATESANZ HNOS D. Mario Aguilar Matesanz C/. Juncal, 29 1º. 40470 Navas de Oro. SEGOVIA Tlf.: y Fax: 921 12 41 36 Móvil: 615 636201 ALBA AYALA, HDROS. DE D. FRANCISCO NAVAHONDA, C.B C/ Sierpes, 54 1ºB Pasaje de las Delicias, Edif. 1 41004 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 502858 – Móvil: 607378615 ALBA BETERE, D. CÉSAR C/. Ciudad de Ronda, 4, piso 1 41004 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 42 38 96 Móvil: 659 650777 ALMANSA RODRIGUEZ, D. JOSÉ Finca Vista Alegre Ctra. San Juan del Puerto-Niebla km. 56,500 21610 SAN JUAN DEL PUERTO (Huelva). Tlf.: 959356600 ALTAJARA, S.L D. José D. Domínguez Fraile de Tejada C/ Ciaurriz, 99 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe - SEVILLA Tlf.: 955 600282 Fax: 955 600484 Móvil: 609521803 ALVAREZ PEREZ, Dª ROSER Prat de la Riba, 5, 2º 1ª 43700 EL VENDRELL (Tarragona) 655 83 66 20 - 977 66 43 96 ANDAURORA RANCH D. Raúl Bucio 2015 Reilly Rd. 95341 Merced, California, USA Tlf.: 209-7228375 – Fax: 209-7237547 Móvil: 209-2616186 ANDIC ERMAY, D. NAHMAN Gerente: D. Mario Pineda González August Font i Carreras 5153 08950 ESPLUGUES DE LLOBREGAT (Barcelona) 938 142 359 - 938 115 079 - 938 115 249 Móvil: 609 511 137 ARANDA ALCANTARA, D. GREGORIO CHAPUELA 1999, S.L Carretera de la Isla Menor, Km. 2,8 41700 DOS HERMANAS (Sevilla) Tlf.: 955679353 - 636451973

ARENAS ROSA, D. FELIPE “ESTIRPE DE ARENAS” Avda. Generalitat Valenciana, 4 3ª 46210 Pincaya – Valencia Tlf.: 96 1594690 Fax: 961594691 Móvil: 619 777717 ARGÜESO PIÑAR, D. GONZALO GAPHORSE, S.L. Virgen de Luján , 39-A, 6º B 41011 SEVILLA 607 57 11 22 - 954274901 Fax:95 4274902 - ARROYO P.R.E. D. Miguel Arroyo Martín Los Sotillos Del Toril Parque Regional Cuenca Alta Del Manzanares 28791 Soto Del Real (MADRID) Móvil: 609 266 061 Tlf.: 913401033 - Fax: 914041553 - ASTARLOA SORDO, D. ILDEFONSO Avda. San Luis, 97. MADRID 608 60 74 36 BALLESTEROS MORCILLO, D. JESÚS FINCA: Antigua Ctra. Priego-Carcabuey Río, 43. 14800 PRIEGO DE CORDOBA (Córdoba) 957 54 01 42 - 55 31 59 BAONES GONZALEZ, D. MISAEL Perulero, 16 21350 ALMONASTER LA REAL (Huelva) Tlf.: 959 14 31 73 Fax: 959 143094 607 675 088 BARBA BARRERA, D. JOSÉ Avda. Arboleda s/n Edificio Empresarial Aljarafe, 2ª Plta. Mod. 24 41940 Tomares SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 159345 - Fax: 954 159346 Móvil: 607 165421 BARROSO PERALES, D. JOSÉ Paseo De Los Cerezos, 3 28016 Madrid, Tlf.: 91 5152834 y Fax: 915152767. Oficina: Fax:915648659 BAYO SANCHEZ, D. JAVIER LONJA PESCADERÍA. OFICINAS 1 y 2 21001 Huelva Móvil: 628 315934 Fax: 959 282600 BENITEZ MORENO HNOS. Avda. Portugal, 1 41410 CARMONA (Sevilla) Tlf.: 954 141404 - Part.: 954 141164 Finca: 955 953688 BERMEJO PERTEGAL YEGUADA D. Luis Bermejo Saez Meléndez Valdés, 37. 06225 RIBERA DEL FRESNO (Badajoz) Tlf./fax: 924 536100 Móvil: 687 421845 BOCANEGRA PEREZ, S. L. D. Juan Luis Bocanegra Plaza San Agustín, 13 41003 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 53 93 18 BOHORQUEZ ESCRIBANO, D. FERMÍN C/ Sevilla, 17 1ª Planta 11402 Jerez de la Frontera - CADIZ Tlf.: 956 18 45 79-83 Fax 956 18 46 03

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

BOHORQUEZ GARCIA DE VILLEGAS, D. MIGUEL Avda. del Limonar, 14 11407 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Tlf.: 956 30 78 93 - Móvil: 625 570377 BOLOIX AS – HDROS DE MARTINEZ BOLOIX Directores: David Martínez Castillejo Ramón Hernández López Finca lo Pertiguero Apartado de Correos, 42 30120 El Palmar – MURCIA Tlf.: 609 822006 – 968 886050 Fax: 968 880269 BRENES CUENCA, D. SEBASTIAN C/ Garibaldi, nº 12 29190 Puerto de la Torre MALAGA Tlf./Fax: 952 439306 – Móvil: 659 953026 CABALLERO SALGUERO, D. MANUEL Avda. de México, 10. Casa C-2. Parque Stadium 11405 Jerez de la Frontera - CÁDIZ 629256755 CABALLOS DE LA LUZ D. Simone Lienert Stooter Str. 100. 45481 Mülheim - Alemania Tlf.: 0049/1718803387 - 0208/371921 CABALLOS LLARGUES Finca Mas Llargués Camí Castell de Can Taio, s/n 08130 Sta. Perpetua de Mogoda BARCELONA Tlf.: 93 5601358 – Fax: 93 5602739 CADENAS BELTRÁN , D. AGUSTÍN Cortijo “El Conde” Avda. Menéndez pelayo, 250 11300 LA LINEA ( CÁDIZ) Tlf.: 956 172938 FAX: 956 178001 - 650 104961 CAMACHO BENITEZ, HNOS. C/Alcala Galiano, nº 1 14940 CABRA (Córdoba) Tlf.: 957 52 00 51, Móvil: 608 554930 - Fax: 957 521162 CAMACHO RIVERA, D. ROBERTO AUTOVÍA N-IV, km. 206 13300 VALDEPEÑA (Ciudad Real) Tlf.: 926322640 - 629 630 901 CAMARA Y SERN, Dª ROCÍO DE LA Avda. República Argentina, 16 41011 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954272359 Móvil: 639 169080 CAMARGO QUINTANA, D. RAFAEL Soto Verde, 22 41120 - GELVES (Sevilla) 607 361584 CAMPO LUNES Mr. Konstantinos Paranomos Olympoy, 49 80100 Kozani - Grecia Tlf.: 0030 - 2461023840 Fax: 0030 - 2461029750 CAN CAVALLER D. Placid Calmet Copons Paseo Anselm Clave, nº 1 08262 Callus – BARCELONA Tlf.: 938 360440 – Fax: 938361110 Móvil: 639211616 CARDENAS OSUNA, D. PEDRO DE YEGUADA PEDRO DE CARDENAS Ancha 4. 41400 ECIJA Tlf.: 954 830502



CARO ANDRADE, D. MANUEL C/. Arroyo, 68 1ºA. 41008 Sevilla Tlf.: 954 411818 - Fax 954 418379 CARTUJANO BAYERN – PRE ZUCH UNTERSCHWAIG Dª Rosemarie Wohlert Unterschwaig 5 85410 Haag an der Amper – Bavaria, Alemania Tlf.: +49 1718212046 CARTUJANOS DE CASTELL, S.L. D. Germán Bonilla Sánchez Manso de Castell, s/n Apartado Correos, 422 17230 Palamós – Gerona Tlf.: 972 319010 – 679289267 Fax: 972 319011 CASA-ESTANQUE Sres. Franziska & Georg Weyer Oberrefferscheid 81 53940 Hellenthal GERMANY Tlf.: 49/2482911000 CASCO LA VENTA D. Patrick Slim Domit Lago Zurich No.245 Torre Carso Piso 9 Col. Ampliación Granada Delegación Miguel Hidalgo 11529 México, D.F. Tlf.: +34 525552231763 CENSYRA Camino de Santa Engracia, s/n 06007 BADAJOZ Tlf.: 924 010584 – 924 010564 Encargado: D. Rafael Calero Carretero COLORADO LOPEZ, D. JOSÉ Apartado de Correos, 52 41410 Carmona - Sevilla Tlf.: 955953126 – 615493392/3 CONTRERAS CAMPOS, Dª MARTA C/. Almendralejo, nº5. 41019 - SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 999320 CONTRERAS RAMOS, D. JESUS C/ Almendralejo, 5 41019 Sevilla Tlf.: 954 999320 Fax: 954 999336 CORPORACION AGROGANADERAS LEZCANO, S.A D. Omar Abdiel Lezcano Morales C/ Concepción Bugaba Recta Hacienda Gariche Gariche – Chiriqui – PANAMA Tlf.: 507-2095220 Fax: 507-2095217 Móvil: 507-64809718 CORTES DE LA ESCALERA, HDROS. DE Mª DOLORES Avda. de la Constitución, 30. 6º A 41001 Sevilla Tlf.: 617 402609 - 954 229507 Fax 954 562593 CORTES GARCIA, D. SALVADOR Ctra. Nacional, 340 - Finca Arraez, Km 63 11392 Tahivilla – Tarifa – CADIZ Tlf.: 696902135 CORTES RODRÍGUEZ, D. ANTONIO Plaza San Juan de la Cruz, nº 7 Bis 18720 Torrenueva (Granada) Tlf.: 958655078 – 670904921- 646982712 Gerente: D. Antonio Cortés Victoria

CORTIJO ALBARRACIN D. Joaquín Molina Sánchez Avda. Carlos III, 55 1º 2ª 08028 Barcelona Tlf.: 902 300078 - Fax 933 303191 CORTIJO EL APOSTOL Hnos. Arpee Fernández Camino al Indio #328 Congregación Huajuquito 67320 Villa de Santiago – Nuevo León MEXICO Tlf.: 818 – 3420778 – Fax: 818 – 3402749 CORTIJO EL ROBLEDAL GERT. T. EKLUND P. O. Box 57 29680 - Estepona (Málaga) Tlf.: +34 952113680 Fax: +34 952113728 CORTIJO GANADERIA BUENAVISTA D. Amador Martínez Aynat Pj. Buenavista, s/n 04880 Tijola – Almería Tlf.: 934873533 – 606330444 Fax: 934871272 CORTIJO LA MARQUESA, S.L.U. Gerente: D. Andrés Suarez Martín Avda. San Francisco Javier, 24, 3º 41018 - Sevilla (954 630883) Móvil: 619 716 384 CORTIJO LAS CASTAÑAS D. Francisco Talavera Autrique Camino a Santa Teresa 1040-602 Colonia Jardines en la Montaña Delegación Tlalpan – 14210 MEXICO, D.F. Tlf.: 26157020 – Fax; 15398017 CORTIJO LOS LEONES D. Enrique Montero Rocho Cortijo Los Leones 41388 San Nicolás del Puerto, Sevilla Tlf.: 954 629361 – Móvil: 637 457582 CORTIJO MIRAMONTES, S.A. Soledad, 16. 41240 TOCINA (Sevilla) finca: 955953457 oficina: 955731664 / 955731275 Fax: 955730820 Móvil: 616914788 Gerente:D. Manuel Montero Zafra CORTIJO SAN MIGUEL D. Jorge Granera Sacasa D. Jorge Granera Saravia Km 83, Carretera Managua-León León – NICARAGUA Tlf.: 505 23115821 Móvil: 505 88500004 COVECA D. Jesús Ovelar Calvo Avda. del Guijar, 17 - Polg. Industrial El Guijar 28500 Arganda del Rey MADRID Tlf.: 918 760320 – Fax: 918 760339 CRESPO GONZALEZ, HNOS. C/. Profesor Lucena Conde, nº10 3º3 14012 CORDOBA Tlf.:/fax:957400582, móvil:608553632 Dtor. Técnico: D. Juan Manuel Crespo González CRIADERO LA PUERTA D. Carlos Álvarez del Castillo Calle Indepencia, nº 300 – Colonia Centro – 44100 Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico +52 3336401180 - +52 3336400796

w w

CUADRA CONQUISTA D. Armando Salazar Machado Hidalgo, S.H. 1866 44680 Guadalajara - Jalisco - MEXICO Tlf.: 0052 3336306022 CUEVAS BAJAS S.L. Avda. de Cádiz, 58 14013 - CÓRDOBA 629 848430 - 957 760791 CUQUERELLA UBEDA, D. JUAN C/. Méndez Nuñez, 1 4ºC 41001 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 500606 Fax: 954 500605 CHAVES SAINZ, D. FEDERICO FRNANDO Plaza Rubén Dario, 14 8 Izq. 39005 Santander Tlf.: 942 270521 - Fax: 942 254942 Móvil: 609 417993 DEHESA “LA GRANJA”, S. A. Camino de las Haciendas, 1 11390 Los Barrios, Cádiz Tlf.: 956 622700 Fax: 956 622690 Móvil: +34609428005. DEHESA DE CABEZA RUBIA, S.L. Ctra. de Badajoz a Villanueva del Fresno, Km 50 06131 Alconchel - Badajoz Tlf.: 915 47 44 00 - 913 86 30 22 Móvil: 619 243120 Gerente: D. Ramón Martín Hernández-Cañizares DIAZ NAVARRO, D. JUAN Cortijo Ardón - Ctra. Arjona-Andújar, Km 6 23760 Arjona JAEN Tlf.: 953 52 31 84 - 629 126152 DIAZ RENEDO, D. JAVIER C/ Real, 12 47239 Serrada – Valladolid Móvil: 677 811878 – Fax: 983235606 DIOSDADO GALAN, D. ANTONIO Sto. Domingo, 11 11405 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Tlf.:/fax: 956 340655 Móvil:658 788874 DOLGARENT, S. A. D. Manuel Pérez Arévalo. Hacienda Oromana Avda. de Portugal s/n. Apartado de Correos, 126 41500 ALCALA DE GUADAIRA (Sevilla) 955 68 21 84 DOMECQ ROMERO, D. ALVARO Recreo “El Paquete” JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) 956 31 47 47 DOMECQ ZURITA, Dª BLANCA Apdo. 310 11480 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Fax: 956333046 Móvil: 607335407 DOMINGO CHINCHILLA RODRIGUEZ DCR GANADERÍA Y CAZA MAYOR Avda. Divina Pastora, 9 local 1 18012 Granada Tlf.: 958 280950 - 677537199 Fax: 958 280954

DOMINGUEZ GALIANO, D. ANTONIO C/ Federico Sánchez Bedoya, nº 7 4ºG 41001 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 224786 Fax: 954 221019 Móvil: 639 724041-607674468

ESPINOSA HIDALGO, D. SALVADOR Parque Capuchinos, 1 6ºC 11405 Jerez de la Frontera Cadiz. Móvil: 600 455872 Director Técnico: Francisco J. Gómez Cañas 956 308518 - 629 494987

DURAN ALTIMIRA, D. ANTONIO C/ Josep Umbert, 143 B 08402 Granollers – Barcelona Tlf.: 600 500161

ESTEBAN RUIZ, D. IVAN AGROTOVE, S. A. Paseo de la Castellana,86,4ª planta. 28046 MADRID Tlf.: 91 7450035 Fax: 91 7450036 Móvil:649954823

DURAN GALLARDO, D. JOSÉ MANUEL Finca Jardinillo Apartado de Correos, 22 11150 Vejer de la Frontera – CADIZ Tlf.: 956 450331 – 646 966603 Fax: 956 450254 EL ESPARRAGAL, S. A. Finca El Esparragal. Ctra. Nacional 630, Km. 795 41860 GERENA (Sevilla) 955 783 431 Fax 955 783 430 EMBARBA DE FRUTOS, D. ANICETO Urbanización Guadalmar. Fresnos, 26 29004 MALAGA 95 2233967 - 95 2176517 Fax: 952 243288 EPONA-BORSO Mrs. Dorotea Borsó Epona Lovasklub KFT (Srl) Bartha T. P.O.Box 5 H- 2066 SZA’R – HUNGRIA Tlf.: +36309857470 – Fax: 0036 22714075 ERQUICIA GUARDIOLA, D. ALFREDO Finca El Ebarden 11630 ARCOS DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Oficina:956307584 Fax:956181053 Finca:956390087 ESCALERA DE LA ESCALERA, D. JOSÉ LUIS General Armero, 85 41420 FUENTES DE ANDALUCIA (Sevilla) +34 954 83 71 65 Móvil +34 689287366 ESCALERA DE LA ESCALERA, Dª Mª FERNANDA Habitat 71, nº 1 2º 6 41007 Sevilla Tlf.: 954 514 739 Móviles: +34 653590272 - +34 608150357 ESCOBAR, HDROS. DE D. JOSÉ MARÍA D. Mauricio Soler Escobar Artesanía, 28. 2º - 3. Parque Industrial P.I.S.A. 41927 MAIRENA DEL ALJARAFE (Sevilla) Tlf.:/Fax: 95 4184826 Finca: 955990201 Oficina: 954184826 Móvil: 637854100 ESPAÑOL NAVARRO, D. RAFAEL C/ Santissima Trinitat del Mont, 32 08017 Barcelona. 93 4671754 - 93 4671750 ESPINA NOGUERAS, HNOS. D. Juan Espina Nogueras Avda. de la Libertad, 2 41700 DOS HERMANAS (Sevilla) 955 66 55 76 - 472 12 92

EUGASSADA CESCAP Dª Clara Capol C/ Calvari, nº 48 25460 Cervia de les Garrigues – Lleida Tlf.: +34 649380129 EUGUESSADA FORTUNY BARBAT D. José Fortuny Font Finca Cal Manco 08520 Corro D’amunt – Barcelona Móvil: 663 934959 – Fax: 934086078 EXPLOTACIONES AGRÍCOLAS RABAN, SA. D. Francisco Benjumea García Finca “Los Barranquillos” Ctra. Puente Genil-Jauja km. 8 14920 AGUILAR DE LA FRONTERA (CÓRDOBA) 957 33 40 16 FEDERSPIEL PINTO, D. ROBERTO Apartado postal 1532-1000 SAN JOSÉ (COSTA RICA) Tlf.: + 506 22225822 Fax: +506 22222992 Movil: +506 83812235 - kbrenner@ FERNANDEZ-DAZA Y FDEZ. DE CORDOVA, D. FRANCISCO Reina Victoria, 13 06200 ALMENDRALEJO (Badajoz) 924 66 08 68 FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ, D. JOSÉ Mª Finca El Arrebolado 41710 UTRERA (Sevilla) 954 86 02 25 666423323 Dtor.Técnico: D. José Ramón Fernández Villegas FINCA LOS PANDUREJOS Wagner, Anna Eliesabeth and Bernhard Graben, 1. A-3233 Kilb-Austria Tlf.: 00436641014071 00436642148905 FONT, D. JUAN Ctra. Franqueses-Ametlla, Km 1.8 08520 - FXRANQUESES VALLES Apdo. de Correos, 109 (BARCELONA) 93 846 80 52 - 666 55 25 69 FORLI D. Heraldo Lisa C/ Almirante Lobo, 2 4º 41001 Sevilla Tlf.: 670686409 – 619705636

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

FOUNDATION FOR THE SPANISH HORSE Dª Mª Jose Gil Mora Finca el Ermitaño 41240 Almadén de la Plata - SEVILLA Móvil: 630316053 - 616495433 Fax: 954 735332 fincaelermitañ

GANADERÍA AZAHAR D. Pedro García Meroño Parque Empresarial Polaris Crta. Murcia-San Javier, Km 18 30591 Balsicas – Murcia Tlf.: 968 011339 - Fax: 968 044854

GANADERÍA DEL PONTON D. Miguel Ruiz Olmos – Dª María Velasco Cano Camino de Cabanillas, s/n 40191 Tizneros – Segovia Móvil: 606330090 – Fax: 921423404

FRANCISCO OLIVERA, S.L. Cortijo “Olivera”. Apdo. 181 41500 ALCALA DE GUADAIRA (Sevilla) 955 68 19 76 Fax: 955 684 857 Móvil: 607 514 214

GANADERIA BENABAD CORTES D. Benabad Salazar Marcos C/ Cabo Formentor, 86 Es PBJ 15 07007 Palma de Mallorca - Baleares Tlf.: 971263805 – 695349749 ganaderí

G RANCH INT D. Ismael Reyes Mejía Barrio San Antonio de Arriba, Diriamba Nicaragua CeL: 505 86707304

GANADERÍA BLANCA ROJAS Dª Mª de las Nieves Rojas Guijo C/ Jesús María, 14 2º 14003 CORDOBA Tlf.: 957 488417 – Móvil: 619 477074

GANADERIA DOMINGO ARRABE D. Domingo Arrabe Verdugo La Venta, s/n 05635 Navarredonda de Gredos AVILA Tlf.:/FAX: 920 348112 Móvil: 608 428284

GALIANO ORIHUELA, D. JUAN Finca “El Ramal” Ctra. Nacional Sevilla-Huelva, km.587 MANZANILLA (Huelva) Oficinas: Evangelista, 7-Blq.C, 1º 7. 41010 SEVILLA Finca: 959 415249 Móvil: 627 471545 - 660661873 Oficina: 902933367 Fax: 954581656

GANADERÍA BOHÓRQUEZ ROMAN Dª Inmaculada Bohórquez Verdugo C/ Vázquez Díaz, nº 16 41610 Paradas – Sevilla Tlf.: 606 627680 Encargado: Rafael Román 669 111717

GANADERA AG, S.A. D. Andre Garnier Kruse San Rafael Ojo de Aguja, Alajuela e-mails: 10724-1000 SAN JOSE (COSTA RICA) +506 289 45 45 +506 438 08 63 GANADERA AMERICA D. Eladio Bolaños Villanea Del Supermercado, Mega Super en San Lorenzo de Flores 300 metros Oeste, Oficinas Corporación Jurídica Víquez Ramírez Heredia – Costa Rica Tlf.: (506)2509-9830 – Fax: (506)2265-6431 GANADERA JOCHA D. José Gerardo Chavarria Ferraro C/. Lola, 1 piso 1 Bosques de Doña Rosa, Ciudad Cariari 193-4060 Heredia, COSTA RICA Tlf.: +00506 22334818 +00506 83849090 fax: +00506 22213703 GANADERIA AGROSUR, S.L. D. Manuel Bajo García Urb. Colina Blanca, 76 41900 CAMAS (Sevilla) 955 95 61 26 administració GANADERÍA ALFONSO ARAGÓN DOMÍNGUEZ C/ Real, 48 29320 Campillos (Málaga) Tlf.: 952 724587 Móvil: 605 849795 www.ganaderí Responsable: D. Agustin Aragón Dominguez


GANADERÍA BUCATAIO NICOLA Bucataio Nicola Allevamento Bucataio Nicola, Loc. Montalcino 06053 Deruta – Perugia ITALIA Tlf.: +39 3939527785 Fax: +39 759710101 GANADERÍA CAMUÑEZ-ESPINOSA Residencial Espartinas, S.L. D. José Antonio Camuñez C/. San Pablo, 1 Casa F 4ºB 41001 Sevilla Tlf.: 954 213350 - Fax: 954 214327 GANADERIA CARLOS DELGADO D. Carlos Delgado Suarez Cardel Consultores, S.L C/ Faisán, nº 5 28232 Las Rozas – Madrid Tlf.: 619269525 GANADERÍA CERRADO DEL CASIL “Cerrado del Casil” Apartado de correos, 345 10470 Villanueva de la Vera – CACERES Tlf.: +34 915625415 Fax: + 34 914412193 GANADERIA CHILOECHES D. Mauricio Palacio Botero Calle 7 # 39-290 Oficina 1316 Medellín – Antioquia - Colombia Tlf.: 574-2669140 – Fax: 574- 2686937 GANADERÍA COVES-DARDEN D. Miguel Angel Coves Azorín 262 East Gate Dr. Mail Box 399 Aiken SC 29803 EEUU Tlf.: +34 667751577

GANADERÍA ALFONSO CORO D. José Alfonso Coro Suero C/ Padre Vicente Costa, nº 6 Adosado 18 07840 Santa Eularia del Río – BALEARES Móvil: 670310222

GANADERÍA CRUZ CAMPOY Gerente: D. Juan Manuel Cruz c/Colimbo,1. 21100 PUNTA UMBRIA (Huelva) Tlf.: 959 312627 Móvil:686979792 Fax:959659047

GANADERÍA ANTARES, S.L. D. Francisco Marcos Ferrer Ctra. de Redovan, La Campaneta, s/n 03370 Redovan - Alicante Personas de contacto: Manuel O. Tlf.: 966 736902 • Victor M. 696 974955

GANADERÍA DEL HIERRO DEL CALDERO Martín Domínguez, Dª Fernanda María Urbanización La Laguna. Amapola, 30. 41928 PALOMARES DEL RIO (Sevilla) 955 76 30 34 Móvil: 609 15 82 19


GANADERÍA DOMÍNGUEZ Y GÓMEZ S.L. C/Virgen de la Cinta, 47 9ºA 41011 SEVILLA Tlf.: 616 970684 – Fax: 954 271277 GANADERÍA EL AHIJON Dª Pilar Aresti Victoria de Lecea Avda. Príncipe Felipe, 58 Entreplanta 45600 Talavera de la Reina – Madrid Tlf.: 925 821206 – 607 601877 GANADERIA EL CAJON Dª Sonia Casamayor Gracia C/ Sierra de Luna, 10 casa 3 50430 María de Huerva – Zaragoza Tlf.: 627961220 – 664725655 GANADERIA EL COYOL D. Alberto González Carmona Calle 26, Avda. 2 y 4. Casa 254 5424 San José - COSTA RICA Tlf.: 2233 0383 Fax: 2233 7249 GANADERÍA EL MADROÑUELO D. José Juan Martínez Simó Juan de Padilla, nº 11 1ºD 29008 MALAGA Finca El Madroñuelo 41540 La puebla de Cazalla – SEVILLA Tlf.: 952 100183 Fax: 952431655 Móvil: 629557758 GANADERIA EQUINA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Dña. Encarnación Bombillar Expósito Camino Abadía, 11 18220 - ALBOLOTE (GRANADA) 609 506949 Fax: 958 34 00 76 Persona de contacto: Miguel Bravo Vega GANADERIA F. CUEVAS D. Francisco Cuevas Jiménez Ctra. Tarrassa, 91 08191 Rubí – Barcelona Tlf.: 600562008 – Fax: 935889798 GANADERÍA FRANCISCO LAZO DIAZ Dª Mª Teresa Villar Ortiz Hacienda de Lerena Apartado de Correos, 23 41830 Huévar del Aljarafe – Sevilla Tlf.: 954 755561 GANADERÍA FRANCISCO SANTIAGO RUIZ D. Francisco Santiago Ruiz Finca los Perales Ctra. Mollina-Alameda, Km 8,5 29532 Mollina (MALAGA) Tlf.:/Fax: 952 711460 Oficina: C/ Marques, 4 29005 MALAGA Tlf.: 952218591 – Fax: 952 215077 GANADERIA FRONTEGIL Dª María Jesús Gallardo Fernández San Alonso de Orozco, 5 3ºF 41003 Sevilla Tlf.: 650401778 – 650401760 Fax: 954 419499

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GANADERIA GARCI&VAL D. Juan Manuel García Fernández C/ Zaragoza, 5 45217 Ugena – TOLEDO Tlf.: 925 533196 Móvil: 675414424

GANADERÍA HNOS. NUÑEZ BARBERO D. José Antonio Núñez Barberó Ctra. Parque de la Conchuela 41700 Dos Hermanas SEVILLA Móvil: 616 948 517 - 691 816 167 Fax: 955661758 Gerente: Agustín Núñez Llano

GANADERÍA GILSAN D. Eudoxio Gil Sánchez Finca Los Olivos 45513 Santa Cruz del Retamar - Toledo Tlf.: 915 744799 - Fax 916 427386 Móvil 649 803503

GANADERÍA ISABEL MERELLO VIUDA DE TERRY TERMER,S.A. Persona de contacto: D. Miguel Terry Osborne Tlf.956871640 Fax: 956875414,

GANADERÍA GLORIA ROCAFORT Dª Gloria Rocafort Sales Mas Riola. Ptda. Vinyols Pol. 5 Parc 7 43340 Montbrió del Camp – TARRAGONA Tlf.: 977 826053 Móvil: 609 545394 Fax: 977 826924 GANADERÍA GONZÁLEZ CHACÓN Dª Mª Angeles Chacón Noguera Avda. de la Paz, 1 2ºA 09004 Burgos Tlf.: 639 991609 - Fax: 947 484244 GANADERIA HERMANOS ALONSO D. Jonatan Alonso Martínez Camino de Valdepiñuela, s/n 45930 Mentrida – Toledo Tlf.: 619018307 GANADERÍA HERMANOS MESTRE Edificio Tercat Muelle Príncipe de España, s/n. Puerto de Barcelona. 08039 BARCELONA 932 986400 - 935 084400 Fax: 932 986401 GANADERÍA HERMANOS PONCE BERDUGO D. Francisco Javier Ponce Fernández C/ Estrella, 58 41420 Fuentes de Andalucia SEVILLA Tlf.: 627705914 GANADERÍA HNAS. GARCIA ECHEVARRIA D. Mateo J. Solís Moreno C/ Velázquez, nº 11 41567 Herrera – SEVILLA Tlf.: 955 913761 – Fax: 955913211 GANADERÍA HNOS. AYALA D. Alberto Ayala Sousa Ctra. Utrera-Sevilla, Km.4 Apartado Correos, 191 41710 Utrera (SEVILLA) Tlf.: 955 867 848 Fax: 954 862997 GANADERÍA HNOS. BATRES D. Antonio Batres Martín Paseo Estación, nº 4 45600 Talavera de la Reina TOLEDO Tlf.: 625729724 GANADERIA HNOS. MUÑOZ D. Francisco Javier Muñoz Muñoz Avda. de Sevilla, 18 41701 Dos Hermanas – Sevilla Tlf.: 955 676453 – 637469281. GANADERÍA HNOS. NIETO D. Rodrigo Nieto Gómez Passeig del Pla, 107 08230 Matadepera - BARCELONA Tlf.:/Fax: 937871397 Móvil: 649 405 220

GANADERIA JAUQUICOA MARTINENA Dª Teresa Martinena C/ Abejeras, 4 2º izq. 31007 Pamplona- Navarra Tlf.: 619786999 – 696429084 GANADERÍA JCB D. José Carlos Bustelo Varela C/ Las Industrias, Bloque 13-P 4ªB 33213 Gilón – La Calzada ASTURIAS Tlf.: 639 818326 – 984 195168 GANADERÍA JUAN JOSE SOLIS D. Juan José Solís Bonilla Plaza del Obradoiro, Blq 14 nº 6 41019 Sevilla Móvil: 619 707388 Fax: 954 524825 GANADERÍA JUAN PEDRO DOMECQ Propietario: D. Juan Pedro Domecq Solís Finca “Lo Alvaro” Valdeflores CASTILLO DE LAS GUARDAS (Sevilla) 954 13 05 19 Oficina: Lagasca, 90, piso 8ª - 28006 MADRID. Tlf.: 915 768 371 Fax: 915 779 597 GANADERÍA JUAN RODRÍGUEZ BEBIA C/. Cervantes, 10 21500 Gibraleón Huelva Tlf.:/Fax: 959 300379 Móvil: 608 558956 GANADERIA LA DULCINA Dª Isabel Beatriz Visconti Obligado 18 – Barrio 1 Aeropuerto Ezaiza Buenos Aires – Argentina Tlf.: 005491156905050 GANADERÍA LA FORTALEZA Mr. Timur Goyaev Belinskogo N 128 620142 Ekaterinburg Uralskii Region – Rusia Tlf.: + 7 3433101731 Fax: + 7 3433794080 GANADERIA LA GENERALA D. Francisco Roselló Baldo C/ Jaenar, nº 13 28043 MADRID Tlf.: 630051145 – Fax: 917218939 GANADERIA LA MAGDALENA Technical and Work, S.A Ctra. N-IV, Km 54 45340 Ontígola – Toledo Tlf.: 647352626 – Fax: 925127263 GANADERIA LAS LUMBRERAS Director Técnico: F. Jacobo Delgado López Fernando IV, 40-1.º B. 41011 SEVILLA finca: 955 898419 Oficina: 954 457428 Móvil: 659 850579 GANADERÍA LIBERTY ANDALUSIANS D. Stephen Strunk 10800 Garden Highway 95837 Sacramento – California- USA Tlf.: 916 496-6360 – 916496-6361

GANADERÍA LOS BARRIOS Dª. Cristina Martínez Carrillo C/ Ruiseñor (Vegas de Triana), 12 23747 Andújar – JAEN Tlf.: 636 972259 Fax: 953 506167 GANADERÍA LOS SOTILLOS General Palacio, 5 28902 GETAFE (Madrid). 91 6814474 - 925 702826 Fax 91 6821662 GANADERÍA LLOPIS MEVIN, DÑA. PILAR Major, 30. 46666 RAFELGUARAF (Valencia) Gerente: D. Adolfo Campos Vilar 962 58 90 16 - Fax: 962432739 GANADERÍA MAGIN MATEU D. Magín Mateu Almenara C/. Mussara, 10 43700 El Vendrell (TARRAGONA) Tlf.: 977 663561 - 617 024259 GANADERÍA MARIA ISABEL JIMENEZ GRANDE Dª María Isabel Jiménez Grande C/ Ruiseñor, 7 05480 Candeleda – AVILA Tlf.: 607 686013 – 627735127 GANADERIA MARIA LUISA D. Librado Loriente Arribas C/ Hospital, 10 16400 Tarancón – CUENCA Tlf.: 969 320450 GANADERIA MARIA LUISA GUARDIOLA D. Luis Manuel Halcón de la Lastra Avda. de la Palmera, 44 41012 SEVILLA Tlf.:/FAX: 954 222191 GANADERIA MARIANA CARRASCO JIMENEZ D. Eulogio Herrera Ramos C/ Tajo, 21 1ºA 29680 Estepona – Málaga Tlf.: 654 543072 GANADERÍA MARQUES DE LOS HOYOS D. Javier Gutiérrez Barquín Barrio Alcalde Juan de San Fuentes, 17 Chalet – 48500 Abanto y Cierbana –Vizcaya Tlf.: 944 610796 – 607 905218 Fax: 944 720559 GANADERÍA MARTINEZ MORAGA D. Juan Martínez Martínez D. Juan Martínez Moraga Polg. Campollano, 1ª Avda. nº 1 02080 Albacete Tlf.: 967 216762 Fax: 967 247954 Móvil: 629 715070 - 629 640108 GANADERÍA MATER CHRISTI, S.L D. Pedro Pingarrón Santofimia C/ Madrid, 83 1ºB 28902 Getafe – Madrid Tlf.: 91 6653360 Fax: 916835947 GANADERÍA MOPRESA D. Manuel Navarro Sánchez Pasaje Circunvalación, nº 5 08210 Barberá del Vallés - Barcelona Tlf.: 937 185700 GANADERÍA PEDRO MORATA D. Pedro Morata Windfeld-Hansen Camino Son Mendivil, nº 2 Buzón nº 9 07620 Palma de Mallorca – Baleares Tlf.: 629 014747

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

GANADERÍA PROMABO D. Sergio Garzón García C/ Isabel Colbrand, nº 6 piso 6 28050 MADRID Tlf.: 91 3589181 – Fax: 913589213 Mólvil: 610 291836 GANADERIA PYRAMID D. Philip Belhoussine Monte de los Almendros, 2156 18680 Salobreña – Granada Tlf: 659327988 – Fax: 958611098”ganaderiapyramidpre” GANADERÍA RODRIGUEZ DIAZ D. Ramón Rodríguez Macías Avda. Alcalde de Móstoles, nº 35 5ºB – ED 28933 Móstoles – MADRID Tlf.: 656 607261 Fax: 918118193 GANADERIA ROMAN ROMERO SANCHEZ ROMAN ROMERO SANCHEZ, S.L ADMINISTRADOR: ROMAN ROMERO SANCHEZ C/ Androna, 30 41806 Umbrete – Sevilla Móvil: 657 919642 Tlf.: Oficina: 955 717280 GANADERÍA S/S STABLES Dª Karen Lewis 9240 Dick Woods Road Afton 22920 Afton – Virginia – USA Tlf.: 540-4568520 – 540-2561878 GANADERÍA SALVADOR SALVATIERRA LOPEZ Cortijo Santa Catalina Avda.Federico Garcia Lorca, 1 Edif. Oriente, Local 9 - 18014 Granada Tlf.: 958 340 087 Móvil: 670390457 Persona de contacto: Juan Salvatierra Orozco GANADERÍA SANTA BARBARA Y LA SERNA D. Valeriano Hernández-Tavera Martín C/ Zugazarte, 6 28023 MADRID Tlf.: 629 224822 – Fax: 91 5352555 GANADERÍA SARMIENTO D. Jacinto Gil Muñoz Avda. Buena Vista, 42 11150-Vejer de la Frontera (Cádiz) 679 444112 - 956 451042 GANADERIA TORRES VELON D. Andrés Torres Argudo Finca Cal Tofol, s/n 08731 Vilafranca del Penedés, Barcelona Tlf.: 630502573 GANADERÍA VIÑALTA D. Carlos Antolín Aguado Avda. Viñalta, 41 34005 Palencia Tlf.: 619 311530 – Fax: 979 777779 GANADERÍA YANCI D. Yanci Emmanuel Casa Bordakotxea 31710 Zugaramurdi – Navarra Tlf.: 696 034856



GANADOS CHAMBERI, S.L D. Daniel Brea Corbo Ctra. de Ocaña, km 27 45240 Alameda de la Sagra, Toledo Tlf.: 679 445214 - Fax: 925 546496 GARCIA DIÉGUEZ LOPEZ, D. MIGUEL c/. Julio César, 2, 1º derecha - 41001 SEVILLA 954 215666 - 954 212991 Fax: 954 213980 GARCIA GAMEZ, D. JOAQUIN C/ Colón, 8 2º. Edificio Saleta 29640 Fuengirola – Málaga Tlf.: 666 529686 – FAX: 952473160 GARCIA ROMERO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Urbaniz. El Bosque - Edif. Citrus, 5.º A 11405 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Tlf.: 956 30 77 41 Móvil: 619096606 GARCIA VÁZQUEZ, D. ANTONIO Yeguada García-Váquez Finca Muragón. BAEZA (Jaén) 953 56 01 18 GARRIDO GONZÁLEZ DE RIANCHO, D. ALBERTO - YEGUADA EL HORCATE D. Técnica: Dª Mª José Andrés Marchena C/ Juan Sebastián Elcano, 46 Bajo 41011 Sevilla Finca: 955 942095 Fax: 955 943348 Oficina: 954 281877 Fax: 954 089882 Móvil: 634 224755 GERESA 2000, S.L. C/ Franz Kafka, nº 7 Blq. 5, 2º 1 29010 MALAGA Móvil: 670 855430 – 628 293107 Tel/Fax: 952 640454 GLEN ARYN FARM 16558 Wood Chase Ln. Round Hill, Va 20141 USA Tlf.: 540-3388257 Tlf.: 703-966-7377 Fax: 1-877-657-7127 GÓMEZ ROLDOS, HNOS. Avda. Bahía Blanca nº 3. Bajo 11007 CADIZ Oficina: 956 257509 Fax: 956 262908 Móvil: 620 131308 - 629 344411 - 669 990252 GONZALEZ ASTURIAS, D. CARLOS Avenida Reforma 9-55, Zona 10, Edificio Reforma 10, Oficina 710 Guatemala Ciudad – Guatemala Tlfs.: 502 23343078 – 502 57046895 GONZALEZ BRAVO, D. JOSÉ C/. Poco Trigo, 1 2ºB 18012 Granada Tlf.: 958 283275 637751055 GONZÁLEZ NARANJO, HNOS. D. Francisco González Trigo Finca Las Higueras, s/n. 41806 UMBRETE (Sevilla) 954 43 09 11 - 443 05 44 - 571 50 62 GONZÁLEZ PEREZ, D. FERNANDO C/. San Sebastián, 1 4º atico 28902 Getafe - MADRID Tlf.: 916832811 Móvil: 659 751110

GONZÁLEZ SOTO, Dª CARMEN Urb. El Bosque. Edif. Catalpa, 5.º C 11405 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) 956 30 88 30 - 607 882 771 GOVANTES OSUNA, Dª Mª ANGELES Dehesa Los Recitales Director Técnico: D. Salvador Martín Losada Emilio Castelar, 1. 41400 ECIJA (Sevilla) 954 83 05 06 - Móvil: 669 354222 GOVANTES OSUNA, Dª Mª DEL VALLED. Salvador Martín Govanttes C/ Fray Carlos Amigo Vallejo, 1 41400 Ecija – SEVILLA Tlf.:/Fax: 954 830506 Móvil: 669354222 GRANDA LOSADA, D. MIGUEL Conde Campo Espina Dehesa Dª Catalina. TRUJILLO (Cáceres) 927 490060 924 220759 Móvil: 670220758 Fax 91 547 33 15 Finca: 927490060 Oficina: 927322961 Gerente: D. José Alvarez Pozal GRUPO PRE Dª Olga Tarragona Benito C/. Turo, 1 - 08328 Alella (Barcelona) Móvil: 607 333355 GUARDIOLA DOMINGUEZ, Dª BLANCA Avda. de Italia, 9, bajo A 41013 SEVILLA 954 24 11 58 - 600 539 553 Gerente: D. Juan de Porres Guardiola GUARDIOLA DOMINGUEZ, Dª CONSUELO San Antonio María Claret, 8 41012 SEVILLA 954 61 00 67 GUARDIOLA FANTONI, YDA. HDROS. DE D. SALVADOR D. Jaime Guardiola Domínguez Puerta de Jerez, 5 41001 SEVILLA Tlf.: + 34954226716 GUTIERREZ GOMEZ, D. RAFAEL Avda. del Príncipe, nº 14 41565 Gilena – Sevilla) Tlf.: 955826622 HACIENDA DE LA ROSA Delgado Picado, S.L Plaza El Niño de Vallecas, s/n 41007, Sevilla Móvil: 637755027 informació HACIENDA DEL SOL ANDALUSIANS Sres. Leonardo y María Mandina 6730 69th Street Vero Beach, Florida 32967 EE.UU. Tlf.: (772) 770-1563 Fax: (772) 231-1202 HACIENDA DON RICARDO D. Ricardo Rolando Pérez M. Vía Brasil y Samuel Lewis (Ricardo Pérez, S.A) Dirección Física. Bagala- Chiriqui Apartado Postal: 0831-02349 Panamá- República de Panamá Tlf.: 507 66798100/ 507 2239125 Fax: 507 2693522

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HAMPTON GREEN FARMS Ms. Kimberly Van Kampen Boyer 5440 E. Farr Road Fruitport – Michigan 49415 USA Tlf.:/Fax: 231-8656000 HDROS. FERNANDO BAONES GONZÁLEZ C/. Perulero, 1 21350 - Almonaster la Real (Huelva) 959 143113 Gerente: D. Genaro Algora Castro 609 228560 HERCE GARCIA, D. TEODORO C/. Lora del Río, 47 41420 Fuentes de Andalucía Sevilla Tlf.: 954 837572 - 954 837545 Móviles: 600 406115 - 615 457627 HERMANOS FAVIER D. Juan Jorge Favier Av. Americas 1592, piso PH Guadalajara, México Tlf.:(52 33) 3648-4500 ext. 101 y 102 HERMANOS GOMEZ-JARAIZ D. Eduardo Gómez Gamero C/ Valle de Aspe, 22 Urb. Las Lomas de Boadilla del Monte 28660 Boadilla del Monte – Madrid Tlf.: 649995018 HERMANOS VARGAS SILVA, C.B D. Fernando Vargas Silva C/ Prado Grande, 38 10261 Puerto de Santa Cruz – Cáceres Tlf.: 653 662903 Fax: 927 322486 HERMOFER, S.L D. José Juan Morales Fernández C/ Virgen de la Antigua, 22 5ºC 41011 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 514143 – Móvil: 676 462209 HERNAN SALGUERO, D. ROBERTO Ctra. Nacional 1, Km 33.600 28750 San Agustín – Guadalix MADRID Móvil: 618 794100 - Fax: 918487408 HIERRO CANDÁU Dª Rocío Candáu Fernández-Mensaque Paseo de las Delicias, 3 1º Dcha. 41001 Sevilla Tlf.: 954274841 – Móvil: 649976942 HIJOS DE SANCHEZ-NORIEGA GARCIA, S.A D. Juan Carlos Sánchez-Noriega Doblado C/ Fresno, nº 1 41710 Utrera – Sevilla Tlf.: 955863344 – 607703030 – 671493922 Fax: 955860940 HIPICA CUBELLES D. Pedro Silva Navarro Ctra. Comarcal, 246. 08880 Cubelles - Barcelona Tlf.: 938 953375 Móvil: 610 413939 HNOS. JURADO RIERA, S.L D. Carmelo Jurado López Avda. del Océano, 73 21100 Punta Umbría – Huelva Tlf.: 678 733871 – FAX: 959 317067

HNOS. MUÑOZ ROLDÁN D. José Antonio Muñoz Acosta. C/. Nueva, 131 41720 Los Palacios - SEVILLA Tlf.: 955 816035 676 338038 Fax: 955 816065 HNOS. MURIEL POMARES D. José Antonio Muriel González Apartado de Correos, 28. 21100 PUNTA UMBRIA. Huelva 959659046 - 686979790 HNOS. TEJEDOR FERNÁNDEZ Jesus Tejedor Martín Encargado: Gregorio Tejedor Fernández C/. Navalmanzano, s/n. 40296 Pinarejos (Segovia) 647 714876 - 934 209333 Fax: 933 583082 HROS. DE D.JOSE ANTONIO LEIVA GOMEZ Dª Carmen Calzado Martínez 12 de Octubre , 24-3ªa 14001 CORDOBA. 957 479191 HUERTO GAENA, S.A. Urb. La Peñita 29120 ALHAURIN EL GRANDE (Málaga) 952 49 09 93 Fax: 952 49 03 58 Finca: Huerto Gaena CORIPE (Sevilla) 955 95 72 11 ganaderí JOSE ANTONIO VARONA DE LA CUADRA, S.L D. José Antonio Varona de la Cuadra Finca Los Abedules Camino de Serracines, s/n 28816 Valdeavero – MADRID Tlf.: 679400198 Fax: 912918709 JOSE DE ORIOL GOVANTES E HIJOS Dña. María de Oriol Valverde Gordillos, 4. 41640 OSUNA (Sevilla) 954 81 00 63 - 954 23 90 31 LA CASA GRANDE ACEITE DE OLIVA Dª Asunción Fernández López C/ Mediodía, 3 28990 Torrejón de Velasco – Madrid Tlf.: 918161162 – Fax: 918161172 Móvil: 629227115 asunció LA PLATA COMUNIDAD DE BIENES Ctra. N. IV, Km. 524,500. Finca El Pino San José. 41410 CARMONA (Sevilla) 954 68 70 88 LA SAETA SOCIEDAD AGROPECUARIA, S.A. D. Juan Carlos Dómine Gómez C/. Serrano, 89, 4º piso. 28006 MADRID Tlf.:/fax: 915 630 868 Móvil: 609 027 209 LABOGAR, S.L. Gerente: D. Xavier Ferrer Puig Panamá, 22. 08034 BARCELONA 932 801963

LEDESMA DE LA CRUZ, D. JOSÉ MANUEL Yeguada Ledesma y Franco Hotel Noguera de la Sierpe Crta. del Tranco, km. 44,5 COTO RIOS-CAZORLA (Jaén) Finca: 955953266 Fax: 955953836 Oficina: 953713021 Fax: 953713109 LEON SOTO, D. CRISTOBAL Musquera de Figueroa, 48 41010 Sevilla Tlf.: 659339231 LOPEZ GIBAJA, D. ANTONIO Director técnico: D. Antonio López Rivas Libertad, 22 Bajo. 28100 ALCOBENDAS (Madrid) Móvil: 627 096724 - 91 652 18 14 LOPEZ MENDEZ, D. RAFAEL Apartado 48, 21200-Aracena (huelva) Tlf.959126272 Fax:959128066 Móvil:689641761 LOPEZ PALOMO, D. VÍCTOR LUIS C/. Camino de Purchil, nº 25. 18004 Granada Tlf.: 958 257741 - Móvil: 667 582157 LORENTE TORRES, D. LUIS GABRIEL C/ Joaquín Orozco, 17 4ºC 03006 Alicante Tlf.: 629 767696 Fax: 966 300185 MACHUCA SERRANO, D. FRANCISCO JAVIER Rcda. De Albuela, 6 3º 10300 Navalmoral de la Mata, CACERES Tlf.: 927 533338 Fax: 927 533347 MALO GARCIA, D. MIGUEL ANGEL Gaudí, 62 43203 REUS (Tarragona) 977 31 73 70 MARQUES DE LORENZANA Y HNOS. Cava, 26. 06360 FUENTE DEL MAESTRE (Badajoz) 924 53 14 25 - 924 53 03 87 MARTI VERDIA, D. FRANCISCO C/. Santos Vivanco, 1 1º 12001 Castellón Móvil: 629 177296 Fax: 964 215460 MARTIN LORCA, D. JOSÉ LUIS Hotel Angela, Paseo Marítimo 29640 FUENGIROLA (Málaga) 952 47 52 00

LARROSA ABELLÁN, D. JAVIER Partida de Alzabares, Bajo Pº1, Nº43 03290 Elche ALICANTE Tlf.:/Fax: 966 611021 Móvil: 678 777550

MARTÍNEZ BOLOIX ORTI, S.L. D. José Luis Martínez Orti Avda. del Mediterraneo, 224 4-A 29730 Rincón De La Victoria - Malaga 952406723 - 608 841031

LAS MORERIAS D. Abelardo Morales Puron Carretera Nacional Km 256 67300 El Barrial, Santiago Nuevo León, México Tlf.: 81-81338500 Fax: 81-81338500

MARTINEZ SUAY, D. RAFAEL Polg. Ind. Bobalar, calle 2 nº 31 46130 Massamagrell - Valencia Finca Caprichosa. Partida Rodonet 46118 Naquera (Valencia) Móvil: 639 317901 Fax: 961 445065

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

MARTOS BERMUDEZ, D. ANTONIO C/ Virgen de la Antigua, 12 2ºB 41011 Sevilla Tlf.: 954 280374 Móvil: 608655450

MORATO COSTA, D. JUAN C/ La Palma, 14 08410 Vilanova del Vallés, Barcelona Tlf.: 938 459015 Fax: 938 459827

PASCUAL JANDA, D. FRANCISCO Avda. de Calahorra, 17 26250 SANTO DOMINGO DE LA CALZADA (La Rioja) 941 34 02 02

MATEU GIPPINI, DÑA. CONCHA Yeguada Conchaymar C/. Manolo Viola, 6 - 2A 28200 San Lorenzo del Escorial (Madrid) Tlf.: 91 8908254 – 91 8988506 Fax: 91 8960005 Móvil: 667 490624

MORENO DE SILVA, D. JOSÉ JOAQUÍN Castellana, 114, 5º 28046 - Madrid 609 546162 - 969 127754

PAU, KARINA Finca la Angostura, s/n 11339-Jimena de la Fontera (Cádiz) 670 845542 629 494987 Gerente: D. Fco. José Gómez Cañas

MAURI MORENO, D. ANTONIO Ctra. Carmona-Brenes A462 Km16 – 41410 Carmona – Sevilla. 663799715 MAZA IÑIGUEZ, D. PEDRO Amadeo Deprit, 4 48006 BILBAO Tlf.: 944 113300 - 609 402449 Fax 94 4113721 - 944 555616 MESA MORENO, D. JESUS C/ Espíritu Santo, 16 2º, 41003 SEVILLA Tlf: 679 720088 – 620 832787 MEZA LOBO, D. MANUEL Extralum, del Cruce de la Valencia, 1,5 Km Este Santa Rosa de Santo Domingo de Heredia Heredia – Costa Rica Tlf.: (506) 88217771 Fax: (506)24441655 MIGUEL A. DE CÁRDENAS S.L. Santa Florentina, 20. 41400 ECIJA (Sevilla) 954 83 10 62 - Fax: 954 833633 MIURA MARTINEZ, D. EDUARDO Y D. ANTONIO Paez de Rivera, 2. 41012 SEVILLA Finca: 955953836 Fax: 955953466 Oficina: 954614246 Fax: 954624240 MOJARRO ZAMORA, HNOS. Huelva Tlf.: 646 479231 MOJICA RUIZ, D. JUAN C/. TOMAS MURUBE, 3, 1º. 41007 SEVILLA 954 58 29 36 Fax: 954675710 Móvil: 649976949 MOLL GONZÁLEZ, D. ROBERTO Hacienda el Baluarte 3A Calle 6-24 Zona 9 GUATEMALA, C.P. 01009 (502) 2331 8331 Fax: (502) 2361 9264 MONTORO PERALES, D. JOSÉ Plaza Andalucía 23710 BAILEN (Jaén) 609 54 28 72 MORAIRA FERRER DE COUTO, D. ANTONIO Virgen de Luján, 43-B. 41011 SEVILLA 626198919 Persona de contacto: Dª Pilar Moraira


MORENO GARCIA, D. JAIME Centro Los Arcos Rosa Jardón, 2 - Chalet 1. 28016 MADRID FincfFa:918 907915 - Móvil: 676 474083 MORENO MIURA, S.C. Avda. San Francisco Javier, 14, 6º 1 41018 SEVILLA Finca: 957338290 Móvil:679 572911 Oficina: 954658914 Móvil:646480010 Director Técnico: D. Javier Moreno Miura MORENO PUNCELL, Dª ISABEL Finca El Obispo VILLANUEVA DE LOS CASTILLEJOS 21540 Huelva 959 055011 MORERA VALLEJO, D. ANTONIO Avda. Kansas City, cruce SE-30 41007 SEVILLA 954 36 75 12 - 954 36 75 25 MOYA ALMENDRAL, D. ANTONIO Pedro Pérez Fernández, 9 A, 3º 41011 SEVILLA Tlf.: 955 684847 600 585050 MUÑOZ CAÑAS, HNOS. C/ Jesús, nº 3 3ºC 14400 Pozoblanco – Córdoba Tlf.: 957 339233 – Móvil: 659816113 Representante: D. Santiago Muñoz Cañas NAOMI VANCE-WEBB Baldhorns Park Farm Wimland Rpad Rusper RH12 4QU – Horsham – West Sussex United Kingdom Tlf.: (+44)7710815221 – (+44)1293871575 NAVARRO MURILLO, D. MOISÉS Justo Sierra 2899-2 Col. Vallarta Norte C.P. 44690 Guadalajara, Jalisco – MEXICO Tlf.: + 5236166928 Fax: + 5236166729 Móvil: + +523331011413 NIMO MALDONADO, D. JOSÉ RAMÓN Avda. San Francisco Javier, 10 A 8ª- 2 41018 SEVILLA ramó ORIENTALIA HISPANA, S.L. Sr. D. Miguel García Boronat Sant Joan, 15 46717 La Font D´en Carros Valencia Móvil: 676 977645 - Fax: 962 834080

MORAL ARANDA, D. FERNANDO Pedro Antonio Alarcón, 7, 6º A. 18005 GRANADA Tlf.: 958 25 59 54 - 958 26 71 06 Fax: 958 25 58 09

PALLARÉS D. José Benitez - Cubero Pallarés Cortijo Los Ojuelos, Apartado de Correos, 54 41620 - Marchena (Sevilla) 954 271985 Fax: 954 844947

MORALES MUÑOZ, D. JOSÉ Virgen de la Antigua, 22, 5º C. 41011 Sevilla 954 514 143 (Oficina) 954 452 936

PARRA MONTERREY, Dª ISABEL Avda. Carolina Coronado, 17, Alto 06800 MERIDA (Badajoz) 924 371080 - 657 981529 Fax: 924 371667 Director Técnico: D. Francisco García Parra


PEÑA GUTIERREZ, D. FELIPE Y HDROS. PEÑA DÍAZ Gerente: D. Manuel Peña Ruiz Cervantes, 122 41100 CORIA DEL RIO (Sevilla) 954 77 55 87 - 629 74 77 78 PEÑA GUTIERREZ, D. MANUEL E HIJOS Cervantes, 101 41100 CORIA DEL RIO (Sevilla) 954 77 01 53 - 954 77 36 09 Fax: 954 770952 PEREZ LOPEZ, HNOS. Yeguada La Teja - Imagen, 12, 4 41003 SEVILLA 954222167 - Fax: 954 225645 PEREZ MILLAN, D. JOSÉ ANTONIO Yeguada Vega-Yares Avda. de Ronda 19, 1º. 34800 Aguilar del Campo (Palencia) 914 157630 - 979 122684 - 979 122343 PORTILLO GIJON, D. EDUARDO C/Cardenal Albornoz, nº 2 1º Izq. 21001 HUELVA Móvil: 630077613 Tl y Fax: 959 244603 PUJEU COMPTE, D. ROBERT C/ Lleida, nº 52 17469 Vilamalla – Gerona Tlf.: 649 921601 RANCHO EL CID CAMPEADOR D. Leopoldo C. Vidal Sosa Manchester nº 13, 3er. Piso Col. JUÁREZ, C.P. 06600, MÉXICO, D.F. +0055-55248805 Fax: +52 55144637 RANCHO EL ENCANTO D. Ariel Martínez Freedon Boulevard 1185 Nº 1 95076 Watsonville CA – USA Tlf.: (+1)8317869250- Fax: (+1)8317869252 RANCHO LOS HERNANDEZ D. Miguel Hernández 39390 Liefer Rd. – Temecula California – USA Tlf.: 650-9967752 - 323-3865879 RANCHO MARTIN D. Francisco J. Martin Baseline Rd. W 215 W 91773 Los Angeles CA – USA Tlf.: 909 8165841 Fax: 909 3947378 RANCHO SEÑORA FINA D. Amador Rodríguez Urbanización El Parque, Blq.2 3ºE – 29200 Antequera – MALAGA Tlf.: 660 222708 – Fax: 952 901644

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REQUEJO GONZÁLEZ, DÑA. Mª JOSÉ Carretera De La Barrosa, 1ª Pista Urbanizacion Los Pinos, S/N Portal Nº 15 11130 Chiclana De La Frontera - Cadiz Tlf.: 956 492028 Fax: 956 492202 Móvil: 610 706344 REYES BAREA, D. MANUEL Propietario: D. Antonio Reyes Gomariz GUADAPERO ALTO Corredera, 8A 11630 ARCOS DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Finca: 686255575 Oficina: 956700145 - Móvil: 659717676 REYES SEDA, D. FELICIANO Finca “PUENTE CAIDA” VALENCIA DE ALCANTARA (Cáceres) 924 31 55 60 - Móvil: 670 97 40 34 ROBLES SALGUERO, D. FRANCISCO Finca “Dehesa del Duque” Ctra. Villarrasa - Rociana del Condado, Km 3 21850 Villarrasa - Huelva D.P. Avda. de México, mod. 80 - 21001 Huelva Tlf.: 959 248048 - 659 758944 Fax: 959 244887 RODRIGUEZ ESCAÑO, HNOS. Apartado de Correos, 52 41840 - PILAS (SEVILLA) 954 751336 Gerente: D. Baldomero Rodríguez Escaño RODRIGUEZ-PINA CRUZ, D. J. DE DIOS C/ La Granja, nº 5 Polg. Industrial de Alcobendas 28108 Alcobendas – Madrid. Tlf.: 916 611693 Fax: 916 619146 Móvil: 619 275121 RODRIGUEZ , D. MANUEL C/. Real, 61 41310 Brenes - SEVILLA Móvil: 659 414848 ROGER MALFAGON, D. LUIS MIGUEL C/ San Miguel, nº 2 1/1 (Aptdo. Correos 237) 46185 La Pobla de Vallbona – Valencia Móvil: 629 349791 – Fax: 962 762084 ROJAS FERNANDEZ, D. GABRIEL Monte Carmelo, 64 41011 SEVILLA 954 45 13 44 - 608 54 18 88 ROJAS PALATIN, D. JOSÉ Mª C/ Rafael Zamora 9, ATICO (Edificio PROA) 41120 - GELVES (SEVILLA) Tlf.:/Fax: 955 760342 Móvil: 670 666 836 ROJO RUIZ DE TERRY, HNOS. Finca:”Dehesa el Muleto”. Apartado de Correos, 99 41700 DOS HERMANAS (Sevilla) Tlf.s: 955 631260 - 954 720791 ROSA MARRERO, D. JUAN FRANCISCO Yeguada Lanzarote Ctra. LZ-2 Arrecife- Yaiza 35570 Uga – Yaiza (Lanzarote – Las Palmas) CANARIAS Tlf.: 928 816000 – 928836841 FINCA: Finca Vallefernando 21210 Zufre – HUELVA Mayoral: D. Pedro Urbina Ponce Móvil: 606 503613 RUIZ MARTÍN, D. MANUEL C/ Real, Nº 36-B 41520 - El Viso del Alcor (Sevilla) 955 945889 - 655 853064

SALGUERO PÉREZ, D. MANUEL C/. Sagasta, 83 11510 Puerto Real (Cádiz) Tlf.: 619 035662 - Fax 956 473265 SAN ROMAN MORAN, Dª ALMUDENA Avda. de la Coruña, 68 Portal 2 1ºA 28230 Las Rozas – MADRID Tlf.: 916360752 – 636976655 Fax: 916406044 SAN ROMAN MORAN, D. ANTONIO Avda. de la Coruña, nº 68 Portal 2, 1ºB 28230 Las Rozas - MADRID Tlf.: 916363800 Móvil: 619055592 direcció SANCHEZ BARBUDO MARTIN, D. SALVADOR Apartado de Correos, 132. 41730 Las Cabezas de San Juan - SEVILLA Móvil: 670 303 040 Finca: 955 89 82 65 SANCHEZ BEDOYA Y FERNANDEZ MENSAQUE, D. ANTONIO Apartado de correos 11049 41080 SEVILLA. 954 230279 SANCHEZ RAMIREZ, D. ANTONIO La Fragua, 5 41300 SAN JOSE DE LA RINCONADA (Sevilla) Tlf.: 955 79 21 50 - 608 55 07 07 SANCHO FABREGAT, D. JOSÉ RAMÓN C/. Lleida, 6 43895 L´ampolla - TARRAGONA Tlf.: 977 460961 Móvil: 656 945923 SANCHO NEBREDA, D. LUIS C/. San Miguel, s/n LERMA (BURGOS) Tlf.: 94 485 0120 - 686 461100 SANLUCAB GRUPO AGROPECUARIO, S.L D. Gabriel Antonio Raya Toscazo Avda. Cabo Noval, s/n – San Calixto 11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda – CADIZ Tlf.: 956 109256 – Fax: 956 361000 Móvil: 685 456922 SAT Nº 6094 CUCALERAS D. Nicolás García García C/. Castellón, 2 Bajo 30880 Aguilas - MURCIA Tlf.: 968 410690 - Móvil: 619 779903 FAX: 968 448640 SEÑORIO DE ALONSO DE LA FLORIDA Y BARAHONA Dª Mª Teresa Alonso de la Florida y Casellas Dtor. Técnico: Hnos. Ruiz Alonso de la Florida Domingo Tejera, 4. 41013 SEVILLA. 954 61 03 87 - Móvil: 637 424448 SEÑORIO MONTES DEL PARDO D. Guillermo del Corral de Salas Ctra. Fuencarral-El Pardo, Km 2,3 28049 Madrid Tlf.: 917350059 – Fax: 917.40721 Móvil: 609207309 SIERRA BARÓN, D. ASIER Ganadería La Llana Bº de Beci, 13. 48870 - Sopuerta (Bizkaia) Tlf.: 946104850 Móvil: 686 413800 - 630 099274 SIERRA FRAGA, D. BENITO Finca El Maestre, s/n. Apartado de Correos, 182 11540 Sanlucar de Barrameda - CÁDIZ Tlf.: 956 365051 - 687 90 43 16

SOLERA BRAVO, S.L. D. Ignacio Bravo García Finca La Morera 06370 BURGUILLOS DEL CERRO (Badajoz) 609 207 218 STALL HAVANG Ms. Ida Krekula Angarna, 2 43276 TVAAKER – VARBERG (SUECIA) Tlf.: + 46703660624 SUMERU 2001 S.L. D. Rafael Arenas Caño C/. Fernán Núñez, 5. 28016 Madrid. Tlf.: 91 3601440 TELLO BLANCO, D. DANIEL Y D. LUIS Finca San Antonio Viejo 21200 - ARACENA (HUELVA) 670 79 27 64 689 22 66 06 Oficina: 933 379975 TORREHERMOSO A Y S, S.L. D. Eduardo Torres González-Boza C/ Alhóndiga, nº 37 5ºD 18001 Granada Tlf.: 958 520531 Fax: 958 264852 Móvil: 661 657720 TORREON DE ARMENTEROS D. Jaime Llantada Aguinaga C/ Juan de Ajuriaguerra, 19 2º G 48009 BILBAO 94 442 29 90 TORRES GONZÁLEZ, D. JOSÉ C/. Fontanillas, 5 41230 Castilblanco de los Arroyos, SEVILLA Tlf.: 607 806793 - Fax: 955 734693 TORRICO FERNANDEZ, D. ANTONIO Plaza El Vergel, Local 1 Bajo 11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda – Cádiz Tlf/Fax.: 956960424 TOVAR SANZ, D. MIGUEL C/ San Francisco, 1 10200 Trujillo CACERES Tlf.: 927 320202 – FAX: 927 320205 Móvil: 629074859 VALENZUELA RUIZ, D. GONZALO Solís Ruiz, 101 14940 CABRA (Córdoba) Tlf.: 957 52 05 58 Fax: 957 52 02 08 Móvil: 659 550102 VALENZUELA, HNOS. República Argentina, 2 23700 LINARES (Jaén) 953 69 48 09 VARA MUÑOZ-CASILLAS, HNOS. Avda. de Villanueva, 12 - 1º 06005 BADAJOZ Tlf.: 924 23 21 81 - Móvil: 608 922278 VARGAS RANCH D. Adalberto Vargas 8793 Archer Rd. Prunedale CA 93907 Monterey – CA – USA Tlf.: (+1)8315968788 Fax: (+1)8316322079 WARBURG, DÑA. ALEXA ISABEL Dehesa Fuente Ymbro Ctra. Jeréz-Cortés, km. 38,511580 SAN JOSE DEL VALLE (Cádiz) 956237330 - 670747766 - 607558420 Fax: 956 237139

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

WINDSOR STABLES D. Alexander B. Zilo 5595 South Shore Boulevard Wellington, Florida, 33449 Tlf.: (561)3338168 – FAX: (561)3333447

YEGUADA ALHAMILLA Propietario D. Francisco del Aguila López Ctra. La Cañada - Viator, s/n Haza Tableada 04120 La Cañada - Almería Móvil: 609 034273 - Fax: 950 290903

YEGUADA AQUILINO MOYA D. Aquilino Moya Espejo Pasaje del Rocío, 3, p, 2º B. 41400 ECIJA (Sevilla) 954 83 18 66 - 954 83 15 93 Móvil: 696654764

WOODBINE EQUESTRIAN CENTER Dª Susan Holtz 301 Sumner Ave. Woodbine, NJ 08270 – USA Tlf.: 609-8612506 – Fax: 609-8610800 Móvil: 609-3777089

YEGUADA ALICIA MEDINA. CONDESA DE BARDEAU Dª Alicia Medina Rodríguez de Acuña C/ Los Llanos, 6 nº5 21-A 38003 Santa Cruz de Tenerife – Canarias Tlf.: 922 031416 Móvil: 647170029

YEGUADA ARAUZO Propietaria: Dª Ascensión, S.A. Crta. Nacional 501 (Ávila-Salamanca), km. 60 SALAMANCA 923 54 13 50 - 607700661 Gerente: D. Eduardo Gómez de Liaño Aparicio

YEGUADA A FERRIOL D. Antonio Ferriol Gelabert Can Torres, 3 07141 Marratxi – Baleares Tlf.: 971 756657 – 616486060

YEGUADA ALMUNIA ROMERO D. Manuel Almunia Rivero 1 Highgrove Point, Frognal Rise Hampstead NW36PZ – Londres United Kingdon Tlf.: +44 7545643800

YEGUADA AC D. Javier Enrique Arzu Tinoco 3ª. Avenida 9 -87, Zona 13, Lomas de Pamplona 01013 Guatemala Tlf.: (502)24203900- (502)24203906 Fax: (502)24214905 YEGUADA ACOSTA PONCE Propietario: D. Juan José Acosta González Apartado de correos, 155 21440 - Lepe (Huelva) Tlf.: 959381250 Móvil: 606 384 000 YEGUADA AIMARAN, S.A D. Juan Huertas Montiel Babel, 2. 29006 MALAGA. 95 232 09 10 - 609 98 57 20 YEGUADA ALARCÓN Anina Zufre, S.L Avda. de la Palmera, 35 41013 Sevilla. Tlf.: 954708480 YEGUADA ALBERO Y ROMERO D. Fausto Simón Álvarez Camino de Valdecañas, 2 10350 Almaraz – Cáceres Tlf.: 927 545026 – Fax: 927545033 YEGUADA ALBERTO BOYA D. Alberto Boya Abadía C/ San Jaime, s/n 25540 Les (Valle de Adán) LERIDA Tlf.: 973 648730 Fax: 973 648731 YEGUADA ALBORAN Prealboran, S.L C/ Dos Torres, 6 14012 Córdoba Tlf.: 957403150 – 627507293 Fax: 957480475 YEGUADA ALCAÑICES Propietario: ALCOFINCA, S.A. Marquesa Viuda Aldama, 2 28100 ALCOBENDAS (Madrid) 91 650 0125 - 91 652 1005 - 609 385 602 Gerente: D. Antonio Páramo Aguado YEGUADA ALFONSO FERNÁNDEZ C/. Agustín Virgili, 2 30153 - Corvera (Murcia) 696 966255 - 968 380119 YEGUADA ALGARABEN D. Manuel María Calvo-Júdici García Urb. Pinares Oromana, C/. Pinsapo, 17 41500 Alcalá de Guadaira - Sevilla Móvil: 699 055620 - Fax: 955 681329



YEGUADA ARROYOMONTE D. Fidel Saez Muñoz Ctra. Toledo, 16 05267 San Bartolomé de Pinares - AVILA Tlf.: 653 812306 - FAX: 920 270313

YEGUADA ALMUZARA Parque Joyero, Fase 3, Nave 20 Ctra. Palma del Río, Km 3,3 14005 CORDOBA Tlf.: 957 467081 – Fax: 957 461463 Móvil: 647 929452

YEGUADA ARTURO FERNANDEZ DE LA VEGA D Arturo Fernández de la Vega Senra Plaza Ramón Falcón, nº 1 27003 LUGO Móvil: 619005449 – Fax: 982230216

YEGUADA ALPRESA D. Fernando Alpresa García C/. José Antonio, 3 - Galería 11201 Algeciras (Cádiz) Tlf.: 956 660 303 - 639 101 717

YEGUADA AVILA CASTELLANO D. Emilio José Avila Castellano C/ José de la Bastida, 16 41450 Constantina – Sevilla Móvil: 617 374252 – Fax: 955730505

YEGUADA ALTAVISTA D. Pablo Ramosquirarte de Guzmán Puente de Alvarado, nº 312 74050 Queretaro . QA MEXICO Tlf.: +524422166801 – Fax: 954310069

YEGUADA AYALA D. Rafael Ayala Muñoz Finca Las Yeguas –Utrera – Sevilla Dirección de correos: C/ Alvarez Quintero, 2 1ºC 41720 Los Palacios – Sevilla Móvil: 619 022439 Tel/Fax: 955 811626

YEGUADA ANA MARIA BOHORQUEZ ESCRIBANO Propietario: Modernización de Cultivos, S.A. (MODECUSA) Plaza de las Angustias, 9 11402 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) 956 348 517 - 956 347 947 - 956 340 230 Representante: D. Santiago Domecq Bohórquez YEGUADA ANCORIA Ctra. Ronda la Vieja, Km 2 Apartado de Correos, 187 29400 Ronda – MALAGA Móvil: 653 161497 Fax: 951166216 YEGUADA ANGUAS MEDINA D. José María Anguas Medina María Auxiliadora 14 AC.58 - 41840 Pilas (Sevilla) 954 750658 Fax 955 752933 Móvil 635428485 - 605807367 YEGUADA AÑO CERVERO D. Higinio Año Sanz C/ Federico Alcácer Aguilar, 2 – Esc. E – Pta 2 46025 Valencia Tlf.: 639742959

YEGUADA BERENGUER D. Antonio Berenguer Hurtado Liceo Politécnico, 3 03160 Almoradí - ALICANTE Tlf.: 966 781621 Fax 966 781861 YEGUADA BERMEJO SÁNCHEZ Ctra. Segovia-Aranda Km 31,2 40370 Turégano - Segovia Tlf.: 921 500369 Móvil: 689 384654 – 638267980 YEGUADA BIONEST D. Juan Soltero Pardo Vicente Aleixandre, 10 21730 - ALMONTE (HUELVA) Tlf.: 959 45 06 56 - 670 61 19 82 Fax: 959 407 871 YEGUADA BOHEMIA D. José Ernesto Batres González Edificio Reforma 10, Ave. Reforma 9-55 oficina 710 Guatemala Tlf.: 9207-1015

YEGUADA ANTONIO MORETA D. Antonio Moreta Moraleda C/. Vizcaya, 4 - 28197 Leganés (MADRID) Tlf.: 91 6125130 - Móvil: 608 804208

YEGUADA BUENAVENTURA D. André Sauneniére Chemin de Thumaide, 1 7601 Roucourt – BELGICA Tlf.:. 0032 476435046

YEGUADA AQUILINO FRAILE D. Aquilino Fraile García C/. Fernández de Rivera, nº 4. 41005 SEVILLA. Oficina: 954 66 36 49 Móvil: +34 699 068145 Finca: 954 74 73 55 Fax: 954 66 36 48

YEGUADA CABALLO NEGRO D. Clifford J. Pilcher Finca Caballo Negro C/ Arcos, nº 10. Pueblo Nuevo de Guadiaro 11311 San Roque – CADIZ Tlf.: 956 796231 - 607572940

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YEGUADA CAMACHO FALCÓN C/ Juan Carrera, 6 41410 Carmona - SEVILLA Móvil 678 151587 YEGUADA CAMPO BAJO D. José Enrique Muñoz de Albelda Directora Técnica: Dª Blanca Rojas Guijo. C/ Plaza Cardenal Toledo, 2 1º - 14001 Cordoba Tlf.: y Fax: 957 488417 - Finca: 957 350206 Móviles: 639 737030 - 619 477074 YEGUADA CAN ALZINA D. Quirze Elias Vinardell Can Alzina, C-155 08213 Polinya – BARCELONA Tlf.: 609 754905 – Fax: 937131015 YEGUADA CAN BOADA D. Esteban Bosch Franch C/ Rotes, 48 17820 Banyoles – GERONA Tlf.: 659 131546 – Fax: 972 570309 YEGUADA CAN MAYNOU D. Antonio Jorodovich Estancovich Can Maynou, s/n 08430 La Roca del Vallés - Barcelona Móvil: 667 404113 Fax: 938421870 YEGUADA CANDAU D. Ignacio Candau Cruz-Conde C/ Cerrajería, 12 1ºC 41004 Sevilla Móvil: 655 572043 YEGUADA CANDIOTA Maestro García, C.B. Tlf.: 609 551001 Fax: 958125031 YEGUADA CAPITAN D. Manuel Capitán Soria Avda. de Sevilla, 106 3ºB 41720 Los Palacios SEVILLA Tlf.: 955814175 – Fax: 955819128 Móvil: 690 846588 YEGUADA CARMONA Carmozalez, S.L. D. Vicente Carmona González C/ Marbella, 20 4ºC 28034 Madrid Tlf.: 91 5305836 Fax: 91 4290985 YEGUADA CARRIÓN Gerente: D. Luis Carrión Amate Julio César, 3. 41001 SEVILLA. Tlf.: 954225705 Fax: 954 389807 Tlf. Finca: 955 950675 Móvil: 609 127069 YEGUADA CARTHAGO D. Ángel García Martínez Avda. Juan Carlos I, 100 30310 CARTAGENA (Murcia) 968330320-629641644-606131538 Fax: 968330313 YEGUADA CASA ALARCÓN, S.L.U. D. Fernando Andrés Silvestre Apartado de Correos, 42 02660 CAUDETE-ALBACETE Tlf.: 965 979147

YEGUADA CASA ROMEO D. José Lamas Fernández Ctra. La Moura, nº 34 Bajo 15010 La Coruña Tlf.: 608585948 YEGUADA CASAPINTADA Francisco Roncero Molano C/. Dr. Marañon 2, t.1 4º-A 10002 - Cáceres. Tlf.: 607 862026 Fax: 927 237191 YEGUADA CASTANOBLE, S.A. D. Salvador Baldizón 4 Avenida 1-39, Zona 1. Guatemala, C.P. 01001 Tlf.: (502) 22307021 Fax: (502) 22323963 YEGUADA CASTELLA, D. JORDI CASTELLÁ VILA Crta. Dosrius-Canyamars, km. 2,2 DOSRIUS (Barcelona) Tlf.: 929377957 Móvil: 639 36 35 35 YEGUADA CASTELNOVO D. Anastasio Naranjo Hidalgo Plaza Sagrado Corazón, 3 2º 06700 Villanueva de la Serena (BADAJOZ) Tlf.: 924 856096 - FAX: 924 856241 YEGUADA CASTILLO DE AZUEL Propietario: Herabar Agropecuaria, S.A. Presidente: D. Alejandro Barreras Barret C/.Policarpo Sanz, 36-38 1ºOficina Derecha 36202 Vigo (Pontevedra) 986 44 16 51 Director: D. Alejandro Barreras García Reborero 609 00 02 19 YEGUADA CAZA JUAN D. Juan A. Rosario Jiménez C/ Liebre, nº 45 41019 Sevilla Tlf.: 954268348 – 620268222 YEGUADA CEBRIAN P.R.E. Avda. Motril, 99 04740 El Solanillo- Roquetas de Mar Almería Tlf.: 950335360 – Fax: 950336544 Móvil: 615 092533

YEGUADA CORONINAS D. Jens Becker Olsen Urb. Valle Romano, C/ Cuba, nº 13 29680 Estepona – Málaga Tlf.: 952 802075 – Fax: 952 807737 Móvil: 619464515 YEGUADA CRISTIAN MURCIA D. Manuel Murcia Correas C/ Jaime Balmes, 36 03600 Elda – Alicante 636 453260 YEGUADA CUBAS, S.L. C/ Secundino Zuazo, nº 1 Blq. 1, 3ºB 28660 Boadilla del Monte – MADRID Tlf.: 91 6325751 – Móvil: 630922122. Director Técnico: D. Enrique Navarro YEGUADA CUENCA DELGADO Sr. D. Jacinto Antonio Cuenca Delgado C/. Alcaudete, 16 Polígono Arcaudete 23009 Jaén Tlf.: 953 220316 - Móvil: 609 508660 YEGUADA DE AZORES D. Antonio Ruiz Fernández Tras Monjas, 14. 14800 PRIEGO DE CORDOBA (Córdoba) 957 54 11 00 - 957 54 22 07 YEGUADA DE LA CARTUJA HIERRO DEL BOCADO Expasa Agricultura y Ganaderia, S.A Apartado de Correos, 95 11480 Jerez de la Frontera CADIZ Tlf.: 956 162809 Fax: 956 162822 YEGUADA DE LA ESPIRAL ESTIRPE CARTUJANA D. Felipe Palomino González C/ Balbino Marrón, 3 Edificio Viapol, Portal A. Oficina 2-2 41018 Sevilla Tel-Fax: (00 34) 954923005 – Móvil: 657 995739 YEGUADA DE LA LOMA DE UBEDA D. José Ramón Blanco Bueno Avda. Cristo Rey, 4, 4ªB 23400 UBEDA (Jaén). 953 75 71 48 - 953 127035

YEGUADA COLONIAS DE PESQUERIL D. Jaime Hermogenes González Conde C/ Asunción, 21 3ºIzq.- 41011 Sevilla Tlf.: 627 940500

YEGUADA DE MIGUEL CARRION D. Israel de Miguel Carrión Avenida de Madrid, 4 45600 Talavera de la Reina – Toledo Tlf.: 639 107403 – Fax: 925 808241

YEGUADA COMPLEJO EL BOTIJO D. Rafael Antón Morente Autovía de andalucía, Salida 324 (El Botijo) 23740 - ANDUJAR (JAÉN) 600 59 40 00 - 953 50 70 19

YEGUADA DE VEGANZONES D. Jesús Mª González Quebrada C/ Poniente, 140 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón – Madrid Tlf.: 699982074

YEGUADA CONDE DE VALDEPRADOS D. Ricardo Goizueta Arias-Dávila (Conde de Valdeprados) C/ Velázquez, 80 2º Izq 28001 MADRID Tlf.: 914 260350 – Fax: 914 260355 Móvil: 650 784950

YEGUADA DE YMAS Sandaraca Vince, S.L C/ Lerez, 2 28002 Madrid Tlf.: 91 4119203 – 667599535 Fax: 91 4110822 4741 Garden Point Trail Wellington, FL 33414 - USA Encargado: D. Javier Bacariza Domínguez

YEGUADA CORIS D. Manuel Borge Carvajal Curridabat de Motores Británicos 400 m. Norte 515-7050 Coris de Cartago – San José - Costa Rica Tlf.: 506 22716071 Fax: 506 22725772 Tlf.:/Fax: 506 25720015

YEGUADA DEHESA EL HERRERO Avda. Diego Martínez Barrio, nº 4 Edificio Viapol Center. Planta 9ª, Módulo 1 41013 Sevilla 954 63 12 73 - 463 04 88 Fax 954 66 15 11

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

YEGUADA DEL HIERRO DE LA MAGDALENA D. Antonio Casado Castañeda C/ Madre Cándida, 9 Bajo 47400 Medina del Campo – Valladolid Tlf.: 983837355 – 629419279 Fax: 983802673 YEGUADA DEL HIERRO DEL ÁNGEL D. Francisco Angelet Catafal C/ San Jose De Calasanz, 20 Entresuelo 1 08400 Granollers, Barcelona +34 93 844 40 51 - +34 639 391 313 Fax: + 34 938 441 179 YEGUADA DEL ODIEL Encargado: Miguel Moreno Finca Majadalejos, Apartado de Correos, 20 21200 Aracena – Huelva Móvil: 677131013 – Fax: 959501316 YEGUADA DEVAND Mr. Gayle Couch Te Rahu Road 108 3193 Whakatane RD3 3194 Nueva Zelanda Tlf.: +64 73080571 YEGUADA DIAZ SOLIS D. José Díaz Solís Residencial Zaudin, c/. Begonias 1. 41930 BORMUJOS (Sevilla) 670 607 030 YEGUADA DICAR D. Rafael Codina Calvet Avda. Olimpia, 9 1-2, 08500 Vic – Barcelona Tlf.: 696 461035 fax: 93 7721664 YEGUADA DIMOBA D. Juan José Díaz Molina C/ Soldado Español, 12 – 04004 ALMERIA Tlf.: 950 252577 – Fax: 950252659 Móvil: 607 906556 Finca: “Villa Palomas” 04420 Santa Fé de Mondújar Latitud: 36º58’24.50”N Longitud: 2º31’39.68”O YEGUADA DOMINCANO D. Juan Bautista Domínguez Cano C/ Real, nº 29 Bajo 21610 San Juan del Puerto – Huelva Tlf.: 676 974166 Fax: 959 701218 YEGUADA DON LUIS GONZALEZ DIEZ Rancho La Esperanza Lic. Fernando González Cimadevilla Boulevard Manuel Ávila Camacho, Nº 36, piso 21 Torre Esmeralda II Col. Polanco, Delegación Miguel Hidalgo C.P 11000 México, D.F. Tlf.:(5255) 52496007 – Fax: (5255) 52496000 Ext: 6607 YEGUADA DRAGO D. Francisco Hernández Moreno Avda. Vereda de San Agustín, 86 41510 MAIRENA DEL ALCOR (Sevilla) 955 74 62 41 Móvil: 619 006089 YEGUADA DUCAL Dª TANJA BACH C/. San Rafael nº 15 05230 Las Navas del Marqués ÁVILA +34 918970205 Móvil: 669 789740



YEGUADA DUQUE DEL INFANTADO D. Iñigo de Arteaga Martín Apartado de Correos, 21 Finca “Ribera Alta” 14610 Alcolea – Córdoba Tlf.: 957 330069 – Móvil: 628124233 – 608817609 YEGUADA E.C.I. D. Francisco Tirado Macías C/ Mar, nº 17 Bajo 07820 Sant Antoni de Portmany – Baleares Tlf.: 971 317318 YEGUADA EL ALADROQUE D. Eduardo Pradera Gámez C/ Escudo, nº 10 - Soto de Viñuelas 28760 Tres Cantos – MADRID Tlf.: 918034810 – 610314471 Fax: 918044037 YEGUADA EL ALAMILLO D. José Crespo Cubino Monte Esquinza, 24, 5º Izq. 28010 MADRID 91 7021720 Fax: 91 3085461 YEGUADA EL ALLOZAR Juan Pérez Zúñiga, 24-26 28027 MADRID 914100020 - 914100025 Móvil: 926 69 50 24 YEGUADA EL AZAFRANAR D. Álvaro Gómez Migallón Cervantes, 45. 13345 - Cozar (Ciudad Real) 699 925340 YEGUADA EL BARBIAN D. Robert W. Meijer Apartado de correos, 752 11480 Jerez de la Frontera – Cádiz Tlf.: 856 090419 Móvil: 660223293 – 669606580 YEGUADA EL CACHETE D. Pedro Casals Avila C/. Samta Engracia, 137 8ºD 28003 Madrid • 629 067899 YEGUADA EL CARMEN D. José A. Becerra Martín Sierra de Grazalema, 26. 29016 MALAGA 607 71 99 68 YEGUADA EL CISNE D. Rafael Juan Garrido Herencia Plaza de las Moreras, 5 14840 Castro del Rio CORDOBA Tlf.:/Fax: 957 370917 – Móvil: 629 723031 YEGUADA EL CHOPO D. Carlos Suárez Delgado Covacho, 5 (Estación) 05230 LAS NAVAS DEL MARQUÉS (ÁVILA) 918972383 Fax: 918701956 Móvil: 630933149 YEGUADA EL DIABOLO Dª Cristina González Aguilar C/Fernando IV (Farmacia) 41011 SEVILLA 666566214 - 667 700080 Fax: 954 276391 YEGUADA EL EUCALIPTO C/. Magnolias, 13 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón (Madrid) Dir. Técnico: D. José Carmona Tel. 687751389 Oficina: 91 6398357 - Fax: 91 6396643 Finca El Eucalipto (Montoso) Tel. 957 336025

YEGUADA EL HINOJAL EXALIN, S.L D. Isaac Fernández Moreno CV-160 Km, 6 (Finca el Hinojal) 10170 Montanchez, Cáceres (España) Tlf.: 91 6640213 Fax: 91 6640522 Móvil: 616999082 - 638169128 - YEGUADA EL LINAR DE CURRO D. Oscar González Verdugo C/. Álamo, 48 05230 Las Navas del Marqués - AVILA Tlf.: 918 972595 - FAX: 918 972594 Móvil: 653 439097 YEGUADA EL MORALEJO Finca “El Moralejo” D. José I. Sánchez Velázquez 02690 ALPERA (Albacete) 609 222345 - 629 624012 Fax: 965 151684 YEGUADA EL NOBLE Hnos. Algarrada Mateos Finca El Noble 41370 Cazalla de la Sierra (Sevilla) Móvil: 629 28 81 08 Fax: 955 60 21 77 YEGUADA EL OLIGUERO Dehesa el Oliguero, S.L. D. Pedro López Bernal Avda. del Brillante, 12 - 14006 Cordoba Tlf.: 957 40 11 84 Móvil: 669 410707 YEGUADA EL PALENQUE D. Serrgio Ruben Arteaga Rodríguez C/. Viso de Calvos, 72 v36393 BAIONA (Pontevedra) 629 884 699 - 986 386 904 Fax: 986 353 234 YEGUADA EL RECUERDO D. Ángel Fernández Sánchez Pol. Industrial de Riaño III, Parc. 11 33920 Langreo – Asturias Tlf.: 985678645 – Fax: 985678215 Móvil: 639813125 YEGUADA EL ROMERITO Proa. Los Prados 29006 Málaga - Tlf.: 952 363548 - 618 748527 Director Técnico: Nicolás Romero Ruíz YEGUADA EL SOL D. Carlos Montijano-Carbonell Martínez C/ Bailarina Anna Paulova, nº 8 A-1 Bajo A 14011 Cordóba Tlf.:/Fax: 957 331342 Móvil: 696987738 – 628461721 Encargado: Antonio Jesús Gálvez Granados YEGUADA EL TEMPLE D. Francisco Jiménez Martínez Urbanización El Parque, Blq.2 3ºE 29200 Antequera – MALAGA Tlf.: 660222708 – FAX: 91 4008164 YEGUADA EL TOMILLAR D. Mariano Martín Merlo Potosí, 7, 4º A. 28016 MADRID 914 58 80 54 - 917 59 14 20 Gerente: D. Raúl Martín González YEGUADA EL TREMEDAL D. Mariano Santos Redondo C/. Paraguay, 7A - 41012 Sevilla Tel. 954 283385 Fax: 954 298138 YEGUADA EL TUDAL D. José Manuel Sanz Timón Bajada del Pozo Amargo, nº 2 45001 TOLEDO Tlf.: 627 502741

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YEGUADA EL YUNQUE, S.L. D. Adolfo Sánchez de Movellán Ruiz Monte Carmelo, 19. 1.º B. 41011 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 27 72 33 Fax 954 28 05 22 YEGUADA EQUUS CONSULTING D. Francisco José Gómez Cañas D. Manuel López Muñoz. C/ Aragón, nº 25 4º A 21002 HUELVA Tlf.: 660019111 – 620348860 – Fax: 956 181883 YEGUADA ES VEDRA FERRER CASTAÑO D. Francisco Castaño Gutierrez Ctra. del Aeropuerto, Km 6.11 (Nave Puig Barreda) 07817 Santa Jordi de Ses Salines – Baleares Tlf.: 971 317318 YEGUADA ESTRELLA JJRR D. José Juan Rodríguez Rico Calle 119# 12-79 Apto 202 1001100 Bogotá-Cundinamarca – Colombia Tlf.: +57 3214534564 YEGUADA EUSEBIO CANO D. Eusebio Cano González C/ Juan Maragall, 34 P03 1 07006 Palma de Mallorca – Baleares Tlf.: 660110065 YEGUADA F2 D. Joaquín Fernández Cepedello Polg. La Red, C/.6 Parcela 54, nº 13 41500 Alcalá de Guadaira SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 424300 / Fax: 955 634960 Móvil: 649 450961 YEGUADA FARRIOLS D. Rafael Farriols Calvo Veinat de la Pujada, nº 29 08310 Argentona BARCELONA Tlf.: 937970516 FAX: 937 972248 Móvil: 654357384 Melín Farriols YEGUADA FELIPE GARROCHO D. Felipe Garrocho Rubio Finca Viña de Fuentes MORON DE LA FRONTERA (Sevilla) 955957324 - 955957194 - 955853 211 Fax: 955 853 213 - Móvil: 610 780 657 YEGUADA FERNÁNDEZ DE LA VEGA (AGROPECUARIA ESPERANZA SL) Plaza de España, nº8 45870 LILLO (Toledo) +0034 925 170165 - 190031 Móvil: 617 354164 Fax: +0034 925 170100 YEGUADA FERNANDEZ - ORDAS Cortijo “La Corchuela” DOS HERMANAS (SEVILLA) Oficina: Cervantes, 101. Coria del Rio (SEVILLA) 954 77 01 53 FAX 954 770952 YEGUADA FERRERO, S.L. D. Fausto Ferrero Fiol Avda. Comte De Sallent, nº 3 Planta 3ª 07003 Palma De Mallorca (Baleares) 971 452 828 - 971 453 232 YEGUADA FUENTE EL SOL Lagasca, 90. 28006 MADRID 91 431 09 13 - 924 70 00 33 YEGUADA FUENTES D. Eduardo Fuentes Avda. de las Motas, 46450 Benifaio – Valencia Oficina: 18 les Gousats 30190 St. Genies de Malgoires – Francia Tlf.: 0033 466816261 Móvil: 0033 611775835

YEGUADA FUERTES-CAMACHO D. Juan José Fuertes Camacho Avda. Pi i Margall, 81 08140 Caldes de Montbui - Barcelona Tlf.: 93 8655169 YEGUADA GALA D. Alfredo Gala Murillo C/ Milano Rojo, 16 41020 Sevilla Móvil: 630 916037 Fax: 954 148468 YEGUADA GARCIA FERRERO D. José Luis García Vargas C/ Majarana, 2 41927 Mairena del Aljarafe – Sevilla Tlf.: 954 181413 – 679981920 YEGUADA GARCIA HERNANDEZ D. Francisco Javier García Bejar Avda. España, 73 B 3º 10440 Aldeanueva de la Vera – CACERES Tlf.: 630 522017 YEGUADA GARROTALES SAN FCO. S.A. D. JOSÉ RUBIO VÉLEZ Ancha, 2, 41510-Mairena del Alcor (Sevilla) 955 746533 - 649 929284 YEGUADA GASPAR IZQUIERDO D. José Manuel Gaspar Izquierdo Paseo de la Chopera, 172 - 4ºE 28100 - Alcobendas (MADRID) Móvil: 639 120 455 YEGUADA GASTARREJONES D. Juan Luis González Rosas C/ Maros Zapata, 16 29017 Málaga Tlf.: 655 831804 Fax: 952290761 YEGUADA GERMAN GILETE SANTANO Finca El Soto Ctra. de Guareña, Km 12. - C.P. 10005 VALVERDE DE MÉRIDA (BADAJOZ) Tlf./Fax: 924321979 - 629772369 - 659447797 YEGUADA GINES PARRA Plaza Niña, 4 21800 Moguer (Huelva) Tlf.:/Fax: + 34 959 37 07 59 Móvil: + 34 639 15 54 82 YEGUADA GONZALEZ SANCHEZ D. Víctor Manuel González de Pablos C/ Iglesia 2, Torre E, Piso 6 Despacho 604 Col. Tizapan – Delegación Álvaro Obregón 01090 México, D. F Tlf.: (+52)56166984/ 85 - (+52)15559664429 YEGUADA GUERRERO D. Francisco Guerrero Gómez Pol. Industrial Jadrahil, Nave 6 11630 Arcos de la Frontera – CADIZ Tlf.: 956 702896 - Fax: 956 702166 Móvil: 607 442419 YEGUADA GUERRERO JURADO D. Francisco José Guerrero López Avda. Grán Capitán. 47. Edif. La Reina, Blq 1 3ºA 14006 - CÓRDOBA 608 55 57 75

YEGUADA HACIENDA EL MOLINO Hnos. Gutiérrez Hernández C/. Antonio Machado, 16 41730 Las Cabezas de San Juan (Sevilla) Tlf.: 955 871192 Fax: 955 873198 Móvil: 676 460478 YEGUADA HACIENDA MARIA D. Juan Andrés Quifes García Apartado de Correos, 44 Avda. La Jara, s/n 21810 Palos de la Frontera - HUELVA Tlf.: 959 369191 – Fax: 959369138 Móvil: 659 466304 YEGUADA HAUS DOHR Dr. Klaus Scharmer Dohrer Weg, 2 D-52428 JÜLICH (ALEMANIA) Tlf.:/fax:+4924611323 Móvil:+491701661643 YEGUADA HEREDEROS DE D. ANTONIO ALBA ROMEU Dr. Fleming, 60-62 Apartado de Correos, 18 Vilanova i La Geltrú. (Barcelona) CP 08800 Tlf.: 938 157977 Fax: 938 157977 YEGUADA HERMANOS GARCIA-FILOSO, C.B D. Francisco García-Filoso Fernández Calle de la Virgen, nº 40 1º 02600 Villarrobledo – ALBACETE Tlf.: 967 143698 – Móvil: 657 872855 Fax: 967 140185 YEGUADA HERMANOS MOLERO MALO D. Emilio Molero Lucas C/ Antonio Gaudí, 62 3ºB 43203 Reus – TARRAGONA Tlf.: 977 320948 - Fax: 977 842543 Móvil: 680422844 YEGUADA HERMANOS ROMANOS D. Miguel Angel Romanos González Avda. Cataluña, 138 Local 50014 Zaragoza Tlf.: 976 464125 Móvil: 669 437097 Fax: 976 464126 YEGUADA HIERRO CALANDRA, S.L D. Antonio Prado Castro C/ Punta de la Plata, 14 Urb. Mª Luisa Garden 29680 Estepona – Málaga Tlf.: 658 888182 YEGUADA HIGUERA D. Valeriano Higuera Vioque C/ Mucho Trigo, 37 14002 CORDOBA Tlf.: 957 435062 – 667 664663 YEGUADA HISPANDALUZ D. Carlos Seoane Eiró Finca “A Laguiña” Verengo-Parada del Sil (Orense) Oficina: Caseiros, 16-A - NOALLA 36990 SANXENXO (PONTEVEDRA) Fax: 986745588 Móvil: 670 375747; YEGUADA HISPANIA D. Graciano Amador Maujo Iglesias Plaza Longoria Carbaja, 2 4ºB 33002 Oviedo – Asturias Tlf.: 985 205838 Fax: 985 226377 Móvil: 615968488

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

YEGUADA HNOS. ARANDA TEJERIZO Lora Tamayo, 2 41450-CONSTANTINA (SEVILLA) 95 5881604 Móvil: 679 106077 YEGUADA HNOS. CARDIEL SANCHO D. Carlos Cardiel Sancho C/. García Menéndez, 2 50600 Ejea de los Caballeros - ZARAGOZA Móvil: 616 482027 YEGUADA HNOS. GUTIERREZ DELGADO Gerente: D. Guillermo Gutiérrez Egea Finca La Sargenta. Ancha, 37 41400 ECIJA (Sevilla) 954 83 09 45 YEGUADA HNOS. JIMENEZ BURGOS D. Eduardo Jiménez Burgos Avda. Ntra. Sra. De la Soledad, 3 41320 Cantillana – Sevilla Dirección Finca: Finca el Zamoral – Ctra. SE-4101 Km 3,600 41320 Cantillana – Sevilla Tlf.: 667 615440 YEGUADA HNOS. RODRIGUEZ MARAÑON Virgen de Regla, nº 1 Pasaje Planta II Módulo 7 41011 SEVILLA. Tlf.: 655579524 – 655838180 YEGUADA INSULAR D. José Carlos Pérez Fernández C/ El Liriazo, s/n 38800 San Sebastián de la Gomera Santa Cruz de Tenerife – Canarias Tlf.: 620242545 – Fax: 922141116 YEGUADA IPA D. Pep Boté Blanco Calle Santo Joan, nº 5 25300 Tarrega – Lleida Tlf.: 973502622 – Móvil: 610461472 YEGUADA JEREZ D. Luis Blanco Jerez C/. Ayala, 64 1º. 28001 Madrid Tlf.: 915 771193 - 607 842311 YEGUADA JIMÉNEZ D. Jesús Jiménez Sandoval 13917 Lark Port Dr. La Puente California, 91746 - USA Tlf.: 626-7869475 – FAX: 626 – 3360146 YEGUADA JJ MONTES D. Juan José Montes Sánchez Apartado de Correos, nº 6 Diputación La Hoya de Lorca 30816 Lorca – MURCIA Tlf.: 968 481767 – Móvil: 696917257 Fax: 968 481766 YEGUADA JOSE CRUZ CANO D. José Manuel Cano García Ganadería: Paraje Siscarejo Polígono 11 Parcela 27 30840 Alhama de Murcia – MURCIA Correspondencia: Apartado Correos 183 30840 Alhama de Murcia – MURCIA Tlf.: 968886050 Fax: 968880269 Móvil: 696962337 YEGUADA JOSÉ FRANCO SÁNCHEZ Cortijo Las Pavonas. Nueva Jarilla 11592 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) 956 237 642



YEGUADA JOSE LUIS RODRIGUEZ RAMIREZ D. José Luis Rodríguez Ramírez Cerro de la Viña, 29 41089 Montequinto – Dos Hermanas – Sevilla Tlf.: 677900076

YEGUADA LA GAMONITA D. José Emilio Corral del Olmo Finca la Gamonita, Apdo. Correos 192 13500 Puertollano - Ciudad Real Tlf.: 925 779080

YEGUADA JUAN TIRADO, S.A. D. JUAN TIRADO AGUDO C/ O’donnell, 4 1º piso, oficina 12 28009 Madrid Tlf.: +34 911 020 010 Fax: +34 911 032 426

YEGUADA LA GOLETERA D. Juan Carlos Reyes Sánchez Ctra. Nacional 340, Km 260 29790 Benajarafe – MALAGA Tlf.: 952 513830 Fax: 952 293120 Móvil: 655 553083

YEGUADA JUAN VÁZQUEZ D. Juan Antonio Vázquez Dominguez C/ Besa, nº1 2º 1ª 8904 Hospitalet de Llobregat BARCELONA Tlf.: 933 4406500 Móvil: 609 852888 YEGUADA J.M. TRESSERRAS, S.L. Cami Mas Vila, 1ª Trav. Izq. nº 4 43007 TARRAGONA 977 20 71 51 629127263 - 678715535 YEGUADA LA ADELFA D. Sergio Salas García Urb. Señorío de Regla, 4 C/. Mª Bárbara Tiradorubio 41807 Espartina - SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 113840 - Móvil: 659 208756 YEGUADA LA COLMENA Cortijo Porras, s/n 29710 Periana – Málaga Tlf.: 952 037505 Fax: 951 167174 Móvil: 659760302 YEGUADA LA CONCHUELA D. Rafael Deza Álvarez Crta. Málaga, Km. 55. Finca La Conchuela 41620 Marchena - SEVILLA 954 231857 – 663065129 YEGUADA LA COPA D. Antonio Sánchez Vargas Crta. Huetor Vega, 30. 18008 - GRANADA 958 81 79 57 - 670 52 47 15 YEGUADA LA CRUZ Dª Isabel Osuna Jiménez Urbanización Pino-Sol. Granada, 44 28280 EL ESCORIAL (Madrid) Oficina: 918 902 789 Móvil: 629 21 54 01 YEGUADA “LA DEVESA” D. Rafael Domenech Jorda Provença, 264. 08008 BARCELONA Tlf.: 93 215 21 13 Fax:: 93 215 54 65 Finca: Miquel Barceló, s/n. 43730 FALSET (Tarragona) 977 83 01 62 YEGUADA LA ENCINA Dª. Anna-Isabel Gamazo Hohenlohe C/. Fernando El Santo, 23 28010 - Madrid Tlf.: 915 630186 YEGUADA LA ESPADA Dª Rafaela Vargas Marín C/ Sansueña, 22 14012 CORDOBA Tlf.: 670 662888 FAX: 957 403825 YEGUADA LA GALLARDA D. Salvador Martínez Mellado Ctra. de Trebujena, Km 1 11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda (Cádiz) Tlf.: 956 362989 - FAX: 956 318141

YEGUADA LA LIRA Y LA W, S.L. D. Enrique Guerrero Mayer V. Wittgenstein Avd. de América, 2, 11 B. 28028 MADRID 917267202 Fax: 917256216 Móvil: 630987555 YEGUADA LA NOSTRE LLAR Sr. D. Juan Sospedra Vila Can Fosalba, 77 08781 Els Hostalets de Pierola - BARCELONA Tlf.: 937 776712 - Fax: 93 3360956 YEGUADA LA NUCÍA D. Antonio Jiménez Ruiz C/ Francia, 2 2ºC 03502 Benidorm – ALICANTE Tlf.: 608170680 YEGUADA LA PALOMA Dª Diana González Ctra. Fuente Palmera a Palma del Río, Km 15,500 14700 Palma del Río – CORDOBA Tlf.: 917331119 Móvil: 673813926 YEGUADA LA POSADA Dª Mª Dolores López-Belmonte López C/ Hermano Antonio, 36 47500 Nava del Rey – Valladolid Móvil: 609 139754 Fax: 983 850340 YEGUADA LA PROVENZA CB D. Francisco Javier Caballero Velasco C/. Abelardo Covarsi, nº14 4º Izq. 06005 - Badajoz Tlf.: 913 52 61 65 Fax: 913 52 46 76 YEGUADA LA PUNTA D. José Ignacio Vaca Elguero Av. Universidad No. 815 Int.403 y 404 Bosques de Prado Sur 20130 Aguascalientes, Ags MEXICO Tlf.: 449 9126046 – 48 Fax: 449 9127575 YEGUADA LA TRINIDAD D. Luis y D. Miguel de Rojas Maestre Cortijo Los Porrejones Ctra. Lora del Río – Constantina – Sevilla Apartado de Correos, 258 41410 Carmona – Sevilla YEGUADA LA TROYETA D. Pedro Pastor Cabrera Troya Alimentación. Ctra. Les Rotes 50 03700 DENIA (Alicante) Fax: 96 5788625 Movil: 629 505656 YEGUADA “LA VIGÍA” Sociedad Agrícola Mencachón, S.L. Avda. de Filipinas, 48 6ºD 28003 Madrid. Tlf.: 913082744

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YEGUADA LA YEDRA Finca La Yedra Crta. Antigua-Málaga Km. 132,5 29200 ANTEQUERA (MÁLAGA) 952 815455 - 661 850638 administració YEGUADA LAS ARENAS D. Julián Gómez Domínguez “Finca Las Arenas”, Pago Las Arenas, s/n 41740 Lebrija - SEVILLA 955 977036 - 620 264239 YEGUADA LAS CABECERAS D. Dionisio Pérez Muñoz C/. Ciruela, 6 4ºC 13001 Ciudad Real Móvil: 626 377 220 YEGUADA LAS LUNAS D. David Panareda Pou y Donaldo Nicosia Hípica Can Vila. Ctra. Montsey, Km 7,5 08461 St. Esteve Palaut. Barcelona Tlf.: 93 8480403 Fax 93 8480403 YEGUADA LAS TIJERAS Dña. Sergia Valls de Triquell Finca “Bon Retiro” La Garriga (Barcelona) 93 8714638 - 629 336565 YEGUADA LAS YEGUAS DEL CARACOL D. Jesús Caballero Martínez. C/. Goya, 8. 13600 ALCAZAR DE SAN JUAN (Ciudad Real) 926 544 948 - 609 126 584 YEGUADA LAYOS D. Juan Fernández-Layos Rubio Urb. Valdelagua, 70 28750 SAN AGUSTIN DE GUADALIX (Madrid) 91 841 90 32 YEGUADA LERMA D. José Luis Muñoz Apartado Correos, 31 41540 la Puebla de Cazalla - Sevilla Tlf.: 955 843546 – Móvil: 606 316900 YEGUADA LEZAMA LEGUIZAMON D. Jorge Portales Cebrero Urb. Isla de Guadalmina, Villa 5 29670 San Pedro de Alcántara – MALAGA Tlf.: 952 885856 – Móvil: 630986055 YEGUADA LLORENTE Propietarios: D. Pedro Luis y D. Carlos Llorente Pérez Dirección finca: Hacienda La Pradera Martín Miguel - Segovia Tlfs.: 0034 639168882 - 0034 666471585 Fax: 0034 913522777 YEGUADA LOPEZ-ROSADO D. Juan Domingo López-Rosado Ventas Berruguete, 7, 2º Dcha. 45100 SONSECA (Toledo) Tlf.:/Fax: 925 38 22 22 - Móvil: 626 491085 YEGUADA LOPEZ DE HARO D. José Antonio Rodríguez Copello Banique (Logroval XII) nº 16 4ºB Santo Domingo – República Dominicana Tlf.: 0018095350900 – Fax: 0018095346836 YEGUADA LOS ALCORES 20 de Febrero, 9, 4º Izqda. 47001 VALLADOLID 983 35 22 41 - Fax: 983 37 18 89 Móvil: 669785915

YEGUADA LOS ALGARVES D. Juan Ramón Bernal Silva C/ Sancho IV El Bravo, 3 11380 Tarifa – Cádiz Tlf.: 677 289929 YEGUADA LOS ALJIBES Manuel Lorenzo Ródenas Mateo Inurria, nº 34. 28036 Madrid Tlfs.: 667 471010 - 670 643406 Fax: 918 844324 YEGUADA LOS CAPRICHOS D. Miguel Angel González García C/. Don Cecilio, 10 28600 Navalcarnero - Madrid Tlf.: 918 112468 Móvil: 696 425129 Fax: 918 115322 YEGUADA LOS CASTAÑONES D. Luis Castañón Rodríguez Luis I, Nave 6B. 28031 - MADRID Tlf.: 917770866 Móvil: 639156700 YEGUADA LOS CIERVOS D. Antonio de Lorenzo Avda. Valladolid, 81. 28008 MADRID Tlf.: 915422005 YEGUADA LOS CORRALES Dª Cristina Baquero Rodriguez Finca los Corrales. Apartado de Correos, 132 13080 Ciudad Real Tlf.: 926 690323 Móvil: 619 303516 YEGUADA LOS OLIVOS Abad y Sierra, 36, 2º IBIZA (Baleares) 971 317 318 - 971 317 365 YEGUADA LOS POZOS Hermanos Holgado Carrero C/ Jilguero, Nº 4 11650 - Villamartín (Cádiz) 956 730468 YEGUADA LOS SUEÑOS Dª Mercedes Fernández Jiménez C/. Natación, 58. 41020 SEVILLA Tlf.: 954 351212 Fax: 954 350986 YEGUADA LOVERA Propietario: D. Miguel Lovera García Miguel Benzo, 2 - 14004 CORDOBA Fax: 637 305319 Móviles: 678 428 469 670 604 727 YEGUADA LUCIA LOVERA GARCIA Jesús María, 14 14003 CORDOBA Tlf./Fax: 957 474129 Móvil: 687 835019 / 687 835020 YEGUADA MAIPE Plaza de los Tres Reyes, 1 30201 CARTAGENA (Murcia) 968 52 66 40 Fax 968 52 91 58 YEGUADA MAJALOBA D. Ismael Reyes Mejía Hospital Salud Integral de Montoya. 1 cuadra Al Lado, 1 cuadra Abajo Managua – Nicaragua Tlf.: 505 22760331 –Fax: 505 22680271 Móvil: 505 86707304

YEGUADA MARÍN GARCÍA C/. Palos, 7 5º. 21003 Huelva Móviles: 617 391664 670 978248 - 607 950663 Tlf.:/Fax: 959 251830 YEGUADA MARQUÉZ LÓPEZ, S.L. D. Guillermo Márquez Hahn Avenida Roberto Osborne, 149 Pol. Ind. Ctra. Amarilla Casa Márquez 41007 Sevilla 955 047500 Fax: 954 676820 - 600 954500 YEGUADA MARTET D. Rafael Genovart Femenías C/. Femenias, 38 07530 Sant Llorenç des Cardassar MALLORCA Tlf.: 971 838377 YEGUADA MARTINEZ BOLOIX Propietario: D. Vicente Martínez Orti Avda. Manuel Agustín Heredia, 20 - 5º 3 29001 MALAGA 95 221 48 65 Móvil: 619 388960 YEGUADA MAS DELS FRARES Gerente: Montserrat Valero Sorribas Mas dels Frares, 43120. Constanti - Tarragona 977 520310 - 609 234123 YEGUADA MAS D´EN CISA D. Oriol Pelmanyer Andrebi C/. Cala, 13, 2º 2ª 08206 Sabadell - Barcelona Tlf.: 93 7261530 Móvil: 619 777909 YEGUADA MENDOZA CADEMA D. Nicolás Mendoza Funes Polg. Polvoranca – Avda. Los Metales, 24 28914 Leganés-MADRID Móvil: 629 803434 – Fax: 91 6898650 YEGUADA MIGUEL SÁNCHEZ Benedicto XV, 32 14400 POZOBLANCO (Córdoba) 957 770288 - 957 131258 Fax: 957 773703 - 610 764732 Representante: María Sánchez Gómez, 689 715316 YEGUADA MILE, S.L MILE CIMESA Urb. B. Horizonte, C/ Budapest, 68 03530 La Nucia – Alicante Tlf.: 648 013199 Fax : 966 895784 YEGUADA MILLÁN HERCE D. Millán Herce García Nuestra Sra. del Carmen, 11 41420 FUENTES DE ANDALUCÍA (Sevilla) 954837544 Fax: 954837545 Móvil: 600406113 YEGUADA MILLARES D. Manuel Angel Millares García San Pedro, 9 21620 Trigueros – Huelva Tlf.: 959 500319 – 657991514 Fax: 959 509546 YEGUADA MIÑO D. José Bermúdez Estévez Avda. Delfines Viudes, parc. 15, Apdo. 153 03180 TORREVIEJA (Alicante) 606389606 - 966700689 Fax: 966700457

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

YEGUADA MIRAS D. Salvador Miras Gómez Finca: Dehesa Tejoneras (CORDOBA) C/ Orense, 16 6ºC 28020 Madrid Tlf.: 914 26 17 17 YEGUADA MONTANA D. José Montanet Martínez Ipartxiki, 2. 20305 IRUN (Guipúzcoa) 609435393 - 943613548 YEGUADA MONTARCO Dª Ana de Rojas Pardo C/ Embajadores, 83 37590 Guadapero – Salamanca Tlf.: 923 489738 – Móvil: 619 249466 YEGUADA MONTE LA LLAMA D. Rafael Girón Llinás C/. Antonio López, 249 1º - 28041 MADRID Tlf.: 660 324070 - Móvil: 610 266439 Gerente: D. José Mª de Mazarrasa y de la Torre YEGUADA MONTERO D. Guy Montero 7, impasse des Andalous 30800 Saint Gilles – Francia Móvil: 06 22235310 YEGUADA MONTULL & PALACIOS D. Diego Montull López Apdo. de Correos, 1244 08303 Mataró - BARCELONA Tlf.: 937 533529 699 456252 YEGUADA MORAN, S.L D. José Mª García Morán Joan Guasch, 4 08480 L’ametlla Valles - BARCELONA Tlf.: 938 405195 Fax: 938405196 Móvil: 696957347 YEGUADA MUELA AYALA D. Jesús Alberto Muela Ayala Camino de los Molinos, s/n 13342 Puebla del Príncipe Ciudad Real Tlf.: 926 359109 – 646978969 Fax: 926 359283 YEGUADA MUÑOZ TRUJILLO Propietario: D. Rafael Muñoz León C/ Vicente Tellez, nº 61 28250 Torrelodones – MADRID Tlf.:/Fax: 91 8591904 Móvil: 659 492687 YEGUADA NADALES D. Juan Pedro Nadales Estébanez José Calderón, 129 29590 - CAMPANILLAS (MÁLAGA) 617 39 25 93 - 952 62 53 03 YEGUADA NAVARRO, S.L. D. Miguel Navarro Camacho Padilla 37 13330 Villanueva de la Fuente (Ciudad Real) 967 396483 - 649 488496 - 649 488238 YEGUADA NOBLEZA DE TOMIÑO D. Ricardo Manuel Abal López Avda. de Portugal, 67 36350 Nigrán – Pontevedra Tlf.: 669561453 YEGUADA NOBLEZA DEL PARQUE D. Felipe Ibañez Scott Camino Villarrica a Loncoche km. 15 HUISCAPI (CAUTIN) CHILE (56) 451 97 41 08 (56) 562 61 60 404



YEGUADA NUÑEZ D. José García Núñez C/ Gremi Teixidors, nº 27 Polígono San Castello 07009 Palma de Mallorca – Baleares Tlf.: 971431881 – 610263983 Fax: 971431987 www.yeguadanuñ YEGUADA OMEGA D. Francisco Luis Porras Díaz Can Goy, Veinat de Can Serra, nº 15 17458 Fornells de la Selva – Gerona Tlf.: 609 575798 Fax: 972 258517 YEGUADA OSCAR CINCA D. Oscar Cinca Oriol Paseo de la Sagrada, 51 50120 Monzalbarba – Zaragoza Móvil: 696 417259 Fax: 976 771287 YEGUADA OVELAR OVELAR CALVO, D. Jesús Avda. del Guijar, 17 Polígono Industrial El guijar 28500 - Arganda del Rey (Madrid) 91 8760320 639 100214 YEGUADA PALAZUELOS NORTE, S.L: D. Antonio Álvarez Sánchez C/ Campo Azalvaro, 1 05004 AVILA Tlf.: 920353310 – 629830852 Fax: 920254090 Persona Contacto: Miguel Ángel Jiménez Campos YEGUADA PALENZUELA HENS D. Rafael Palenzuela Rodríguez Prolog. c. Teruel, 13. 14011 CORDOBA 957 40 09 00 670 91 09 10 YEGUADA PALOJO D. Antonio Mª Vallejo Padilla Serrano, 82 - 1º 28006 MADRID Fax: 914316948 Tlf.: 914316641 Móvil: 667484777 YEGUADA PANTONI, S.L. D. Antonio Torres Sancho Avda. de Londres, 1 2ºDcha 23740 Andújar - JAEN Tlf.: 953 510361 Fax: 953 511984 YEGUADA PASALRIO DE SAN ROQUE D. VICTOR CHANDLER Calle Avarado, Nº 32 11310 Sotogrande – Cadiz. 956 442246 - 620 629060 YEGUADA PAZO DE MEIRE D. Eduardo Maceda Quiroga BELESAR-MEIRE VILLALBA (Lugo) Tlf.: 982 510507 Fax: 982 511119 Móvil: 696 485652 informació YEGUADA PEDRO JIMENEZ D. Pedro Jiménez Lara Finca El Ventorillo. Apartado de Correos, 37 41520 El Viso del Alcor (SEVILLA) Tlf.: 955 740298 607 953030 FAX 955 742179

YEGUADA PEDRO PONS, S.L. Ctra. Manacor, nº 266 07198 PALMA DE MALLORCA (Baleares) 971 42 90 78 YEGUADA PEÑA DE BEJAR, S.L. D. Carlos Conesa Alcaráz / D. José Conesa Jiménez Autovía 340, Km 583. Puerto Lumbrera (Murcia) 968226370 - 667 68 24 65 YEGUADA PEÑA, S.L. D. José Antonio Peña López Gavilán, 5 y 7. Polígono Los Gallegos 28946 - FUENLABRADA (MADRID) 916 42 27 97 Móvil: 647 42 48 61 Fax: 916 42 21 39 YEGUADA PÉREZ MAQUEDA. ÁVILA Playa de Corcubión, 13 28669 BOADILLA DEL MONTE (Madrid) Tlf.: 916322535 Fax:916322537 Móvil: 620939123 YEGUADA PILAR REYES Pintor Valdés Leal, 10 11638 ARCOS DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) 956 708422 - 669 118663 Gerente: D. Antonio Cañadas Sánchez YEGUADA PIÑERO D. José Antonio Piñero Bustos Rey Juan Carlos I, 7 13320 VILLANUEVA DE LOS INFANTES (Ciudad Real) 926 360337 YEGUADA PINILLA-GOMEZ Agrocinegética La Parrilla, S.L C/ Roma, 4 45161 Polán – Toledo Tlf.: 925370603 – 925370224 Móvil: 670784883 YEGUADA PIQUE - ANGEL D. Fernando Pique Llusa Ronda Guinardó, 235 4º 1ª 08041 Barcelona Tlf.: 93 3435330 Fax: 93 3435335 Móvil: 619 838642 YEGUADA PLAZA DE ARMAS Florencio Moreno e Hijos San Juan Bosco, 18. 14400 POZOBLANCO (Córdoba) 957 77 05 43 610 76 68 89 YEGUADA POVEDANO D. Francisco Povedano Ortiz C/ Ortega, 21 14550 Montilla – Córdoba Tlf.: 628124237 YEGUADA PRE LA CHURUMBELA C/. Bizcocheros, 40 11402 Jerez de la Frontera CADIZ Tlf.: 616 918737 Fax: 956 332782 YEGUADA PUERTA ALTA D. Santiago Pérez Anguita C/. Federico García Lorca, 1 23680 ALCALA LA REAL (Jaén) Tlf.: 953 583839 953 58 08 33

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YEGUADA PUERTA OSCURA D. José David Vilariño Rodríguez Cantimpla. Avda de Europa, 5 y 7 29003 MALAGA Tlf.: 952 338312 – Fax: 952 360925 Móvil: 670888702 YEGUADA RAFAEL CONDE D. Francisco Javier Conde Cerrato C/. Mesones, 31 06443 Campillo de Llerena - Badajoz Tlf.:/Fax: 924 771023 Móvil: 670 734939 YEGUADA RAMIREZ Ramírez Jiménez, Antonio y José Luis Yeguada Ramírez, C.B C/ Judería, 10 - 14003 Córdoba Tlf.:/Fax: 957 475356 Móvil: 629 222288 YEGUADA RANA D. Gian Luca Rana Vía Pacinotti 25 S. Giovanni Lupatoto - 37057 Verona ITALIA Tlf.: 0458587311 – 0458587340 YEGUADA REAL TESORO JOSE ESTEVEZ, S.A. D. Juan Carlos Estévez Puerto Ctra. Nacional IV, km. 640 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz). 956 32 10 04 FAX: 956340829 MOVIL: 649 431303 YEGUADA REBUJENA LA ALTA Titular: Explotaciones Gilcamp C/ San Pablo, 21 Esc. 1 2ºA 41001 Sevilla Tlf.: 955512954 – 667287977 YEGUADA RIBERA NAVARRA D. Gregorio Ruiz Martínez C/. Rosario, 18. 31550 RIBAFORADA (Navarra) Tlf.: 948 819812 fax: 948 819277 móvil: 608 77 73 49 YEGUADA ROBERTO RUANO D. Roberto Ruano Berrendero Avda. Los Manantiales, 15 28140 Fuente el Saz MADRID Tlf.: 607528374 – Fax: 916282469 YEGUADA ROCAFORT D. Justo Rocafort Gay Cardenal Goma, 1, 4º 50009 ZARAGOZA 976 55 67 50 YEGUADA RODRIGUEZ DE MOYA D. José Antonio Rodriguez de Moya Velasco Prolongación Avda. Cortijo Las Casillas, s/n 41015 - Sevilla 954 962297 - 670 742158 YEGUADA RODRIGUEZ POZO D. Rafael Rodríguez Pozo C/. Santa Ana, 29 14940 CABRA (Córdoba) 957 52 23 51 Móvil: 609533778 YEGUADA ROIG-BERGADO HIERRO DE LA CRUZ Finca Sa Cleda. LLUBI (Baleares) Tlf.: 971185173 Móvil: 610 28 61 06 Persona de contacto: Juan Payo

YEGUADA ROJA Camí Pla del Bosc, s/n 08811 Canyelles - Barcelona Tlf.: 670 431248 YEGUADA ROMERO BENITEZ D. Antonio Nonell Cucurell Pago de Ducha 11407 Jerez de la Frontera (Cádiz) Móvil: 629 368356 YEGUADA ROMERO DE TEJADA D. Ricardo Romero de Tejada Fresnos, nº 12 - Monteclaro 28223 Pozuelo de Alarcón – Madrid Móvil: 609 443245 YEGUADA ROSARIO JIMENEZ MORENO Dª Rosario Jiménez Moreno C/ Rosario, 221 41520 El Viso del Alcor – Sevilla Tlf.: 954140244 Fax: 954196197 YEGUADA ROSA, C.B. D. Manuel Rosa Ortiz Carretera de Entrerríos Hm. 3 06700 VILLANUEVA DE LA SERENA (Badajoz) 924 846 100 - Fax: : 924 841990 - 606312245 YEGUADA SA SINIA D. Pedro José Sureda Veny Francisco Gomila, 33 07500 Manacor – Mallorca – Baleares Tlf.: 971 551900 – Fax: 971 553246 Fax: 607 879977 YEGUADA SARDONIL MAESO D. Marceliano Sardonil Pérez C/. Mayor, 51 09007 Burgos Tlf.: 947 482504 Fax: 947 489860 Móvil: 630902039 YEGUADA SALVATIERRA Aptdo. de Correos, 59 41300 S. JOSE DE LA RINCONADA (Sevilla) 954 38 13 00 YEGUADA SAN ANTONIO D. Antonio Rubio Becerril Ctra. del Río s/n. 50430 MARIA DE HUERVA (Zaragoza) Finca: 976124314 Móvil: 607 87 40 34 YEGUADA SAN FERNANDO Dª Maria Suarez Garmendia. C/. Eduardo del Palacio, 1 28002 MADRID Tlf.: 915 644030 FAX: 915 644205 YEGUADA SAN FRANCISCO D. César Aguilar Flores Allioth # 3866 Int. 6B. Franccionamiento Arboledas. Zapopan – Jalisco 45070, México Tlf./Fax: 0052 33 36314163 YEGUADA SAN JUAN DE ALBERCHE D. Alberto Arranz Ferrera Doctor Esquerdo, 112, Bajo E 28007 MADRID 914334488 914731541 Fax: 915519196

YEGUADA SAN JUAN DE BUENAVISTA Dª Cristina Danguillecourt C/ Lérez, nº 2 28002 Madrid Tlf.: 667 599535 YEGUADA SAN ROMAN CALVO Contacto: Almudena San Román Avda. de la Coruña nº68, 1º. 28230 - Las Rozas (Madrid) 916 360752 630 088287 Fax: 916 406044 YEGUADA SANTA NINO D. Manuel Rodríguez Aseijas Finca Cerro de Buenavista (Los Balancines) 06475 Oliva de Mérida – Badajoz Tlf.: 916505518 – 645846790 YEGUADA SANZ ROLDÁN D. Juan Fco. Sanz Roldán Camino Esperilla, s/n 45810 - Villanueva de Alcardete TOLEDO Tlf.: 925 166235 Fax: 925 166580 Móvil: 659 942225 YEGUADA SANZ-PAREJO D. José Mª Sanz C/. Saldaña, 1 - 14012 CORDOBA Tlf.: 618 807955 FAX: 957 404236 YEGUADA SENILLOSA D. Arcadio de Senillosa Rosales Parque dels Aiguamolls de l´Empordá 17486 Castelló d´Empúries. GERONA Móvil: 619 601601 Tlf.: 972 199001 Fax: 972 199212 YEGUADA SEÑORIO DE BARIAIN, S.L. Rodríguez Arias, 71 bis, 7ª plta. 48013 BILBAO Tlf.: 944 41 58 04 Fax: 944 41 00 20 YEGUADA SERNA BORJA D. Manuel Serna-Borja López C/ Doctor Tavera Y Araoz, 21 2º Apartado Correos, 5 02400 Hellín - Albacete Móvil: +34 627 500055 Fax: +34 967 303272 YEGUADA SIERRA DE GUADALUPE, S.L. D. Pedro López Castañeda Avda. Luis de la Concha, nº 32 bajo 39470 Renedo – Cantabria Tlf.: 942 570700 – Fax: 942 571274 Móvil: 649 469368 YEGUADA SIERRA DE LA NAVA Calle Goleta, 3, Urbanización Huerta Belón 29600 MARBELLA (Málaga) Tlf.:/Fax: 956 231410 – Móvil: 600 747396. Propietario: D. José Manuel Gutiérrez YEGUADA SIERRA MAYOR Propietario: CHEMTROL ESPAÑOLA, S.A. C/ Santo Tomás, nº 17 3ª planta 41004 SEVILLA Tlf.: +34 955024694 Fax: +34 955024695 Móvil: 606 357 016

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

YEGUADA SOLA NOGALES, S.L. D. Juan José Sola Ricca Dª Mª José Nogales Delgado Finca “Los Girasoles”, Pago El Vestisquero CHIPIONA (Cádiz) Correspondencia: Conde Osborne, 5 41007 SEVILLA 629 545 750 616 477 608 956 371 777 YEGUADA SOLITEL D. Juan Manuel Marín Casaus C/ La Iglesia, 14 49129 Villardiga – Zamora Zamora Tlf.: 980660778 Fax: 918044060 Móvil: 699494701 YEGUADA SON XANTRE, S.L D. Pere Anglada Coll C/ Madrid, 12 07760 Illes - Baleares Móvil: 670 384668 YEGUADA SOTO GIL D. José Mª Castillo Villafranca. Finca Soto Gil 31350 PERALTA (Navarra) Tlf.: 948 399015 Móvil: 609 458253 YEGUADA SR4 Albis Inversiones 2008, S.L Apartado de Correos, 20 41110 Bollullos del la Mitación – Sevilla Tlf.: 627932399 YEGUADA SSAMDI BERNAL D. José Antonio Bernal Luna Avda. de Godoy, Bloque nº 8, Puerta 5 11540 Sanlúcar de Barrameda – Cádiz Tlfs.: 622115091 – 660019111 Representante: Francisco José Gómez Cañas YEGUADA SUSAETA Mª José Ruiz Fernández Urbanizacion Berrocales del Jarama C/ Paseo Quintana, 32 28861 Paracuellos de Jarama (Madrid) 917 650208 Móvil: 629 18 40 48 YEGUADA TARAZON D. Francisco Tarazón Lloréns c/Pintor Pinazo 59, 46110 GODELLA (Valencia) 96 160 02 94 96 363 02 12 Móvil: 607 30 38 46 YEGUADA TERESA GARZÓN C/ Menéndez Pelayo, 15 2º - 3º Izq 28009 Madrid Tlf.: 609272191 Móvil: 629166261 Representante: D. Roberto Ferrer García YEGUADA TOMAS OSBORNE D. Augusto Romero Haupold C/ Aurora, 4 11500 Puerto de Santa María – CADIZ Tlf.: 956 854111 - Fax: 956 877167 Móvil: 649 916444 YEGUADA TORREHERMOSA D. Rafael Eraso Luca de Tena Fray Luis de Granada, 1, piso 3º Izqda. 14008 CORDOBA 957 472609 - 957 331135 Fax: 957 480195 Móvil: 654 952818 Encargado: D. Alfonso Crespin



YEGUADA TORRELONGA D. Antonio Rodríguez de la Borbolla Eduardo Dato, 47,8º 41005 SEVILLA 954 53 17 15 YEGUADA TORRELUNA D. Alfredo Gala Murillo Avda. Eduardo Dato, nº 69 4ª Plta. Mód. 5 41005 Sevilla Tlf.: 954 988281 - Fax: 954 923872 YEGUADA TORRENS GALAN D. Domingo Torrens Galán C/ Querol, Nº 11 Portal 1 3ºA - 28033 Madrid Tlf.: +34 917 669 786 YEGUADA TORRES Arsana Patrimonial, S.L Dª Antonia Camacho Zafra C/ Pastor Juan de Rivas, 3 23740 ANDUJAR – JAEN Tlf.: 953 502265 – FAX: 953 502538 MoviL 677 458856 YEGUADA TRES ESTRELLAS D. Miguel Cánovas Corbalán Santa Rosa de Lima, 49 46901 VEDAT-TORRENTE (Valencia) Tel.: 963855564 Fax: 963857305 Móvil: 617 480985 YEGUADA TRES REYES D. Francisco Rey Alvárez Collado de Marichiva, 29 28035 Madrid Tlf.: 629 161204 YEGUADA TRIANA Propietario: D. Manuel Ramos Pérez Dehesa el Rey - Apartado de Correos 049 41100 CORIA DEL RIO (Sevilla) 954 338 146 - 608 254 363 YEGUADA URIOL PERALTA D. Fernando Uriol Rayón C/. Sirio, 62, 3º Dcha. Esc. 2 - 28007 Madrid Tlf.: 91 5738204 Móvil 625 154712 YEGUADA URQUIJO S.L. Gerente: José María Castro Castillo San Bartolomé, 15 23740 ANDÚJAR (Jaén) 629121074 – 638054192 Fax: 953506540 YEGUADA VALDEOLIVAS Finca Valdeolivas. Carretera de Hontanares Apartado de correos 101 05400 - ARENAS DE SAN PEDRO (Ávila) 920 370117 Fax: 920 371669 YEGUADA VALDERAS-FERNANDEZ D. Manuel Fernández Jiménez C/. Salado, 20 1º Dcha. 41010 SEVILLA Móvil: 606 306 306 YEGUADA VALDES GONZALEZ Dª Mª Luisa Valdes 27705 Benigni Ave Romoland, Ca 92585 Riverside – California USA Tlf.: 951 634 3885 – Fax: 951 537 6606 YEGUADA VALDEVIÑAS Finca “La Gamonita” Apdo. Correos 192 13500 - PUERTO LLANO (Ciudad Real) 925 77 90 80 - Móvil: 620 823884

YEGUADA VALDEZARZA Yeguada Valdezarza, S. L. Hnos. Fernández López C/. Soledad, 38 28530 MORATA DE TAJUÑA (Madrid) Tlf.: y Fax: 91 8730106 Móvil: 609610410 - 607 644993 YEGUADA VALENTIN DE SOTO Director Técnico: D. José Valentín de Soto Medina, 32, 3º izq. 11402 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) Móvil: 609 439256 Fax: 956140181 YEGUADA VALERO Dª Marta Valero Ramos Paseo San Gregorio, 25 2ºA 13500 Puertollano - CIUDAD REAL Tlf.: 607 219139 FAX: 926 421107 YEGUADA VALLE Finca: Villasuso de Mena (a 3Km de Villasana de Mena), Burgos. Tlfnos.: Yeguada 650 983952 . Oficina: Pol. Ind. Kareaga, 52. Retuerto. Baracaldo. Bizkaia. 947 141576 YEGUADA VALLE MIÑOR, S.L. D. Ricardo Barros Hermida Avda. de Portugal, 108 36379 La Ramallosa (Nigrán) Pontevedra Tlf.: 986 343434 – Fax: 986 343427 -986 346726 YEGUADA VARGAS VAZQUEZ D. Juan Manuel Vargas Vázquez C/ Cecilia Bölh de Faber, 2 41930 Bormujos – SEVILLA Tlf.: 649 893677 – Fax: 955 723228 YEGUADA VEGA CASTILLO , S.L D. Fernando Vega Castillo Avda. República Argentina, 14, 5º 2 14004 Córdoba Tlf.: 667 392480 Fax: 957 452970 YEGUADA VELASCO-GONZALEZ D. Carlos Velasco López C/. Trabucaires, 12 08272 Sant Fruitos de Bages Barcelona Tlf.: 938 776226 - Móvil: 667 657310 YEGUADA VERACRUZ D. José Manuel Cordoba Urbano C/ Ancha, 20 14920 Aguilar de la Frontera – Córdoba Tlf.: 957 661078 – Fax: 957 689285 Móvil: 653 687954 YEGUADA VICENTE ANDRES PASTOR D. Vicente Andrés Pastor 47 Rue de Dax Angle Michel de L´Hospital Roche Noires (Casablanca) - Marruecos Tlf.: 0021222331917 YEGUADA VICOBA D. José Ángel Contreras Fernández C/ Las Espeñas, 18 06260 Monesterio – Badajoz Tlf.: 679498581 – 606844462 Fax: 924516504

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YEGUADA VIDAL-RIBAS MORENO D. Juan Vidal-Ribas Picazo Dª Rosa Moreno Oficinas: Avda. Alcalde Ramón Escayola, 27 –Casa 08197 Valldoreix – Barcelona Instalaciones: Mas Orri GI-674, Km 4 17445 Caldes de Malavella – Gerona Tlfs: + 34 629745776 – + 34 639245018 YEGUADA VIGARA GONZALEZ D. José Luis Vigara Tauste Las Palmas, 9. 28028 MADRID Finca La Sarguilla y El Dehesón 23265 Venta de los Santos (Jaén) (+34) 91 7258963 / (+34) 649 873264 (Madrid) (+34) 95 3469105 / (+34) 670378485 (Jaén) (+34) 95 3064981 Finca La Sarguilla Encargado: D. Angel Ramírez Liñán YEGUADA VILAIRE D. Samuel Vilaire Cifre Hotel Bahía de Alcudia. Avda. de la Playa, 6 Finca “SON FÉ y SON SIMO” 07410-PUERTO DE ALCUDIA (MALLORCA) 971 545800 Fax: 971 547638 Móvil: 617 478807

YEGUADA VILLALOBILLOS D. José Morgado Zambrano C/. Rocío, 14 41010 Sevilla Fax 954 340720 YEGUADA VILLAGELY D. Carlos Mouriño Terrazo Av. Ruiz Cortines, 11 3ero 24040 Campeche – MEXICO Tlf.: 052 9811273200 Fax: 052 9811273274 YEGUADA VILLEGAS HIDALGO D. Manuel Villegas Ruiz Camino del Rincón, s/n 21110 Aljaraque – HUELVA Tlf.: 656 938373 – Fax: 959 356805 YEGUADA VIÑAVIEJA D. Manuel Escobar Malave C/ Ilipula, 13 21840 Niebla – Huelva Tlf.: 670 519648 – 645 378712 Fax: 959 363132 YEGUADA VINYET D. Simón Silva Navarro Les Planes, s/n 08734 Sant Miquel Olerdola Tlf.: 670671660 – 666763487 YEGUADA VISTABELLA D. José Miguel Sanchíz Pérez Vistabella, 203 – Apartado Correos, 23 46810 Enguera – Valencia Tlfs.: 962 225060 – 663 362056

YEGUADA WILLTONY Mrs. Mary Lou Pelling Willtony 18083 Leichhardt Highway Theodore 4719 Queensland - Australia Tlf.: 61-749931392 – 61-419742790 Fax: 61-749931092 YEGUADA Y GANADERÍA AVILA FARZÓN D. Manuel Avila Fornell Ctra. Medina-Vejer, Km 16, Finca Charco Dulce 11170 Medina Sidonia (Cadiz). Tlf.: 956 401178 Fax: 956 404001 YEGUADA YACO Dª Marta Cantalapiedra Pereyra Avda. Eduardo Dato, 69 Edif. Galia, Piso 4ºMódulo 5 41005 SEVILLA Tlf.: 619 768443 – Fax: 954 923872 YEGUADA ZAMAR Ganadería Zamar, S.L. Ctra. de la Unión, Km 2 30366 El Algar - Murcia Tlf.:/Fax: 968 136656 Móvil: 626 315802 ZALVIDE ÁLVAREZ-REMENTERÍA, D. IGNACIO Avda. Alemania, 12 7ºE 21001 HUELVA Tlf.: 658 836232 FAX: 959 249182

El Caballo Español


List of ANCCE Breeders

List of ANCCE associated organizations

ESPAÑA / SPAIN ASOCIACIÓN ANDALUZA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE P.R.E. “CABALLO ANDALUZ” C/ Panaderos, 6 3º A-B 29005 Málaga 952 229 134 Fax: 952 226 127 Móvil: 629179687 “ES CAVALL” ASOCIACION BALEAR DE CRIADORES PROPIETARIOS Y SIMPATIZANTES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA Presidente: D. Eusebio Cano González Cuartel General Luque Avda. General Luque, s/n 1º, 07300 Inca - BALEARES ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS ESPAÑOLES DE GALICIA – ACCEGA Sede: Recinto Ferial Semana Verde, s/n Apartado Correos, nº 26 36500 Silleda.- Pontevedra Móvil: 619 452169 Oficina Administrativa: C/ Cándido Acuña Blanco, nº 5 Portal 2, 1ºB 36980 O Grove – Pontevedra. Móvil: 654983254-619452169 ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE RAZAS PURAS DE LA REGION DE MURCIA C/ Acisclo Díaz, nº 9 4ºK Edificio Argos, 30005 MURCIA Tlf./Fax: 968 296406 Móvil: 620423723 ASOCIACION CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE P.R.E. EN CORDOBA Presidente: D. Enrique Lovera de las Morenas C/ Rey Heredia, 22 14003 Cordóba Tlf.: + 34 957497843 Fax: 957 497844 A.O.C.C.E. - ASOCIACION ONUBENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Presidente: D. Eduardo Portillo Gijón C/ Cardenal Albornoz, nº 2 3º, 21001 Huelva Tlf.: 630 077613 – Fax: 959 244603 ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE LA COMUNIDAD VALENCIANA C/ Guillén de Castro, 79. 46008 - Valencia 96 315 32 56 - Fax: 96 315 32 57 ESPACAN - ASOCIACION REGIONAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE CANTABRIA Avda. de Parayas, 132 39600 Maliaño - Cantabria Tlf.: 942 254575 – Fax: 942 261218 Movil: 669 487541 A.C.C.P.R.E.C. ASOCIACIÓN DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE CADIZ Santo Domingo, 11 11405 JEREZ DE LA FRONTERA (Cádiz) 956 34 06 55



FUNDACIÓN DEL CABALLO EXTREMEÑO PRE Representante: Fco. Javier Conde Cerrato Ctra. Nacional V, Km. 259 10200 Trujillo - Cáceres Tlf. y Fax: 924 771023 - 670 734939 ASOCIACION NACIONAL DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA DE ESTIRPE CARTUJANA D. José Antonio Pérez Millán Campus Universitario de Rabanales Servicios Clínicos, Despacho 1 Ctra. de Madrid, km 396, 14071 Córdoba Tlf./Fax: 957 326539 ASOCIACION ALMERIENSE DE CRIADORES DE PRE PORTOCARRERO Ctra. La Cañada-Viator, s/n. Haza Tableada 04120 La Cañada ALMERIA Tlf. 609 532244 FAX: 950 452111 APREA - ASOCIACION DE PRE DE ALICANTE C/ Jorge Juan, 12 Entresuelo Comercial 03201 Elche - ALICANTE Tlf.: 691307603 ASOCIACION CANARIA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS ESPAÑOLES - A.C.C.C.E Presidente: D. Sergio Concepción Molina Ctra. General del Sur, nº 68 Km 15 – Cruz Colorada 38520 Igueste de Candelaria Tenerife – Canarias Tlf.: 628 598876 – 695 794804. ASOCIACION DE GANADEROS ASTURIANOS DE CABALLOSDE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – AGACPRE Dª Soraya Montes Luaces C/ Molinón, s/n 33194 Villapérez – Oviedo Tlf.: 985 678645 Móvil: 639813125 – 653936349 ACCPREB – ASOCIACION CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PRE DE BÉJAR C/ Ramiro Arroyo, nº 2 1ºC 37700 Béjar – SALAMANCA Tlf.: 691 882343 – Fax: 923401659 ASOCIACION NAVARRA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA - ANACE D. Antonio Azcona Arandigoyen C/ Alfonso I el Batallador, nº 2 1-A 31100 Puente la Reina – NAVARRA Tlf.: 948 340768 - Móvil: 676581432 ASOCIACION JIENNENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – ASIJPRE D. José Mª Castro Castillo Cdra. San Bartolomé, 15 23740 Andújar – JAEN Tlf.: 629 121074 – Fax: 953 506540 ASOCIACION ABULENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – AACCPRE Presidente: D. Oscar González Verdugo Escuela de Capacitación Agraria – Finca Bascarrabal Carretera de Piedrahita, s/n Apartado de Correos, nº 38 05071 AVILA Tlf./Fax: 920220473 – Móvil: 682687674

ASSOCIACIÓ MENORQUINA DE CRIADORS I PROPIETARIS DE CAVALLS DE P.R.E. Presidente: D. Sebastiá Servera Carreras Ronda Sud , Km 2,9 07769 Ciutadella de Menorca – Baleares Tlf.: 609626651 – 667073385 ALEMANIA/ GERMANY ASOCIACIÓN ALEMANA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA (AACCPRE) President: Mr. Horst Seyfried An der Molkerei 8 D-56288 Kastellaun – ALEMANIA Tlf.: (+49) 06762 40 760 Fax: (+49 ) 06762 4076 20 VEREIN DER FREUNDE UND ZÜCHTER DES PFERDES REINER SPANISHER RASSE (VFZPRE) Presidente: Mrs. Sonja Thomas Dorfstrasse, 29 56288 Korweiler – Alemania Tlf.: (+49)6762961513 AUSTRALIA PREAA PURA RAZA ESPAÑOL (PRE) ASSOCIATION OF AUSTRALASIA INC. Presidente: Mrs. Rita Gallaway P.O. Box 272 Eaglehawk VIC 3556 Australia Tlf.: (+61) 0354361181 BÉLGICA / BELGIUM FEDERACIÓN NACIONAL BELGA DEL CABALLO PRE Presidente: D. Marc Lejeune Riki Verbeek – Secretariat Ganzendries, 110 B-3212 PELLENBERG BELGICA Tlf.: +32 0475658393 COLOMBIA ANCCE-COLOMBIA ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Presidente: Dª Patricia Vélez Rodríguez Calle 66C # 61-1 Torre 2 Apto. 1102 Conjunto Labrador IV Bogotá – Colombia Tlfs: (571)2666280 – (57)3206778438 COSTA RICA ASOCIACIÓN COSTARRICENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA Directora Ejecutiva: Paula Chantada Vicente Sabana Sur de la Contraloría General de la República, 125 mts Oeste, Edificio Edicol 2º Piso San José - Costa Rica Tlf.: (+506)22916810 – (+506)22916811 Fax: (+506)22960339

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DANISH PRE BREEDING ASSOCIATION Mrs. Charlotte Eichel Larsen Solhoejvej 42, Torslunde DK-2640 Hedehusene DINAMARCA Tlf.: + 45 21485211

UNIFICAZIONE ASSOCIAZIONI ITALIANE PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA – U.A.I.P.R.E Presidente: Dª Alessandra Giovenetti C. Regionale di Incremento Ippico Via Ippodromo, 31 44100 FERRARA- ITALIA Tel/Fax: +39 0532 762005

ECUADOR ASOCIACION ECUATORIANA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PRE - AECCPRE Presidente: D. Francisco Roldán Cobo Avda. Eloy Alfaro y Amazonas (Edif. Finandes), nº 939 piso 4º Quito – Pichincha – ECUADOR Tlf.: (593) 23228132 Fax: (593) 22501198 ESTADOS UNIDOS+/ USA UNITED STATES P.R.E. ASSOCIATION Presidente: Ms. Kimberly Van Kampen 3111 Fortune Circle Suite L 11 Wellington, Florida 33414 USA Tlf.: (+1) 561 – 5434020 Fax: (+1) 561 – 3333447 FRANCIA/ FRANCE ASSOCIATION FRANÇAISE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DU PURE RACE ESPAGNOLE - AECE Presidente : Sr. D. Eric Noblet Cité du Cheval Quartier Kilmaine 13150 Tarascon – FRANCIA (+33)621472640 GUATEMALA ASOCIACION GUATEMALTECA DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS PRE – AGCCPRE D. Roberto Moll 7ma. Avenida 14-44 Zona 9 Edificio La Galeria No. 26-A Guatemala, C.A. Tlf.: 502 – 2334 0366 – 2334-0368 Fax: 502 – 2334-0367 HOLANDA/ HOLLAND

ISRAEL ASSOCIATION PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA OF ISRAEL Dª Carmen Deville Makover Meshek 42 - PO Box 136 38850 GAN YOSHIYA – ISRAEL Tlf.: (+972) 522781748 MÉXICO / MEXICO ANCCEMEX, A.C Presidente: D. Víctor Manuel González de Pablos C/ Hamburgo, 97 piso 5 06600 Col. Juarez – Delegación Cuauhtemoc México, D.F. Tlf.: (+52)55332001/3/4 Fax: (+52)55332002 administració NICARAGUA

REPÚBLICA CHECA / CZECH REPUBLIC ASSOCIATION OF FRIENDS OF PURE SPANISH RACE HORSES OF THE CZECH REPUBLIC Malé námestí 138/4 11000 PRAHA 1. CZECH REPUBLIC President: Mr. Jan Suk Tlf.: (+42)0233378406 Móvil: (+42)0602 / 206235 Fax: 00-420 2 333 784 06 - 00-420 0602 / 206 235 SUECIA / SWEDEN ASOCIACION DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS DE PRE EN SUECIA Mrs. Asa Werkel P.O. Box 38002 100 64 Stockholm - SUECIA Tlf.: +46 87329496 - Fax: + 46 070 8849495 SUIZA / SWITZERLAND AECE – ASSOCIATION SUISSE DES ELEVEURS DE CHEVAUX DE PURE RACE ESPAGNOL Mülital 18 CH-3185 Schmitten – SUIZA Tlf.: 0041794234800 – Fax: 0041318399093

ASOCIACION NICARAGUENSE DE CRIADORES DE CABALLOS PRE – ANCPRE D. Ismael Reyes Mejía Reparto Bolonia Esquina Norte de Canal 2. 2C Abajo Plaza El Carmen, Módulo nº 3 Managua, Nicaragua Tlf.: 505 22684437 Fax: (+505)22669975 NORUEGA NORSK PRE AVLSFORENING Kaare Liadal Jr. C/O Kaare Liadal Jr. Liadal 6150 Oersta – Noruega Tlf.: +47 90776630 PANAMÁ

PRE STAMBOEK NEDERLAND Presidente: Ms. Aranka Ouwehand Nieuw Laar 5 5258TL Berlicum – The Netherlands Tlf.: (+31)-628554884

ANCCE-PANAMA ASOCIACION PANAMEÑA CRIADORES CABALLOS PRE Presidente: D. Ricardo R. Pérez Martinis PH Blue Business Center, Piso 10, Oficina 3 Calle 67, San Francisco Panamá, República de Panamá Tlf.: (507)2107000 Ext. 7110



MAGYARORSZÁGI ANDALÚZ LÓTENYÉSZTOK EGYESÜLETE Presidente: Mr. István Nagy Mátyus Udvarház 0483 3300 Eger – Heves – HUNGRIA Tlf.: (+36) 517938 – Fax: (+36) 517934 Móvil: (+36) 303015888

BRITISH ASSOCIATION FOR THE PUREBRED SPANISH HORSE Mrs. María Estrella Ribback 21 Broadleas Park, Devizes Wiltshire SN10 5JA United Kingdon Tlf.:(+44)7817067120

El Caballo Español


List of associate members



Caraballo Lancho Jose



Álvarez Muñoz Joaquín

Cravford Fiona Carmichel

Calejero Soria Alberto

Albero Noguera Jorge Barcelona

Arrolat Hubert & Susanne

Chacón Bonilla, Francisco Javier

Garcia Bueno, Pablo

Ber Navarro, Juan Francisco

Ballesteros Rodriguez, Jose Maria

De Leon Hoyo, Jose Manuel

Garcia Forcen, Juan

Ber Navarro, Sandra

Capelo Moreno, Raul

De la Riva Moreno, Carmen

Olivas Agustin Jose Antonio

Martinez Reina Juan Jose

De Morales Martinez, Fernando

Del Castillo Saenz, Enrique


Montesinos Morales, Jose Jesus

Diaz-Angel Perez Cristobal

Delgado Romero, Juan


Montoya Lopez Francisco Jose

Diaz Perez, Angel

Duran Sanchez Placido

Alvarez Bueno, Pablo

Ríos Ríos Miguel

Felix Diaz, Miguel Angel

Blanco Temprano, Jose Carlos

Sanchez Garcia, Agustin

Garrido Franco Jose Maria

Fernández Fernández, Miguel Francisco

Vargas Ruiz, Francisco Jesus

Gómez Alvarez Pedro


Gomez Gonzalez, Jose Manuel

Araujo Iglesias José Miguel Asoc. Amigos Del Caballo San Isidro Bell Lindsay Margaret Caro Arana Silvia Castillo Fernandez Manuel Jesus Clemente Rial Manuel Fernandez Tejero, Jose Flores Gomez, Vicente Flores Morla Manuel Garrido Lopez, Jose Antonio Gomez Cañas Francisco Jose Hacienda Serrecin, S.L. Jimenez Gil, Miguel Angel Medina Parra, Domingo Narbona Romero Diego Alfonso Orozco Galindo, Juan Ortiz Baeza Juan Carlos Perez, Maria Zara Rodriguez Cordoba Roque Salas Vazquez Manuel Salazar Dominguez Victor Manuel Yeguada Hermanos Tinajero Garrido Córdoba Caballero Nuñez Manuel Cabrera Montero Andres Caro Ortiz Francisco Cortes Fernandez Carlos Hidalgo Perez Isabel Hidalgo Perez Miguel Angel Leon Chatagny, Matilde Lovera De Las Morenas, Enrique Martinez Guisado Carmen Merida Matilla, Rafael Mohedano Gomez, Rafael Santamaria Muñoz Hnos. Soto Salmoral, Antonio Teran Garcia, Andres Velasco Perez Manuel Yeguada El Alamo Granada Arias Segura, Lucas Balinot Valdivia Francisco Jose Derqui Silva, Fernando Escudero Zabala Jose Miguel Garcia Rodriguez, Luis Miguel Gomez Guerrero Antonio Martin Carrascosa Sebastian Martinez Falcon, Manuel Maximiliano Noble Heeren Victoria



Gonzalez Tejada, Israel León Hidalgo José María (Peña El Relincho)

Fernández Jimenez Juan José Fernandez Leal Jose Antonio Francisco Flores Casablanca, S.L. Fuentes Montaño Jose Garcia Araujo Agustin

Martin Pavon Luis

Garcia Diaz R. Gonzalo

Mellado Fernandez Miguel Angel

Garcia Gutierrez Daniel

Morano Maestre Jose Maria

Garcia Moscoso Emilio

Perez-Ventana Cerdan, Carlos

Gomez Usin Rogelio

Portillo De La Calle, Mª Eugenia

Gonzalez Aguilar, Mª De Las Nieves

Robles Robles Joaquin

Gonzalez Causse Jose Ignacio


Gonzalez Corona, Rafael

Sureda y Servera, Jose

Gonzalez Gonzalez, Juan Ramon

Toscano Suarez Jose

González Pradas Manuel

Yeguada De La Corona

Guidera Gerardo


Gutierrez Quintero, Francisco Javier

Alarcón Buendia, Juan

Hans Hans, Felisa

Alvarez Garcia Aurelio Jesus

Hernandez Granado, Juan Francisco

De Vicente Garzaran Eugenio Fernandez Romero, Esteban Jaen Hernandez, Jose Antonio Jimenez Moreno Julian Mondejar Exposito Angel Francisco Perea Moreno, Isidoro Ruano Aguilar, Enrique Ruiz Aguilera Juan De La Cruz Ruiz Ollero, Jesus Sanchez Garrido Francisco Málaga Agrobroker Antequera Badillo Gutierrez Alonso Borrero Ospina Alejandro Carnero Sanchez Juan Manuel Ductor Jimenez Inmaculada Ferrari, Peter Ganaderia Pre Juan Martinez, S.L Garcia Zayas, Emilio Krudde-Wesseman Catelijne Lee Starr Denisse Loggen Elena Marin Camacho Juan Carlos Mesdag, Klaas Nieto Barrena Luis Pérez Fuertes Amilcar Real Maestranza De Caballeria Ritcher Patricia Solera Araguez Manuel Suarez Benítez D. Rafael Sevilla Algora Castro Jenaro Alonso Fernández Juan Gabriel Amador Borrego Francisco Beattle Batista Johanna

Lahoz Sevilla Candido López Serrano Álvaro Martin De Pablos Angel Martinez Zapata, Torcuato Mesa Rodriguez, Jose Luis Miproma, S. L. Miraisme Maestre Manuel Molina De La Escalera Javier Moreno de Los Rios Diaz Ramon Mosetec Climatizacion Muñoz Alarcon Jose Joaquin Muñoz Albalat, Manuel Negron Diaz, Juan Jose Ostos De La Serna, Francisco Osuna Arispon Jesus Perez Mendoza Manuel Recuero Caro José Reina Corpas Manuel Rocio Laguna David Romero Sanchez Roman Ruiz Barcia Manuel Salado Rios, Manuel Sanchez Carrasco Antonio Sanchez Moron, D. Roman Sánchez Rodriguez, Juan Tapia Lobo Miguel Tejada Rodriguez Rafael Tornay Reina Juan Torres de La Rubia Luis

Fernandez Diaz, Alejandro Ferrnandez Fernandez, Federico Fernández Suarez Jovino Iglesias Suarez, Jose Vicente Llano Muñiz, Celso Rodriguez Corte Jose Luis Rodriguez Suarez, Jose Angel Rubio Sanchez Ricardo Baleares Baleares Castilla Roca, Juan Caules Catala, Pedro Company Soldado Tolin Escalas Noceras Gabriel Ferrari Mesquida, Domingo Ortega Torres, Roberto Pons Saura, Marisa Quevedo Coll Jose Fermin Valdivieso Hernando, Miguel Viera Salgado, Rogelio Vilaire Blanch Narciso Yeguada Bautista Vich, S.L Canarias Las Palmas Fuchs, Victoria Garcia Sosa, Francisco José Viera Salgado, Rogelio Tenerife Alayon Barrera, Miguel Angel Perez de Ascanio Cayita Perez Cordero, Rogelio Perez Fernandez, Jose Carlos Cantabria Santander Casuso Gomez Alfonso Gonzalez Hoyos Maria Valvanuz Modino Rodriguez Filiberto Pelayo Collantes, Pedro Alejandro Pino Garcia Manuel San Justo Fernandez, Jose Ignacio Sañudo Ruiz Tanos Manuel Angel Castilla - La Mancha Albacete Cebrian Utiel, Juan Carlos Rodriguez De La Villa Joaquin Valdes Rodriguez De Paterna Jose Luis Ciudad Real

Torres Serrano, Francisco

Braganza Pinheiro, Francisco Manuel

Troncoso Cardona Jose Antonio

Fernandez Fernandez Juan

Vidal Ortiz Jose Luis

Martinez De Carneros Ramon Fdo.


Navarro Camacho Miguel


Pascual Mendiola, Vanesa

Dobato Liedana Vicente

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San Miguel Cerevalls, Pilar

Frenk Kann, Miriam

Boix Branchat, Juan Luis

Soriano Jose, Jorge

Fuster Brea, Rafael

Gil Navarrete, Carlos

Taribo Tena, Marc

Garcia-Andrade Manso Jaime

Robles Palomares, Pedro

Vidal-Rivas Picazo, Juan

Gonzalez Zapata Jose Maria



Hernández Damián José Julio

Amigo Salmeron, Julio Francisco

Club Hipic Sant Marti Vell

Herreros Pompili, Olga

Andreu Bort Vicente

Planas Ros, Jacinto

Heyn Mallarino Edgar


Lorenzo Rodenas Manuel

Arlette Demol, Claire

Martinez Somolinos, Adrian

El Ouahhaby, Yassine

Burgues Pique, Josep

Matute Azpitarte Juan

Gonzalez Camacho Andres


Merino De Mesa, Francisco Javier

Gonzalo Perez Luis

Aplitec Gabinete Asesor, S.L.

Navarro Utrera Enrique

Huertas Vega Victor

Bort Canet Vicente

Peinado Vázquez Francisco

Lariño Hernandez, Jose Luis

Castro Gonzalvez, Jose Maria

Pérez Cerezo, Lourdes

Castilla - León

Costa Dolores

Prado Acosta Julian


Planas Prim Luis

Ramos Ortega Manuel

Chaves Díaz Jose Ignacio

Rivas Ramirez Jose

Rivera de Torete, S.L

Gomez Morcuende, Mario


Rodríguez Salido Jesús

Gonzalez Garcia, Damaso


Salas Martin Amalia


Aceiton Gonzalez , Cristina

Sánchez Campoy, Antonio

Fernandez Gutierrez Alberto

Casilda Delgado, Ildefonso

Sojo Seijo Jorge Tomas

Herrero Silvosa Jose Manuel

Canseco Guerrero, Rogelio

Termes del Castillo, Pablo


Diaz Lopez Basilio

Vajda Guerrero, Ladislao

Rodriguez Saguillo, Jaime Mario

Martin-Romo Rodriguez Vicente

Yeguada Manuel Leal


Mayoral Ruiz, Sergio

Yeguada Tiffanys

Aspar Kovacs, Tiberiu

Murillo Flores, Santiago


Martin Martin Francisco

Pérez Casaseca Manuel


Yeguada Vista Alegre, S.L

Torres Pérez, Antonio

Acitores Ganaderia


Vargas Vargas, Miguel Angel

Alards Christina G. Malaga

Gonzalez Llorente, Antonio (Yeguada La Aparecida)


Armero Lucas, Jose

Cano Rodriguez, Juan

Crespo Lucas Juan

Promociones Atalaya De Segovia, S.L.

Diaz Amor Fidel

Diaz Barnes Pedro


Javato Casares, Luis

Diaz Gonzalez Angel

Santos Bejarano D. Francisco C.B.

Espín Jimenez, Juan Antonio (Yeguada La Ermita)

Esteban Justo Jose Antonio

Yeguada Hernandez Gutierrez

Vicente Andres, Angel Juan


Yeguada Avellon

La Coruña


Chouciño Varela, Oscar


Fernandez Permuy, Heriberto

Abante Berges Francisco

Martinez Alonso, Jorge

Balaguer Gimeno Antonio

Villanueva Dacasa, Miguel

Brillas Saguer Jose


Bros Font María Rosa

Dopico Rouco, Manuel

Claros Sanchez Joaquin

Prieto Portela, Ivan

De la Fuente Martínez, Roberto


Duran Vicens, Cristina

Roman Landeiro, Antonio


Villaverde Lopez, Pablo

Explotaciones Agropecuarias La Maestranza, S.L

La Rioja

Ramon Olivares, S.L. Rol Cortijo, Sixto Cuenca Mi Morena, S.L Toledo Almegaman, S.L. Andres Rodrigo Victor Campuzano Fernandez-Colina, Jose Antonio

Fraderas Lloret Rosa Maria Ganadería Hipic-Tress Gimenez Bruna Mateo Lucio Perez Luis Martinez De Bujo Añon Adolfo Matas Pulido Jordi Miguel Casas Pilar Miro Roig Jordi Mora Camila Olgarolas Genero, Ramon Oller Campdelacreu Pedro Pérez Nin Juan Rojas Torrus Javier Rotger Meseguer, Vicente

Logroño Arnedo Escoriaza, Luis Jose De Fernandez Martinez Eduardo Ovejas Galvez, Constantino Madrid Madrid Alconchel Muñoz, Francisco Javier Arquero Gomez, Ismael Martin Arroyo Martin Miguel Bermejo Caballero, Gustavo Caballero Velasco Javier

Gomez Bernal Obdulia Jodar Martinez Juan Martinez Millan Antonio Nicolas Ortiz Julio Palao Albert Jose Navarra Pamplona Garbayo Sanz Jesus Harinordoquy, Roberto Militino Ochoa Ignacio Puertolas Indart Hnos. País Vasco Álava Garcia Castilla, Jesus Vizcaya Artecaballos.Com Martin Ugarte Marcial Valencia Alicante Caravaca Garcia Jose Luis Diez Macia Diego Florin Langlois, Francoise Gilabert Murcia Jose Miguel Llorens Montava Jose Rafael Molina Garcia, Ana Maria

Cano Jimenez, Roman

Pereto Cardona, Vicente

Cruz Gallego Jose De

Tarrega, Jorge Maria

Del Cid Pol Angel


Fernandez Abascal Manuela

Bolivar Moreno, Vicente

Belda Galiana Manuel Enri Hidalgo Alfonso Medina Albors, Vicente Navarro Salvador Roberto Quesada Garcia Jose San Miguel de Guevara Yeguada Ezequiel Faus Alemania / Germany Bingold Elisabeth De Wispelaere, David Holger, Gehrlein Kessler, Thomas D. Köhne, Hinrich Kuppens, Raf. Rahn Armin Scharf, Sonja Elisabeth Thomas Sonja And Gerhard Australia Bell, Yvonne K Thompson Jocelyn Austria Ilc Christian Bélgica / Belgium Joosen, Nadia Raedts, Jozef Verbist Tom Yeguada Residelca Colombia Jaramillo Estrada Jaime Londoño Escobar Johnny Costa Rica Guerra Laspiur José Angel Dimamarca Kraft, Zuzette (Yeguada Edoras) Ecuador Granja Avalos Wilson Herdoiza Guerrero Marcelo Estados Unidos / USA A& D Ranch – California Arista Andaluz – Michigan Asmohr Stables – New York Avila, Jose Ayala Farms Inc. Bergolla Rodolfo Bocado Ranch – Texas Camelot Andalusians – Texas Castillo Tirso A. Castro Ferrada, Alexandra Covarrubias, Raudel Coves Darden Farm – South Carolina Dorado Andaluz – California Eastern Region Andalusian Horse Club Ganaderia Miguel Nunez – California Gloriosa Farms – Texas Guevara, Eliseo

El Caballo Español


Hacienda Laudela – California

Rancho Los Martinez – California

Garcíalagos Sabina


Jackass Mountain Ranch – Washington

Reynolds, Manuela

Lefebvre Olivia

De La Peña Topete Javier

Rosehill – Michigan

Le Flem, Michel

Favier Juan Jorge

Royal Horse Farms – Florida

Mena Pierre

Robina Y Bustos Alfonso

Skelton Mountain Dream Ranch – Colorado

Noblet, Eric


Poumier, Adrienne

Lacayo Lacayo, Cesar Augusto

Roziere Dominique

Serrano Gonzalez, Armando S.

Vignaux Laurent


Waechter Terry (Wathchman Farms)

Yeguada La Bodega Azul (Aurelien Bastiani)

Conde Cerrato Manuel

Watchman - California


Whitegate Farm – Delaware

Minondo Raul

Xotx Andalusians – Colorado

Italia / Italy

Yeguada Charileen – California

Canella, Gianni

Yeguada Doble O – California

Chini, Antonio

Yeguada Marquesa – California

Codispoti, Ornella

Yeguada Romerito – Michigan

Conti Giancarlo

Francia / France

Franca De Acutis

Spanish Horse (B.A.P.S.H.) British Association For The Purebred

A& D Ranch – California

Papi, Niccolo

Wheatcroft, Mandy

Alex Solange

Parodi, Massimo

Suecia / Sweden

Bruel Jean Claude

Zancanaro Giampaolo

Berg, Agneta

D´Alessio Dario Joseph

Luxemburgo / Luxembourg

Christensson Annica

D´Elbee Palacin Marie Helene

Mangen-Schmitz Nadine

Sederlund Ann-Charlotte

Elevage Ronchail


García Lagos Sabina

Fenech, Anthony

Joya de Andalucia Farms – Nebraska Kaye-Eddie Lanys Ketcham Ranch – California Kilimanjaro Ranch – California Las Cumbres Ranch - Texas Legacy Farms – California Legacy Farms – Florida Maravilla Andalusians – Michigan McDowell Equestrian – Florida Mclean, Lisa MTICA Farms – Florida Parra Rafael Probson, Christa Rancho Incansable - California Rancho Alegre Andalusians - California Rancho Andalucia – Texas Rancho Armendariz – California Rancho Chico – Texas Rancho El Canto – California Rancho Jimenez – California



Symphony Farm – California Three L Ranch - Texas Villafana Godinez, Esteban

Reino Unido / United Kingdom Bernard, High Oaks Jenny Blake, Amanda Foy, Fiona J. Rolfe Rogge, Kristina Smith, Robert

w w

APPLICATION FOR BREEDER MEMBERSHIP Complete this form if you wish to become a breeder member of ANCCE. To do so, you must be the owner of a PRE mare registered as breeding stock in the Stud Book. OWNER: _______________________________________________________ STUD FARM_____________________________________________ BREEDER CODE:_________________________________ ID NUMBER: __________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________________________________________________________ Nº____________ TOWN: ____________________________________________________________________________ PROVINCE: __________________________ POSTAL CODE: ___________PHONE: __________________________ CELL: _________________________ FAX: ________________________ E-MAIL:_____________________ Nº OF MARES AT THE STUD FARM_________SPONSORING STUD FARM________________________________________________________ ANNUAL FEE: € 480 BRAND:


SUBSEQUENT FEES: ● Bank transfer to the above-mentioned account. ● Check payable to ANCCE. ● Credit Card: VISA


AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº_____________________________________________________Date of Expiration_______

In ________________ on_____________ of _______ de 201__

Signed: ………………………………

Dear Mr/Mrs: Our daily tasks and efforts include guaranteeing the quality of the services we offer. A fundamental part of this process is respect for the confidentiality of your personal information. To guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data, we hereby inform you that your personal information has been incorporated into a MEMBERS file held by the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter referred to as ANCCE), with VAT and registration number G- 41071960. Your personal information will be used for economic, accountingand fiscal- related affairs and to provide informative about the latest news from the sector through newsletters/press releases sent by e-mail or traditional mail, as well as for the creation of publicity about your stud farm including it in the list of Full Members that appears on the last pages of the Magazine “EL Caballo Español” and on the web-site, The details could also be passed on to other magazines within the sector, for the advertising purposes. Likewise, please note that your economic details will be turned over to the National Revenue Department (of Spain) in compliance with the current legislation. Consequently, it will be understood that you have granted consent to the inclusion of your personal information, as described above, if, within one (1) month of having received this letter, you have not notified us to the contrary. You are free to exercise your right to access, change or cancel your personal information, or express your opposition, at any time, free of cost. To do so, you may contact ANCCE at the Cortijo el Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo) Bellavista; 41014 Sevilla (España). Please include the reference “LOPD” (Data Protection Law) in your letter. Should you prefer, and prior to these undertakings, you may request, at the aforementioned address, the pre-prepared request form that you can fill out and return. As you know, the quality of our services is one of our highest priorities; therefore all our efforts focus on offering you the best services. Once again, we would like to thank you for the trust and confidence you have in ANCCE.

Application forms are also available at

APPLICATION FOR ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP Complete this form if you wish to receive the six (6) annual issues of the magazine and timely information from ANCCE in your home FULL NAME:__________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ FULL ADDRESS:________________________________________________________________________________________________ Nº_____________ TOWN:____________________________________________________________________________________ PROVINCE: _________________________ POSTAL CODE: ___________PHONE: __________________________ CELL: _________________________ FAX: ________________________ E-MAIL:_____________________ ANNUAL FEE: SPANISH RESIDENTS € 78



PAYMENT: ● REGISTRATION FEE (MARKING IT SUBSCRIPTION QUOTA), SEND A BANK TRANSFER TO THE ACCOUNT AT THE CAIXA BANK: 2100-2320-55-0200168822 SUBSEQUENT FEES: ● Bank transfer to the above-mentioned account. ● Check payable to ANCCE. ● Credit Card: VISA


AMERICAN EXPRESS Nº_____________________________________________________Date of Expiration_______

In ________________ on_____________ of _______ de 201__

Signed: ………………………………

Dear Mr/Mrs: Our daily tasks and efforts include guaranteeing the quality of the services we offer. A fundamental part of this process is respect for the confidentiality of your personal information. To guarantee the confidentiality of your personal data, we hereby inform you that your personal information has been incorporated into a MEMBERS file held by the National Purebred Spanish Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain (hereinafter referred to as ANCCE), with VAT and registration number G-41071960. Your personal information will be used for economic, accounting and fiscal-related affairs and to provide informative about the latest news from the sector through newsletters/press releases sent by e-mail or traditional mail, as well as for the creation of publicity about your stud farm including it in the list of Full Members that appears on the last pages of the Magazine “EL Caballo Español”. Consequently, it will be understood that you have granted consent to the inclusion of your personal information, as described above, if, within one (1) month of having received this letter, you have not notified us to the contrary. You are free to exercise your right to access, change or cancel your personal information, or express your opposition, at any time, free of cost. To do so, you may contact ANCCE at the Cortijo el Cuarto (Cortijo Viejo) Bellavista; 41014 Sevilla (España). Please include the reference “LOPD” (Data Protection Law) in your letter. As you know, the quality of our services is one of our highest priorities; therefore all our efforts focus on offering you the best services. Once again, we would like to thank you for the trust and confidence you have in ANCCE.

ASOCIACIÓN NACIONAL de CRIADORES de CABALLOS de PURA RAZA ESPAÑOLA (PRE Horse Breeders’ Association of Spain ) ANCCE - Cortijo de Cuarto (Viejo) 41014 Sevilla Telf.: +34 954 68 92 60 | Fax: +34 954 69 03 27 | ANCCE Libro Genealógico (Stud Book) Nuevo Torneo Empresarial Avenida de la Astronomía, S/N. Torre 3, Planta 9ª, Oficina 5, 41015 Sevilla Telf.: +34 954 97 54 80 +34 954 35 39 89 |


Advertising: Alejandro Sánchez Telf: +34 954 68 92 60

"Inside page (210 x 297 mm)"

Edition and distribution: • 4.000 bilingual issues for Purebred Spanish Horse breeders and aficionados all over the world, as well as to offices of interest such as: Spanish Embassies, ICEX Offices, Tourism of Spain, etc... • Published full on the ANCCE web-site: Coverage: • P.R.E. breeders and aficionados throughout the world, several copies will be distributed to each of the existent breeders’ associations, for them to redistribute to their members. Frequency: • Bimonthly, 6 issues per year

General Fee


"Special Prices For Breeder Members"

950 €

760 €

"Double page (210 x 297 mm)x2"

1.950 €

1.560 €

"Inside cover page (210 x 297 mm)"

1.250 €

1.000 €

"Inside back cover (210 x 297 mm)"

1.150 €

920 €

"Back cover (210 x 297 mm)"

1.500 €

1.200 €

"Half page (210 x 149 mm)"

600 €

480 €

"Quarter page (105 x 149 mm)"

400 €

320 €

"Footer / Columm (210 x 60 mm) (60 x 297 mm)"

200 €

160 €

"Short ad (Module) (55 x 75 mm)"

100 €

80 €

2.750 €

2.200 €

"Publicity Report (3 páginas con textos y fotos)"

VAT 18% is not included

• Reader loyalty • Mailed directly to the home, thus guaranteeing the loyalty and continuity of the readers, at the same time as making it easier to access the publication. Discounts: • 20% to breeder-members, when their own company is not advertised • 5% to associate members, not applicable to the publicity-report of stud farms because this is exclusive to breeder-members. • An additional 10% for contracting publicity in 3 issues per year. • An additional 15% for contracting publicity in 6 issues per year. • PUBLICITY - REPORT: 3 pages about the stud farm, illustrated with photos and texts.


Deadling date

Publishing date


10 -15/II/2012



10 -15/IV/2012



10 -15/VI/2012



10 -15/VIII/2012



10 -15/X/2012



10 -15/XII/2012


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