“ In the line of duty, they pay the ultimate
price for our country and countrymen. They are not just soldiers, they real people; sons, daughters, mother’s, and fathers but they happily embrace their duties. We will not let their sacrifices go to waste. This is our motivation and this is our goal for setting up Support Our Troops Foundation.” Funmi Ogbue (Mrs) Trustee & CEO, Support Our Troops Foundation
“ I commend Support Our Troops
Foundation for their thoughtfulness and patriotism. Security in the contemporary global settings has made the troops not just a government responsibility but that of all of us. The efforts of Support Our Troops are what any nation requires to boost morale.” Air Chief Marshal Alex Sabundu Badeh CFR DFS DSS psc fdc(+) MSc
Chief of Defence Staff
Nigerian Military class, has some of “The the best brains in the continent/land”
Professor Ali Mazrui (1984) BBC/NTA Documentary, The Africans – A Triple Heritage
“ Our troops wherever they are, deserve our
gratitude because they leave behind their loved ones in times of crises to keep our country safe. We must not as Nigerians leave the support of our troops to the government alone because the Foundation needs the support of every Nigerian to succeed in its aims so that wherever our troops are, they can work in one mind fully knowing that we are all behind them.” Senator Musa Adede
INTRODUCTION It is our military personnel who are required to step into harm’s way when we, or our allies are threatened. They are the ones to whom we turn for security, the ones who sacrifice so much – sometimes everything – in the name of our safety.
e are proud of our armed “ Wforces for the sacrifice being paid by our soldiers in the protection of the territorial integrity of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. his is time to rally support T and come together. We will not succumb to terrorist.
I believe we should not take their contribution for granted. And I believe that supporting our troops and their families should be a duty, a moral obligation shared by us all, not just the government - because their efforts benefit us all. How should we share that duty? How can we turn our moral obligation into coordinated, concerted action that makes a difference? With the Support our Troops Foundation, I call upon Nigerian organizations, companies; social, community and faith leaders, and individuals across our great nation, to contribute to this worthiest of causes, and give our troops the thanks and support they deserve. Together we can help boost the morale o f the men and women of the Armed Forces in Nigeria and commend their bravery and patriotism. Funmi Ogbue (Mrs) Trustee & CEO, Support Our Troops Foundation
This is how we say
‘thank you’ Why Support our Troops (SOT) Foundation? Like every nation, a modern Nigeria faces modern threats. The specifics may evolve and change, but the demands we place on our armed forces do not.
They are required to be better trained and more specialised than ever before in order to protect our homes and families. Yet as the challenges increase, so recruitment to the Nigerian Armed Forces also increases. That speaks volumes about the commitment and dedication of the people who make up our military personnel. Support our Troops is how every Nigerian can show their commitment and dedication in return.
The Support our Troops Foundation has been created to provide Nigeria with a coordinated way of saying ‘thank you’ for the work of our armed forces. It will serve as a platform to raise awareness of the bravery and professionalism of our military. It will support the welfare of our troops and provide scholarships, emotional support and business grants for the families of those who lose their lives in active service. They are our heroes. Let us show them just what that means to us.
To create a national culture of pride, patriotism and belief in the brave people who make up our armed forces – and to see that pride demonstrated in the practical support we offer them
When we think of the work of our armed forces, it is all too often easy to think of it as distant and disconnected from our own lives. It is not. The people who make up our armed forces are our children, our siblings, our friends; our neighbours. They deserve our support. Support our Troops ensures they receive it. We are working to: n Develop wider recognition and support for the brave men and women of our
armed forces
n Act as a catalyst for and partner in generating the long-term, practical support
our troops’ need
n Highlight the heroism of the men and women who risk their lives to secure the
peace and safety of our great nation
n Ensure that when active service stops, our ex-servicemen and women can
continue to make a valuable, worthwhile contribution to our country
“ Together we can help boost the morale of the men and women of the Armed Forces in Nigeria and commend their bravery and patriotism.” FUNMI OGBUE
To lift the spirit of Nigerian troops and their families through ongoing, practical support and events that reward achievement, value service and recognise sacrifice.
VALUES Partnership
The success of the Support our Troops Foundation rests entirely on the individuals and organisations who donate funds, goods or otherwise support our endeavours. Only through building productive, long lasting partnerships will our troops enjoy the long term support we aim to provide.
Commitment is at the core of our armed forces. We believe it should also be at the core of our efforts. We are tenacious in bringing our message to Nigeria, and in securing the donations that enable us to support our troops ever more effectively.
Our long term success depends on our troops and our partners seeing donations making a difference. We commit to using the donations received by Support our Troops with integrity.
Ours is a foundation built on appreciation: appreciation for the troops whose work we honour, and appreciation for the people and business who donate to Support our Troops. We genuinely value the people we help and the help we receive.
How Do We Support
our Troops? The work of the Support our Troops Foundation is designed to complement the ongoing activities of the government through the Ministry of Defence, the Defence Headquarters and the welfare departments of the various forces. Our activities are focused in five key areas:
SOT recognizes all that our troops and their families do to protect the freedoms every Nigerian enjoys daily. Because our military reflects the diversity of our nation, the SOT offers a variety of programmes and services designed specifically to lift spirits and strengthen resiliency across the Nigerian Armed Forces.
For troops injured in action, the road to recovery can be long, and the emotional, psychological and physical effects long-lasting. Support our Troops helps injured servicemen and women and their families successfully navigate the journey to recovery.
We anticipate that our actions will serve as a morale boost to existing troops, and encourage prospective servicemen and women to enlist, bolstering recruitment and creating a more robust Nigerian military.
3. FALLEN TROOPS Support our Troops will drive a broader awareness of the challenges faced by our military personnel, and of their acts of valour and selfless sacrifice. We will also provide support for the loved ones of those lost whilst on active duty.
Deployed Troops
SOT offers a variety of programmes and services designed specifically to lift spirits and strengthen resilience across the Nigerian Armed Forces. These include: ›› Provision of care packages/kits to the battle front and military bases ›› Building recreation centers in all military bases in the country
Wounded Troops
Support our Troops helps injured servicemen and women and their families successfully navigate the road to recovery through: ›› Provision of healthcare support ›› Access to education, employment and reintegration schemes
Fallen Troops
4. RETIRED TROOPS SOT aims to help our servicemen and women build fulfilling lives as they transition from service. Our partnerships will enable SOT to provide our troops with the resources they need. 5. ALL TROOPS Activities aimed at benefitting all Nigeria’s servicemen and women.
SOT will drive a broader awareness of the challenges faced by our military personnel, and of their acts of valour and selfless sacrifice. We will also provide support for the loved ones of those lost whilst on active duty. Programmes include: ›› Emotional support and business grants for spouses ›› Educational support for children
Retired Troops
Our partnerships will enable SOT to provide our troops with the resources they need to build fulfilling lives through: ›› Provision of entrepreneurship and employment opportunities ›› Training and self-development
All troops
Activities aimed at benefitting all Nigeria’s servicemen and women: ›› Annual charity ball and award ceremony ›› Discounts & benefits from our corporate partners ›› Donations of clothes, books, vehicles, mobiles phones and more
Active duty brings a pressure and level of danger few outside Nigeria’s armed forces can appreciate. But we can make active service easier through programmes aimed at boosting comfort and wellbeing.
For some troops injured on active duty, the road to recovery can be a long one. Physical and emotional scars need to heal, and this can require specialist medical and therapeutic skills and specialist equipment. Families need support during the healing process. And even when that process is complete, our injured servicemen and women still need the educational, financial and career support to reintegrate into society and lead fulfilling lives.
Our programmes include: n Provision of care packages/kits to the battle front and military bases We believe our troops shouldn’t have to wait for public holidays or messages from home to receive morale-boosting gifts. Care packages contain items troops value and appreciate, donated by individuals and organisations. Each contains a message of support and gratitude from the sender, showing our troops that whilst they may not know their benefactor, they know they are appreciated. n Building recreation centers in all military bases in the country On active duty, downtime is precious. Not only does it provide relief from the daily pressures; it provides an opportunity to build friendships that can prove vital in the field, and just as essential in post-service life. By building recreation centres, Support our Troops will help to create a rewarding, relaxing environment for our servicemen and women that can make every day easier.
Support our Troops will deliver the following programmes: n Provision of healthcare support From the equipment and skills that can help our wounded servicemen and women recover from injury, to the equipment and medical support they may need to live with the after-effects, SOT will help. n Access to education, employment and reintegration schemes Building a new set of skills post-injury – and having opportunities to put those skills to use - is vital if ex-servicemen and women are to feel valued and able to support their families. SOT seeks partnerships with the educational establishments and employers who can offer the opportunities, training, scholarships and jobs that make reintegration easier.
We know that for all the danger they face, nothing concerns our troops more than the matter of what will happen to their loved ones should they pay the ultimate price. Support our Troops works to provide peace of mind to our servicemen and women and their families by providing a range of programmes designed to ensure that families of the fallen receive the help they need.
When active service ends, our troops still have much to give. When we complement the skills of our servicemen and women with the training and opportunities that can help them thrive post-service, we not only give them purpose and self-worth; we give our businesses and economy a valuable resource.
n Emotional support and business grants for spouses Part of the money raised by Support our Troops is used to ensure that bereaved spouses receive the help they need to come to terms with the pain of loss. SOT also provides business grants to enable spouses to build the productive careers that can help them provide for their families. n Educational support for children When a mother or father is lost in active service, the effect on their children is profound. Yet in addition to the emotional trauma, the unsettling effects on a child’s education can mean the legacy of bereavement can last a lifetime. SOT is working to ensure that children in armed forces families are not educationally disadvantaged as a result of loss.
Support our Troops programmes include: n Provision of entrepreneurship and employment opportunities Nigeria’s military brims with innovation, dedication and skill. Support our Troops works with employers and educational establishments to bring ex-servicemen and women into the workplace, or provide the resources to help them launch ventures of their own. n Training and self-development A military life is very different from a civilian one. To make a successful transition post-service, our troops frequently require help in job-seeking, CV building and interview techniques. The may also require help integrating into civilian life or in building confidence. Support our Troops values partnerships with providers who can offer any of the above.
ALL TROOPS Recognition comes in many forms. Support our Troops is working to ensure that our servicemen and women are appreciated and rewarded in a variety of ways: n Annual charity ball and award ceremony The Nigerian Armed Forces award medals for gallantry. Support our Troops Foundation also rewards acts of extreme bravery and selflessness – and we do it at the annual charity ball, which also acts as a major fundraiser for SOT activities. n Discounts & benefits from our corporate partners Saying ‘thank you’ to our armed forces by giving every member preferential rates and discounts not only benefits our troops. Amongst others we would target mobile telecoms operators (lower tariff rates), financial institutions (COT and other charges waiver), FMCG Companies (bulk sales outlets within military formations so that items are sold at lower unit rates to the residents of the barracks). n Donations of clothes, books, vehicles, mobiles phones and more Our armed forces deserve only the best, and when individuals or organisations wish to make specific donations, SOT is on hand to distribute the results of your generosity.
Examples of Our Activities Support our Troops has been raising awareness through an effective awareness campaign. We use the media to raise awareness of the importance of supporting the members of the Armed Forces who are fighting to protect the territorial integrity of our great country and restore peace. We send out press releases periodically, invite press to all activities and presentations and have our founder and CEO constantly doing interviews with both local and international press. We are also very active on social media with over 6,000 followers on all platforms.
COMPUTER Donation to Military School n
Support Our Troops Foundation donate computers to the Naowa Primary School Kurudu in December 2014.
Donation of Supplies to orphans and widows n
upport our Troops made a donation of more than S 1000 school supplies consisting of school bags, pens, erasers, rulers and books to orphans and 150 bags of rice to military widows in November 2014 at Asokoro Mogadishu Cantonment.
Donation of Care Packs to deployed troops n Donation
of morale boosting kits for Deployed Troops in 7th Division (North East Nigeria) to provide morale boosting care packs to members of the armed forces on front lines during this festive period. 10,000 care packs made up of toothbrushes, toothpastes, milk, sugar, slippers, bathing soaps, washing soaps, chocolate drinks, Nigerian Hero t-shirts and bags were presented to the 7 Division troops at Mogadishu Cantonment Barracks.
Donation of items at Support Our Troops Show of Force event March n Support
Our Troops, gave out merchandise and refreshments at the Mogadishu Barracks in Abuja during the Show of Force event.
n March
Four Our Troops took place on Saturday February 28th, 7am from Abuja Eagle to the Defence Headquarters. The march was organised in partnership with Nigerian Fallen Heroes Foundation to support and encourage Nigerian troops
How can
You Help? Creating enduring support for our troops is more than a matter of money – although fundraising is a core part of our activities. Support our Troops also values the knowledge, care, time, products and skills of individuals and organisations across Nigeria. We rely on the generosity of government agencies, private sector organisations, development agencies, foundations, religious groups and individuals. We are endorsed by the Federal Ministry of Defence and seek financial support from donors who are able to contribute in cash or kind.
We welcome any contribution that enables us to improve the welfare of our troops, which may include the following: 1. CASH DONATIONS Cash donations of any value are hugely welcomed as they enable us to continue with our existing programmes and plan for the future. Fundraising campaigns can be a powerful way of engaging a business or organisation’s employees or members – and provide powerful advocacy for Support our Troops. Philanthropic donations which enable us to plan for the long term are especially welcome. These might include establishing a trust, sponsorship programmes or implementing a workplace scheme where employees can donate a portion of their salary each month. We also plan to work with mobile network operators to present you with easier ways to support our armed forces: someone who loads a recharge card can get a prompt, telling them to Opt in and donate e.g N100 to SOT by replying YES to the message. This might be insignificant but when pooled together can represent a huge stream of funds to enable the SOT carry out routine operations. Account details: Name of Account: Support Our Troops Foundation Bank: Guaranty Trust Bank Plc Address: Plot 1072 J.S Tarka Faskari Street, Garki, Area 3, Abuja
Account Type: Current
Sort Code: 058083215
the armed forces. We value the expertise of relevant volunteer organisations and individuals whose help can make a lifelong difference to our troops.
If you would like to know more about ways you can give, please contact us.
We also welcome volunteers who can help coordinate our activities and deliver our strategy.
4. SCHOLARSHIPS A key goal of Support our Troops is reintegrating ex-servicemen and women into society, equipped with the skills and qualifications they need to find work, support their families or launch their own businesses.
Account Denomination: NGN Account Number: 0159322621
From medical equipment and training to armed forces benefit schemes, whatever services you offer or products you manufacture, the chances are they would be greatly valued by our troops, and gratefully received by SOT. For our business partners, giving inkind donations can prove a powerful way of inspiring and engaging staff, of demonstrating corporate social responsibility, and of showing good citizenship. And for a corporate partner able to offer an armed forces discount or membership benefits, the advantages can be felt by giver and receiver. Talk to us about developing a corporate partnership with Support our Troops that meets your objectives and our goals.
3. VOLUNTEERS Support our Troops helps our servicemen and women gain new skills, reintegrate into society, overcome injury and lead fulfilling lives within and without
We welcome scholarships from academic institutions and corporate partners that can prepare our troops for the future.
5. MEDIA PARTNERSHIPS Publicity is one of the most valuable tools we can be given. In print or digital, on screen or radio, if you are able to give Support our Troops a voice please contact us. @SupportTroopsNG Whichever way you choose to donate, thank you for your support of Nigeria’s troops and their families.
Trustees Every cause needs a voice. Every organization needs a structure on which to build success. In Nigeria, when government departments have wanted to engineer change and showcase their achievements. And when Nigeria’s companies, leaders and intellectuals have wanted to state their case or place their voices in print, Funmi Ogbue has helped them do it.
FUNMI OLADEINDE-OGBUE - FOUNDER Funmi Ogbue was born at the Military Hospital Yaba in Lagos State, Nigeria to Colonel Musiliu Olusegun Oladeinde (RTD) and Alhaja Ajibade Oladeinde. She attended Army Children’s School and Nigerian Navy Secondary School, Navy Town, Lagos. As daughter in a military family, Funmi’s childhood home moved with her father’s postings. Funmi Ogbue in her role as Managing Director of Jake Riley Limited engages directly with CEOs, leaders in the public service and private sector, entrepreneurs, celebrities and philanthropists,
to help them solve their business problems and shape their world. Previously Funmi has worked for Royal Dutch Shell, Ibadan Electricity Distribution Company Ltd, British American Tobacco, Ancorapoint, Abacan, Canadian Occidental Petroleum in Calgary, Canada and Mercer Mergers and Acquisition in the United Kingdom. In total, Funmi has over 24 years’ experience largely in the consulting, oil & gas and power industries. She holds an M.Sc. in Organisational Change and Development from the University of Manchester and a B.Sc. in sociology from the University of Lagos.
MUSILIU OBANIKORO Musiliu Olatunde Obanikoro is the Patron of Support our Troops Foundation. The Minister of State Foreign Affairs II and the Minister of State for Defense under President Goodluck Jonathan. Prior to this, he was a Senator for Lagos State between 2003 and 2007. He was also Nigeria’s High Commissioner to the Republic of Ghana in 2008. Musiliu Olatunde Obanikoro began his career working briefly as a Clerical Officer at LSHMBS, and at Union Bank
before traveling overseas for further studies. While in the US, he attended Texas Southern University where he earned his B.Sc in Public Affairs and Master’s Degree in Public Administration. As the Minister of State for Defense in 2014, he was instrumental in the formation of the Support our Troops Foundation. As the Patron of the Foundation, Musiliu Obanikoro is an ardent supporter and advisor to the board of trustees since its launch.
OLATUNDE AYENI Dr Ayeni is chairman of Skye Bank and Ibadan and Yola Distribution Company. He is the founding partner and vice chairman of Ocean Marine Security and sits on the boards of PPP Fluid Mechanics Limited and
Hightech Procurement Limited. He graduated in law from Ahmadu Bello University, studied strategic industrial growth at Lagos Business School in Nigeria and Harvard Business School, Boston, and holds an honorary doctorate in business administration from Nigeria’s Achievers University, Akure.
CHRISTIAN UDECHUKWU Christian Udechukwu is an entrepreneur and international business development and strategic management consultant. He is the founder of numerous companies including BIAE (BusinessinAfrica Events) UK Ltd (he also chairs its Nigerian affiliate, BINEL (BusinessinNigeria Events) Ltd); Osike Synergy Nigeria Limited; and African Market Development Partners. Christian has a BA
combined honours degree in history and English language from the University of Nigeria (UNN), and a series of master’s-level honours degrees in the UK. He holds an MA in advanced international studies from the University of Leeds, an MBA in business administration from the Middlesex University Business School, London and studied corporate finance at London Business School.
FEMI ADEFILA Femi Adefila’s career has been spent on both sides of the political media, first as a newscaster and reporter for the Broadcasting Corporation of Osun State, then as executive media assistant and spokesperson for the Osun State government. A former Special Assistant to the Minister of State for Defence,
and a public relations expert specializing in government and political communications, with roles including press relations, political marketing and international relations. His academic qualifications include an MSc in peace and humanitarian studies and an MCA in media and public relations from the University of Ibadan.
TOKUNBO OLADEINDE Tokunbo Idris Oladeinde was born in London. He holds a BSc in mechanical engineering from the renowned Rutgers University, New Jersey and has undertaken postgraduate study at Harvard University. He is an engineer with over a decade of experience, his work spanning the
oil and gas, defence and automotive sectors. In oil and gas, Tokunbo was part of the Shell Nigeria Exploration and Production Company (SNEPCO) engineer team responsible for the Bonga deep-water offshore oilfield. Tokunbo is a decorated combat veteran, having served as an officer with the United States Armed Forces.
BUNMI SHIRLEY MACNAUGHTON Bunmi Shirley MacNaughton has experience in the Private and Public Sectors in various industries. She has consulted and worked successfully in Telecoms with Cellcom and Macroprime in the U.K. She has a proven track record in Project Management, Investment Portfolios & Real Estate Development, Retail
Solutions and a short stint in the Oil and Gas industry. She is currently the Managing Director/CEO at DATOL Global Concepts. She has a PHD in Business Administration and holds an MBA International Business from University of Bristol. She is also an alumnus of University of California Berkeley U.S.A and Ecole Nationale des Ponts et Chaussees Paris, France.
ALVARI TARFA Alvari Tarfa has over twenty-two years’ work experience in business development gained from the government and private sectors. He has served as the Senior Special Assistant on Micro, Small & Medium Enterprise Development, Office of the Adamawa State Governor as well as and Senior Special Assistant, Project Development and Finance; Special Projects and Programmes Unit
(SPPU), office of the Adamawa State Governor. He was also the former Senior Special Assistant to the Adamawa State Governor, on Special Duties and was also the Chief Operations Officer of Ritaco (Nig) Ltd. He is currently the Managing Director at Niger-Sahel Consolidated. He attended the Nigeria Military School and holds a BSc. in Business Management from the University of Jos.
GBOLLY BALOGUN Mr. Gbolly Balogun is a property developer, development manager, & real estate consultant with over 24 years experience in management. He formed County Estates Limited, his residential property development company,
with the aim of providing total project management for owners of land, leaseholders and introducing home ownership for Nigerians in the prime residential areas of Lagos.
Join our community in supporting Nigerian Armed Forces though the “Support our Troops” initiative. Support our Troops Foundation 33 Gana Street, Maitama, Abuja, Nigeria @ SupportTroopsNG SupportTroopsNG