Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market 2015 Poised to $2.2 billion by 2021

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Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots: Market Shares, Strategy, and Forecasts, Worldwide, 2015 to 2021


Description: Larger hospitals that can afford the expenditure are adopting heart and lung robotic surgical devices to improve their outcomes numbers. Hospitals are measured on outcomes, robots for 2

surgery, when used by a trained physician are improving outcomes significantly. Hospital robotic systems have an emphasis on outcomes improvement during surgery. This has resulted in investment in robotics technology that is useful, and achieves positive patient outcomes. Request a sample of this report @ The technology uses metal tubes attached to the arms are inserted through the ports, and the cutting and visualization instruments are introduced through the tubes into the patient’s body. The surgeon performs the procedure while sitting at a console, manipulating the instrument controls and viewing the operation through a vision system. When a surgeon needs to change an instrument the instrument is withdrawn from the surgical field using the controls at the console and the nursing assistants switch instruments as per the physician instruction. This is done many times during an operation. Browse the full report @ Cardiac and lung surgical robot device markets at $72.2 million in 2014 are anticipated to reach $2.2 billion by 2021 as next generation devices, systems, and instruments are introduced to manage surgery through small ports in the body instead of large open wounds. Companies Profiled Market Leaders : Intuitive Surgical,Market Participants,Chinese Surgical Robots,Corindus,Freehand,Johnson and Johnson / DePuy Synthes,Google / Johnson & Johnson / Ethicon,Medrobotics,Medtronic,Meerecompany / Eterne,Titan Medical,TransEnterix Acquires the ALF-X Surgical Robotic System. Key Topics : Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robotics,Robotic surgery,Robotic cardiac surgery,Mitral valve surgery,Mitral valve repair,Mitral valve replacement,Minimally invasive cardiac surgery, Medical Devices,Healthcare Robotics,Enabling Technology,Robotic-Assisted Minimally Invasive Surgery,Robotic Surgical System,Minimally-Invasive Surgery,Robotic Surgery Equipment,Surgical Robot Applications,Next Generation Robotic Surgery,Flexible Robot Platform,Minimally Invasive Surgery,MIS. Purchase a copy of this report @ . For more information contact Table of Contents Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Executive Summary 21 Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Market Driving Forces 21 Surgical Robotics Market Driving Forces 22 Cardiac Surgical Robot Key Procedures As Elements Of Strategy 24 Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market Share Analysis 25 Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Market Forecasts 27 1. Cardiac Surgical Robot Market Description and Market Dynamics 30 1.1 Cardiac Robotic Surgical Clinical Applications 30 1.1.1 Robotic Cardiothoracic Surgery 33 3

1.1.2 Mitral Valve Repairs Are Preferred Over Mitral Valve Replacement 33 1.1.3 Mitral Valve Repair 34 1.1.4 Mitral Valve Replacement Possible Complications 36 1.2 Interventional Cardiologists Treatments and Procedures 39 1.3 Robotic Internal Thoracic Artery Dissection 40 1.3.1 Robotic Thoracoscopy 41 1.3.2 Cardiothoracic Surgery 42 1.4 Surgical Robotic Lobectomy 42 1.5 Robotic Coronary Artery Bypass 43 2. Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Market Shares and Market Forecasts 45 2.1 Heart and Lung Surgical Robot Market Driving Forces 45 2.1.1 Surgical Robotics Market Driving Forces 46 2.1.1 Cardiac Surgical Robot Key Procedures As Elements Of Strategy 49 2.2 Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robots Market Share Analysis 50 2.2.1 Intuitive Surgical da Vinci™ Surgical System Is Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Approved Cardiac and Lung Robotic System 53 2.2.2 Corindus 54 2.2.3 MedRobotics 55 2.3 Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Market Forecasts 56 2.4 Cardiac and Lung Surgical Robot Installed Systems and Procedure Volumes by Country 60 2.5 Key Players In The Global Medical Surgical Robots Market 66 2.6 Robotic Surgery Equipment Prices 66 2.1.2 Intuitive Surgical da Vinci Surgical System Prices 67 2.7 Cardiac and Lung Robotic Surgery Equipment Regional Market Segments 68 2.7.1 Intuitive Surgical Regional Revenue 71 2.7.2 Intuitive Surgical European Demand 72 2.7.3 Intuitive Surgical in Japan 72 2.7.4 U.S. Robotic Surgical Procedures 72 2.7.5 BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India, China) countries 73 2.7.6 Aging Taiwanese Population 73 2.7.7 Korea Focusing On Creating A Growth Engine In Research & Development 74 2.7.8 Korea 74 2.7.9 Brazil 75 2.7.10 Chinese Imported Surgical Robots 75 2.7.11 Chinese Development of Surgical Robots 76 2.8 Chinese Robotic Cardiac Surgery 77 2.8.1 Chinese Robotic Cardiac Team Recognized As One Of World's Best 77 For any enquires before buying, connect with us @ About Us: Orbis Research ( is a single point aid for all your market research requirements. We have vast database of reports from the leading publishers and authors 4

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