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Gioia Albano
A R T : G I O I A A L B A N O
Orgasmic World, 2021, acrylic, inks, pen, markers, collage, 60 x 60 cm

I'm Gioia Albano, an Italian artist living in the South of France. I've always thought that we're here in this world to discover our deep true essence. I knew mine, but I lost myself for quite a while despite doing Art school in Italy in my early years. I believe that we walk our path here in this life seeking evolution. In my work, I try to follow this thin thread through shapes, colours and lines, to find that path toward the soul.
Website: www.albanogioia.com IG: @gioia_albano_art
Above: Trees, 2021, watercolour, pencils, markers, pen, 10 x 15 cm Left: We Need Some Tenderness, 2021, acrylic, pen, markers, collage, 30 x 30 cm