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Olivia Fortier

Olivia Fortier

A R T : T H E M E S S D E C K

Annette Nichols, While in the Garden, 2022, oil pastel on paper, 23 x 14.6 cm


Celeste Palacios, Akasha I & II, 2022, acrylic on canvas, 100 x 70 cm

Celeste Palacios, Porta I & II, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 70 x 50 cm

Nora Lebbos (Nor), Composite, pen on paper, 42 x 29.7 cm

Rebecca Martin, Hole, 2020, acrylic and household paint on paper, 21 x 29.7 cm

Mike Brunswig. Late Night Massage, photograph

Bern Fertal, Spring, 2022, linocut, 21.6 x 28 cm Laura Prochilo, Reintroduced Into The Wild, collage

Frank Lahera O´Callaghan, A Breath Away, 2021

Marta Leszek , Flower Touch, photograph Farhana Hossain, Bloom, watercolour

Hashon Milton, Blossom, 2021, oil painting, 46 x 61 cm

Brian Trees, 3 Years Passed, acrylic on paper, 28 x 35.6 cm

Gina Ariko, Green Bottle

Mónica Esgueva, Samadhi, 2021, acrylic on canvas, 60 cm diameter

Eve Méthot, the Lady's Slipper Orchid, 2021, fine art photography, 28 x 35.6 cm


Gina Ariko

I owe my lifelong love of painting to my jichan and baachan, both professional artists in my mother's hometown of Kitakyushu, Japan. Growing up biracial and a first-generation American, I often felt caught in the in-between, sometimes feeling "too American to be Japanese" and other times "too Japanese to be American. " Painting helped me express myself and to connect to my heritage. Website: ginaariko.com IG: @ginaaariko

Mike Brunswig

I use various mediums as an outlet for my joy, frustration, boredom, anger, lust, and love. I design and create for the process more than the end result. I am a Colorado native living and working in Denver, and I draw inspiration from many sources, typically ideas, objects, or foreign concepts that I feel may benefit my well-being or produce an aesthetic that brings value to my life. At times dark, at times light. Website: flowersandscumbags.com IG: @flowersandscumbags

Mónica Esgueva

Having lived in London, Paris, Tanzania, and India, Mónica Esgueva is a Visionary artist now based in Madrid, Spain. She started exhibiting her paintings when she was very young, and her artwork has been shown in exhibitions in the United States, Holland, Great Britain, France, Costa Rica, Italy and Spain. Artist statement: Through my paintings, I want the viewer to feel the beauty that surrounds us, trying to portray a vision of expanded awareness and the underlying sacredness of all that is. Art should be beautiful for the truths it reveals and not just for art's sake. My aim is to communicate with my art transrational luminous forms to introduce viewers to their own spiritual worlds. The artists' role is to be a leader and a visionary: not only to think outside the box but to be outside the box, contributing to the change we want to see in the world. Since we are all interconnected, the morphic field of each individual has the potential to influence the collective through creative acts. The deeper an artist penetrates into their own infinitude, the more able they are to transmit that state. Mystical visions and experiences motivate us to question our assumptions about life and the world, challenging us to live more profoundly. Making art (and sharing it) is a way for me to integrate those visions of a better world into daily life. www.monicaesguevaart.com IG: @monicaesgueva.art

Bern Fertal

My name is Bern (they/them), and I've been a fulltime student and artist for two years now in Pennsylvania, US. I plan to receive my bachelor's in art therapy in the next couple of years and love making art, especially revolving around free expression and nature. My Instagram handle, where I post my art-related projects, is @Bern _ m _ art

Farhana Hossain

I help survivors of loss find their strength and voice through art. I launched my online store, Shakti Art Studios, a year ago in memory of my first daughter. I offer custom illustrations under my Life After Loss series, where I work with grieving clients to show precious moments or teachings from their grief journey. My Affirmation series features my daughter in empowering illustrations for children. I also published a children's journal book called "I Believe in Me, " which is the first of a series featuring little warriors to raise awareness of their unique medical challenges. Website: www.shaktiartstudios.com IG: @shaktiartstudios

Frank Lahera O'Callaghan

Multidisciplinary artist and contemporary Cuban filmmaker, an artist who reflects and inquires and investigates situations and social issues in various contexts and symbolically exposes his views, inviting us to reflect and see the world as a living entity that needs changes for everyone. Facebook: @ProbetaFilms IG: @probetafilmscuba

Nora Lebbos

My name is Nora Lebbos, artist name - Nor - I'm a Franco-Lebanese narrative and visual artist. My visual creations are like stories in abstract, surreal, or brut art. I don't have a specific technique except for total trust in the movement of my hand. Website: www.noralebbos.com IG: @nora _

Marta Leszek

I am a self-taught, psychedelic artist, and I try to show diversity, power of nature and body beauty in my works. I also try to use them to fight for the people's and animals' rights. Peace and love to everyone! IG: @marthyev

Rebecca Martin

Rebecca Martin is a Dublin-based artist. Her predominantly painting and photography-based practice explores themes of setting and place. She has recently been exploring abandoned structures in Ireland. Rebecca draws attention to a juxtaposition between the beauty and desolation of these spaces while also attempting to instil a new sense of life into the forgotten and uninhabited. IG: @rebeccamartin.art

Eve Méthot

I am a freelance artist. My tools are photography, video, sound, digital design and Augmented Reality. I worked for 20 years as a digital design and multimedia teacher in Quebec. My creations can be seen in Quebec, New York, Glasgow, Vienna, Zurich and Rome. www.linkedin.com/in/eve-methot-9574397

Hashon Milton

My name is Hashon. I'm an artist and business owner from New York City who composes bizarre arrangements of humans and objects from life to create surrealist paintings that break the barriers of reality. I take inspiration from the world around me to use my art to interpret unique concepts such as manifestation, growth, astrology, and the passage of time. I use acrylic and oil paint to create dream-like scenes and unimaginable worlds. Website: creationsbyhashon.wixsite.com/onlinegallery IG: @creationsbyhashon

Annette Nichols

Annette Nichols is an American visual artist who likes to take a visceral approach in her work by creating layers using various mediums that articulate a sense of emotionalism and depth. Her artistic direction is primarily influenced by music, film, women's equality, and animal rights.

, Her work has been exhibited nationally and internationally and featured in numerous media publications, including Jane Magazine, Elements Magazine, and more. Annette currently lives outside of Philadelphia with her husband and cats. IG: @annettenicholsart

Celeste Palacios

Celeste Palacios was born in Argentina. She is a painter and illustrator who lives and works in Germany. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Córdoba, Argentina, in 2004. She has exhibited her paintings in solo and group exhibitions for over eighteen years at home and abroad. In her paintings, she explores the connection between colours and geometric shapes, with emotions, experiences, and memories. Website: www.celestepalacios.de IG: @celeste _palacios _ art

Laura Prochilo

Laura Prochilo is a multidisciplinary artist working in collage, photography, installation, experimental film, and performance. Their work explores the impermanence of the human condition, along with the beautiful and bizarre qualities of nature. Website: www.lauraprochilo.com IG: @lauraprochilomakesart.

Brian Trees

Brian Trees is a painter, photographer and poet from Baltimore, Maryland, in the United States. He is a graduate of Carnegie Mellon University and Loyola University. He is not a formally trained artist and experiments with different forms and mediums. Much of his work centers around health and wellness. "My work varies depending on my mood and interests at a particular point in time. I photograph and paint broad landscapes and also trees, plants and flowers. I often prefer to paint abstracts as a means of sharing something from my mind and allowing others to interpret the work on their own. I appreciate the process where someone views one of my paintings, learns more about me, then looks at the piece again with a slightly different perspective. It is important to me to create pieces that shed light on wellness, particularly mental health, in a way that increases awareness, reduces stigma and offers hope.


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