Ander Aramburu | Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

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Ander Aramburu García Product Design (UX/UI) 2023


Hi! I’m Ander,

an industrial design engineer, with experience as an innovation and strategy consultant and product designer (UX/UI).

I have selected some of my best projects to show how I work and design. Thank you in advance for taking the time to read my portfolio. Hope you like it.

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023
Feel free to contact me:

(UX/UI) Glucovibes / July 2022 - December 2022

Createch Medical / February 2020 - July 2021

IDOM / December 2020 - December 2021 Innovation &

Opinno / August 2019 - December 2020

Tecnun - University of Navarre / May 2015 - June 2019 Entrepreneurship

IESE Business School / January 2019

design engineering and product
intensive course
Work experience Innovation &
strategy consultant
Figma Adobe Illustrator Adobe Indesign Miro / Mural Microsoft Office Creo Parametric Adobe Photoshop English - C1 French - B2 Spanish - Native Basque - Native Academic Education Skills Languages Rhinoceros Keyshot Fusion 360 Catia Gsuite Product and Service Design Master
Alfonso X el Sabio University / October 2021 - September 2022 Industrial


Why Why I design How I

The methodology which ideas minimum viable that can be tested.

Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

The passion for creating products, services and solutions that improve people’s lives.

What How Why design

What I design

methodology through ideas turn into viable products tested.

The product & service design projects I have been part of.


Why I design

Design is the perspective which I respond to create solutions that impact, and therefore,
Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

perspective through to user needs, that generate

therefore, innovate.

How I design


Phase 2: Define Phase 1: Discover

Problem identification Problem definition

1. Problem identification

Understand the current situation of the stakeholders and their problem.

4. Problem definition

From the information gathered and scenarios discovered, the project design challenge is defined.

2. Discover

Ethnographic techniques on empathy and lead to involved understanding.

5. Ideate

So as to generate as many ideas as possible, different cocreative techniques are put into practice.

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Phase 3: Ideate Phase 4: Develop

Problem definition Communication

Discover 3. Define

techniques based and observation involved stakeholders’

After an analysis of all the insights gathered, users’ needs and pains are identified.

6. Develop

Create a minimum viable product in order to test tangible and sustainable solutions.

7. Communication

Communication to transform products, systems and brands into stories.

Development 9

What I design

The Metabolic GPS

As the main UX/UI Designer in Glucovibes, I have been responsible for the whole redesign of the second version of the Metabolic GPS.

Try it for free

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

What I design

Innovation & Strategy Consultant

As an Innovation & Strategy Consultant I have had the opportunity to work hand in hand and help some of the most important companies in the IBEX 35.

I have carried out strategic, open innovation and business design projects applying different design and agile methodologies.

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023


Your mental ally

The pupose of the project “Gure”, which was my Master’s Thesis, was to analyse the difficulties in accessing treatment for depression and anxiety disorders.

What I design
Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

What I design

1 Research based on verified sources

These are the main key factors that were crucial for the project’s success:

After Covid-19, the following increases were detected: 27,6% for major depressive disorder cases 25,6% for anxiety disorder cases

According to the WHO, mental health will be the leading cause of illness in the world by 2030. During the period of confinement, 65% of the Spanish population manifested anxiety and depressive disorder symptoms. It is estimated that 1 in every 4 people will have a mental health disorder in their lifetime.

The most affected social group was young people in the range of 20-24 years.

Public Healthcare in Spain:

- There are 5 psychologists per 100,000 inhabitants

- Waiting times for a consultation vary between 26 and 71 days

Private Healthcare: A consultation costs between 50€ and 100€

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Problem identification Problem definition
2 3
Phase 1:
Phase 2:

Public Healthcare

Patients who have not been able to access consultation

Patients attending both the public and private healthcare system

Medical specialists working in the private healthcare system

Medical specialists working in the public healthcare system

Patients using the public healthcare system Patients using the private healthcare system

Medical specialists working in the public and private healthcare system Insurance


3: Ideate 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phase 4: Develop
Problem definition
2 Stakeholders Map P O W E R
offering other types of services related to mental health
media focused on mental health 17

What I design Problem identification

Phase 1: Discover

3 Interviews with stakeholders

These were the interviewed profiles:

Medical specialists working in the public and private healthcare system

Recently graduated healthcare specialists

Patients attending both the public and private healthcare system

These were the main conclusions:

Insufficient public psychological resources with a growing demand for them

The costs of private care are too high for a large part of the population

Recent graduates have serious problems in accesing the labour market due to the need for experience, which is often difficult to acquier

Problem definition

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Phase 2: Define 1 2 3 4

4 Generation of uncertainty scenarios

Signal for change A: accelerating digitalisation and increasement of the use of mobile applications/digital platforms in the healthcare environment

Signal for change B: increase in the number of patients with mental health problems (anxiety and depression)

Growing caseload trend

The current healthcare system does not meet the needs of the citizens with mental health conditions and requires alternatives to ensure access to treatments for all patients

Digitisation 0%

variable 1

Digitisation 100%

Thanks to digitalisation and the use of digital health platforms, access to treatment is provided and there are less cases of patientes with mental health problems who are not supervised and under the control of a specialist

Decreasing caseload trend

Phase 3: Ideate 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phase 4: Develop
v a r i a b l e 2


I design Problem identification Phase 2: Define 1 2 3 4 Problem definition - How Might We... Phase 1: Discover Problem definition How might we improve the psychological care system, solution that could bring value of patients with anxiety and (focusing on those users aged (focusing on those that have difficulties to access a job)
Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Phase 4: Develop the current situation of the system, by generating a digital value to the growing number and depression disorders aged 18-30), medical specialists have recently graduated and have



Problem 21
Phase 3: Ideate 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
or both together?

What I design

Phase 1: Discover

Problem identification

Problem definition

5 Brainwriting

These were the main ideas generated and grouped in different categories:

Creation of a space/platform/ ecosystem for medical specialists

Training for young graduates

Knowledge transfer between specialists

Courses and conferences

Workhops and practical case studies to help young specialists gain more experience

An ecosystem that evaluates the experience of young graduates.

A space for recognised and experienced psychologists to recruit talent or to make recommendations of young graduates

Creation of a comprehensive mental health platform/app

Telematic consultations with psychologists

Possibility of meeting in person with psychologists in your area

Chat during work hours between specialists/patients.

Advice on good habits that help your mental health

Possibility for the specialists to manage their agenda

Creation of a space for audiovisual content on mental health

Create a social network focused on mental health

Influencers that share their experience

Collaborations with medical specialists that can give advice

Posts with recommendations, podcasts, etc.

Sense of belonging to a community

Emergency or helpline numbers

Phase 2: Define 1 2 3 4
Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

6 Prioritisation


of ideas

Creation of a comprehensive mental health platform/app


Cration of a space/platform/ ecosystem for medical specialists

Creation of a space for audiovisual content on mental health

Phase 3: Ideate 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phase 4: Develop
Problem definition Communication

7 Solution definition

Phase 1:

Problem definition

1 2

To offer a new treatment method to those users with anxiety and depression disorders, in an age range of 18 to 30, who do not have their needs covered by the public healthcare system and do not have access to a private consultation because of economic reasons or due to the lack of availability of specialists.


2: Define 1 2 3 4
What I design Problem identification Phase
Main objectives: Discover
To offer facilities to access a job for recently graduated psychologists who need an opportunity to gain experience
Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Problem definition Communication

Main functionalities:

Psychological consultations via video calls

Visualisation of the avilability of nearby psychologists to make an appointment

Chat for consultations with specialist during working hours

Personal calendar for viewing and booking upcoming appointments

Area for advice and good practices that help WWimprove mental health

Emergency telephone number

News, interviews with experts and influencers, podcasts and experiences of other patients

A diary where the patient can indicate their mood, symptoms and evolution on a daily basis

Repository of reports and guidelines for improvement proposed by the psychologist

Graphs showing the data on hours of sleep, mobile phone and social media hours or other parameters that the user and the specialist decide to mesure

User profile area through which to access personalised information

Agenda management by the psychologist

Phase 3: Ideate 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phase 4: Develop
I design Problem identification Phase 2: Define 1 2 3 4 8 Benchmark These were the main competitors analyzed: Phase 1: Discover Problem definition MEYO HEADSPACE HEALTH WYSA YANA
Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023
Ander Aramburu García -

9 Economic feasibility analysis

After carrying out a business model canvas and an exaustive economic feasibility analysis, the stablished price for the first version was 25€. It is a competitive and coherent price considering that a private psychologist’s consultation in Spain ranges between 50€ and 100€

Communication Phase 3: Ideate 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phase 4: Develop
Problem definition

Generation of wireframes, mockups and frames in order to build a first prototype to be tested.

Problem identification Phase 2: Define 1 2 3 4
Phase 1: Discover Problem definition
What I design
10 Prototype generation
- Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023
Ander Aramburu García

11-12 Testing and Iteration

The prototype was tested with more than 10 potential users. Insights from the test were collected, analysed and prioritised for the subsequent implementation of changes and improvements for the next version of the solution.

Problem definition Communication Phase 3: Ideate 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Phase 4: Develop

What I design

Accessible. Coherent. Simple.

Your new access to psychological treatment is here. The tool with which you can take care of your mental heatlh on a daily basis, without having to wait and at an affordable price.

Take care of you, or let us do it for you.

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI)Portfolio 2023

What I design


Your new way of transport

The purpose of the project “Gazelle” was to improve the last 100 meters in the use of electric scooters. We understand those last meters as the circumstances where we have finished using the product and we have to transport and deal with it.

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI)Portfolio 2023

What I design Analysis

Usage environment:

We studied the urban environment in the city of San Sebastian. We got to realise the difference between the users and the non-users, and concluded that:

- Elderly people think scooters can be dangerous

- The performance depends on the type of path

- The number of bicycles is much larger

Field research:

We decided to apply the following techniques:

- Shadowing

- Interviews

- Day in a life

The user:

We carried out an ethnographic research to understand how the user interacts with the urban environment. The final user was considered to be someone who is going to use the electric scooter everyday on the way to work.


How might we...

...improve the fluency in the on/off interactions between the product, the user and the environment so that the electric scooter goes from being a simple way of transport to becoming a personal tool?

Ander Aramburu García - Industrial Design Portfolio 2020

Usage environment Field research

Potential - Young - Stundent - Comfort - Active - Trendy - Casual

environment research

user Common user Stundent Comfort Seeker user - Tech lover - Stable income - Sporty - Daily user 35
Problem identification Analysis Problem definition Potential

What I design Development

The developement process followed these steps:

- Brainstorming

- Value proposition canvas

- Sketching

- 3D Modelling

- Prototyping

- Rendering

Once we analyzed a great number of options and ideas, we reached the conclusion of redesigning the first scooter that we analyzed. We focused the new product on 3 different improved aspects.

The first one would be the folding system. Aware of the need for an easier and effortless mechanism, we decided to fold the scooter with the foot. The second, the hitch to maintain the product folded. We did not want the folding process to involve using the hands (to keep them clean) at any point. Therefore, we thought to implement a “snaploc” system.

The third and last was the handlebar. We combined an ergonomic shape with an aesthetic design. With this new implementation, the user would be able to transport the scooter like a suitcase.

Value proposition Analysis

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Problem identification

proposition canvas of the previous scooter model

Problem definition

Development 37

What I design

Ergonomic. Intuitive. Sophisticated.

Stop thinking about what to do with your scooter when you are not riding it: ‘Gazelle’ will adapt to you. An ergonomic handlebar, an easy and intuitive folding system, and a safe hitch to ensure the best user experience.

Ride the streets, forget about everything else.

Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

What I design

Ander Aramburu García - Industrial Design Portfolio 2020
Development Communication 41
Problem identification
Problem definition

What I design

Problem identification Development
Analysis Problem definition Communication

What I design

TecnunDesign Blog.

How Tecnun students communicate

A collaboration with:

The purpose of the project “TecnunDesign Blog” was to revamp the previous design blog of the University of Navarre.

Ander Aramburu García - Industrial Design Portfolio 2020


The Tecnun Design Blog did not have a high number of visits, and I had to analyse the reason why.

I performed an exhaustive study with the aim of finding the cause of the problem.

are some of the


Inspiration Percentage of the visits News Filmography Readings 5% 10% 40% 45%
Detected - Social -
- Lack of
I design
areas I
on: Communication Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Communication Strategy

Detected needs: Media

Participation of the students Content of continuity


Main pain points:

Problem identification
Problem definition
- Bad quality images - Useless gadgets - Not dynamic - Obsolete 47
What I design Development New sections: - Students & projects - Recommended designers - Design tips - Agenda - Contests New wireframe Changes: - Instagram style - Colorful - Dynamic - New logo New style
Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023
Analysis Problem definition Development
- New instagram account - Blog led by students - Weekly post - Available on any device New communication strategy 49

New. Young. Current.

The new blog obtained more visits from those who were regular users; moreover, it caught the attention of people that did not know about the blog.

We can find information about events happening around San Sebastian, different design contests, activities and projects done by students, interviews and articles.

Clear and simple option bar.

What I design
Ander Aramburu García - Product Design (UX/UI) Portfolio 2023

Problem identification

Problem definition

Pictures get a transparency when the cursor is on them.

Development 51 Communication

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Ander Aramburu García Product Design (UX/UI) 2023

Turn static files into dynamic content formats.

Create a flipbook
Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.