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“I love doing shoots overseas. Actually being there and feeling the

voice showing no signs of left-behind introversion. Selena’s mother Mandy,

environment adds a realness to the shoot,” she says, her accent bearing more

who recently gave birth to her second child, was just sixteen when Gomez

likeness to the dozy, drawn-out vowels of California than her Texan roots.

was born in Grand Prairie, Texas in 1992. The family’s financial situation wasn’t

“It’s so easy to wear incredible, beautiful dresses and look super glamorous,

exactly cushy and Gomez’s childhood was a stark contrast to glitzy Hollywood.

because you have the power of Photoshop, but a shoot that’s really stripped-

In 2002, Gomez landed her first part on the kids’ show Barney & Friends and

down and raw is really fun to do. I was being rained on, it was freezing, I was

was soon snapped up by the Disney machine, which eventually secured her the

covered in a giant sweater and my hair was all over the place. I got to just be

starring role on Wizards. She even got a Disney boyfriend, Nick, the youngest

in that moment and feel like I was there.” When you’re 21 and you’re about

of the Jonas Brothers, but it was a different scale of celebrity romance that

to go on tour, those moments don’t necessarily come by the dozen. “It’s been

would make Gomez part of the most famous teenage relationship in the

crazy,” Selena admits. “I wanted it to be bigger and better than the last tour,

world. “She don’t like the lights,” Justin Bieber wrote on his last album about

so the stage and the presentation are gonna be really fun.”

Gomez and her desire to keep their fling under wraps, or so rumour has it.

When she materialised on the Billboard Music Awards stage last May in

After the couple went public in 2011 - to the heartbreak of hordes of squealing

golden armour like a bionic Helen of Troy, her performance signified the

tween girls and Beliebers, who labelled the relationship a PR stunt - it’s been

re-introduction of Selena Gomez. “I’m a Dolce & Gabbana girl, for sure.

a strenuous ride for the young performers, and while Bieber would Instagram

I’m an Italian designer girl. I love Versace,” she says. Donatella sent Gomez

an ‘it’s back on’-style picture of the two just days after Gomez spoke to i-D, her

a note after she wore a Versace dress to the awards. Basia Richard is the

team made it clear that all things Biebs were off limits.

stylist who took Gomez’s look to bold new heights for her reinvention, just

It hasn’t, however, prevented fans from fantasising about the ‘Jelena’

as they’ve collaborated on every look throughout her career. “I have a whole

constellation, word on the street being that Gomez wrote one of the more

folder on my computer. I think I have more pictures of random people from

heartfelt songs on the new album about Bieber. “Some of my favourite lyrics

photo shoots than I do of me and my friends… that’s probably not a good

on the entire record are on a track called Love Will Remember,” Selena says,

thing!” Selena laughs. “I get inspired by different pieces I see in magazines

referring to the love song in question. “I think it’s really beautiful and people

or videos, and so does Basia. She sends me references all the time.” In the

can relate to, you know, having someone pass or losing someone that you love,

creation of Gomez’s new look, Richard was one of the few people to listen to

from friends to relationships. ‘Somewhere forever we’ll dance again because

the new album in its entirety before it was released.

love will remember,’ and that’s the most important part, because they won’t

“I knew it was time for me to have my own individual stamp. I spent the most

ever forget - and you won’t ever forget - the love that was there.” For Gomez,

time I’ve spent on any record with this album,” Selena says, noting how she

who already lived under a magnifying glass pre-Bieber, the ensuing fame circus

took out six months in the studio. The result is an eclectic mix of musical

and media attention has intensified dramatically these past few years.

cultures, which sees Gomez paying visits to corners of the world far beyond

When you’re a young artist whose work depends on you keeping up with

the Bollywood beat of Come & Get It. “I bounce all over the place!” she

the creative vibes that run through street culture, it can’t be easy being the

laughs. Selena lists Rock Mafia and The Cataracs as her favourite producers

most famous 21-year-old in the world. “I think sometimes my life can be a

on an album which breaks with the common preconception that the type of

little abnormal,” Selena says. “But, at the end of the day, I’m still the girl from

pop star Gomez represents spends little time on the creation of their songs.

Texas. I work really hard and I’ve got great people around me that inspire

“I have never written as much as I did for this album, which was great because

me and make me better every day.” It’s words like these that have come to

I never had the opportunity to do that. It was fun for me to be in control but

illustrate her level-headedness, which no one expects from someone who

also learn from some of the greatest.” If being in control came naturally to

grew up in Hollywood. When you’re constantly being watched and don’t

Gomez, there’s no doubt that a certain highly publicised, controversial acting

have access to the youth culture from which your work evolves, there must be

move instilled a different kind of drive in the performer.

moments of despair? “It’s something I try not to acknowledge. I don’t know

“The reason why I wanted to be part of Spring Breakers was that artistically -

if it’s thinking highly of myself or just not being aware, but I don’t ever wanna

my mom and I talked about it - it would be a good opportunity for me as an

focus like that. I don’t ever think, ‘Oh no, people are watching.’ I have my

artist to step into a whole new light and work with some of the best,” Selena

moments. I’m not perfect. I just enjoy.”

says of the Harmony Korine film in which she plays the religious teenager

She may be the poster girl for a new generation of sane Disney child stars,

Faith, one of a group of bored girls whose decision to rob a diner and head

who’ve slipped into adulthood with little trouble, but the poise of Selena

on a debauched spring break gets them involved with a sinister gangster

Gomez can seem too good to be true. While she doesn’t give it away

and all the weapons and sex that come with it. Part social realism and part

easily, even this balanced example of young Hollywood stability must have

bubblegum violence, it’s a far cry from Gomez’s teen TV years on the Disney

witnessed her share of the difficulties that come with growing up in the

Channel’s Wizards of Waverly Place. “I was very nervous,” she admits. “I was

spotlight. On her latest album, Demi Lovato - a part of Gomez’s group of

very comfortable being on my TV show and I was very comfortable doing

friends, which also includes Taylor Swift and Miley Cyrus - has been frank

the parts in movies that I already played. So for me to take it to a whole new

about the drug habit which landed Demi in rehab as a teenager. “I’m very

place was scary, but it was what I needed.”

proud of Demi and her being able to accept the challenges she went through,

This was a sizeable comfort zone to step out of, especially for someone

but also for staying a good role model to people who do struggle with the

who spent her adolescence as America’s most beloved sweetheart, with

things that she’s gone through,” Selena says. “I’ve always been taught that

all the clichéd but very real child star frustrations it entails. For Gomez,

you are who you surround yourself with. So if you surround yourself with good

life in the spotlight wasn’t as effortless as she made it seem. “I wasn’t very

positive people you can only do good things for them and they can only do

comfortable,” she says. “That’s what was interesting. I was actually very

good things for you. It is frustrating at times when certain things are being

shy. My first audition did not go well. I was very awkward. I was in front of a

said, but other than that I’m just a normal girl living a normal life.”

bunch of suits who were the top of Disney and I definitely felt like I blew the


audition. It took me a long time to let that go,” she says, her 21-year-old

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Selena wears jumper Richard Nicoll. Jeans G-Star.

“I’ve always been taught that you are who you surround yourself with. So if you surround yourself with good positive people you can only do good things for them.” SELENA GOMEZ, 21


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