!"#$%&'()*&+,-&.-/(0-)&12(3-44/5)6&72(5)6&8%9!:& “The secret to the perfect selfie is don’t think about it, just do it. Failing that… a funny face, preferably with your tongue out and eyes crossed also works!”! CARA DELEVINGNE, 20
@2;@'=&@2A;5/4)&It’s the age-old story: you’ve got the perfect selfie, now you just need a snappy caption to go with it. But don’t despair. To overcome social networker’s block, simply put a word followed by an exclamation mark. LOVE! SUMMER! CHEST INFECTION! It always works. And never put yourself down in a selfie caption… unless you’re blatantly doing it so that people will tell you how amazing you look. Then it’s totally fine. #firstworldproblems Ming wears top Closed. Bra Jeremy Scott. Skirt Loewe. Necklaces Les Néréides. Socks Tabio. Shoes Marc Jacobs. 60 i-D STREET ISSUE
A selfie isn’t just a picture of your face. It’s a picture of your life, or at least the life you’re trying to make everyone think you’re leading. Work in some clever product placement in the background such as some casually positioned heavy reading material. Ulysses, perhaps, or that Vanity Fair. Or pose nonchalantly in front of a library or a political demonstration. (Make sure it’s a non-extremist one, maybe.) #beautyANDbrains Cara wears jacket, T-shirt and trousers Carhartt. Hat WeSC. i-D THE STREET ISSUE 61