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Anna Ryon, 21 Why do you love Meadham Kirchhoff? Their clothes remind me of my childhood dreams! How does Meadham Kirchhoff capture the spirit of future fashion? It’s feminine, non-fussy and FUN! :)

In a world that wants to stick everything in a box, fashion has become

do it. I feel like it’s my job to design clothes and that’s what I’ll do.”

a theatre of good guys and bad guys, who can’t easily escape their

Since he and Ben started their first label after graduating from Central

ascribed characters once they’ve been defined. As rumour has it,

Saint Martins in 2002, and particularly over the past three years, he’s

Karl Lagerfeld is snappy but nice, Jean Paul Gaultier is mad but fun,

been doing that job with flying colours, channelling his tangled, often

and Meadham Kirchhoff are difficult and mean. “I think people find it

depressed emotions into ceremonious shows of breathtaking, intricate

difficult, a) if you have an opinion; and b) if you care about what you

garments of the demi-couture variety. For a label that hasn’t even made

do. This apparently makes you a dreadful, hideous person,” explains

it to its teens yet, Meadham Kirchhoff’s universe is remarkably defined,

Edward Meadham. “Maybe our contemporaries are happy to say yes to

even if their aesthetic is ever-evolving. The womenswear, which Ed

everything, but personally I find it much easier when people are direct.

designs, lies somewhere between an Elizabethan-era kinderwhore and

People think we’re difficult all the time, people think we’re terrifying

a goth in a girlie show, while Ben’s menswear, which has sadly been on

all the time, but I don’t think we are. If I really know I hate somebody I

hiatus following the spring/summer 14 collection, morphs the surreal

won’t let them close enough to terrify them.” Paradoxically, it’s this kind

with a sick and murky take on old-world elegance.

of soundbite that has contributed to the British/French designer duo’s

Above all it’s Meadham Kirchhoff’s compelling sense of creative

formidable reputation.

identity, which has earned them accolades and opportunities normally

Edward Meadham and Benjamin Kirchhoff are the genius madmen,

associated with much older brands. In late 2013 they launched their

whose fantastical universe of equal parts glee and gloom has created a

second collection for Topshop, which became the fastest-selling

reputedly impenetrable bubble around them. As London fashion myth

collaboration in the history of the highstreet giant, and just weeks later

foretells, they spend their lives isolated in their Haggerston studio, all

they presented a one-off retrospective show at the V&A. “I think it was

angsty with only one another to keep them company, like some pair of

very lovely to show it to an audience, who are not the normally invited

Vincent Prices in that scientist’s lab on the hill in Edward Scissorhands.

fashion show audience. It was really the public,” Ed says. Second only

As a public image it hasn’t been entirely detrimental to their careers.

to the mythology surrounding Ben and Ed themselves is that of their

After all, it’s fascinating that clothes as rich and magical as theirs

die-hard fan base of teen girls, who’ll write Ed excruciatingly personal

could spring from the minds of such apparently troubled people. But

letters and chronicle their love for Meadham Kirchhoff on various

while Edward Meadham and Benjamin Kirchhoff are hardly a parade

internet outlets. (They recently had to ask a particularly keen fan to

of family friendly sing-along fun, they are neither difficult nor mean.

add the word ‘unofficial’ to her somewhat overzealous Meadham

Ed wears pointy ghillies and loves to bake, and today he’s gushing

Kirchhoff Twitter account.) While they’re the first people to question

about the sparkly Christmas decorations being erected in the studio.

the true extent of “this massive army of fans”, it’s perhaps this idea that

Ben, in his signature sailor’s beanie, is presenting a measuring cloth

has bred the designers’ fervent inclusiveness and anti-elitism when it

with which his mum used to chart his height growing up, and which he

comes to their audience.

just rediscovered. Everyone in the studio is terribly polite and lovely

They’re as happy, Ben says, to read a show review by a teen blogger

in a way that doesn’t exactly suggest daily terror at the hands of the

as they are to read the thoughts of an established fashion critic. “It’s

designers in charge.

important because that 15-year-old will have a natural impact on

“I think you have a culture of designers at the moment that is about

other 15-year-olds.” At a fashion week hardly known for its production

pleasing the journalists and the buyers and saying yes to everything.

grandeur, Ben and Ed’s London shows are splendid pieces of theatre

Saying yes to turning their entire collection into something else to fit

with old-school runway sets, movie soundtracks and an audience worthy

the aesthetic of a particular store,” Ben argues. “And fly to that store

of a rock concert, not least for the presence of said Meadham Kirchhoff-

so they’re physically present there,” Ed weighs in. “I’m not gonna

clad fan base. “I think shows are still important. The audience that

“People think we’re difficult all the time, people think we’re terrifying all the time, but I don’t think we are... If I really hate somebody I won’t let them close enough to terrify them.” EDWARD MEADHAM



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