LESS Smittevernmateriell

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process cyan

LEAN Emergency System Solutions

Smittevern Materiell for beskyttelse av pasienter og helsearbeidere.


2020-03 v4



LESS Mobil CBRN Saneringsenhet

LESS Mobil CBRN saneringsenhet er en funksjonell lettvektsløsning for best mulig mobilitet og svært rask opprigging (2 min) på forurenset skadested. Enheten består av et PVC dusjkabinett, elektrisk pumpe, barduner, trykkreduksjonsventil om høytrykks vannforsyning benyttes, bøtesett. For effektiv utnyttelse anbefaler vi 2 stk LESS 3001 31 beredskapsbårer og 2 stk LESS 3070 Bårestativ. Tilleggsutstyr for øvrig som lys, sprøytekanner, spesialsåper, oppsamlingstanker med mer kan leveres. LESS Mobil CBRN saneringsenhet er designet for å kunne benyttes ved akuttmottak hvor man ikke har innebygget saneringssluse. Størrelsen er tilstrekkelig for å kunne sanere liggende pasienter. Den enkle integrerte løsningen er så hurtig å rigge og øvingsvennlig at den muliggjør hyppigere øvelser. Inngår i LESS evakueringssystem. LESS AS er også leverandør av sprøytekanner og spesialsåper fra Futuretech Kärcher Group.


LESS Røykdykkersanering Svært lett å transportere og sette opp. Veier kun 50kg. Innvendig dusjkammer: 1,65 x 1,65 m

Saneringsbasseng 2x2 2,5 x 2,5

+47 61 16 00 55 / post@less.no

Sanering og smittevern 3

DECON-løsninger LESS AS samarbeider med flere av markedslederne innen DECON-løsninger og kan tilby en rekke løsninger tilpasset den enkelte organisasjons behov og risikoanalyse.

Såper og rensekjemikalier Vi kan tilby såper og rensekjemikalier fra markedslederen på dette området; Futuretech Kärcher Group. Det er særskilt viktig at renseproduktene ikke åpner porene i huden, noe som bare vil føre forurensingen lenger inne i kroppen.

CBRN sprøytekanne

DS 5

DS 10

En lettvekts sprøytekanne til de fleste situasjoner og behov. Integrert manuell pumpe. Kapasitet: 5 liter. Praktisk munnstykke med langt rør for kontrollert påføring av dekontamineringsveske.

En sprøytekanne til de fleste situasjoner og behov. Integrert manuell pumpe og miksestav for alle slags såper/pulver. Kapasitet: 10 liter. Både kanne og pumpe i rustfritt stål. Praktisk munnstykke med langt rør for kontrollert påføring av dekontamineringsveske.


4 Beredskaps-systemer

Mobil smittevernsløsning

Undertrykkskuvøse for smittefarlige pasienter. Design og mål muliggjør transport på standard bårer i ambulanser, helikopter og fly. Alle materialer inklusive vinduer og glidelåser er testet og sertifisert ifht alle kjente kjemikalier og biologiske våpen og kan lett desinfiseres ihht militær NBC-standard.

EBV BioBag




Kvalitetskuvøse som kan kjøres med undertrykk såvel som med overtrykk. Svært kompakt oppbevaring i funksjonell veske med kuvøse, pumpe og filter.

Klar PVC-kuvøse for innsyn og lett overvåkning av pasienten. Komplett enhet pakket i en transportbag med egen bag for pumpe og filter [A2B2E2K2P3].

Høy kvalitet PVC med testede sveisede sømmer. Driftssikker pumpe med justerbar luftgjennomstrømning. Store vinduer for god pasientopplevelse, og god overvåkning. Mange gjennomføringer for medisiner.

Klar til drift på få minutter. Enkel å bruke selv med minimal erfaring eller opplæring.


Undertrykkskuvøse Robust undertrykkskuvøse for svært smittefarlige pasienter. Konstruert ihht militære standarder for hele spekteret av CBRNe scenarier. Tilpasset sivilt marked med transportsikring av pasient.

+47 61 16 00 55 / post@less.no

Sanering og smittevern 5

Isolasjonskammer - undertrykk Mobile undertrykkskammer gir et helseforetak stor fleksibilitet i hvordan man rigger opp sin smittevernsløsning og isolat ved hendelser. Dette er en kostnadseffektiv løsning å drifte sammenlignet med smitterom bygget inn i infrastrukturen. Ethvert rom kan fort omgjøres til et isolat. En slik løsning er fleksibel og svært øvingsvennlig.

Smittevern sett

8200 LESS Smittesats - Høy risiko 8201 LESS Global Vakuumpakket sett for høyrisiko smittefare som Ebola, svineinfluensa, SARS, CoV etc. for bruk i ambulansetjeneste, akuttmottak eller lignende. Inneholder vernedrakt, vernebriller, partikkelmaske, visir, hansker, fotpose og søppelpose merket farlig avfall. 8200 05 Sett med vernedrakt L 8200 06 Sett med vernedrakt XL

Et smittevern sett spesielt satt sammen for NGO'er med utelandsoperasjoner i områder som krevern smittevernberedskap. Inneholder vernedrakt, vernebrille, partikkelmaske, hansker, fotpose, desinfiserende klut, desinfiserende alkoholflaske og søppelpose merket farlig avfall.


Sanering og smittevern 6

8200 90 LESS Splash Shield - engangsvisir LESS engangsvisir er produsert i Norge av høykvalitet råvarer og gir ansiktsbeskyttelse for helsepersonell. Klar plastskjerm på 21 x 29,5 cm dekker ansiktet mot sprut og dråpesmitte. Skumgummi avstandslist holder visiret i passe avstand ut fra ansiktet og gir plass for vernebriller om nødvendig. Elastisk hodestrikk som passer de aller fleste. Dette visiret er produsert som et engangsprodukt. LESS Engangsvisir inngår i våre smittevernsett. Pakkes i esker á 10 stk. Eske vekt: 320g Eske volum: 0,012 m3 Eske mål: 30,5 x 22 x 17,5 cm

Munnbind og forbruksmateriell Som en service til våre kunder i en periode med ustabil varetilgang og komplisert logistikk tilbyr vi en rekke forbruksartikler som våre leverandører har i sitt sortiement.

Munnbind Kat II Smittefrakker Vernebriller




LESS Morsposer

Bærehåndtak, U-glidelås og ID-lomme. Alle våre morsposer har gjennomgående bærehåndtak og u-glidelås over tre sider. Leveres med plastlomme for ID og informasjon ved storulykker og katastrofer.

8106 LESS Morspose Nedbrytbar LESS Morspose 8106 er miljøvennelig og nedbrytbar i jord. Morsposen er produsert i nedbryt-bar polypropylen og polyetylen, den er tett for å redusere smittefare og er miljøvennlig ved forbrenning. Merk: Nedbrytbare materialer har redusert slitestyrke og må brukes noe mer skånsomt. Denne inngår i LESS evakueringssystem og LESS redningsenhet.

8106 22 LESS Morspose PEVA Kloridfri løsning i PEVA egner seg for noe mer robust bruk ute på et skadested. PEVA tilfredss-tiller nye krav fra krematoriene om reduserte utslipp ved forbrenning.

8106 220 x 90 cm 8106 22 220 x 100 cm 8106 25 250 x 120 cm

8106 25 LESS Morspose PEVA XL Samme materialer som 8106 22, men i stor størrelse med målene 250 cm x 120 cm..

8106 42 LESS Morspose for vann Drenerende morspose for opphenting av mors fra vann. Uglidelås og 10 bærehåndtak for mest mulig skånsom behandling av mors.

8106 52 LESS Gasstett Morspose - CBRNE

Produsert i 700 gr. armert PVC-duk i fargene blå (NATO) og grå. Posene er godkjent av NATO og Teknologisk Institutt. Standard størrelse 220 x 100 cm. Glidelås 200 cm. Posen er gasstett, har 6 bærehåndtak og innlagt absorbent. Tåler trykk opp til 0,05 bar. Bæreevne: 200 kg


Beredskaps-systemer 8

Samarbeidspartnere PAX Akuttsekker / Akuttvesker Tyske kvalitetsvesker for nødetater LESS AS er forhandler for tyske PAX med de anerkjente løsningene for akuttsekker , vesker og oppbevaringsløsninger for nødetatene. Høy kvalitet, gode materialvalg og inngående kjennskap til de enkelte nødetaters behov har gjort at PAX foretrekkes av svært mange aktører. PAX har en stor katalog med mange spennende løsninger.

Personlig verneutstyr LESS AS er distributør for noen av verdens fremste produsenter av personlig verneutstyr. Dette gjør at vi kan sette sammen komplette løsninger for våre kunder og sikre ansatte den beste beskyttelse på arbeidsplassen.

Lakeland vernedrakter

TIKI åndedrettsvern less.no

Breathing face protection

A revolution in respirator technology MADE IN SWEDEN

Designed to make your job easier The Tiki respirator is an innovative protective respirator manufactured in Sweden for use in challenging environments which present the need to protect against airborne particles and bacteria.   The construction sector, emergency services, the pharmaceutical industry and laboratories are just a few examples of workplaces where the Tiki respirator is suitable for use. The mask has been awarded the highest protection class offered in accordance with European standards, and the Tiki’s P3 class filter is able to catch more than 99.5% of the most difficult particles from as small as 0.0003 mm. Optimal protection meets optimal comfort The Tiki Respirator has been designed with user comfort at the fore, even during longer periods of work. To breathe freely and the unobstructed view are just a few advantages with Tiki

Ergonomic fit The mask is availible in three different sizes — small, medium and large — in order to fit all kinds of different faces.

Light weight Unlike many other protective respirators on the market, the Tiki respirator is lightweight, weighing between just 360 380 grams, depending on the size. Blower with variable speeds Thanks to the pressure-sensitive sensor built into the mask, the blower’s speed can be adapted to match your breathing, which results in optimal user comfort. Unobstructed view As the filter is placed in the upper part of the mask, your view is unobstructed both downwardly and at the sides. Together with its built-in LED lighting system, Tiki makes it possible to work even in dark or cramped conditions. Facilitates communication The mask is designed in a way that facilitates both visual and verbal communication. You can see each other’s faces and you can even talk on the phone while wearing the mask.

The TIKI protective respirator is powered by an internal battery with an operational time of 1 – 2.5 hours, depen­ding on the load. An external battery unit is available as an accessory for those who require a longer battery life. The mask is also equipped with LED lights which facilitate work in dark conditions.

The particle filter protects against all types of particulate pollutants (P3). It’s quick and easy to change the filter and mask. The filter is quadratic in shape in order to achieve a maximal filter surface and a long service life.

The external battery can run for 6–10 hours, depending on the load.

An easy to use mask made out of PET and TPE plastics with a completely unobstructed view. The excellent view provided by the mask facilitates communication by allowing you to see the eyes and facial expressions of your co-workers. It is also easy to use the phone while wearing the mask.

The blower unit regulates the blower speed in accordance with the amount of air needed to retain positive pressure within the protective respirator. Some advantages of this are increased comfort, longer battery life, longer filter life and a quieter blower.

A durable harness with a soft and light-weight design for optimal comfort.

How does the Tiki respirator work? The Tiki respirator works by ensuring positive pressure within the mask. Positive pressure is generated by a batteryoperated blower that sucks air into the mask through a purifying filter. Using a built-in pressure sensitive sensor, the mask retains positive pressure completely in line with your breathing, which offers superior comfort compared to a traditional respirator. This kind of individual adaptation has the additional advantage of improving the service life of both the battery and the filter. The mask also has a built-in warning system which lets you

know if the battery power is too low, if the mask pressure is incorrect or if the filter is clogged or in need of a change. Easy to use The Tiki respirator is comprised of four components: Blower, filter, mask and harness. The Tiki is ready to use from the moment you have fixed its easilyadjustable harness in place. The filter can be changed quickly and easily without the need for any tools. The mask itself can also be changed quickly and easily if it becomes scratched or contaminated.

Highest protection class according to European standards

Extremely comfortable as a result of its sensor-controlled air supply

Available in three sizes for optimum fit

Light weight: from only 360 grams

Provides excellent visibility and communication

Long battery life: up to ten hours using an external battery

Quadratic P3 filter for optimum performance and long lasting

Built-in LED lighting

It’s quick and easy to change the mask and filter

Economic: low total ownership cost

Think about the environment As the mask is made of PET and TPE plastics it can be re-used, and it is manufactured using only green power from sustainable sources.



Fabrikkvegen 80 NO-2849 KAPP NORWAY

Marin ENG – TIKI SAFETY 10/2019

Ten good reasons to choose Tiki

Tiki for real Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you want to know more, get a quote or try it out for real. Call us or drop us a mail today! +47 61 16 00 55 (workdays 8 am – 5 pm GMT) post@less.no less.no +47 61 16 00 55 (workdays 8 am – 4 pm GMT) post@less.no less.no

Protect Your People



Fact Sheet and Protective Clothing Guide Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is the latest variant of a series of similar viruses under the ‘corona’ name – so-called because of its structure which gives the appearance of the corona of a star. This is the same family of virus that cause the common cold along with the SARS and MERS epidemics that previously resulted in widespread infection and multiple deaths. This document summarises current known facts about the virus at the time of publication (January 28 2020) along with Lakeland recommendations for protective clothing for front line healthcare workers involved in the care of infected patients. A key factor of Coronavirus 2019-nCoV is that it appears to transmit very easily – probably more easily than the previous SARS and MERS variants. It also, however, appears less dangerous with similar though less critical symptoms (the symptoms of a standard cold – fever, cough, runny nose, restricted breathing etc). It also appears less dangerous; the primary risk is to those with existing health problems or weakened immune systems and many of those infected will develop symptoms no worse than a common cold. This, and the fact that the latest information suggests it can be transmitted during its incubation period (1 to 2 weeks), means that: 1. The current identified number of confirmed cases is likely to be much LOWER than the actual number of cases – simply because many of those infected will never present themselves at a hospital as the symptoms are relatively mild. They can however spread the disease. 2. There is a high likelihood of the virus becoming widespread and it will be very difficult to prevent this. For these reasons cases in Europe and other parts of the world are highly likely so health services need to prepare. As a leading manufacturer of protective clothing for industrial and medical use, Lakeland are well placed to advise on selecting protective clothing.

Selection of protective clothing for health workers The latest WHO essential guidelines for protection against Coronavirus can be found here:https://www.who.int/publications-detail/infection-preventionand-control-during-health-care-when-novel-coronavirus-(ncov)infection-is-suspected-20200125 However, whilst these provide good general guidelines on management of care areas information on specific garment type recommendations is very limited. So here we provide more detailed suggestions for recommended garment choice. Two factors for selection of protective clothing should be addressed: 1. Fabric type: will the fabric used resist penetration of the virus?

How does it transmit? Like any other cold virus the disease will transmit via the following:-

2. Will the garment design minimise the risk of penetration through seams and closures.

• Transmission in contaminated airborne droplets resulting from coughs and sneezes

Fabric Choice

• Close personal contact (this could include touching of skin as a result of shaking hands etc) • Touching an object (such as a door handle) that has the virus on it • Faecal contamination (rare – but obviously a possible issue in healthcare of the worst affected patients)

Choice of fabric for protective garments, whether a gown (as suggested by the WHO guidelines) or a coverall should relate to the EN standard for protection against infectious agents EN 14126. This defines four tests to assess resistance against different types of contact with contaminated mediums. These tests and classifications are shown below:TEST - EN 14126 Test Number

For more detail and updates on Coronavirus 2019nCoV and other protective clothing issues read our blog at https://blog.lakeland.com/europe



ISO 16604

Protection against contaminated liquids under pressure

Class 1 to 6

EN 14126: Annex A

Protection against penetration by infective agents due to mechanical contact with substances containing contaminated aerosols

Class 1 to 6

EN 22611

Penetration by contaminated liquid aerosols

Class 1 to 3

EN 22612

Penetration by contaminated solid particles

Class 1 to 3


(6 is highest) (6 is highest) (3 is highest) (3 is highest)

Protect Your People


Lakeland Fabric / Garment Choice Thus the essential requirements for any garment selected should be:-

CORONAVIRUS 2019-nCoV Fact Sheet and Protective Clothing Guide

Given the routes of contamination the Coronavirus might take, we suggest that fabric should at least achieve a high class in the tests ISO 16604, EN 14126: Annex A and ISO 22611. Of these the ISO 16604 test uses a bacteriophage to assess penetration. The bacteriophage used has a much smaller size than the Coronavirus. 0.027 microns 0.125 microns

Thus a high classification in the ISO 16604 test is a good indicator that a fabric is unlikely to allow the Coronavirus to penetrate, regardless of whether in a liquid, airborne aerosol or on a contaminated surface.

Garment Design Choice Effectiveness of resistance of finished garments against penetration by liquids is defined in EN standards EN 13034 (Type 6) and EN 14605 (Types 3 and 4). Although the latest WHO guidelines suggest that a gown with long sleeves may be sufficient, given the nature of this virus, the ease with which it transmits and the high likelihood of widespread infection we would go further and suggest in many healthcare applications a coverall may be more suitable. Furthermore, Type 6 coveralls feature stitched seams and open zip, so a liquid or particle can can easily penetrate through the holes or gaps in the teeth and backing of the zip. Type 4 garments however require sealed seams and a sealable zip flap, minimising the likelihood of penetration. For this reason we recommend at least a Type 4 garment construction. Spray cabin testing for liquid chemical protective coveralls Type 3, 4 and 6.

Type 6 Aerosol spray

Type 4 ‘Shower’ spray

Type 3 ‘Jet’ spray v 0120 © Lakeland Industries Inc, USA

2. A minimum Type 4 design, or a design featuring sealed seams and sealable zip flap. Based on these requirements Lakeland recommends the following options:

Fabric Choice (continued)

Average size of bacteriophage used in ISO 16604 Average size of Coronavirus 2019-nCoV

1. The fabric should achieve a high class in the EN 14126 tests ISO 16604. EN 14126; Annex A and ISO 22611. A high class in ISO 16604 is desirable.

The finished garment spray tests for Type 3, 4 & 6 garments provide a good indication of the level of protection offered by each.

MicroMAX® TS

Not available in North America

• Microporous film laminate achieving the highest class in all four tests in EN 14126. • Lightweight and flexible fabric for maximum comfort. • Sealed, stitched and taped seams and sealable zip flap. • Lightweight and more comfortable garment for lower risk applications.

ChemMAX® 1 EB

Not available in North America

• ChemMAX® 1 variant originally developed and used widely for the Ebola relief effort in Sierra Leone. • Barrier film achieving the highest class in all four tests in EN 14126. • Sealed, stitched and taped seams and single sealable zip flap. • ChemMAX® 1 might be selected for higher risk areas as the fabric is more robust than MicroMAX® TS.

ChemMAX® 1 Various coverall styles available. Contact your local Lakeland regional office for details. • Barrier film achieving the highest class in all four tests in EN 14126. • Sealed, stitched and taped seams. • ChemMAX® 1 might be selected for higher risk areas as the fabric is more robust than MicroMAX® TS.

ChemMAX® 2 and 3 Contact your local Lakeland regional office for details. • ChemMAX® 2 and 3 are Type 3 & 4 protective coveralls in the same design as ChemMAX® 1. Made with a more robust, tougher fabric; they both achieve the highest class in each of the EN 14126 tests. • These garments may be suitable in more demanding applications and environments or where MicroMAX® TS or ChemMAX® 1 are not available.







+47 61 16 00 55




LESS AS P.O. box 113, 2858 Kapp, Norge

Fabrikkvegen 80, Kapp Melkefabrikk, 2849 Kapp, Norge

LESS Emergency Equipment




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