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5 “O museu levado ao povo”: A política cultural brasileira entre a arte de elite e

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OLIVEIRA, Anderson Luiz da Silva. Conceptions of public and museum art in the


experience of the Experimental Unit of the Museum of Modern Art in Rio de Janeiro in

the 1970s. 2021. 227f. Course Conclusion Paper (Master in Public Policy and Human Formation) - PPFH, State University of Rio de Janeiro. Rio de Janeiro, 2021.

This work intends to contribute to the discussion on the educational power of public art (CHAGAS, 2006), based on the investigation of participatory artistic actions (PORTELLA, 2010) and didactic interventions (LÉGER, 2012) activated by means of public programs with an educational purpose in urban spaces (FUREGATTI, 2013), in the 1970s, in Rio de Janeiro and São Paulo. We take as our main reference the educational program of the Experimental Unit (1969-1973), linked to the Courses sector of the Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro, which became a place of creation and a space for collective dialogue, fundamental "in the programming of external activities, courses, exhibitions, conferences, debates, environmental, multisensory and interdisciplinary manifestations" (MORAIS, 1969). As research methodology, we sought to gather, through different sources, fragments of memory against the background of a public history (MAUD, 2016) of contemporary Brazilian art in context with practices of archiving and inventorying of artistic actions (ROLNIK, 2012)2 .

KEYWORDS: Public Art; Museum of Modern Art of Rio de Janeiro; Archive; Educational Program; Experimental Unit.

2 This study was financed in part by the Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.

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