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The Voice of Astara Spring 2022



By Valarie Anderson

The iconic ankh of Astara: so important it graces every cover of the

Book of Life Degree Lessons, and has since 1955. We have no known record of how the ankh symbol became the identifying marker for the books that would travel numerous oceans and become a compass for seekers and readers worldwide. We have no notes from the founders or messages from the Masters on why or how the ankh meandered its way into becoming the face of the important Astara teachings. We can only rely on what we do know and what has been written, and illustrated, collectively, by Earlyne and Robert, regarding the ankh. Here, the question of, “Why the ankh?” is examined through the pages of the Degree Lessons and the supplemental books with an attempt to understand the mystic ankh and its role in Astara.


The ankh is commonly defined as an Egyptian hieroglyphic symbol meaning “life”. It was used in writing and in art and features a cross shape with a tear drop loop replacing the upper bar. In Latin it is referred to as the Crux Ansata, or handle shaped cross. It was a tool of the gods and Osiris, Anubis, Isis, Ma’at, and Ra are often depicted holding the ankh in tomb paintings of ceremony and afterlife. Pharaohs and kings and important religious figures from Egyptian life (and death) are shown with the ankh as talisman for protection and immortality. In the 4th century the Coptic Christians adopted the symbol, recognizing the loop as a sign of eternal life, (Christ’s resurrection) atop the cross (Christ’s sacrifice). *

Beyond the covers, in Astara, the ankh first appears inside the Book of Life First Degree Lesson 2. It is predominantly (and happily) displayed hanging by a chain around Earlyne Chaney’s neck in a photo showing the Padmasana position for meditation. It reappears in the twenty-first Lesson, The First Step Towards Rebirth wherein an illustration depicts a celestial guardian, or guardian angel assisting with the task of the soul’s new incarnation.

He holds an ankh, although it is never referred to, in the selection process and creation of the soul’s destiny. The celestial guardian is described as a Being from a place way more advance than our own and an activator of the soul’s energy bodies. The Science of Rebirth is outlined and the quest to continue the search is hailed as the Crux Ansate, Initiatory Symbolism for the Cross of Life that gleams upon the heart of the First Degree graduate.



In its simplest form, initiation is merely the act of beginning something. In the Astara, School initiation “Guides the seeker toward the inner mysteries of life, death, God, humankind and the ultimate initiaton: immortality.” Degree Lesson 1.

In ancient Egyptian times, 3rd dynasty, Zoser’s step pyramid housed an initiation school called Asta-Ra and its purpose was to initiate seekers of Light into the great mysteries. It is here that the current Astara School originates with the highest calling of Man Know Thyself. In the ancient Melchizedek Order the ankh was embellished with a crystal and used for healing-or disabling an enemy. Its power was a mini ark of the covenant and is similar to today’s lasers: some used for healing some for destruction. Some powerful ankhs could be the Light of the Holy Grail used to activate the bliss centers in the brain for enlightenment. In other words, transmuting one from “man-to-godlike.”

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