Meet the girl with three boobs
IntroducingJasmine Tridevil: the girl with three boobs! What? Well, yes. The 21-year-old licensed massage therapist from Florida decided to undergo a $20,000 surgery "a few months ago" to add a third boob to her chest. Wonder why? Here's your answer. Says she: "I got it because I wanted to make myself unattractive to men. I don't wanna date anymore." Now if you are wondering who would actually perform this surgery, read this. "They did have an issue with it and it was really hard finding somebody who would do it. Because they're breaking the code of ethics to do it," she explained. "That's why he made me sign a nondisclosure agreement because he's afraid he could get in trouble. But I called like 50 or 60 doctors, nobody wanted to do it." Tridevil (not her real name) is also hoping to bank a reality show from this.
"I was making really good money [being a licensed massage therapist] but now I'm trying to star in a reality show instead. I don't like that job," she shared, and later added, "My whole dream is to get this show on MTV. I hired a camera crew individually, so I'm the producer of this show right now." She started by filming her parents' reactions to her eyebrow-raising procedure. "It's been crazy. I told my mom on camera, so that's gonna be on my show, too. My mom ran out the door. She won't talk to me. She won't let my sister talk to me. My dad, I told my dad on camera, too. He really isn't happy. He's kind of ashamed of me, but he accepted it," she said. "I saved up for two years and I didn't spend any of that money and I'm dumping every penny I have into this. If this doesn't work, I'm through," Tridevil exclaimed. For more Latest Hot Buzz news click here