FYSE'S Social Enterprise Immersion Program

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FYSE social enterprise immersion program

"FYSE is for sure one of the pioneers in the social entrepreneurship field in China." Joyce Zhou -­‐ Marke/ng Manager, Intel






FYSE’s Social Enterprise Immersion Program connects individuals with some of China’s most inspiring social entrepreneurs, and provides invaluable first-­‐hand insight into innova/on, social entrepreneurship and sustainable development in China.

Par$cipants will take away from the experience: Ac/onable Insights into innova/on, new business models, and products Unique view into development issues and civil society

Inspira/on and space for personal and professional growth Increased understanding of new markets in emerging economies (base of the pyramid)

Sessions We Offer:

Introductory Sessions

Case Study

Field Visits

Learn about sustainable development, philanthropy, social entrepreneurship, and corporate social responsibility.

Par/cipants work directly with a social enterprise or charity on a specific business challenge.

Par/cipants engage in experien/al learning by visi/ng a social enterprise or charity.

The format can be of presenta/on style Par/cipants will learn about the or panel discussions. organiza/on, be briefed on current challenges, and use their experience and exper/se to present solu/ons.

Par/cipants will gain exposure and obtain an in-­‐depth insight into how the organiza/on operates in China.

Community Service Par/cipants serve an NGO or social enterprise, ranging from short-­‐term ac/vi/es such as organizing a fundraising ac/vity to long-­‐ term ac/vi/es such as mentoring a young migrant student over the course of a semester.

”FYSE offers a focused opportunity to dialogue with the most interes?ng ‘movers and shakers’ working in social entrepreneurship in China.” Teresa DelLauren/s -­‐ MBA Student, Rutgers University

Social enterprises par/cipa/ng in the program demonstrate innova/on and good prac/ce in their field. They are making a difference on a wide range of issues such as organic farming, microfinance, educa/on, and much more. Visits are hosted by founders or senior staff who will: Ø Deliver prac/cal and unbiased informa/on Ø Share how and why they are successful Ø Iden/fy transferable ideas Ø Host frank discussions about the challenges they face Ø Provide opportuni/es to build long-­‐term networking links Environmental Protec/on and Educa/on

Food Safety and Organic Farming


Women Empowerment



Elderly Care


Pricing The fees for each session ensure the social entrepreneurs are paid for their /me and exper/se, as well as cover costs for FYSE. For more informa/on on fees, contact us at hello@fyse.org

Previous Par$cipants ‣ Cass Business School -­‐ City University (UK) ‣ Imperial College London (UK) ‣ University College Dublin (Ireland) ‣ The Interna/onal School Affiliated with Peking University (China)

FYSE ABOUT FYSE FYSE enables social entrepreneurs to achieve their utmost impact. We identify needs and develop innovative solutions that enable social entrepreneurs to effectively tackle society’s most pressing social and environmental challenges while expanding their businesses and creating jobs. We take a collaborative and hands-on approach, engaging a diverse network of partners— including companies, government bodies, non-profit organizations, and universities.

CONTACT Registered Office: c/o Hogan Lovells, 11th Floor, One Pacific Place, 88 Queensway, Hong Kong China Office: 中国北京市朝


Haocheng Building, Office 1107 No.6 Zuojiazhuang Zhongjie, Chaoyang District, 100028 Tel: +852 8170 3587 hello@fyse.org www.fyse.org

FYSE is the trading name for the Foundation For Youth Social Entrepreneurship, a registered charity in Hong Kong.

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