andrea bergamini_cv&portfolio

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name Andrea Bergamini d.o.b. 22 October 1987 born in Mirandola [Italy] adress (IT) via F. Confalonieri 2, 41037 Mirandola, Modena, Italy

WORK EXPERIENCE 09/2014 - 12/2014 ARTÉRIA - HUMANIZING ARCHITECTURE . Lisbon [PT] design proposals . CAD drawings . 3D models . graphic design 12/2013 - 01/2014 Fondazione Cologni Mestieri d’arte . Milano [IT] writing and photo editing of interviews about craftsmen 08/2012 - 12/2013 POLIStudio . Mirandola . Modena [IT] survey of buildings damaged by the earthquake of May 2012 . design proposals

EDUCATION 2010 - 2013 MASTER OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE . Politecnico di MILANO thesis: if [IN]tangible then...a new handing down strategy for craft culture supervisor: prof. Gennaro Postiglione [110/110] 2009 - 2010 Escuela Tecnica Superior de Arquitectura de VALENCIA . Architectural design Universidad Politecnica de VALENCIA Valencia . Erasmus project 2006 - 2009 BACHELOR OF SCIENCE DEGREE IN ARCHITECTURE . Politecnico di MILANO thesis: The city inside the forest. Strategies of urban growth for the city of Mirandola supervisor: prof. Vittorio Valpondi [110/110] 2001 - 2006 SCIENTIFIC HIGH SCHOOL DIPLOMA Liceo Scientifico/Tecnologico Galileo Galilei . Mirandola (Italy) [85/100]

INTERNSHIP 12/2012 - 02/2013 Daniele Balzanelli architetto . Mantova architectural design assistant . freehand & CAD drawings . rendering 04/2009 - 06/2009 POLIStudio . Mirandola CAD details drawings . architectural survey and drawing . rendering

WORKSHOP 21/05/2009 - 24/05/2009 GLI SPAZI DI LE CORBUSIER . La Tourette [prof. D. Balzanelli] Eveux-sur-l’Arbresle . Lyon [FR) 23/11/2007 - 02/12/2007 UPGRADE HISTORICAL CENTRES . Zamosc and Sabbioneta [prof. G. Leoni, prof. M. Lucchini] Zamosc (PL)


phone +39 3403748086 e-mail skype bergamono works

PUBLICATIONS / EXPOSITIONS Fondazione Cologni dei Mestieri d’Arte - 03/2014 TOPPI LUIGI, AUTHOR’S INLAY - FERART, FORGING IDEAS Master Craftsman interviews published on IUAV - 06/2013 W.A.V.E. WORKSHOP 2013 - THE CITY OF OTHERS guest lecture for TAMASSOCIATI STUDIO Poliespanso srl - 2012 A SHELL TO LIVE IN HARMONY AND SAFETY results of the competion of ideas 24 april 2011 DESIGN AND CRAFT IN URBAN FURNITURE exposition of urban furniture design proposals

ATTITUDES STRONG TEAM SPIRIT resulting from university workshops and practice of team sports COMMUNICATION SKILLS due to contacts with technicians and customers during my work experiences ORGANIZATION ability to plan the work by myself and to manage short/long run deadlines CURIOSITY continuous search for new stimolous and ideas RESEARCH ATTITUDE to examine in depth my personal and professional interests


LANGUAGES ITALIAN : mother tongue SPANISH : R excellent . W good . L excellent . S excellent PORTUGUESE : R excellent . W good . L good . S good ENGLISH : R excellent . W good . L good . S good . (2014 B2 certificate)

SCENIC DESIGN FOR CINEMATOGRAPHY Stanley Kubrick . Jacques Tati . Michelangelo Antonioni . Wim Wenders MUSIC punk rock . classic rock . alternative . reggae . psychedelic . jazz . indie DRUMS AND PERCUSSIONS 2003 / 2006 drums lessons at school of Music . play drums in a Rock band ART pop art . video art . photography TEAM SPORT DISCIPLINE football . vollyball . basketball . tennis TRAVELS european capitals . italian landascapes

2013 . 04 IF [IN]TANGIBLE THEN... a new handing down strategy for craft culture





TANGIBLE heritage


has not read ore seen advertising campaigns


16/25 PEOPLE

indicates shopping centers as main cause of the crisis



ITALIAN small enterprises EUROPEAN small enterprises


SMALL enterprises TOTAL enterprises

ITALY phisical things


awareness + ...


2.CHOICE OF THE ACTIVITIES Latest studies have noticed the size and distribution of sectors in the regional territory and they have observed that eight of them show a strong extinction trend. Refering to “Mestieri da difendere” research (AZIMUT project, Lombardy Region, march 2004) and developing the main risk factors data, such as lack of demand and lack of workers, we have chosen those activities which have a good demand in the market, but lost their ability to attraction. Of the 135 starting craft professions recognized by the national law system, we listed 29 of them on which it is possible an intervention for a future relaunch.


TANGIBLE heritage

1.ABSTRACT The following work deals with the artistic and traditional craftsmanship’s theme intended as an expression of intangible cultural heritage of a country. Nowadays, in addition to the declining production and the increasing lack of workers, the culture of “making” also suffers from a serious crisis concerning the way it is perceived and known by people. This makes the craft knowledge transmission to the new generations an extremely topical issue. Since Italy is a country where often the traditional crafts are deeply bonded with the very identity and recognition of a place, their eventual extinction would be totally untenable from culture’s point of view. However, if protecting something physical and tangible seems to have always meant just preserving it and protecting it from the inevitable action of time, what can be done if our most traditional skills and knowledge are at risk now? This is, ultimately, the crucial question the thesis tries to find an answer to.

cultural diversity

a new handing down strategy for craft culture

cultural diversity


if [in]tangible then...


identifies more frequently traditional craft with food industry


HANDING DOWN (tramandare)

40% “SCHOOL”?


TRADITIONAL CRAFT enterpries CRAFT enterprises


thinks that the craft field is in sharp decline



56/65 PEOPLE

. 12%

TRADITIONAL CRAFT enterpries CRAFT enterprises

3.STRATEGIES To promote and revive crafts activities, it is both necessary to train new craftsmen, and act on the subjects from which such “perception” depends: designers, master craftsmen and customers. The first ones have to confront themselves with the second ones, the second ones have to learn to collaborate and the last ones have to recognize and appreciate the quality of crafts products. Only in this way craftsmanship could gain that competitiveness and that innovation spirit required to re-launch itself as a production model. Being a part of the whole enterprise logic (idea conception”, “realization” and “comunication), the three actors will constitue the matrix on which training new craftsmen. Collaboration through common realizations is proposed as a guideline: the production sectors shared by the selected activities at risk constitute that common ground. To choose the specific activities on which developing the design proposal, it has been selected the production area of furniture because it is the main excellence in Milan that can give great propulsion to the relaunch of the crafts that concern.


Confezionista di pellicce su misura ricamatrice sarto e confezionista di capi su misura artigiano delle lavorazioni a mano di oggetti in cuoio produttore di calzature su misura


sellaio valigiaio carpentiere per lavori in legno corniciaio doratore falegname


intagliatore-intarsiatore parquettista produttore di ceste, canestri, bigonce e simili produttore di oggetti in paglia, bambù, giunco e simili produttore di pipe arrotino


carpentiere per lavori artistici in ferro fabbricante di forbici, utensili e altri ferri taglienti fabbro lattoniere

4.FUNCTIONAL PROGRAM Through the analysis of several case studies, both national and international, it was possible to synthesize a list of spaces / functions that can be inserted in the project divided by the three moments of the idea concept, realization and communication of an handicraft product. Each of the three actors involved have their own dedicated space (laboratory, design studio and point of sale / showroom), and it is expected a space where two of them can get in contact (meeting room). The spaces expression of the maximum mutual influence are the conference hall, library, documents center and exhibition hall.

confezionista di tendaggi e arredamenti su misura


disegnatore tessile liutaio produttore di campane produttore di corde armoniche produttore di organi, fisarmoniche ed armoniche a bocca produttore di ottoni



produttore di strumenti a fiato in legno e metallo


disegno tessile


60 m² 50+10

120 m²

5.ADAPTIVE REUSE Since it is a multipurpose place, it requires a dynamic context to express itself. The well-established urban fabric of Milan guarantees places with ideal characteristics: accessible, able to involve all kinds of people and close to major hubs of culture and work. Reuse was chosen in order to perform a plausible and sustainable operation imagining that it could be helpful not only to find a place in the wellestablished city, but also to redefine the identity of abandoned area through community involvement. Starting from dimensioning data of work spaces, has been selected the former ATM bus deposit on via Verona considering it a valid design opportunity linked to the history of Milan.


1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

x calandra/piegatrice x cannello x forgia x incudini x maglio x pressa x punzonatrice x saldatrice x tranciatrice/sega a nastro x trapano a colonna x troncatrice

1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1

x x x x x x x x x




calibratrice levigatrice a nastro pialla a filo pialla a spessore sega a nastro squadratrice tavolo da lavoro (1xP) toupie trapano a colonna

70 m²

70 m²


paglia, rafia, vimini & bambù

pelle, cuoio


78 m²



135 m²



183 m² 150+33

8 x macchine da cucire (2xP) 1 x tavolo grande da stiro 1 x tavolo grande da taglio

4 x telai (1xP) 1 x spolarice 1 x tavolo grande da stiro

183 m² 150+33

4 x tavolo da lavoro (1xP)

425 m² 325+100

4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

x x x x x x x x x

tavolo da lavoro (1xP) bindello piccolo pialla lineare pialla spessore traforo tornio sega circolare trapano a colonna sega circolare

4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

x x x x x x x x x

tavolo da lavoro (1xP) bindello piccolo pialla lineare pialla spessore traforo tornio sega circolare trapano a colonna sega circolare

1 x morsa 4 x tavolo da lavoro (1xP) 1 x vasca d'acqua

1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1

x x x x x x x x x x x

banco di finissaggio macchina lucida bordi macchine da cucire (x 3) marchiatrice a caldo scarnitrice spaccapelli tagliastrisce tavolo da lavoro (1xP) tingibordi torchietto tranciatrice

1 1 1 4 1 4

x x x x x x

computer mac. da cucire mac. campionatura mac. ricamo 4 teste (1xP) spolatore tavolo da lavoro (1xP)

458 m² 375+83

scala 1:300 0








CRISIS ( of craftsmanship )

PERCEPTION ( of craftsmanship )

strategies (metaprogramma)

LACK ( of craftsmen )

1. map vacant spaces in Milan EDUCATING ( new individuals )

[RE]EDUCATING ( existing roles )



unemployment & immigration


( freelancers/students)




( the craftsman's ability )

( the traditional know-how )




cultural diversity

( to foster creativity )



( ideas with craftsmen )


collaborate ( with craftsmen & designers )


common goal ( the product )


surface totally filled

appreciate ( the quality )



( the making process )


more volumes + free surface

D.01 D.02 D.03 D.04 D.05 D.09 D.10

via Custodi 14 via Verona 8 via Molise 60 via Teodosio 125 via Leoncavallo 32 viale Stelvio 2 via Messina 41


piazza S. Maria del Suffragio 1


F.19 F.26

via Enrico Cosenz 63 via Verne 1

7.232 9.701

12.460 4.850 16.973 38.405 12.400 12.407 28.103

strategic management

3. places filtered by ti pology and dimension

human resources

meeting rooms warehouse LAB

marketing office studios for rent

restaurant / cafeteria idea conception





[ ≤ 1 YEAR ]


conference room database / archive exposition area / showroom library

secretariat meeting rooms

recreation areas administrative office


meeting rooms

masters & external guests

( learning from other roles )

( customers )

apprenticeship [ 3 YEARS ]

temporary enterprises start up [ 2 YEARS max. ]

permanent enterprises excellences

bookshop selling point new craftsman enterprises

designers: students & external freelancers

crossing knowledge


one volume




( masters/apprentices )

( a possible resource )

via Mascagni 8 corso Buenos Aires 36 corso XXII Marzo 14 corso Lodi 39 via Gran Sasso 28


( apprentices )

766 640 974 2.350 650

C.03 C.04 C.07 C.08 C.10

external customers


2. map filtered by position

6.DESIGN PROPOSAL The architectural proposal is an attempt to give shape to the strategies developed so far: it aims to be a space where the craftsmanship transmission of knowledge is possible. The idea-concept spaces take place into two distinct elements: the tower of design moment and the great library. The towers are nine, one per activity, and contain the archives for each sector (1st floor) and studies for rent / meeting rooms (2nd and 3rd floor). The library is a great space made attractive by the angled wall that culminate with a long skylight that allows diffused light. The spaces of realization are represented by laboratories, located at the two opposite sides of the open-air courtyard: the first inserted in the existing building, the second designed as new volume; the architectural solutions introduced in both coming from the choice of strategic paths and points of view but also from the spatial needs of the specific activities. The principal space of communication is the highest added volume (20m) which contains the exhibition function. It is characterized by flexibility: completely free, it can be organized in any way and inside it is expected to show handicraft furnitures produced by collaborations or individual activities. Exposures may be temporary and continually updated and the visitor is the main user of this space. The areas of common services represent the points of contact of the three involved actors and they contain events of collective interest such as presentations, workshops or spaces for breaks and refreshment. In addition, offices are provided for technical services such as administration and management, or marketing and brand communication. The conference hall is one of the most charming architectural volumes and it was inserted between the interior and the exterior of the existing building: defined by high timber beams coated with polycarbonate panels, it is reached by an outdoor walkway that comes out from the services volume. The shape of the hall follows the area of the old iron pillars and it is located just above the portion of the floor supported by pillars, becoming the foyer before the access to the hall.

a.a. 2011 - 2012 Thesis of Master Degree in Architecture supervisor . prof. Gennaro Postiglione

1. actual sidewalk

2. new sidewalk

3. new entrance area

4. interior circular path


New Elements ADDICTED

2012 . 06 spazio . altro student’s pavilion

2010 . 01 VLC shop shopping (city) center

2010 . 04 VLC t-living temporary living (city) center

2011 . 02 wPR new Parma West-side

2011 . 07 transforMN can water build spaces?

2012 . 02 the box 4+1 walls per 2 houses

2009 . 02 memoria 2 monuments in Baveno (VB)


spazio.altro student’s pavilion

The pavilion was designed to isolate the new recreational space / catering available to students of the university. This temporary building take place in a large grassy free space (renovation of the courtyard) to give a sense of separation from the environment, For the same reason the pavilion has a circular shape (that doesn’t give points of perceptual reference) circumventing the compositional hierarchy, as well as hiding the access and making it seemingly unreachable. The large windows at the zenith, designed to overcome the concept of limit / horizontal locking, maintain the perception of “open space” both in winter and in summer. Interiors can be freely organized (studio area, exhibition hall, meetings hall, videopresentations classroom) and the boundery walls consist of partitions that can be used as exhibitors or workstations composed of a desk floor. From the technical point of view, the construction can be disassembled due to the use of a metal frame system composed of two sheets of compact and flexible polycarbonate at 30 cm distance, which is lowered into the gravel of glass to create massive walls (to enhance thermal phase displacement). The roof slope promotes the exploitation of sunlight: the windows at the zenith allow the greenhouse effect for the winter season, while are protected by dynamic sunshades during the summer.

01.06.2012 1st PRIZE ”Adolfo Sissa” Prize for students

shopping (city) centre The open-air shopping mall is seen as an opportunity to enhance the commercial activities in the consolidated residential fabric as well as a chance to regenerate a part of the city through new and complementary activities. The “empty” of the urban block is transformed into “full” from the point of view of public space and relationship. The partition of the space is emphasized by modular stripes (3m width) in wich the volumes are arranged in order to contain the new functions established; this strong division is also marked in the pavement. The main entrance take place at the base of a new-designed building, while the secondary one is inserted on the opposite side of the perimeter. The paths follow the direction of the urban block, and they are organised around three main areas: the biggest one is a free area that takes place in the centre and the two smaller ones are shaded and arranged at the two opposite corners. The stripes take a wave trend in which the various levels of fruition are blended, ensuring dynamism and pleasure. The stripe module is modeled in order to make up volumes, vertical connections, terraces, green spaces , urban furniture and solar shading.

2009 - 2010 Architectural Design Laboratory II prof. Jose Luis Alapont Ramon


temporary living (city) centre The building is considered from two opposite points of view: its inclusion in a consolidated fabric and its composition of housing units of different typology. The project is located in the perimeter of the existing urban block and it represents the entrance way to the open-air shopping mall placed in the courtyard: the ground floor consists of private and pubblic meeting spaces mixed with shops, suggesting the integration with both the urban streets surrounding the block and the commercial paths of the shopping mall. The tripartite composition of the facade is a reference to the first historical urban expansion typologies and the first floor consists of a series of volumes containing commons services: large windows allows the visual link to the urban street, the primary public space. The building angle becomes the fulcrum of life both on ground floor (portico and entrance) and on top floor (loggia). Housing units are divided into three types composed around an open courtyard and arranged in order to leave common spaces between them that become more extensive near the stairwells.

2009 - 2010 Architectural Design Laboratory II prof. Jose Luis Alapont Ramon


new Parma Westside West Parma is characterized by a sharp break between the industrial area and the residential district (Pablo) along the railway line Parma-La Spezia. On the other side, south-west Parma has a large boundary plot abruptly connected to the rural landscape. The design proposal enhances this urban area: developing the strategic axis of the Via Emilia; taking advantage of the expected green-way that will born on the current railway; forecasting a new residential urbanization. The infrastructure system is centred on the new railway station tangent to the Via Emilia and the diversion of heavy traffic towards the west orbital road will free the industrial area. About the green system, specific interventions reconnect the project area to the wider green perimeter in order to exploit the existing facilities. The housing system is composed of 2 proposals: a noninvasive intervention in the industrial area that converts industrial buildings in a new cultural centre with a time plan for renewal; the improvement of the contact between rural landscape and urban functions with a new residential buildings along the external streets combined with new court housing surrounded by greenery.

2010 - 2011 Urbanism prof. Fabio Ceci


can water build spaces? Country, Lakes, Town: three components that through their elements and their stories make the territory of Mantua unique. The water is still the strongest separation between town and country, limit and insurmountable barrier except for a few points (bridges); the lake is a break moment and it creates the right distance between the object and the observer in a natural scenography. Constantly evolving in time, the settng of the water system is the main mechanism that moves the balance between town and country. To re-design the public spaces of the university, the project starts from the territorial components and their relationship with the water to create a space of transformation: the water itself becomes a “door” and “threshold” which reveals / hides the transition between two different spaces. In this analogic process the historical Mantua’s “prince’s path” is re-interpreted as an exhibition space underground; the urban furniture (seats) refers to the rural courts typology; the isolated paths on water treat the topic of the “bridge”. In the every-day situation of the pubblic space, water covers the open-air tanks and the exhibition gallery. In the moment of transformation (graduation days, events, celebrations) water spreads on the road, closing it, but lifting benches and revealing the stairs and ramps that are in the tanks: here it is possible now act collective activities and enter into the underground exposition path.

2010 - 2011 Landscape Design prof.ssa Giulia Tettamanzi

the box

4+1 walls per 2 houses The building is formed of two housing units per floor: using the construction technique of RC walls formed in-situ with EPS insulating disposable formwork, I decided to use the size of the insulating panels (1.20 m wide) to define the geometry of the housing units and to limit the cuts of material. The design proposal provides the served spaces arranged in the South in order to exploit the sun exposure, especially during the winter months, while the servant spaces are arranged in the north side, containing functions that require different lighting and thermal performances. The flexibility of the interior spaces is understood as a multiplicity of functions provided within the same environment: the basic housing unit can be divided into two parts by plugging the door that divides the living area and the sleeping area; replacing the corridor french door with a new entrance door; removing the sliding door in the sleeping area to ensure a direct connection between the future kitchen and living room. In order to provide the two future sub-units, thera are two separated heating underfloor radiant system (the living area and sleeping area) and all facilities are designed for the inclusion of a minimum kitchen.

2010 - 2011 workshop of architectural construction prof. Roberto Bolici prof. Federico Balestrini prof. Giacomo Boffi



2monuments in Baveno (VB) The analisys of the Baveno’s city centre has identified three symbolic areas expression of the historical and cultural values of this place: for two of these was drawn up a plan that shows the link with the memory of the place and wants to enhance the Stone, one of the elements of traditional local crafts. History, sound, space, time, existence, substance: each of these words has been associated with a symbol for each of the three key-sites identified. Therefore, the design process has followed a path that from the keyword, through analogy, is transformed into a symbol that turns in urban furniture: a way to maintain a strong relationship with the nature and the history of the place, and recall feelings of the past. The stone is the only used material: the bench is made with a slab of quarry cut in order to avoid waste of material and, as a consequence, composed of sheets of increasingly smaller size; the square is designed using only scraps merged according to four different size ranges. Both projects fit to the areas to wich they refer in a non-invasive way, representing the memory that accompany this place.

2008 - 2009 Interior Architecture prof. Davide Crippa





















lisbon open room competition

eusapia pencil on thin cardboard

photos travel shots


lisbon open room polyvalent pavilion competition Exploring the city to discover its most fascinating corners, through narrow streets and steep stairways, where you will find the most precious treasures, the most beautiful views and magical places. Just as Saramago says “Ready to get lost behind the second corner of the street and decided not to ask the way because “is the best way to know“ so the project for the Lisbon Open Room was founded by “listening to the voice” of the Alfama historical context, supporting the tensions generated by the relationship between the monastery of São Vicente and the Panteão Nacional. The careful reading of the block morphology determines the geometry of the project, then developing both horizontally and vertically. The architecture is generated in the “womb“ of the neighborhood, subtracting, rather than adding the volume to the project area. Long horizontal slits cut the ground, creating new urban routes linking the building, designed as a large underground square. The public nature of the intervention is emphasized by the great entrance stairway, which if necessary becomes an openair amphitheater facing the scenic backdrop, made ​​up of the facade of the monastery of Sao Vicente. The multifunctional and flexible spaces designed to accommodate any type of event or activity, are protected by a great roof made of ramps that invite visitors to enjoy the landscape from an elevated position, dominated by the presence of the Panteão Nacional.



pencil on thin cardboard Personal interpretation of the city of Eusapia described by Italo Calvino in the novel “Le citta’ invisibili”



travel shots#1

1. Alvaro Siza Swim pool.Leรงa da Palmeira.Portugal

2. Alvar Aalto Church.Riola.Italy

3. Eduardo Arroyo Kindergarden.Sondika.Spain

4. Rafael Moneo Library.Bilbao.Spagna






travel shots#2





5. Herzog & De Meuron Forum.Barcelona.Spain

6. EMBT S. Caterina Market.Barcelona.Spain

7. Carlo Scarpa Olivetti.Venezia.Italy

8. Alvaro Siza University.Santiago de Compostela.Spain

’’ I remained to wonder if the idiot was me, that was treating life as a game, or whether it was him, that was treating life as a chore. Maybe, both of us were idiots.’’

[Giorgio Perozzi . AMICI MIEI atto I . MARIO MONICELLI . 1975]

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