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Brian Terry of Divine Alignment Bodywork first began seeking out bodywork because of neck and shoulder pain that bothered him in his early 20’s. Relaxation massage felt good, but never permanently resolved the issue. It was when he first experienced Structural Integration bodywork that he realized the ongoing pain was a result of poor posture.

Through several sessions of Structural Integration, the pain he had come to think of as “normal” disappeared forever. Brian could now effortlessly sit up straight and found himself 1inch taller. Brian says, “I didn’t realize how much strain and tension was stored in my body and how much that was actually wearing me down each day.”


Over the next decade, Brian studied and practiced extensively in yoga, meditation, bodywork, nutrition, and various other forms of healing. He trained with renowned teachers Tom Meyers and Hugh Milne, and even taught bodywork for a couple of years alongside his mentor Lee Joseph in Hawaii.

Brian created his practice, Divine Alignment Bodywork, with the intention to support people to take charge of their own health. Anatomy Trains Structural Integration and Craniosacral Therapy are the focus of his practice. One session can create significant reduction in pain, though this work is often done as a series to create long lasting results. Each session builds upon the last. Three sessions can make considerable change in the body, and more dramatic and life changing results come from a longer series of around twelve sessions. The more a person participates and is committed to the process, the more they get out of it.

The importance of proper alignment cannot be over emphasized. The body is filled with energy constantly moving and flowing. When the body is out of alignment, this health sustaining energy cannot properly flow, and the result can be pain, tension, fatigue, reduced mobility, and poor sleep. This becomes a downward spiral as numerous symptoms continue to increase over time.

“Restoring proper alignment leads directly to increased energy, decreased pain, more mobility and freedom of movement, and a greater zest for and enjoyment of life,” says Brian. “Most of my clients report feeling more upright, more excited for life, and more motivated to continue on a healthy and positive trajectory after our treatments together. This enthusiasm builds on itself, and greater health and enjoyment of life are the natural outcome.”

To learn more about Divine Alignment Bodywork visit DivineAlignmentBodywork.com

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