Andrea and amanda project 2

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Project 2 Promotional Website for Book Amanda Purviance Andrea Lawrence Interface Design February 2014

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Project 2 Create a website that promotes Chris Ware’s newest book, Building Stories. Establish tone of work, maintain branding, and build excitement. Success: Tour dates and events sold out, record book sales, and positive press. Target Audience

Adults Detail Oriented Mostly Male Age 35-45 Graphic Designers Artists Cartoonists People who enjoy exestential discussions and clutural references relating to contemporary alientation.


Chris Ware Cartoonist and Graphic Novelist Other Works include: Acme Novelty Library Series Jimmy Corrigan The Smartest Kid on Earth Just Launched Building Stories (On Tour!)

Project Statement


Pantheon Books Random House is Parent Company Headquarters in New York

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Best Features

Home Page There’s movement, which makes it delightful to explore and the colors are represenative of Wes Anderson’s style. The rest of the site is difficult to navigate and the colors are much brighter. We don’t like them as much.

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Project 2 Best Features

Styling (colors that are consistent with overall branding and cover of book) Navigation Bar (Delightful, interesting, and consistent with book branding and cover although is jumbled and may cause confusion as to what pages you’ve been on - no order.)

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Project 2

Best Features

Page divided into three distinct parts -Navigation (Simple) -Content (Clean) -Art (Branded and ties in colors and textures of book)

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Project 2 Best Features

None This page is ugly and outdated. There is no personality to this website. The font is overused and the navigation is boring, although it does function. 3 website going for this same purpose. www.danbrown. com

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Best Features

Interesting Navigation (Outside the box) Interactive (All images change when you hover over them.) tsto. org/#shapeshift

Inspirational Screen Grab

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What Inspired Us

The content inspired us. This is a delightful to present information and get people interested. It is outside the box and a pleasure to read.

Inspirational Screen Grab

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Best Features

The bottom bar is a great design element and it would be awesome to use a small comic strip in this same area for our site.

Inspirational Screen

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About Author About Book Excerpt Cast of Characters Author Appearances Press Page Book Trailer Link To Buy Book


Simple Keep it in the style of the book Make it fun Push Get Creative Details Details Details Characters? Go Deep?

Site Structure

Comic Related Must be as if the book comes to life A comic for sure

Pre-Work Process

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Other Works by Chris Ware

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Project 2 Chris Ware’s unique, thoughtul and contemporary voice softly, honestly, and in great detail, conveys the raw emotions, honest experiences and questioning thoughts of lonely characters who feel alienated by modern culture.

Key Words Contemporary Pensive Satire Honest Raw Emotions Sarcastic Detailed Lonely

Softly Discussion God Big Questions Isolation Alienation Depression Daily Routine

Significance Insignificance Modern Culture Survival Alone Disconnected Pretend Real

Concept Statement

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Mark Hee Lives in Los Angeles. Is 45 years old. Lives in a medium size condo downtown. Is single. Works in downtown LA at a software company. Loves old movies and old books. Works 9-5 Monday through Friday. Goes out with friends for dinner about once a month. Likes to go outside for dayhikes on days off. Likes to be alone but would love to find someone to share his life with.

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Manny Fields

Manny is a 40-year-old professor at a local college for Fine Arts and digital manipulation; he has a background in graphic design. He is married with a Australian shepherd, he enjoys photography, digital illustrating, and graphic novels. He is a known for his dry sense of humor and occasional witty one-liners. His favorite author is Chris Ware and follows his works regularly. Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth is his personal favorite.

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Samantha Brown

Lives in Florida. Is 40 years old. Lives alone. Works for self. Is a graphic designer. Has three close friends and hangs out with them almost every day. Loves to go out to dinners and enjoys fine wine. Has a dog and a cat. Would love to meet that special someone. Funny, smart, easy to get along with. Doesn’t like to take out the trash.

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Seth Munro

Seth Munro is a 33-year-old programmer from Canada who enjoys graphic novels, drawing, and building cartoon strips. He lives alone with his two cats, Bacon and Bits in a studio in Quebec. He spends a lot of time either reading or watching documentaries on Netflix. He claims to not Facebook but occasionally will look at his account from time to time. He enjoys Chris Ware for the eclectic nature of his works. He likes the novel “Building Stories� based on the unique nature of the mediums.!/img/httpImage/image.jpg_gen/derivatives/gallery_1200/galhats4-jpg.jpg

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Mood Board 1

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Project 2 Typography

Specialized Typography, handmade, block letters, colorful, and modern-cartoon design.


Century Gothic


Comic strips from his work


Century Gothic in blocks

Style Guide


All eyedropped from cover of book or building



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Kogi Bushwick Cosby sweater keffiyeh dreamcatcher ethical, hoodie church-key cardigan master cleanse gentrify street art actually typewriter. Mlkshk single-origin coffee tote bag Helvetica biodiesel, cray shabby chic gluten-free Vice PBR vegan. Shoreditch flexitarian mumblecore single-origin coffee Terry Richardson. Mumblecore occupy stumptown, synth lomo post-ironic chia Terry Richardson banjo 8-bit locavore messenger bag. Craft beer mixtape Schlitz farm-to-table, butcher kitsch ennui Godard mumblecore mustache YOLO cray fanny pack direct trade. Literally authentic ethical, single-origin coffee wolf kogi mlkshk Thundercats Neutra farm-to-table mumblecore meh Odd Future irony Carles. Readymade banjo hella narwhal seitan. Fap Truffaut 8-bit retro, gluten-free XOXO kogi brunch YOLO keytar jean shorts. Retro cardigan typewriter YOLO distillery synth. Locavore food truck Wes Anderson street art kitsch, narwhal scenester ethical post-ironic direct trade tofu. Direct trade swag distillery, squid 90’s biodiesel iPhone. Seitan tofegar Shoreditch Williamsburg wolf PBR. Plaid polaroid fingerstache, forage paleo wayfarers Cosby sweater mumblecore shabby chic 3 wolf moon brunch kogi viral Echo Park.

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Pop-up bespoke letterpress kale chips, roof party mlkshk PBR whatever Bushwick irony meggings. Chillwave cray Intelligentsia before they sold out, ugh Vice tote bag organic Echo Park 3 wolf moon post-ironic semiotics trust fund wayfarers. You probably haven’t heard of them flexitarian Cosby sweater, meggings umami fingerstache meh mixtape cardigan banjo four loko narwhal Odd Future. DIY raw denim sartorial, Banksy Portland Pitchfork Tumblr roof party hoodie. Pug banjo stumptown YOLO, kogi flannel cardigan Shoreditch chambray scenester. Wolf fashion axe tousled, banjo semiotics you probably haven’t heard of them meh whatever letterpress farm-to-table vegan sustainable Shoreditch. Vice authentic retro Helvetica. Ethical artisan Bushwick +1 fashion axe, liamsburg chillwave, skateboard cliche shabby chic jean shorts Tonx semiotics deep v butcher. Brunch pork belly aesthetic Vice, pickled disrupt Blue Bottle Terry Richardson keffiyeh roof party kogi iPhone. Intelligentsia YOLO farm-to-table squid food truck gastropub wayfarers, Tumblr 90’s 8-bit. Fap pour-over kogi, synth readymade scenester four loko stumptown Blue Bottle ugh American Apparel DIY YOLO 8-bit.

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Pop-up bespoke letterpress kale chips, roof party mlkshk PBR whatever Bushwick irony meggings. Chillwave cray Intelligentsia before they sold out, ugh Vice tote bag organic Echo Park 3 wolf moon post-ironic semiotics trust fund wayfarers. You probably haven’t heard of them flexitarian Cosby sweater, meggings umami fingerstache meh mixtape cardigan banjo four loko narwhal Odd Future. DIY raw denim sartorial, Banksy Portland Pitchfork Tumblr roof party hoodie. Pug banjo stumptown YOLO, kogi flannel cardigan Shoreditch chambray scenester. Wolf fashion axe tousled, banjo semiotics you probably haven’t heard of them meh whatever letterpress farm-to-table vegan sustainable Shoreditch. Vice authentic retro Helvetica. Ethical artisan Bushwicketrhe shabby chic jean shorts Tonx semiotics deep v butcher. Brunch pork belly aesthetic Vice, pickled disrupt Blue Bottle Terry Richardson keffiyeh roof party kogi iPhone. Intelligentsia YOLO farm-to-table squid food truck gastropub wayfarers, Tumblr 90’s 8-bit. Fap pour-over kogi, synth readymade scenester four loko stumptown Blue Bottle ugh American Apparel DIY YOLO 8-bit.

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Stunning--print is not dead -SevenonSeven Like everything else here, it’s also slow, demanding and melancholy. Ware has earned the right to make demands of his readers, though. He’s built a whole microcosm in this box, over the course of more than a decade. You have to play by his rules to perceive its complicated splendor, or find yourself like Branford the bee, stuck behind a pane of “hard air” and unable to reach the flower beyond it. Douglas Wolk

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.

Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

Praesent placerat risus quis eros.

Vivamus molestie gravida turpis.

Fusce pellentesque suscipit nibh.

Fusce lobortis lorem at ipsum

Integer vitae libero ac risus egestas placerat.

Vestibulum commodo felis quis

Nunc dignissim risus id metus.

Cras ornare tristique elit.

Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo.

Vivamus vestibulum nulla nec

Cras iaculis ultricies nulla.

Donec quis dui at dolor tempor.


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semper sagittis. •

Nam convallis pellentesque nisl.

Integer malesuada commodo


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Kogi Bushwick Cosby sweater keffiyeh dreamcatcher ethical, hoodie church-key cardigan master cleanse gentrify street art actually typewriter. Mlkshk single-origin coffee tote bag Helvetica biodiesel, cray shabby chic gluten-free Vice PBR vegan. Shoreditch flexitarian mumblecore single-origin coffee Terry Richardson. Mumblecore occupy stumptown, synth lomo post-ironic chia Terry Richardson banjo 8-bit locavore messenger bag. Craft beer mixtape Schlitz farm-to-table, butcher kitsch ennui Godard mumblecore mustache YOLO cray fanny pack direct trade. Literally authentic ethical, single-origin coffee wolf kogi mlkshk Thundercats Neutra farm-to-table mumblecore meh Odd Future irony Carles. Readymade banjo hella narwhal seitan. Fap Truffaut 8-bit retro, gluten-free XOXO kogi brunch YOLO keytar jean shorts. Retro cardigan typewriter YOLO distillery synth. Locavore food truck Wes Anderson street art kitsch, narwhal scenester ethical post-ironic direct trade tofu. Direct trade swag distillery, squid 90’s biodiesel iPhone. Seitan tofegar Shoreditch Williamsburg wolf PBR. Plaid polaroid fingerstache, forage paleo wayfarers Cosby sweater mumblecore shabby chic 3 wolf moon brunch kogi viral Echo Park.

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Pop-up bespoke letterpress kale chips, roof party mlkshk PBR whatever Bushwick irony meggings. Chillwave cray Intelligentsia before they sold out, ugh Vice tote bag organic Echo Park 3 wolf moon post-ironic semiotics trust fund wayfarers. You probably haven’t heard of them flexitarian Cosby sweater, meggings umami fingerstache meh mixtape cardigan banjo four loko narwhal Odd Future. DIY raw denim sartorial, Banksy Portland Pitchfork Tumblr roof party hoodie. Pug banjo stumptown YOLO, kogi flannel cardigan Shoreditch chambray scenester. Wolf fashion axe tousled, banjo semiotics you probably haven’t heard of them meh whatever letterpress farm-to-table vegan sustainable Shoreditch. Vice authentic retro Helvetica. Ethical artisan Bushwick +1 fashion axe, liamsburg chillwave, skateboard cliche shabby chic jean shorts Tonx semiotics deep v butcher. Brunch pork belly aesthetic Vice, pickled disrupt Blue Bottle Terry Richardson keffiyeh roof party kogi iPhone. Intelligentsia YOLO farm-to-table squid food truck gastropub wayfarers, Tumblr 90’s 8-bit. Fap pour-over kogi, synth readymade scenester four loko stumptown Blue Bottle ugh American Apparel DIY YOLO 8-bit.

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Pop-up bespoke letterpress kale chips, roof party mlkshk PBR whatever Bushwick irony meggings. Chillwave cray Intelligentsia before they sold out, ugh Vice tote bag organic Echo Park 3 wolf moon post-ironic semiotics trust fund wayfarers. You probably haven’t heard of them flexitarian Cosby sweater, meggings umami fingerstache meh mixtape cardigan banjo four loko narwhal Odd Future. DIY raw denim sartorial, Banksy Portland Pitchfork Tumblr roof party hoodie. Pug banjo stumptown YOLO, kogi flannel cardigan Shoreditch chambray scenester. Wolf fashion axe tousled, banjo semiotics you probably haven’t heard of them meh whatever letterpress farm-to-table vegan sustainable Shoreditch. Vice authentic retro Helvetica. Ethical artisan Bushwicketrhe shabby chic jean shorts Tonx semiotics deep v butcher. Brunch pork belly aesthetic Vice, pickled disrupt Blue Bottle Terry Richardson keffiyeh roof party kogi iPhone. Intelligentsia YOLO farm-to-table squid food truck gastropub wayfarers, Tumblr 90’s 8-bit. Fap pour-over kogi, synth readymade scenester four loko stumptown Blue Bottle ugh American Apparel DIY YOLO 8-bit.

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Stunning--print is not dead -SevenonSeven Like everything else here, it’s also slow, demanding and melancholy. Ware has earned the right to make demands of his readers, though. He’s built a whole microcosm in this box, over the course of more than a decade. You have to play by his rules to perceive its complicated splendor, or find yourself like Branford the bee, stuck behind a pane of “hard air” and unable to reach the flower beyond it. Douglas Wolk

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit.

Aliquam tincidunt mauris eu risus.

Vestibulum auctor dapibus neque.

Praesent placerat risus quis eros.

Vivamus molestie gravida turpis.

Fusce pellentesque suscipit nibh.

Fusce lobortis lorem at ipsum

Integer vitae libero ac risus egestas placerat.

Vestibulum commodo felis quis

Nunc dignissim risus id metus.

Cras ornare tristique elit.

Ut aliquam sollicitudin leo.

Vivamus vestibulum nulla nec

Cras iaculis ultricies nulla.

Donec quis dui at dolor tempor.


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semper sagittis. •

Nam convallis pellentesque nisl.

Integer malesuada commodo


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