What is Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) Test, Treatment- Avoidant Personality

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What is Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) Test, Treatment? Avoidant Personality Avoidant Personality Disorder (AvPD) Test Avoidant Personality Disorder – AvPD is very similar to obsessive compulsive personality disorder. Avoidant personality disorder is described as pervasive pattern of social inhibition, feelings of inadequacy, hypersensitivity and accordingly to that fear and avoidance of social interaction. People with this disorder see themselves as socially inappropriate and avoid contact with people because of the fear of being rejected, ridiculed, humiliated, and the like. Often describe themselves as lonely people who society has rejected, or alienated from them. It is believed that the avoidant personality disorder as a pathological syndrome in some ways is a continuation to “recalled normal” personality, which are the basic characteristics of shyness in interpersonal relationships. They worry about what other people think about them, have discreteness and emphasized restraint in dealing with other people, seek to be reserved and restrained in comparison with other people, and are most attached to several family members or close friends. So “avoiding pattern” may vary in certain ways in a wide range, from mild to severe cases, while in mild cases, we can speak of normal shyness while in severe cases we speak of avoidant personality disorder. The main difference relates to how a particular pattern of behavior affects functioning in daily life. The cause of avoidant personality disorder has not been clearly defined. It is assumed that the cause is a joint combination of social, genetic and psychological factors. Like in obsessive compulsive personality disorder, most probably cause is trauma from early childhood. Everything we are is our “learned behavior”, and most things we do as habits is a learned behavior in childhood. Childhood is a time and place where we first encountered feelings like fear (for more reference check Night Terrors in Toddlers article). Most probably that is the first time we also felt social rejection. If a parent didn’t notice this in time it may leave big traumas, which may lead to serious disorders, therefore affect your child’s future and entire life. That is why “social touch” is very important for your child. Parents should always educate themselves and know how to help a child in every situation. Also, if you humiliate your children and reject them you are risking that they will be shy at the beginning

and being shy may lead to avoidant personality disorder in future. You are risking them to have an avoidant personality. There is an AvPD test which may determine if you have an avoidant personality.

Avoidant Personality Disorder Test – Avoidant Personality Many people diagnosed with this disorder have had an unhappy childhood, marked by continuing violence in the family and were often subjected to any kind of criticism and rejection. The need for bonding to parents who continue to reject in adulthood is just turned into an exaggerated desire for connection with others. The prevalence of this disorder is estimated at 2.1 to 2.6%, equally represented among women and among men. The diagnosis is required to meet four or more of the following criteria: ● Avoidance of work activities that involve significant interpersonal contact because of fear of criticism, disapproval or rejection. ● Involuntary bonding with other people, unless the person is really convinced in sympathy of others. ● Refraining from intimate relationships because of fear of being humiliated, or ridiculed. ● Excessive concern is a person is going to be criticized, or discarded in social situations. ● Inhibition in new interpersonal situations because of feelings of inadequacy. ● The perception of themselves as socially incompetent, unattractive, or inferior. ● Refusal to take personal risks or engage in new activities because of fear that they do not embarrass. These all the symptoms which may lead to avoidant personality disorder. With this disorder often comes agoraphobia, social phobia, generalized anxiety disorder, dysthymia, major depressive disorder, hypochondriasis, and schizophrenia. It is also important to exclude other disorders that have some symptoms as avoidant personality disorder such as schizoid and paranoid personality disorders. When persons with avoidant personality disorder are older they feel less binding of some activities that would be forced to engage in their social environment. Their social connections with others are becoming increasingly limited over time with severe consequences on their daily work, family and any other function.

Avoidant Personality Disorder Test – Treatment To treat avoidant personality disorder you first have to understand what it is. That is why we left this for the end. Also, you need to understand that treatment is very important because eventually it may lead to depression. The best period to treat it is while they are still children. Be a good parent. Be a good friend to your children. Be a best friend. Talk to your children each time you have a chance and once they establish that as a habit, it will help them in their adulthood. They will always feel that there is someone there to rely on. Do not ever let your child feels left out or lonely! Your child desperately needs you. Be there to help a child. That is the best avoidant personality disorder treatment.

In adulthood, in treating this disorder different methods apply such as group psychotherapy with the goal of practicing social skills in a controlled environment conditions, cognitive-behavioral therapy, social skills training, and sometimes pharmacotherapy. If you encounter someone who is shy, try to be friendly with that person, he might be suffering from avoidant personality disorder and small gesticulation like warm hug and simple handshake could help. After testing many, the best Avoidant Personality Disorder Test online is one from 4degreez – CLICK HERE. For the end we give you a small video, a story which might help you understand this disorder completely. We here at FeelGoodTime.net in California bursted into tears after watching it. It is the best way to understand avoidant personality disorder.

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