What is Macular Hole, Stages, Treatment, Surgery and Surgery Recovery? What is Macular Hole? Macular hole stages, treatment surgery and surgery recovery is the next article we will pay our focus to. Macular hole is a complete circular defect of neuroretine surrounded by limited retinal detachment. Macular holes develop as a result from anteroposterior and tangential vitreous traction of the back and macular area. They can be caused by different diseases, but are usually associated with aging and it is called idiopathic. According to Dr. Gasse they are divided into four stages. Symptoms, metamorphosis, visual field defects and loss of visual acuity are proportional to the degree of macular holes. Understanding the role of vitreous in the development of macular holes led to the realization that pars plana vitrectomy leads to closing macular holes, and anatomical and functional improvements. Pars plana vitrectomy is a surgery for macular holes. In addition to blurry vision, macular holes may also affect night vision and peripheral vision. Macular hole is more likely to develop in people around 60 years. The holes in the macula can occur due to vitreous shrinkage and / or separation, eye injury or a detached retina. Although the development of macular disorders has not yet been determined, it most likely comes from the vitreous. Vitreous is a gel-like material that fills the back of the eye. Also called the vitreous body, it helps to keep your eye shape. However, vitreous decreases with aging. As it gathers, it can pull on the retina, called holes. If a macular hole is left untreated, it can worsen with time. In some cases, a macular hole can sometimes be fixed without intervention. However, in most cases, it requires treatment to prevent vision loss.
Macular Hole Treatment, Surgery and Recovery Pars plana vitrectomy is a common treatment for macular holes. The macular hole surgery is done by removing the vitreous gel to prevent pulling on the retina. Then, a retinal specialist inserts air bubbles and gas into the space occupied by a glass allowing the macula to heal. The bubbles gradually fade with time and the physical eye fluids will take its place. Operation is easy, but in the period after the recovery from macular hole surgery can be difficult. The patient must lie face down for days, so that the bubble remains in place in the eye. Travelling by plane is also not an option as a change in pressure can cause eye damage.
The usual risks of surgery include infection and retinal detachment, or even high grades of cataract development. Infection and retinal detachment, cataracts are treatable and can be removed after the eye has healed. However, most patients who have undergone eye surgery may develop several types of cataracts which eventually lead to blindness and other serious defects of the eye. These are just some of the things you should know about the macular hole treatment. There are always complications in any surgery. The positive side of it could be a clearer vision and elimination of defects. With macular pucker and macular hole (epiretinal membrane) and macular hole stages, treatment, surgery and recovery we conclude our articles about eye disorders. If you have any suggestions about topics you would like to read in our community or discuss, please don’t hesitate to write your emails to staff@feelgoodtime.net Copyright by FeelGoodTime.net All Rights Reserved.