Andrea Mauri
03 | 03 | 1994
CONTACT + 39 331 300 71 64 via Giulio Cesare 65 26027, Rivolta d’Adda (Cremona), Italy
Bachelor of Science of Architecture ACCADEMIA DI ARCHITETTURA 2013 | 2015 Mendrisio
High School Certificate LICEO CLASSICO DON BOSCO 2008 | 2013 Treviglio
Intern in IT Division MAURI ELETTROFORNITURE 2012 | Trezzo S/A
Mother tongue ITALIAN
MAC OS | WINDOWS ARCHICAD | 2D - 3D modeling AUTOCAD | 2D modeling
Warehouse man MAURI ELETTROFORNITURE 2011 | Crema
RHINOCEROS | 3D modeling - render SUITE ADOBE | Indesign, Illustrator, Photoshop SUITE OFFICE | ECDL
Lasercut Course 2015 | Mendrisio Filippo Cannata Lightning Workshop 2011 | Bergamo
Papermodel - Cardboard Wood - MDF
[ Lasercut ]
Glycerine - Wax - Foam Concrete - Gypsum
M. Botta | B. Keller
AT E L I E R 2013 | 2014
The space of architecture in the contemporary territory
The single general theme for this year at Mendrisio Academy was The space of architecture in the contemporary territory, the area was Lugano and its surrounding. A preliminary work gave to each student the possibility to interpetate a portion of the lake in a free way. My area, including Capo Melide as a centre point of the lake, deals with the problem of light pollution. That’s why I choose to represent the space using a LED lighting system and alternating black painted cardboard level lines, laminated copper for the main street.
level curves of Lugano lake area
The educational path was developed t h ro u g h e x e rc i s e s i n u n d e r s t a n d i n g , c o m p o s i t i o n a n d f i n a l l y t h e p ro j e c t , i n serted into the sub-territorial zone of Piano Stampa (Lugano), a place subj e c t e d t o v a r i o u s c h a n g e s o f u s e : f ro m an agricultural space and landfill to an a re a o f i n d u s t r i a l d e v e l o p m e n t . D u r i n g t h e a u t u m n s e m e s t e r w a s re q u e s t e d i t s conversion to a facility for the disposa l o f b u i l d i n g m a t e r i a l s . T h e re f o re t h e g ro u n d h a s b e e n m o d e l l e d i n t o t e r r a c e s , s o a s t o re s e r v e i t f o r t h e c u l t i v a t i o n o f d i ff e re n t s p e c i e s o f p l a n t s a n d t h e t a s t i n g o f d i s h e s p re p a re d w i t h t h e p ro d u c e h a r v e s t e d . E a c h s t u d e n t d e t e r m i n e d t h e l e n g t h o f a s i n g l e l a r g e t e rrace, adapting it to the public path and t h e i n s e r t i o n o f t h e re q u i s i t e v o l u m e s .
1:100 Cardboard model Drawings by rapidograph
1:100 Collective model Drawings by rapidograph
During the spring semester we identified a plot of land on which to insert homes with attached workshops, as a place for rehabilitating and training people with social problems. Each student was first able to formulate a proposal for a proposed aggregation of 36 modular home units. Then we reworked a joint proposal developed around a straight channelled path. Each student could lay out around this sort of gallery four containers assigned to business and homes. The whole finally took on the appearance of a large bazaar 300 m long. By passing from the volumetric study on a scale of 1:100 to the development of a project on a scale of 1:20, the students were able to conduct thorough research into the structure, module and material.
1:20 Collective foam model Drawings
G. Balestra | L. Gilad
AT E L I E R 2013 | 2014
Digital representation | CAD
Leeds, Leeds,GB GB1968 1968
Simon SimonCattaneo Cattaneo Andrea AndreaMauri Mauri
Scala Scala Tav. Tav.N°N°
Ground Floor
1:100 2013-2014 A.A. 1:100A.A. 2013-2014S.P. S.P. 1 2Gruppo GruppoN°N°3333
RD 1 RD 1
Leeds, GB 1968
Simon Cattaneo
Leeds, GB 1968
AndreaCattaneo Mauri Simon
Scala Tav. N°
Andrea Mauri
Tav. N°
1:100 A.A.
2013-2014 S.P.
Gruppo N°2013-2014 33 1:203 A.A. S.P.
RD 1
Leeds, GB 1968
Simon Cattaneo
-- A.A.
Andrea Mauri
Tav. N°
4 Gruppo N° 33
2013-2014 S.P.
2 Gruppo N° 33
Communicating is an art. Architects have to be able to communicate the essence of their projects in all their phases, from the embryonic concept down to the most specific details. The first-year course sought to develop the students’ ability to read, assimilate and represent an architectural object through the correct use of the design instrument. Thanks to the photographic suite by Bernd and Hilla Becher representing industrial typologies, the students created a work of investigation and reportage that engaged them in interpreting the photographs, assimilating their geometries through two-dimensional architectural design and interpreting their three-dimensionality through a graphic rendering in photoshop. Drawing was investigated in its multiple meanings: design for knowl- edge; an instrument for analysing reality; drawing for representation. The objective was to identify the methods and instruments that are the basis of the two-dimensional representation of the architectural project.
AT E L I E R 2013 | 2014
Equilibrium Harmony Rhythm
The first semester began with work on the theme of equilibrium, approached from different but closely related viewpoints: of the body, of the artefact and of the ma- chine. Parallel to physical exercises aimed at developing awareness of the different parts that make up the architecture of the body, the students individually designed and shaped, by the subtraction of material, objects in beech capable of balancing on a single point. The first semester concluded with Mise en scène N. 5, in which a kinetic pendulum sys- tem driven by 150 students with levers and wires transformed their individual forces into a great sine wave.
In the second semester we tackled the theme of rhythm in relation to place, explored with bodily exercises of education in listening and coordination in space, and through the construction of a vertical object with minimal surfaces which became a point from, to and around which each student performed a sequence of steps in accordance with precise rhythms. Dance became the generator of place. The exercise culminated in Mise en scène N. 6 in the amphitheatre of the great quarry of Arzo, to music composed in real time by Nadir Vassena, director of the Lugano Conservatoire.
A. Cantafora | A. Ruf
AT E L I E R 2013 | 2014
Design and representation
After lessons to improve handmade drawing tecniques, the main aim of the course deals with the cellars of San Lorino. We explored small residential buildings and translated them into images. Their geographical location plays a major role in contributing to their shape and makes them look like little jewels nestled in a bed made of ledge and gneiss rocks. Almost like interactive, full-scale homes, by operating the front doors you will unveiled a more intimate, inner space. Their interiors, reversing the faรงade that protects them like a door, reveal whatever the sensibility of each student conceived possibly dwelling there. The cellars of Salorino were translated into the theatres of Salorino, for another possible meaning to be added among the many facets of the images of life.
M. Collomb| E. Molteni
AT E L I E R 2014 | 2015
Atelier AIR House for an architect
A home designed in a particular environment, rather than in a concrete site. Designed in a landscape natural, under a sky every time different, with a different light, a different air, a different fragrance ... The project has been imagined as a reaction to that particular air you breathes driving in isolated rural green lands of Northern Europe. GSEducationalVersion
TEMPORARY esempi di case per studenti
esempi di case per studenti
esempi di case per studenti
pianta tipo scala 1:100
18 m2
The Atelier cycle about housing deals with the typology of temporary habitats. In particular has been investigate a student house. The first exercise of the semester would be collect a atlas of built referiments from both modern and contemporary architects. This project permitts to discover in a precise way different schemes of social buildings, allowing students to find inspiration for their own projects. Example: Herzog & de Meuron, Antipodes pianta tipo scala 1:100
arch. Herzog & de Meuron, Antipodes student house Basel, 1991 Studente: Andrea Mauri
arch. Herzog & de Meuron, Antipodes student house Basel, 1991 Studente: Andrea Mauri
arch. Herzog & de Meuron, Antipodes student house Basel, 1991 Studente: Andrea Mauri scala 1:20
Atelier Collomb-Molteni SP15
ES2 St. Andrews m
“St. Andrews” modello del sito
Come ogni semestre per conoscere il sito di pro permetterà agli studenti di leggere il contesto, in rappresentazione dell’area di intervento in scala rispetto alla zona di intervento per considerare le c caratterizzano l’area in oggetto. L’esercizio ha la fin del contesto in cui il singolo studente è chiamato ad pone come strumento indispensabile per testare le p Il modello in scala 1.500 sarà realizzato in cera ros marrone scuro. Realizzeremo il modello con lastre insieme su una base di 90x90cm e servirà come suppo saranno realizzati anch’essi in cera, lavorati manua risponda alle caratteristiche del luogo.
n Burn
e Swilk
Water Water
North Haugh
Car Park
Agnes Blackadder Hall
Andrew Melville Hall
Gate Tank
Lang Lands Sports Centre
Esempio di modello terriroriale realizzato in cera
Partizioni del modello
F. Graf | C. Nozza
AT E L I E R 2014 | 2015
Systems and processes of construction
Mattoni Intonaco Betoncino
1957 - 58 26. GENNAIO 2015
3.0 m
Sagex Calcestruzzo
The course is designed as preparation for the “constructional project” and con- ceptual reflection on the subject of construction. The lectures described the various construction systems as chains of components (roof, wall, foundations, etc.) and compared them with the internal tensions and external environmental and functional stresses. The constructional operations were analysed both as a function of available resources and in relation to their organization over time. The course retraced the radical changes in building systems over the last century. Thorough and systematic study of buildings considered as “innovative construction events” was conducted through the definition of their conception and the specifics of the construction site, which is the privileged place in their existence. Their deterioration, maintenance, conversion or, in some cases, destruction, were also studied. Lectures were supplemented by field trips to construction sites and constructional analysis of four public buildings by Tita Carloni (Albergo Arizona, Lugano, 1957- 59 in my case). Each student focused on a specific part of the building, preparing drawings in two dimensions and axonometric projection or building a model. This made it possible to survey the specific construction of buildings in relation to their spatial characteristics and the periods when they were built.
G. Balestra | L. Gilad
AT E L I E R 2013 | 2014
Digital representation | CAD
RD 2
Gruppo N° 26
Simon Cattaneo
-- A.A.
2014-2015 S.P.
Andrea Mauri
Tav. N°
2 Data
Nowadays one of the most significant parameters of the architectural professionSimonis able to communicate the project Scala A.A. -2014-2015 S.P. Cattaneo Gruppo N° 26 Tav. N° Data 19-11-14 in RD all 2its phases, from Andrea theMauriidea to the embryonic final 2 design: the art in communicating the essence of a project. The objectives are therefore aimed alla’individuazione methods and basic tools useful for creating, testing, modification, consultation and, finally, the representation of the architectural project. Using last year project about water tower in Leed I was aked to reproduce the structure using a 3D software such as Rhinoceros and then create a rendere through Maxwell to present the requalification of the old building.
Thank you for your consideration