Welcome to The Elijah Project Get Started: Explore Elijah’s story and use it as a model to process through our own stories. • Visit: andreapolnaszek.com • Click on videos link • Begin the Elijah Project Workbook Activity 2: Who Am I? Activity 3: The Brook Dries Up http://www.stress.org/holmes-rahe-stress-inventory/ Activity 4: Safe People Activity 5: The Names of God Activity 6: Fear to Joy Activity 7: The Broom Tree Now What? Congratulations, you have completed The Elijah Project. • Return to Rhonda Brown, 3D Community Health Office • Receive an Elijah Project Completion Certificate and Living the Elijah Project devotional Living Protection and Provision: Devote 40 days to Living the Elijah Project Summing it all UP: The Elijah Project is not just a program it is a way to see the world. Realize: Whether it’s your reflection in the mirror, the overwhelming feeling in your car, unstoppable tears. You recognize that something is wrong, out of whack, or not OK. Reflect: Take a few minutes to think about what is going on. (no air conditioning) Use the Who am I doll to scan your body, mind, spirit for how you are feeling. Reconcile: Is there a step you can take to change something. Move from stuck to moving. Rest: Take care of yourself (Rejuvenate). Re-engage: Satan wants to bind us. God wants us to be part of His world, bringing light and Hope. Get up off the couch and get back in the game.